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Roleplaying an Ishgardian - Printable Version

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Roleplaying an Ishgardian - TheWizard - 01-21-2014

As the title suggests, I wish to rp as a member of the city-state of Ishgard, however I know that there isn't a whole lot of info on it so I want to share a couple ideas I've gathered and also ask for other player's input on how they like to play their own Ishgardians.

First of all Ishgard is ruled by the Archbishop, a man who isn't given a name and is only referred to by his title even by the leaders of the Grand Companies. This may mean that Ishgardians would mention him with a sort of reverence befitting a sovereign and religious icon hybrid, sort of like the Pope.

Ishgard's constant war with the dragons wold likely lend a deep-seated hatred for any and all things that relate to them, perhaps even to the point of being outwardly aggressive to people who claim to have a fascination with them. Also this obsession seems to blind many to the events of the world at large.

With their devout worship of Halone and animosity towards dragons I could see an Ishgardian being very distrustful of anyone from outside Ishgard and would label them as 'unbelievers' or 'heretics' if they REALLY don't like them. Winning their trust/respect would also be hard unless they were of a similar mind as House Fortemps which welcomes Adventurers and acknowledges the needs for such people with the worsening conditions in Coerthas.

At any rate I'm more curious how other people like to play their Ishgardians to help give me a sort of feel for how others do it. I would really rather avoid blundering into something like a fool.

RE: Roleplaying an Ishgardian - Dogberry - 01-21-2014

I think it's important to note that while you've got a pretty solid baseline on the way Ishgardians are characterized, there are even variations among the characters portrayed. Even Alberic, the Dragoon questline NPC seems to respect and revere dragons, even if he's dedicated to fighting them. He even laments the death of a dragon that he personally sends you to kill.

It's one thing to hold a belief. How one acts upon that belief is up to the individual. Is your character a devout firebrand, crusading for the cause without ever thinking about it? Could your character believe in the cause, but question methods that have so far proven to have little success? Or maybe your character's heart just isn't in it, and all he wants to do is live his own life.

In any given population, you'll see all sorts of personalities and temperaments. The culture is a good starting point, but how a person internalizes that culture is up to the individual. In threatre class we were encouraged to make "non-obvious choices" with the characters we played. I wouldn't say that's the best advice on every aspect of your character, but it can help distinguish a character and make them more interesting. Once you make the non-obvious choice, you get to work out why, and from there some aspects of your character just fall into place.

RE: Roleplaying an Ishgardian - Crisiet - 01-21-2014

My character is Ishgardian. He was once a knight and everything. Then he left for reasons and doesn't plan on going back. Now he's forced to get over his preconditioned xenophobia in order to exist outside of the fanatical world he grew up in and attempts to hide his past as much as possible.

I've tried to take the attitudes the game presents us with and create a character that expresses those as well as rejects them. My advice would be that while you must keep in mind the sort of society Ishgard is and the upbringing your character may have had in that society (this would depend on the background of the character's parents, the house they were perhaps a part of, their class etc etc) you can create whatever kind of character you like. They could be a real sweetheart that just happened to grow up in a harsh nation. They could be the polar opposite or anything in-between. 

Anything else I could say would just be parroting Dogberry, so all I'll say now is good luck and have fun with it!

RE: Roleplaying an Ishgardian - Asgarn - 01-21-2014

Anything which I would have to say would just be repeating what the other two have said, so I shan't waste your time. You seem to have a pretty solid grip on about as much of Ishgardians as anyone else knows. (Lore on them has been rather... Stingy) Though, I would like to throw out a question of my own.

For a while, I have considered an Ishgardian Hyur alt-character. It would be nice to know if anyone had any information on the Hyur as Ishgard appears to be a mainly Elezen state. Are the two races on an even keel? Are Hyur viewed as lower?

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RE: Roleplaying an Ishgardian - Crisiet - 01-21-2014

From what I can tell, Ishgardian hyur seem to be fairly equal to elezen when coming from a similar background/class. The nobles however are, as you know, elezen.

In honesty, I'm not entirely sure. I'd love to know the answer myself!

RE: Roleplaying an Ishgardian - Sounsyy - 01-21-2014

(01-21-2014, 09:48 AM)Asgarn Wrote: For a while, I have considered an Ishgardian Hyur alt-character. It would be nice to know if anyone had any information on the Hyur as Ishgard appears to be a mainly Elezen state. Are the two races on an even keel? Are Hyur viewed as lower?

