Hydaelyn Role-Players
Starbound - Printable Version

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Starbound - Dogberry - 12-10-2013

Is anyone else as hopelessly addicted to this game as I am? It has seriously monopolized a very large portion of my time. In fact, it's kind of kept me out of FFXIV for the last few days.

Soo... who plays? What do you play? Have you found anything cool?

RE: Starbound - Olofantur - 12-10-2013

Floran... person-thing

reporting! I found this glitch temple/science facility on one of those eye-stalk planets that had a whole bunch of science stuff in it!

unfortunately the patch today reset everything, so time for a new adventure!

RE: Starbound - Dogberry - 12-10-2013

Awesome! I play a glitch!

I haven't found anything too crazy, except for a settlement of tiny houses that turned into pixels when I tried to gather them. They were on a moon, waaaay underground. So weird.

RE: Starbound - Olofantur - 12-10-2013

Oh ho~ robotty plug people,

I found this weird advanced glitch science facility, they kept chasing me away calling me a "heretic" so I just dug around and up into the facility stealing their science robes, cabinets and lights.

but its all gone now... /weep

FYI all coordinates that you find, if you post them here, can be entered client side, so if you find something interesting feel free to share, it'll spawn the same world since the coordinates are just an elaborate "Seed"

RE: Starbound - Dogberry - 12-11-2013

Man, last night I started out with a new character after the wipe, and ended up on a city inhabited by tribal Avians and a city full of Apex. I made nice with the Avians, who just wanted to trade, except I did steal one of their gongs while they weren't looking. The Apex, however, didn't really want anything from me, but I sure wanted stuff from them. They had a ton of weapons and creature comforts that I coveted mightily. Mostly, I wanted their guns. So I killed every single guard in the city in the name of "liberation" of the Apex people from their oppressive government, taking all of their weapons I could but still not getting a gun. Then I started "liberating" home appliances from their owners. Things like refridgerators, couches, lamps, any and all wall decorations, record players, radios, pianos, and fish tanks. Also, as I was mining later, I found an Avian tomb. So I looted that. Also found some kind of creepy torture chamber thing with rotating blades and stuff. So I killed the guy there and looted all of that.

I decided not to homestead on that planet because there was just too much going on, so I went to another planet, and took a look inside. Found a human penal colony, mostly full of women, but there were a couple of men. I killed everyone inside and took pretty much anything that looked cool or I thought could be valuable. I took a ton of barbed wire. Hey, it's what tamed the American West. It couldn't hurt in Starbound. I still haven't explored all of the planet yet, but I intend to, and maybe make a homestead in a nice, quiet place, far away from anyone I might piss off and come looking for me. But really, all of that is dependent on getting a gun. I will stop at nothing until I obtain one.

This game is crazy, and I love it.

RE: Starbound - Varianna - 12-11-2013

Loving it so much, I've just bought a server. Considered making it available to a large amount of people but it's costly. :c

RE: Starbound - LandStander - 12-11-2013

You all make me want to play this...I remember watching trailers for this a few months back and it looked really interesting.

RE: Starbound - Olofantur - 12-11-2013



I have a custom ship mod (http://community.playstarbound.com/index.php?threads/build-your-own-ship-sandbox-ship.41890/ )

so i can make my ship what ever I want.

As a Floran I now hurtle through space on the back of a gigantic Cthulu esque mass of undulating eye stalks, dirt and lazers. Stopping only long enough to pillage a world for more eldritch artifacts (read: platinum) before launching off into the void.

RE: Starbound - Dogberry - 12-11-2013

Oh, man, I think I need that mod. I can make all kinds of craziness with it.

I've thought about putting some money into a server. The RP potential of the game seems pretty high, too, which delights me because I'm a king dork who loves to RP every damn thing.

RE: Starbound - Olofantur - 12-11-2013

(12-11-2013, 01:35 PM)Dogberry Wrote: Oh, man, I think I need that mod. I can make all kinds of craziness with it.

I've thought about putting some money into a server. The RP potential of the game seems pretty high, too, which delights me because I'm a king dork who loves to RP every damn thing.

I'm working on a "Timelord" race for roleplaying with some of my friends (random human attricutes every time you die, including gender.), we've even put together a "TARDIS" ship for the game thats super huge, but where ever you land it leaves the TARDIS, then when you teleport it reforms around you. won't be making it public for a while, but just as a show of how robust the character and ship editor is...

Theres also a few people who are making large ships to live on and only "visit" planets next generation style.

RE: Starbound - Dogberry - 12-11-2013

My home right now is definitely my ship. The only things I can't do on it right now is garden and mine, for obvious reasons. Once I get a bigger ship I'll probably set up a small garden on it, too. Right now there just isn't much incentive to set down roots, but as more content becomes available, and you can get quests from making settlements I'm sure there will be good reasons to set up a home planet.

Right now, it's kind of hindering yourself to make a settlement because of the GOD DAMN BIRDS HOLY CRAP

RE: Starbound - Olofantur - 12-11-2013

"Oh look a bird"
/shoots at it

RE: Starbound - Ildur - 12-11-2013

I'm finding the game fun overall, but I'm finding combat's design is completely imbalanced and the mining isn't particularly fun. Mining is very slow. Digging through dirt becomes really easy very soon, but mining ores takes lots of time. Coupled with ores being scattered in small pockets until later planets. But in those the ores you need are still in small clusters. Except the ones that have the mobs that one shot you. Why they one shot you? Because you don't have the armor. Why don't you have the armor? Because you need the ores. Which ores? The ones in the planet with the mobs that one shot you.
A partial solution I found was to search the wiki for planets with the best gun dealer in the sector and buy one of those. Then you end up one shotting a lot of the mobs and having an actual opportunity to kill the others as long as they don't catch you first.

So yeah, fun game but has a lot of balance issues. "It's a beta" and yadda yadda. I know! But I fear some of these problems might come from design decisions the devs might not be willing to change. I already feel the recent changes they made to combat were to 'clarify' the system and not overhaulingit.

We'll see. It's still early, after all!

Quote:Right now, it's kind of hindering yourself to make a settlement because of the GOD DAMN BIRDS HOLY CRAP

One reason to set up a home planet is farming. Not that it's needed right now, mind: I have survived up to the Gamma sector with nothing but 10 slices of meat and picking the wild fruits and vegetables of certain planets. But if you want to have enough land to grow some food, you'll need a home planet.
But besides a random farm in a planet I quickly forgot about, I too keep all my crafting stations and chests on the ship. It's so convenient! Wish they add a way to make it larger, because it's getting a bit cramped and all the chests are full already.

RE: Starbound - Hammer - 12-11-2013

This game is on my wishlist. I was going to wait and see if it went on sale during the big holiday sale, but reading through this thread makes me want to take the plunge.

Too many games I want to play, too little time.

Speaking of which, is there a Steam group for the RPC yet?

RE: Starbound - Olofantur - 12-11-2013

(12-11-2013, 08:24 PM)Hammer Wrote: This game is on my wishlist. I was going to wait and see if it went on sale during the big holiday sale, but reading through this thread makes me want to take the plunge.

Too many games I want to play, too little time.

Speaking of which, is there a Steam group for the RPC yet?

Sure is!

You can reach me there as "Olofantur" and the leader of the RPC steam group is "Sateaux"

Also working on getting us a good large public server. I work with the guys who run "Getonmylevel" so i'm hoping to get permission from them.
