Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] Cecily Jisi - Printable Version

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Cecily Jisi - Cecily Jisi - 08-23-2016

I. Basic Info
  • Characters:Cecily Jisi
  • Primary character:Just Cecily.
  • Linkshells:None!
  • Primary RP linkshell:*sighs* I'm not in any...

II. RP Style
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    I guess it really depends. I'm mostly IC but I tend to make bad jokes OOC because I've lost control of my life.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    That's a bit of a touchy subject. In my experience, RP fights tend to be summed up as "Who's the bigger godmod". But I think with the whole "/random" system in the game, it can really negate that problem and probably even lead to hilarious results.

  • Views on IC romance:
    Cecily is not much of a romanticist. She prefers remaining single so as to not be forced to stay with one person.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    I love to RP, and non-romantic RPs are even better! Because they'll usually lead to smut which gets boring.

  • Views on lore:
    It's cool to be immersed in the lore, but I don't like those that are too strict about it. You gotta have a bit more of an open mind to be fun with lore. That's why I enjoy lore-breaking mods in Skyrim and the Yo-Kai Watch event in FFXIV.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    I mean, they're pretty much essential, right? /say and /yell are definitely more for RPs, /party and /alliance are for when in a duty where RPing isn't really... priority, and /shout and /linkshell is definitely more for OOC things. Shouting for things like shitposting in Steps of Nald, and LS for discussing things and events for future RPs.

III. Other Info

RE: Cecily Jisi - Lydia Lightfoot - 08-31-2016

Hi there miss Cecily! I'm pretty sure I saw you at our RP venue checking things out, though I could be thinking of another time I spotted you elsewhere. It's been a stressy couple of weeks that I'm coming out of, so if I'm mistaken, do please forgive me. <<

Anyway, if that was you, and you liked what you saw, how would you like to do some RP with us sometime? :3