Hydaelyn Role-Players
Aumeric Chassebel - Printable Version

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Aumeric Chassebel - ansemaru - 12-03-2013

I. Basic Info 
  • Characters: Aumeric Chassebel, Ahlek'zi Ghria
  • Primary character: Aumeric Chassebel
  • Linkshells: Lansquenet
  • Primary RP linkshell: Lansquenet

II. RP Style 

Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
Medium-heavy. I'm not always going to be RPing or seeking RP, but I do like to participate frequently, and I'm looking to expand my interactions beyond my current boundaries. If I'm online and someone wants to initiate RP with me, more often than not I will agree to it. If I run into RP outside of the city and it doesn't seem like a private affair, I may drop what I'm doing to join up and participate.

Views on RP combat and injuries:
I don't play particularly combative characters- they're a nature-loving conjurer and an actor, but given the setting, I'm at peace with less-than-peaceful outcomes to RP interactions. I'd prefer fair warning before anybody jumps out and attacks, and I would prefer to plan fights and permanent consequences OOC and ahead of time. RP fighting isn't incredibly fun for me or my primary focus, and so quick, dirty, and predetermined in terms of outcome or not at all is probably how I'd prefer it to happen if it came up.

Views on IC romance:
I'm open to it. I've RPed IC romance before in other games, and I've got a character who's young, naive, and open-hearted. If someone wants to woo him, or if he finds himself smitten with another, I'll gladly RP that scenario. Just no crossing the IC/OOC barrier, since barring self-insertion, we're not our characters and a relationship IC isn't going to be the same OOC. And I'd appreciate people being open OOC if they have ulterior motives IC for pursuing a relationship- if someone is taking advantage of my character IC, I'd prefer to know about it beforehand. I'm not going to get him entangled in multiple relationships at once- it would be OOC to play him as non-monogamous- and I suppose it's worth mentioning that I have no interest in RPing heterosexual romance. Aumeric isn't one for the ladies. Not into ERP, though.

Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
Very important. Obviously, roleplaying professional relationships and friendships entails a great deal of what I do, but both of my characters have implied family in their backstories, and if anybody has any interest in coordinating with me on them, I'd be grateful. I've never been in an RP where someone actually played the family members of my character, or where I was asked to play someone else's significant family member, but there's always a first time, right?

Views on lore:
I'm not going to be ridiculously hung up on every lore detail, since I'm still getting the hang of it, but I expect a certain basic level of respect for the lore of the game. It's there as a shared setting/basis for the world we function in, so blatant violations of common sense and widely-accepted canon will shut down my interest right away. I'm okay with people playing with the social rules of Seekers of the Sun, I'm not okay with people bringing in ideas that are wholly alien to the setting (like someone playing a Guado in Gridania.)

Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
I'm alright with using /say for IC interaction, though it's *public* and as such should probably be interactions that the participants should understand run a risk of being overheard or interrupted by outside parties. /linkshell communication obviously depends on whether a particular LS is IC or OOC- and IC ones should be treated as actual linkshells in-universe, in my opinion. /tell is good for more private interactions. Linkshells are also useful for more privacy than /say, but /tell is something I'd use for private communications that are conducted in-person but are too sensitive/secret for /say. The only other channel I tend to use is /fc, which is OOC.

III. Other Info 
  • Country:United States
  • Timezone:Eastern
  • Contact info:PM me, or pester me over AIM at "kamen mist".

RE: Aumeric Chassebel - ansemaru - 12-23-2013

Updated to reflect the existence of my alt and some slightly changed details in the body of the text.