Hydaelyn Role-Players
Impact - Printable Version

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Impact - Yssen - 11-27-2012

Ul'dah, 3 Day Before Impact -

Darkness. Swirling darkness, and the sounds of people passing by the alley way. A clanking here, a hurried shout there, and all of it muddled by darkness.

"Wake up, are you okay? Wake up."

5 years ago -

"Wake up. You have to wake up."

Yssen Van stirred slightly as the voice called to him.

"Wake up! We are wanted in the assembly hall! You fell asleep reading in the library. Again."

His sister's lyrical voice was twanged with a slight bit of annoyance at this particular moment, coupled with a playful jab in the arm to get him moving. Yssen let out a loud yawn and went about straightening up the library desk that had been his makeshift pillow. He pulled together the parchments he had made notes on, and closed the various books he had been referencing and cross referencing.

"What was it this time, bookworm," Ysa asked with a smile.

"More elemental synergy theory, particularly the combining of elements associated with the Umbral and the Astral and their possible effects," he replied as he finished cleaning up.

"Yeah, that makes a ton of sense to me, I assure you." Ysa grinned. "I swear. I cannot think of one thing useful to come out of you sticking your nose in these books until you pass out."

"Plenty of useful things have come from my research, dear sister. The trick I used in yesterday's test sessions for instance."

"You did manage to humiliate your opponent with flying colors in the combat exercise, I suppose. What trick did you use?"

"Against Halfax? I exploited his fear of fire. Simple really, he may have come a long way from cringing at the sight of it, but he still gets pretty flustered when it is employed against him," Yssen smiled at his twin, "I also seem to recall my excessive studying help a certain someone easily channel lightning through her wires?"

"They were pretty impressed with the technique, weren't they. I suppose I should be thankful to have you looking out for me in this place." Ysa laughed.

"You and me against the world, dear sister."

"You and me against the world, dear brother," Ysa responded with a nod and a smile, "Now hurry up! I think today is the day. They'll give us our masks and our titles. I am betting that is what Master is calling us down to the assembly room for. Get moving, he'll have our hides if we are late!"

"Way ahead of you," Yssen said, as he bolted from his chair and out of the library. He looked back at Ysa with a grin and a wink."Race you!"

"Hey!" Ysa shouted, laughing as she ran after him. "No fair!"

Ul'dah, 3 Days before Impact -

Yssen opened his eyes and propped himself up against the wall, he breathed out slowly as he took in his surroundings, finally bringing his eyes to rest on the young Hyur girl standing in front of him.

"Well. You seem overly concerned, kiddo," he winced out a grin at her. "Any reason I should know about? You haven't been sent to fetch me have you?"

"N-no sir," the girl replied, casting her eyes to the ground.

"Well that is a relief. What are you doing here?"

The girl looked back up at Yssen for a moment, and then back to the ground. "I saw you fall," she replied, "I wanted to make sure you were well. I recognize you. You're the man who feeds us lost boys and girls. You brought those yummy bundles from that party you said you went to once. Y-you're very kind is all, and you looked like you needed help."

Yssen scrutinized the girl briefly and sighed before slowly making his way further into the alley and out of sight. He then took a moment to check his injuries and make sure nothing was out of place or re-opened.

"Y-you are alright, right sir?"

Yssen glanced back at the girl, she was following him. He stopped and leaned his back up agains the alley wall. "Nothing that will keep me from my work, kiddo. Are you hungry? Do you need something to eat? I hear food is becoming hard to come by on the streets."

Yssen reached into his coat and pulled out a strip of dried meat, and offered it to the girl. She paused a moment, looking up into his golden eyes before shakily taking it from his hand.

"All the panic and such, right? Everyone snapping everything up? All bent out of shape over a big red doom sphere." Yssen sighed and looked back at the girl. Do you need anything else? I have more food if you are still hungry?"

The young girl at Yssen slightly and nodded. She slinked over next to him as he continued to hold himself up on the alley wall. Yssen grinned as she put her head down and hugged his leg tightly. "So what did i do to rate this obnoxiously cute level of affection?. It is only food, and at that only enough to feed you for today."

The girl only squeezed his leg tighter and let out a slight whimper.

"Ye'll be handing over my boss's property now." a gruff deep voice came from the alley entrance. "See that you do it quickly, and there will be no need for the unpleasant."

