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Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - Printable Version

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Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - Reibees - 09-19-2013

I'm curious. I took a bit of a break from the game because I've been getting no RP and I know no one; but I come back, and the game seems utterly abandoned. I spotted maybe two RPers 'walking' through the city, but no actual RP.

Has it all gone the way of 'private clique' RP? With my lack of desire for a forced plot guild/FC, I can't seem to find any RP, whatsoever, even despite approaching.  I know a grand number of people who hit 50 and took their leisure time doing so, so I don't imagine the mass populace is still 'leveling'... 

So, my question here is, is Gilgamesh more active with OPEN, PUBLIC RP than Balmung is? 

I'm trying to find a server I can call home, but atm the game's RP activity is making me question even staying....

RE: Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - Graive Elune - 09-19-2013

I don't want to be biased, and I've never been on Balmung, but! From what I've seen there is open RP in all the major cities almost all the time, and we have 2 OOC LS made so that anyone wanting RP can just go, "Want RP!" And someone usually always responds.

There are a few RP guilds, but from what I've seen, most prefer to do open RP ( so that others can join in ) rather than private, 'cliquey' RP. There is a lot of Tavern RP in Limsa and Ul'dah, especially. The Bismarck has kind of become our RP hub on this server.

But, like I said, I don't know how it is on Balmung - except from what you just mentioned.

RE: Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - Shae'ra - 09-19-2013

There is roleplay in Balmung (least every night I have seen it or been a part of it) though, most of it is not in the main cities from what I have seen. If you do not want to involve yourself with a FC/guild : Have you considered a simple linkshell? An example would be most the RP I have done so far is with the Grindstone who communicates with one another through LS (both IC and OOCly) and there are no obligations like one might find in a guild/FC. More of a quick way to hook up and do some roleplay.

Intermission(s)(The OOC RP hub) can be good for getting roleplay, though most people I have roleplayed with have not been something set up via them so I cannot really speak on how well that works or how well it doesn't as I am lacking experience in that area.

Perhaps an idea might be to create your same character over on Gilgamesh that you wish to roleplay with so that you may roleplay with either server and/or then decide which you prefer more?

RE: Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - Fates Skein - 09-19-2013

I'm on Balmung, I haven't rolled on Gilgamesh, but I've run into a lot of walk-up RP in Limsa and observed RP in Ul'dah and Gridania.  The Adventurer's Guild buildings in all three cities have had RP in them in the late afternoons and evenings- during the days things are a bit spare. (Days/Evenings in the US- if you're on EU timezones I'm not really sure).

Bummer you haven't seen any RP so far!  It's out there, promise! Smile

RE: Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - Reibees - 09-19-2013

O ___ o; Really? Jeez.. Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places or something. It wasn't anywhere when I looked last in Limsa or Uldah.

I'll stick around tonight and see what happens.

As for rerolling on Gilga - I would but then I'd have to level all over again! I have two chars above 30, so I'm waiting for SE's server transfers. (Ofc I'll roll a char tho just to peek at the city activity first, though)

RE: Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - Shae'ra - 09-19-2013

(09-19-2013, 03:03 PM)Reibees Wrote: As for rerolling on Gilga - I would but then I'd have to level all over again! I have two chars above 30, so I'm waiting for SE's server transfers. (Ofc I'll roll a char tho just to peek at the city activity first, though)
Ah, in that case then I wouldn't want to start over either. Hopefully poking around on a character to see the activity will grant you a fair view on which server will fit you best. The places I have seen and/or roleplayed at thus far were the Bismark and Drowning Wench (Limsa) Orchon's Torch (by Moraby Drydock0s, Lower La Noscea but it's usually a duo or set thing vs random rp) The bridge outside the Gate of Nald (Forget which Thanaland Nald's gate takes you to, but that one.)

As for inside the major cities, I've seen the most RPers in Limsa, then comes Ul'dah, then Gridania. Though, times does make it a big difference. I usually see roleplayers around 10ish-11ish to 2ish-3ish EST in these locations and I haven't been seeking out roleplay either, just running around to talk to NPCs or use the easy teleport around the city. I'm sure most these places make logical sense, but figured I might as well share in hopes to help, right?

RE: Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - BlessedSilence - 09-19-2013


RE: Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - halceeuhn - 09-19-2013

I'm surely biased, and I haven't been to Balmung, but Gilgamesh has a ton of free-for-all RP in cities and outposts all over Eorzea. I've jumped into the occasional RP session as a side-character more than once. Plots are slowly starting to form in here!

RE: Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - erosskye - 09-19-2013

Im on Gilgamesh and started there so I have no clue whats up in Balmung.  But I do know currently there are some HUGE rp plots being laid out with many many players involved.  I roleplay everyday for a majority of my game-time and am always busy writing up twists and turns for my storyline and hoping it effects everyone elses around in a positive manner.

RE: Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - Kyral Rilann - 09-19-2013

I've been on both servers.

Balmung didn't have enough RP to keep me there, so I left my 40 summoner.

I came to Gilgamesh and I continued my work, with tons of RP around me I'm on my way to also capping my classes as I go along. There is so much more in the way of RP on Gilgamesh that you cant go wrong, just look at the linkshells here, pick one or two, and you should be set.

RE: Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - Reibees - 09-19-2013

(09-19-2013, 07:29 PM)BlessedSilence Wrote: DELETED

Ah gosh, I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one that felt that way.
I think in the end I will def be moving to Gilgamesh.. )X

RE: Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - cuideag - 09-19-2013

As of late, I have been spending a majority of my time RPing with folks on Balmung, mostly in Limsa Lominsa. It helps that I am in an RP-oriented LS so we can coordinate where and when folks are RPing but I do see a fair amount of others in open-world RP as well.
I can't compare to Gilgamesh as I haven't rolled there but I wouldn't say that Balmung is inactive by any means.

RE: Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - halceeuhn - 09-19-2013

You have to keep in mind that stumbling upon RP is a matter of pure luck. Maybe Balmung is sprwaling with RP, and you just haven't seen it. Try joining an LS or two, I'm sure you'll find a place in Balmung if you look around.

RE: Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - LandStander - 09-19-2013

That is weird. I stumble into RP all the time in Balmung. I see a lot in outposts around Gridania and quite a lot around the Adventurers guild in Ul'dah. During the first two weeks there was almost no RP because people were so concentrated on logging on so they could play the game, but it's been fine ever since the servers were fixed.

I know two spots that are almost always teeming with activity is Bronze Lake (that hot springs place) and that Float place in Grid..follguard float or whatever its called. They have nice bar there and I usually see people in there RPing.

RE: Is Gilgamesh more active than Balmung RP wise? - Faye - 09-19-2013

I'm on Balmung, and I've never rolled a character on Gilgamesh, so I can't say what's there. But there's RP all across the map every night on Balmung. Most of it is in Limsa Lominsa at the Drowning Wench or the little cafe in the upper decks, or in Ul'dah, particularly at The Quicksand. I've also found a lot of RP in Gridania, at the falls in Old Gridania, the inn in New Gridania, and that big hall of merchants in Old Gridania. There are also some hot springs I know people frequently role-play at, but I can't remember where they are, and I've found a lot of people just RPing in totally random places. That's just to name a few places, though. I'm sure there are more RP hotspots I forgot/haven't found.