Hydaelyn Role-Players
Alartian Dubhine - Printable Version

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Alartian Dubhine - Duhbine - 09-05-2013

I. Basic Info 
  • Characters: Alartian Dubhine [Gilgamesh]
    Celix Stark [Balmung]
  • Primary character: [Gilgamesh] Alartian Dubhine
  • Linkshells: N/A
  • Primary RP linkshell:N/A


II. RP Style 
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
  • Medium-Heavy, tend to keep in Character when out and about in-game. heavy stories depend on what they are about, but tend to go along with them when i'm brought into them. Social and interacting with people and just having fun is key for me.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
  • RP fighting can be tricky with people Godemoting that they character is always the best seen it happen a lot, I for one like it and like getting minor injuries scars, maybe a broken bone to mend over time. Adds to the story of the characters, it just needs to well managed and not based on around characters level. A saying "Even a peasant can kill a Knight".

  • Views on IC romance:
  • I have no problem with a IC romance, they can be fun and expand on characters stories, linking them together and creating another chapter in both their lives together.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
  • Alartian has no Family, that he knows off. Don't mind people "Asking" if they could be related with me, but with him not having any family. that might be a long shot, otherwise sure so long as the person asks first.

  • Views on lore:
  • Lore is Lore, you try your best not to break it, sometimes your come close to the edge but I try not to. Sticking with what he is and not expanding into a type of godhood, making him seem very very very out of this world. Lore is there to help you RP, use it and it helps you alot.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
  • /say /shout /em /yell sometimes /party are to me always IC. The others are OOC, unless stated otherwise.


III. Other Info 
  • Country:Australia
  • Timezone:GMT +10
  • Contact info: PM here, or whisper me In-game please.


~Special announcements can be found in the posts below~

RE: Alartian Dubhine - Arc - 09-05-2013

Hi I just noticed that you are in Australia.  So am I. Which server are you on? Im on gilgamesh and balmung (finally). I've never RPed before and am super eager to try it out. Maybe we could RP sometime since we're in the same time zone.

RE: Alartian Dubhine - Duhbine - 09-05-2013

I'm on Gilgamesh, placed it at the front of my primary character. Good to see another Aussie here, and wanting to RP. I swear we are almost a dieing breed of RPers lol. Add Me to friends list mate, and would like to RP with ya sometime.

RE: Alartian Dubhine - Duhbine - 09-06-2013

Updated...Added my Balmung Character to my character lists.