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Game Dev Brian Wood Killed in Collision - Printable Version

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Game Dev Brian Wood Killed in Collision - Gerick - 09-07-2010

I was sad to hear this news yesterday. I just bought Company of Heroes over the weekend (Steam sale for $2.50) and it just kills me knowing some dipshits slammed into him. My condolences to his wife and unborn child and my respect to him for sacrificing himself for them.


<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://kotaku.com/5631947/company-of-heroes-dev-gave-his-life-to-save-his-family">http://kotaku.com/5631947/company-of-he ... his-family</a><!-- m -->

Re: Game Dev Brian Wood Killed in Collision - Jakky - 09-07-2010

Just like that, a life snuffed out. How senseless. What an act of heroism.

Re: Game Dev Brian Wood Killed in Collision - Asyria - 09-07-2010

Heroes die so that others may live, but it would be great if the whole sacrifice thing didn't always involve death. Sad
If this guy believed in Heaven, he's clearly gone straight up there on a red carpet with confetti.

Re: Game Dev Brian Wood Killed in Collision - Zyanya - 09-07-2010

I heard about this. So sad... but what a very noble and selfless thing to do at the last minute. We all die some day, but personally I would want to know that my death held some meaning or I was able to save or protect another before I go.


Re: Game Dev Brian Wood Killed in Collision - Tagyr - 09-07-2010

Things like this get me so riled up. Mainly because it nearly happened to me once with my sister and 1 year old niece. Morons should be kept off the wheel like the bloke with the sweater. Your driving a tonne of metal going more than a 100km/h and you lose focus for such a stupid thing as a sweater and suddenly 3 people are dead and someone will now grow up without a father. G f-ing G...

The man was heroic, may he RIP. But the guy who killed him should be thrown off a cliff.

Re: Game Dev Brian Wood Killed in Collision - Freyar - 09-08-2010

Tagyr Wrote:The man was heroic, may he RIP. But the guy who killed him should be thrown off a cliff.

I don't know, while the person was stupid, it's not our job to pass punishment. The court systems will no doubt favor the right people in this case, and the punishment under the extent of the law will be passed down. I'm pretty sure that moron that was driving won't be doing it again.