Hydaelyn Role-Players
New member (and somewhat experienced RPer) coming through... - Printable Version

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New member (and somewhat experienced RPer) coming through... - Mikedot - 11-02-2013


My name is Michael S. (in real life), but you can call me by Mikedot... or Razell, Kaiyam, Artham, Botomin, Tokio or one of them many names I like to come up with.

(Yes, I go by many different names online. LEARN TO APPRECIATED THEM!)

I've been playing MMORPGs for awhile now. My first experience playing MMORPGs was GraalOnline, Magic the Gathering Online and Ragnarok Online. Since then, I've been bumping from one online game to the next, looking for something to hold my interest. I play lots of games besides MMORPGs, too. I'll play just about any game genre except RTSs and MOBAs. I can't stand those. (Too much thinking and clicking required with those games, if you know what I mean.)

Music? Well I like Hip-Hop, Rock, Jazz, Classical, Drum & Bass, Electronica, Folk... anything that has a good beat, really.

I spend some of my spare time writing stuff about the MMOs and games I play on my blog: http://mikedot.blogspot.com

My blog started off of a simple community college assignment for my Media Writing II class and has spawned into a little hobby. Ever since then, I've been writing about what I love on that blog for awhile now.

Speaking of which: I'm also a contributor for OnRPG.com and MMOHuts.com and I've been writing articles for them about 3 to 4 years or so.

I enjoy playing video games a lot, and I have a bit of a competitive nature, but I try not to let it get the best of me. I try to be as calm and as civil in competition as much as possible. I try to be patient with everyone, but If someone DOES manage to piss me off, which will be very rare, I won't start freaking out or something, but it might not be a pretty sight.

My first roleplaying experience started off in TERA Online, back when the Celesital Hills roleplaying server opened open. It was a great way for me to get acclimated to the wonders of roleplaying since the server was so young and the lore for TERA was so "open-ended". It's been a long while since then, and the roleplay community there has fallen on some hard times, so it's hard for me to enjoy myself on that server nowadays.

So a few months back, everyone I knew was all a twitter about moving over to FFXIV:ARR, even though I felt like the game wasn't really my cup of tea. I still decided to give it a try since Square-Enix was planning to have an open beta phase. When I got to try out the game during open beta, I actually enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. The best thing that I got out of it was how RP-friendly the game was, what with all of the emote functions, ability to walk and what not (TERA didn't have this, so these features were quite mind-blowing for me.) 

So with that in mind, I decided to keep playing after open beta while planning and developing ideas for possible characters I could roleplay as. Strangely enough, I haven't taken much time to do much public RP mostly because the open RP I find usually takes place in taverns, which is all well and good, but I would much rather do some roleplaying while adventuring.

Anyway, the reason I'm here on this forum is to look for other players that I feel would be a great match for one of my four current characters. I will be posting my character bios very soon.

That's basically it. I might not be posting on these boards frequently, but just enough so people around know that I exist.