History between the Elezen and Hyur races is pretty bloody. Ever since Hyur started migrating to Eorzea about 1000 years ago, they have been encroaching on "Elezen Territories" and sparking huge conflicts. The Elezen losing control of the Gyr Abania region to the Highlanders probably was quite a blow. 

Now while there's quite a bit of bad blood between the two races, it's been 1000 years. Elezen and Hyur have lived in harmony together in Gridania for over 500 years now and even before that in the time of Gelmorra. Whether that perfect harmony exists between those two races in Ishgard I can't tell you. Maybe it could be something fun to explore and play with?

Regardless of whether or not the Ishgardians view Hyur as a lower species, Ishgard remains Gridania's closest ally. I would think this alliance alone would force at least some surface comradery between Ishgardian Elezen and Gridanian Hyur.

RE: Roleplaying an Ishgardian - Rosekitten - 01-21-2014

Actually my character I state is from the area, maybe not the city so to say due to the work her parents kept when she was a child. I've stated she's a common smith's daughter if she's asked such a thing and given a certain other character she tends to run around with she's often enough asked what house she was allied with or hailed from so to speak due to that characters background and not my own. xP 

As far as how I play the character and her feelings towards the ways of the city...

She's been away from the area for over 11 years. So the snow and everything is new to her given she's been back in the area recently. Though she left home to try to get from out of her father and brothers shadows that were forcing her into certain roles or what was to be expected of her.

Also on the note of dragons.. I can't say much as ic she is taking care of a drake hatchling, though one she found in her travels of the desert. In her reasoning or wording of it the drakes outside of the Ishgardian area seem to act differently, Granted if she ever were to return back home she'd probably be branded as a heretic or worse.

RE: Roleplaying an Ishgardian - TheLastCandle - 01-21-2014

Comparing the Archbishop to the Pope would be a more than fair analogy; Ishgard is even referred to as the "Holy See," a title it shares with the real world's Vatican. With that being said, it's difficult for me to draw a direct correlation as Ishgard seems, uniquely, to be a sort of feudal theocracy. The closest real-world examples of this that I can think of at the moment would be the short-lived "Kingdom" of Jerusalem and perhaps the Byzantine Empire and its Emperor.

From what we know, the Archbishop is a figure of reverence for most Ishgardians (at least outwardly) and in some ways perhaps one of fear. There was a commoner NPC, pre-ARR, in the village of Falcon's Nest who mentions the Archbishop calling away their men to be slain by dragons and never return. Other examples escape me at the moment, but none of these NPCs seem to have an inkling as to why the long war with the dragons is being waged. For my character, I chose to draw upon that sense of doubt and unease as a focal point for the reasons he left his homeland.

As for the question about Hyur in Ishgard, there are a few examples of Hyur in House uniform in Camp Dragonhead and other locales in Coerthas. Granted, none of these Hyur are in positions of authority, but I think it's safe to say that Hyur have a place in Ishgardian society. Any predisposition towards them should be decided by the individual player! The noble houses are all elezen, so I think it's likely that some of these would look down on Hyur as a lesser people or for a Hyur hailing from the region to feel that way.

RE: Roleplaying an Ishgardian - Roen - 01-21-2014

I have an alt who is also an Ishgardian Hyur!  She definitely harbors bitterness towards the elezen noble houses and the religiously fanatical views of the Ishgardian society in general.  Going through some of the quests in Coerthas, many of them have that religious persecution undertones, reminding me a little of the Spanish Inquisition.  So I integrated that into my character's history, she was persecuted for her non-religious beliefs which is why she ran and joined the Garleans.  They have *no* religious undertones!  

I think everyone else's advice is good, use what is in lore (or what little there is) and forge something out of it that you feel is what you want to play.

Maybe my character will recognize yours though, if he was a prominent member of the Ishgard society.

RE: Roleplaying an Ishgardian - Asgarn - 01-21-2014

(01-21-2014, 12:48 PM)Brynn Wrote: I have an alt who is also an Ishgardian Hyur!  She definitely harbors bitterness towards the elezen noble houses and the religiously fanatical views of the Ishgardian society in general.  Going through some of the quests in Coerthas, many of them have that religious persecution undertones, reminding me a little of the Spanish Inquisition.  So I integrated that into my character's history, she was persecuted for her non-religious beliefs which is why she ran and joined the Garleans.  They have *no* religious undertones!  

