Hydaelyn Role-Players
New Player with Questions and Concerns - Printable Version

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New Player with Questions and Concerns - Eirianedryd - 05-31-2017

Hey guys! I'm not quite sure if this is the correct forum to post this in, but what the heck.

I'm a new player (seriously started playing like 2 or 3 days ago). I've only just not started looking into the RP potential when I found out that FFXIV doesn't allow you to create new characters on the unofficial RP server, Balmung. I've been loving the game so far, and I'm willing to pay money to transfer so I can experience being an RPer in FFXIV. Balmung isn't on the transfer list.

So, I'm wondering, after skimming through the Alternate RP Server thread, what should I do? It looks like this change to Balmung is a recent one, so it's probably going to be enacted for a while. And while I really am enjoying playing the game, I want to start getting into the community. Do you guys think I should transfer to Mateus (it seemed like the most popular/populated of the alternative servers listed)? Should I wait for Balmung? Should I just start a new character on Mateus (this isn't a *huge* deal for me, because I'm only level 17 on my main class of CNJ, but it would make the hours I've put in already kinda wasted)?

This is honestly the first game I've played in years that has the potential to become my main MMO, and I would hate for that to be ruined because Square Enix decided new RPers can't join the RP server. Any input would be appreciated!

RE: New Player with Questions and Concerns - Cynnie - 05-31-2017

Welcome to the game!

Personally, if I was in your position I would keep your main on your current server, but also make another character on Mateus if you feel like you would do well in the community. This way, when Square Enix announces which servers will be getting the transfer bonuses you will have a pre-established character to transfer for free to reap the rewards.

RE: New Player with Questions and Concerns - Jeanne IX - 05-31-2017

I'm rather new myself, just been here a couple of weeks, but as I understand it Balmung is going to be closed for the foreseeable future because it's just so densely populated that it will take a long time for the population to reach the levels Squenix wants it at.

Since it was closed, Mateus has definitely grown. The RPC linkpearl is very friendly and there's always people on. I transferred onto Mateus from Balmung when the closing first happened and in just that short time have seen a noticeable growth.

Ultimately to transfer or to make a new character is a decision you'll have to make yourself since it's your money, but I do think the server is at least worth checking out.

Edit: Cynnie makes a good point about transfer bonuses. We don't know what servers will have free transfers off of Balmung yet, Mateus could very well be one of them. Wait for that at least before deciding to transfer (I think it will be with Stormblood launch)?

RE: New Player with Questions and Concerns - Oyuu - 05-31-2017

I think Mateus is currently the NA server agreed on for a second RP community according to the polls here. It also possible that SE may offer free transfers to the smallest servers to help with the congestion on large servers. We know this is the case for the new EU servers they are bringing out, at least. Not 100% confirmed for the likes of Mateus.

I'd definitely make a new character on Mateus if I were you, try a different starting zone and class and have fun! Check out the RP community there and you can try transferring your current character over later, for free or not depending on what SE decides to do.

Anyways, good luck and have fun roleplaying wherever you end up!

RE: New Player with Questions and Concerns - Kilieit - 05-31-2017

My advice (is personal opinion, don't take too deathly seriously):

Roll a, for now, level 1 alt on a couple of the alternative servers that stick out to you as the most interesting. Spend a couple of hours on each, at your prime playtime, scouting about and seeing what you can find RP-wise. If you want to, you can reach out to linkshells through the RPC, too.

The key thing you're looking for: roleplayers that don't all know each other. This is a sign of a community that's on its way to longer-term stability. But if you just find one group, and you have fun with them, then that's certainly something to consider strongly as well.

Once you've found "your people", decide whether you want to transfer or level your alt. My personal recommendation is to level the alt - transfer fee is still £, and you'll find questing goes much faster the second time (because you can skip cutscenes and not bother to read the dialogue, plus you already know where all the objectives are). So your time wasn't wasted - it was spent practicing.

Don't wait for Balmung. A quick look at the numbers tells us it's going to be a long time before it opens, and you have roleplay to enjoy! Go out there and find it!

RE: New Player with Questions and Concerns - Nebbs - 05-31-2017

I would look at how you can engage with the other RP server most are pointing to. This is likely to grow due to being the only option for new players, migration from others servers and anyone on Balmung that wants to make a new alt.

If you think Balmung might ever opens up again I would also create several alts on this server. You then have the option to transfer over with a bunch of character slots active. Though I suspect by then you would be invested in the new RP server's community.

RE: New Player with Questions and Concerns - Eirianedryd - 05-31-2017

Thank you all for your swift replies! It's definitely appreciated, and has given me an insight to the community on this site, at least. Kilieit, you make a really good point. My previous character gives me experience for another to help it go faster, as well as not be new to all of things I was exposed to (such as the crafting and such). I also know that I can easily get a second class at level 10, rather than playing CNJ from the start (which was really, really slow I felt).

I like the idea of taking the opportunity to experience another starter zone and it's story. 

On a side note: You guys have been mentioning Linkshells, but I have no idea what that is. Could someone explain?

RE: New Player with Questions and Concerns - Gegenji - 05-31-2017

Linkshells are a "special" chat group. Anyone can make them and you can invite people to them, and then you can see and participate in any chat that's going on in there.

Kind of like guild chat, but minus having to actually join the guild (which still exists in FFXIV, they're just called Free Companies instead).

RE: New Player with Questions and Concerns - Greenley - 05-31-2017

Hey, buddy. I'm brand new myself, been playing about a week along with my two friends. We were discouraged by Balmung's closing too, but decided to play the free trial on some of the other servers just to see.

I rolled on Faerie, Mateus, and Jenova. I mean absolutely no disrespect to people on any server, this is just my opinion from one new player to another: we liked Mateus the best. The RP seemed most common there. We didn't see it as often as we would on Balmung, no doubt, but we've still run past it several times.

PvE folks seem very friendly. They have stopped to help us and to give gil to the one of us who already had the full version a few times now. 

Annnd, at the time of writing, the idea of us one day owning a house on Mateus doesn't seem utterly impossible as it would be on Balmung, so there are silver lining I suppose!