Yssen cast his gaze at the entrance to find a crimson skinned Roegadyn staring back at him. The Hellsguard was flanked by two Highlanders, all three were armed and armored, though only the Roegadyn wore a helmet. Yssen smirked as his mind drifted to his current state, and his resolve quickened as the young girl began to squeeze onto his leg tighter. The duskwight bent down and whispered to the now shaking girl.

"So. This is the problem. Fear, not obnoxiously cute affection over food?," the girl nodded as Yssen whispered, still clutching his leg. "Brilliant."

"Send her over, Elezen, you do not look the shape to play champion for the whelp. You look apt to break in only the slightest little tussle with us. Just hand her over and we'll be on our way," the Hellsguard snickered when he spoke, and the two Highlanders joined in as if right on cue.

"Two," Yssen responded.

The Hellsguard looked a bit confused, but then quickly spat back, "what?"

"You people have made exactly two mistakes. One, I am not just an Elezen, I am a Duskwight. There proper form of vague and non-specific address would be 'Duskwight.' I would have thought these ears a dead give away. It is important to make the distinction, otherwise it will just lead to more confusion. We'd hate to just sit here being all confused about what exactly is going on, wouldn't we? Two. People are not property. No matter what circumstances would lead one to assume such an appalling economic situation, the fact remains. People are free. They are never property, and this girl is free."

"That girl's parents owed debt to the boss, and We'll see that it gets paid off. Until it is, she is not free." the Hellsguard shot back coldly.

"I beg to differ, and I will argue the point. What on earth would you boss want with a youn girl of only, what? Seven. Maybe eight. Possibly nine. On second thought, do not answer that. I would rather part company not wanting to leave you out for the beetles and crows. We should handle this a if we are civilized. How much is the girl's debt?"

"It is not for sale."

"Everything is for sale in Ul'dah, isn't it?"

"Boss is not interested in the sale, he has taken a real shine to the whelp," the Hellsguard smirked back.

"We are treading dangerously close to a most uncivil end here. I'd refrain from further snide jokes about… Hold on a second." Yssen bent down to talk to the girl again. "What exactly is your name little one?"

The young girl look up at him with watery eyes, "H-hope. I'm called hope."

Yssen laughed, and pushed himself up off the wall. "Well, THAT makes about the most sense ever. Don't worry Hope. Everything is going to be fine. I promise." Yssen shifted his attention back at the Hellsguard and his two companions. "Gentlemen, shall we get the remaining of the civility out of the way? Any Vengence Orders I should be aware of? Names? No need to make this next part completely uncivil."

"They call me Thundering Horse, the big twins here are Piven and Riven," the Roegadyn replied.

"Brilliant." Yssen winced as the burn of channeling Aether through his body struck him down to his bones. His wounds throbbed and spiked with renewed pain. He staggered as he moved himself between his opponents and the girl. He winced out his words between little spike of agony. "I am Van. Yssen Van. Van to… my friends, Yssen to those who are… or wish to be more… familiar, and a long stream of… unpleasant titles and curses to those… who do not like me very much."

The three attackers looked at each other, shifting into ready positions as Yssen wrenched himself fully up right and into stance. He wince and coughed, shaking off the last spike of pain that surged through him. He looked back at Hope, giving her a grin and a wink. "Everything is going to be fine. You will be alright. I promise."

His opponents slowly moved forward, snickering as he turned to face them again.

"Gentlemen, shall we?"

Impact, Part 2 - Yssen - 12-06-2012

4 years ago -

"My brother is worth a hundred of you Halfax," Ysa spat as she strained against the icy shackles that held her against the wall, "He'll come for me, and I would not be here when he gets here."

"You and your brother are gutter trash," Halfax shot back at her, boots echoing as he paced the the chamber, "You were plucked from your gutter home to serve as little more than breathing practice targets for the rest of us. You were never meant to rise, never meant to surpass, and certainly never meant dream of the same station as the rest of us."

"Really? Because the scoreboard back at home says something different," Ysa smirked back, "At least in your case."

"Shut up!" Halfax screamed, willing ice to form around Ysa's mouth. "When your brother comes I will set the world to proper order, and when I am finished with him I will make show you the only thing pretty little gutter trash is good for. The Master has given me the tool I need to see things put to right!"