I think everyone else's advice is good, use what is in lore (or what little there is) and forge something out of it that you feel is what you want to play.

Maybe my character will recognize yours though, if he was a prominent member of the Ishgard society.

Does Roen need a twin? Perhaps Roan? ;D Ah, but I could never do that. Shall come up with my own original concept. Maybe a Hyur that's just as fanatical as the Elezen. *Taps chin*

RE: Roleplaying an Ishgardian - TheLastCandle - 01-21-2014

*steeples fingers* Some of us Ishgardian expatriates need to connect in-game, methinks.

RE: Roleplaying an Ishgardian - Roen - 01-21-2014

(01-21-2014, 12:51 PM)Asgarn Wrote: Does Roen need a twin? Perhaps Roan? ;D Ah, but I could never do that. Shall come up with my own original concept. Maybe a Hyur that's just as fanatical as the Elezen. *Taps chin*

Ha!  Well it would not be Roen who has the Ishgardian origin, but Raelisanne, my alt! If your character is a fanatical Hyur, she would have more scorn for you.  Evil

And I would not mind having her meet with or at least know of other expatriates! Although she no longer considers herself an Ishgardian. Her loyalties lie with Garlemald now.

RE: Roleplaying an Ishgardian - Asgarn - 01-21-2014

There are a few ideas for an Ishgardian character I've been bouncing around my noggin:

- The lone Dragoon (though, not a Dragoon. RPing a Dragoon!? That would be preposterous! *Sarcasm*)

- A member of the Holy See's Knighthood, journeying from Ishgard to wage war on dragons beyond the icy wastes. Self discovery, romance and comedic scenes ensue.

- The above, but a far more serious character.

- The disillusioned youth whom has come to question his/her faith in Halone.

- The heretic. Exiled from Ishgard under suspicion of worshipping the dragons. Otherwise known as "The Renegade Concept".

- The civilian. Remains in Ishgard all their life, never questioning the Holy See or the Fury. Is a good person all their lives. Dies. Exciting, yes?

Though, all these ideas have been re-used so many times they're starting to look and feel like recycled waste. So... Merrh, I'm at my wits end for ideas.

RE: Roleplaying an Ishgardian - TheLastCandle - 01-21-2014

(01-21-2014, 03:33 PM)Asgarn Wrote: There are a few ideas for an Ishgardian character I've been bouncing around my noggin:

- The lone Dragoon (though, not a Dragoon. RPing a Dragoon!? That would be preposterous! *Sarcasm*)

- A member of the Holy See's Knighthood, journeying from Ishgard to wage war on dragons beyond the icy wastes. Self discovery, romance and comedic scenes ensue.

- The above, but a far more serious character.

- The disillusioned youth whom has come to question his/her faith in Halone.

- The heretic. Exiled from Ishgard under suspicion of worshipping the dragons. Otherwise known as "The Renegade Concept".

- The civilian. Remains in Ishgard all their life, never questioning the Holy See or the Fury. Is a good person all their lives. Dies. Exciting, yes?

Though, all these ideas have been re-used so many times they're starting to look and feel like recycled waste. So... Merrh, I'm at my wits end for ideas.

Those are all good baselines, I think. As starting points, they can make a fun character. I wouldn't be overly concerned with whether someone else has already done it first; as the saying goes, "there is nothing new under the sun." No character with a decent amount of thought put into him can be defined in a couple of sentences anyway, and I am a firm believer that a character should be shaped by the present (i.e. what happens during the course of RP with others) more so than his/her past.

RE: Roleplaying an Ishgardian - TheWizard - 01-21-2014

Thanks for all the feedback, it really does help. Indeed my character is also an alt who is a Hyur lancer named Byron Mercer.

I was thinking of him having aspirations of becoming a full-fledged Dragoon but perhaps get disillusioned by all the stories he hears from passing adventurers while also getting passed-over for promotions/proper training in favor of Elezen, especially ones with more noble roots.

This might make him want to leave and find his 'own way' of becoming a Dragoon and/or proving his worth to the High Houses. Perhaps a spark of revolution lies within his heart?

"We all serve the Holy See to defend it against dragons in honor of Halone... why should others be favored by blood when an equally strong desire rests in me? From the stories I've heard from adventurers even the other city-states don't place such a restriction. In times like this such favoritism seems... wrong..."