Hydaelyn Role-Players
Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - Printable Version

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Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - Aveline - 08-26-2010


This is why I am still holding out hope that the game will be a success. For all the doom & gloom on community sites right now... how can you not feel the rush of a thrill when you see those ships coursing across the water towards battle? :cheer:

Re: Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - Len - 08-26-2010

Yeah , I agree
makes everyone want to do one of three things
1. Become the pirate king
2. Join the navy

3. Hunt Final Fantasy's very own Moby Deck ( " Leviathon ")

Re: Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - Asyria - 08-26-2010

The fact that every single piece of gear show on our characters in game is awesome, and on top of that it all shows in cutscenes too.<3

Re: Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - Veedo - 08-26-2010

I like hgow there's a UK and a NA version of this video.

Cutscenes, yay!

Re: Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - Tagyr - 08-26-2010

They have been showing a lot of dynamic things in their preview cutscenes. Makes me wonder what they ARE. Like are players gonna fight in a war sometime >.>

Re: Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - UnbeknownstGhost - 08-26-2010

If they could implement an ingame war, that would be kinda cool. Ridiculous, but cool.

Re: Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - Veedo - 08-26-2010

Well, with the Garlean Empire that was mentioned, and all other Final Fantasys as reference, I'm guessing there'll be a war at some point (Mayhaps a future expansion!)

Re: Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - UnbeknownstGhost - 08-26-2010

But didn't they say they weren't going to implement PvP?

Re: Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - Veedo - 08-26-2010

Not to begin with, no. It's way down on the list of things to look into, but it's not a no. Just won't be looked into until more stuff is done.

Re: Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - UnbeknownstGhost - 08-26-2010

I thought they had a hard on for NO when it came to PvP.

Re: Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - Trizzip - 08-26-2010

On the PvP matter, from all the interviews I've read, I feel like the PvP is going to be implemented at the same pace as it was in FFXI and be just as restricted as it was in XI.

Re: Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - Asyria - 08-26-2010

There was pvp in FF XI?

Yay for Airships dropping the bombs, anyways.
Go Red Wings!


And by Red Wings I mean Baron Air Force, not the hockey team.

Re: Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - Shamadconde - 08-26-2010

There probably will be a war but we will only represent one side. Like FFXI. Us vs. the Beastmen only Us vs. the Garlean Empire.

Re: Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - UnbeknownstGhost - 08-26-2010

:'( It so sad....

Re: Eorzea - The Making of a Realm Part 5 - Kima wolf - 08-27-2010

It is beautiful, they certainly haven't forgotten how to make great cutscenes, it's like every day i'm annoyed with the game, then something like this comes out and i'm happy again lol