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Appendicitis - Printable Version

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Appendicitis - g0ne - 10-26-2014


As the name of the thread applies, I've got appendicitis!! And now I have to get an appendectomy, because the symptoms are progressively worsening!

I'm scared... Huh

RE: Appendicitis - Random Encounter - 10-26-2014

Ick, thats no good. *hugs* I hope everything goes well for you.

RE: Appendicitis - Coatleque - 10-26-2014

Surgery is always scary. Luckily this is a fairly standard and routine operation. That may or may not allay your fears. I wish you luck regardless.

RE: Appendicitis - Erik Mynhier - 10-26-2014

<takes off Captain hat>

<puts on nurse hat>

Be not afraid little Miqo'te. As I do not know which surgery you are having (there are two kinds), I will confort you with general knowledge. An appendectomy is a common surgery with practically no deaths as a result. Depending on which surgery you have you will be encouraged to walk around a bit after, either a few hours after or the next day. You will be under completely for the process and will be given pain medication post-op. You will find however if you do not take the pain meds, the you still feel a thousand times better then you do right now. So no fear... chin up. Its going to be better then ok. Get well soon.

Nurse da Captain

<takes off nurse hat>

RE: Appendicitis - Gharen - 10-26-2014

So, I'll tell you what to expect as I had mine out probably... 13 years ago now? You'll likely get a couple of small incisions. Not more than the width of a nickle (I had three). As Coatleque said it's standard stuff, and they'll knock you out.

Here's the part that is going to be hard if your after effects are anything like mine. Your entire body is going to feel like you've been hit by a truck for a few days, Everything is going to hurt. Moving in general is going to suck, so having someone around to wait on you will be a plus when you get home. Just make sure it's not someone that will run into your room and dive onto your bed when you wake up like my brother did to me... You'll likely get some good painkillers so there's that..

Just take it easy for a few days afterward, rest up and heal, we'll keep your spot here warm for you.

RE: Appendicitis - Unnamed Mercenary - 10-26-2014

Oh no! Hope everything goes well and you have a speedy recovery Eleni.

RE: Appendicitis - Iex - 10-26-2014

I had to have mine removed last year. Granted... I waited a day or two after the pains started to actually go see a doctor. (clever right?) I wouldn't worry too much, basically the second you get into the hospital you will be drugged up and won't feel a thing. The doctor who handled mine... had done three of the same surgery previous to mine.... so it is pretty run of the mill for them.

The more miserable thing is if you are a guy, you literally will not be able to go the restroom despite if you feel like you need to, for anywhere between 6 to 24 hours.

The most miserable thing is getting used to not moving in certain ways while recovering at home. Just take it really easy... get a heating pad and just relax for a few days. (Gharen's description of how it will feel is spot on, but it will ease up over a few days and only hurt if you twist in the wrong way.)

RE: Appendicitis - g0ne - 10-26-2014

Oh my gosh, you all! I wuv you all (in a non weird way) so much!! Heart

Anyways, I went to the doctor (my dad and my mom, lol), and after an ultrasound examination and some palpations, no appendicitis. The pain in my lower right abdomen is most probably either an enteric lymph node or referred pain. 

Turns out the real pain is lymphadenitis in my groin, and I have this massive swollen chain of lymph nodes in my groin, which hurt... oww...

I'm on IV injectables now, and I have a cannula in my wrist right now, antibiotic injection for two to three days, then back to college. Thank goodness, all is well that ends well.

And thank you so much, everyone for your kind words and concern. Much appreciated!! Bouncy

Ah, and I will be resting at home for a day or two now, and I will be playing the game, lol.Big Grin

RE: Appendicitis - Random Encounter - 10-26-2014

Glad it was nothing too serious and you're well on your way to recovery. Make sure you get a lot of rest!

RE: Appendicitis - Aya - 10-26-2014

Taaaaaaake care!  Glad to hear no surgery is involved..!

I do suggest you remain attentive though, I had a friend who went through a similar situation where the doctors sent her home only to have to come back two days later for an emergency appendectomy (though they did not do an ultrasound, so I imagine they have a much better idea what's going on in your case!)

RE: Appendicitis - g0ne - 10-26-2014

(10-26-2014, 12:33 PM)Aya Wrote: Taaaaaaake care!  Glad to hear no surgery is involved..!

I do suggest you remain attentive though, I had a friend who went through a similar situation where the doctors sent her home only to have to come back two days later for an emergency appendectomy (though they did not do an ultrasound, so I imagine they have a much better idea what's going on in your case!)

Thank you, Aya! 

Yeah, that's why I'm home for two days now, to pay close attention. My mom and dad will be monitoring me. Smile

RE: Appendicitis - Edgar - 10-26-2014

Drink lots of water. Your body heals better when it's full of H2O.

RE: Appendicitis - C'kayah Polaali - 10-26-2014

I'm glad you've got a handle on what this is. Rest up, we're all thinking good thoughts about you!

RE: Appendicitis - Flickering Ember - 10-26-2014

I had appendicitis too a bunch of years ago. I'm so glad I went to a hospital and got it out before it got worse. At the time my mother was convinced I just had a stomach virus but it turned out to be way worse than anything we thought it would be. 

I remember feeling nervous right before the surgery. They didn't really tell me when they were doing the anasthesia--they just started doing it. But it ended up feeling like I was asleep that whole time and the nurses were super nice. I had to spend the night there and they kept waking me up in the middle of the night to check on me.

Berrod's right. The worst part is the few days after when your body is recovering from the surgery. It's going to hurt a lot so get ready for a lot of lie in bed and watch movies day. Don't expect to be active much. Even after the first few days, I recommend just taking it easy physically for the first week.