Hydaelyn Role-Players
Transferring to Balmung? - Printable Version

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Transferring to Balmung? - Kyrrae L'minia - 06-23-2014

Hello Balmungians! (is that what you call yourselves?) I'm a Gilgameshian looking to transfer to Balmung, so I thought I'd put out some feelers on here.
  First, I was wondering whether the majority of RP on Balmung is open or closed roleplaying?

  Secondly, are the majority of roleplayers on Balmung open to new blood coming over? I've heard some rumors, and some reports that people moving to Balmung for RP have been shunned or discouraged, and I was curious as to whether that's just folk trolling (as I presume) or whether things really are that closed off there.

  Finally, I was curious as the variety of types of RP Free companies, such as factions and such. Do the roleplay companies there bounce off each other and interact, or is that a rare thing? From what I saw on Linkshell hall, it seemed like there was a decent variety, but I was also going off of what companies had activity on there profiles in the last couple months, and I know that can be a very inaccurate gauge.

     Thanks guys, and I look forward to your responses! Smile

RE: Transferring to Balmung? - dearie doe - 06-23-2014

Well, I can't speak for Free Companies, but I can tell you that Balmung and its roleplayers are very welcoming to fresh blood. I started up in Balmung a little over a month ago, and I made friends very quickly. There are a lot of roleplayers who are open to just about anyone coming in!

So please don't worry about not getting roleplay. There's plenty of it, and a lot of it is open. I've instigated RP right on the street, and many have done the same with me. All in all, I'd like to say welcome to Balmung! 


RE: Transferring to Balmung? - FreelanceWizard - 06-23-2014

My experience definitely hasn't been that people are closed off or shun new players on Balmung. In fact, when I'm out in public RPing, I love running into and meeting new people, and my FC is the same way. I understand there's a lot of RP to be found at the Quicksand, though usually my time in game prevents me from making it over there.

As for cross-FC RP, there's some of that, I'm sure, but I personally don't see a lot of heavy networking across groups. The players do, undoubtedly, but you're not likely to see big cross-FC plots (to the best of my knowledge). That said, everyone's experiences are different, and there may be some big cross-FC plots that I just don't know about. I'm not exactly the center of the RP community or anything. Smile

RE: Transferring to Balmung? - Faye - 06-23-2014

Hello there! I've played on Balmung since launch and the RP community has been fairly open. You get your little cliques and xenophobes here and there, but happens in all communities and I've honestly seen more of it on Gilgamesh. As the reception of new people to the server, I'm always happy to see new role-players and I'm pretty sure everyone else does, too! I've never head of anyone being bitter or rude to someone for transferring here.

RE: Transferring to Balmung? - Aya - 06-23-2014

I shun shun shun shun shun!

Kiiiiiiiiiidding!!!! Come to Balmung have fun here!  Come visit the Quick Sand! ^^

RE: Transferring to Balmung? - Faustina - 06-23-2014

Hi there! I'm just now getting into the RP scene here and I feel like people are pretty open to you once you get out there and interact with them! I'd be willing to plot with you too if you want... I'm a great fan of plot driven RP Big Grin

Not sure on the FC front, as I currently am in a FC with friends... however, we do have an entire RP backstory that I am going to try to start developing soon. So if you do come over, welcome!

RE: Transferring to Balmung? - TheLastCandle - 06-24-2014

(06-23-2014, 10:01 PM)Kyrrae Lminia Wrote: Secondly, are the majority of roleplayers on Balmung open to new blood coming over? I've heard some rumors, and some reports that people moving to Balmung for RP have been shunned or discouraged, and I was curious as to whether that's just folk trolling (as I presume) or whether things really are that closed off there.

Huh. Well, this is purely anecdotal, but I have a couple of friends who came over from Gilgamesh and seem pretty happy with their experiences thus far. One of them posts here, but I'll leave it up to them whether they decide to chime in or not.

Speaking for myself, I'm always glad to meet new blood. You could try rolling up a character just to try and get a feel for the RP climate. If you do, feel free to send a tell to either Kendha'to Burwani or Yvelont Navarre.

RE: Transferring to Balmung? - Vysce the Lad - 06-24-2014

I joined Balmung and I love it. I find it super easy to get into rp. Just head to a tavern and see if you can engage in some in the Quicksand. I dunno how it is in Gilgamesh, but the Quicksand is really active. The Wench and the Canopy aren't so active except on the weekends. >.< You'll fit right in, I bet! Everyone is really friendly. Moogle

RE: Transferring to Balmung? - Aya - 06-24-2014

(06-24-2014, 12:37 AM)Vysce the Lad Wrote: I joined Balmung and I love it. I find it super easy to get into rp. Just head to a tavern and see if you can engage in some in the Quicksand. I dunno how it is in Gilgamesh, but the Quicksand is really active. The Wench and the Canopy aren't so active except on the weekends. >.< You'll fit right in, I bet! Everyone is really friendly. Moogle
Yessss! Come to the Quick Sand! Make Momodi happy! ^_^

RE: Transferring to Balmung? - Khuja Aliapoh - 06-24-2014

Gilgamesh is sadly dying Rp wise despite those of us trying to save it. Most of our community is actually moving to Balmung, much like Kyrrae here is planning on doing.

Thus with this, the Echo Knights have decided that moving is in our best interest. As role players we do need to go where the role play is and that is Balmung at this point. So you may see those of us there that will be wayward for a moment.

Our intention is hopefully not to split up, we'd like to keep as many of our members together as possible. Kyrrae being one of our members actually, though if he wishes to branch out that is fine.

We do plan on making an FC there if possible. We do this for our role players because they want role play and Gilgamesh can no longer offer much in that aspect for them. With this I shall close and big everyone a good night or good 'morrow whichever it is for you.


RE: Transferring to Balmung? - Poe - 06-24-2014

Wayward Star just made the move yesterday in fact from Gilgamesh to Balmung - we still run our OOC ls to keep people in the loop - if you wanna jump back in with that Smile

RE: Transferring to Balmung? - ArmachiA - 06-24-2014

Shockingly, after 7 months, the RP community is still fairly open. There's people who are like "I only want to rp with my established group!" but a lot are willing to branch out.

RE: Transferring to Balmung? - Dogberry - 06-24-2014

(06-24-2014, 06:56 AM)Poe Wrote: Wayward Star just made the move yesterday in fact from Gilgamesh to Balmung - we still run our OOC ls to keep people in the loop - if you wanna jump back in with that Smile

You guys an LS or an FC? I ask because I'd love to RP with you pernicious scallywags, but I'm perfectly happy with my FC and don't wish to jump ship.

RE: Transferring to Balmung? - Melodia - 06-24-2014

(06-24-2014, 06:56 AM)Poe Wrote: Wayward Star just made the move yesterday in fact from Gilgamesh to Balmung - we still run our OOC ls to keep people in the loop - if you wanna jump back in with that Smile
If you are based in Limsa (pirates in the desert?) then that would be great! I know the Limsa community is starting to grow and new fresh people would help out a lot!

RE: Transferring to Balmung? - Whittledown - 06-24-2014

(06-24-2014, 09:02 AM)Rurutani Wrote:
(06-24-2014, 06:56 AM)Poe Wrote: Wayward Star just made the move yesterday in fact from Gilgamesh to Balmung - we still run our OOC ls to keep people in the loop - if you wanna jump back in with that Smile
If you are based in Limsa (pirates in the desert?) then that would be great! I know the Limsa community is starting to grow and new fresh people would help out a lot!

Yes this, more RP in Limsa would be wonderful.