The chamber began to echo with foot falls and a slow, sarcastic clap. Halfax turned and smiled at Yssen.

"Such a charmer, Halfax. It is a wonder my dear sister has refused every advance you have ever made at her," Yssen snickered as he stopped his advance into the chamber, clad in a black robe and masked. "Now. Let her go. I'd hate to embarrass you further by defeating you, again."

"So predictable. So arrogant. So assured of your ill gotten station," Halfax paced back and forth, gesturing with his hands as he spoke. "Well, the Master has entrusted me to put things to right, and he has given me the tool I need to see you put in your place."

Halfax produced a small vial of thick purple liquid, uncorked it and swiftly drank the solution down. His body shuddered and shifted as he finished the vial's contents, and the room began to glow as aether began to be pulled toward him.

"The devil's blood now flows through my veins. Come gutter trash, have a taste for yourself." Halfax gestured and unleashed a torrent of icy shards at Yssen.

Yssen braced, making a small incision in his palm, and willed his sacrifice into a shield of emerald aether. He then willed his sacrifice into flame, convincing it to burn where he needed it to go. Struggling against the constant barrage of shards and cold Halfax set upon him, Yssen set to looking for an opening, any opening, to exploit. The struggle continued and Yssen sighed, silently berating himself for not seeing it sooner. He unleashed a wash of fire, concentrating his even his defenses into a large gout of flame in his opponent's direction. The impact from Halfax's icy shards tore through him and his robes, and Yssen was slammed into the back wall of the chamber. Seizing opportunity, Halfax leapt at him, concentrating his will into a razor sharp blade of ice. He placed the blade at Yssen's throat and grinned.

"You missed!" Halfax laughed, "It was not so easy this time was it, gutter trash! What will you do now? Hmmm?"

"I did not miss," Yssen grinned at Halfax, adding a wink for punctuation.

"HALFAX!" shouted Ysa, as she rose to her feet, "Let. My. Bother. GO!"

Eyes wide, Halfax turned to see Ysa channeling a nimbus of lightning through her wires. She charged like a bolt in his direction, sweeping her arms toward them and then pulling them tight behind her. Halfax squealed as the wires bit into his limbs and torso, and the lightning flowing through them began to do it's work on his flesh.
Ysa drew her wires tighter and tighter, sending more and more lightning threw them, until the there where no sounds left in the chamber. No sounds, save for her and her brother's breathing.

"That, did not look like it was pleasant," Yssen said as Ysa helped him to his feet, "Are you alright?"

"It probably wasn't, but he deserved it," Ysa replied coldly before shifting into a more pleasant tone," I'm fine. Thank you for coming for me. Are you alright?"

"Peachy," Yssen winced slightly, as Ysa began to examine and tend to the damage Halfax's shards had left behind. "Rule number one. You and me against the world, dear sister."

Ysa smiled as she tightened a bandage, "You and me against the world, dear brother."

Ul'dah, 3 days before impact -

Yssen pulled himself out of the darkness and rose to his feet. He has put up a decent enough fight, but there was no real chance of victory in his condition. Not in that particular fight at least. Well, not a complete victory latest. Before the fists of his three large opponents left him in the dark with his own thoughts, he had manage to tear off the emblem so proudly displayed on the Hellsguard's armor. He lifted himself up and gritted his teeth as he popped his shoulder back into place using the alley wall as leverage. There was no sign of Hope, or the three that had come for her. Yssen stared at the emblem in his hand.

"I made a girl a promise, boys. I don't do that lightly. A few preparations, and we'll meet again on my terms. Best you be ready for that. I keep my promises."

Yssen Van smiled, and slowly made his way over to the Phrontistery.

Impact, Part 3 - Yssen - 12-08-2012

Ul'dah, 2 days before Impact -

The Lalafell Alchemist quietly entered the room where Yssen had been resting for the past eight bells. He set a package on the end table and with a disapproving glare, watched as the Duskwight continued to put on his clothes and gear.

"Your wounds have been seen too as best as possible, and your order is ready," the Lalafell said matter-of-factly, setting a package down on the table. "Teas and tinctures to numb pain, and your special order. While I thank you for trusting me with the fascinating recipe, I really should point out that it would seem dangerous to use it in your condition. Dangerous to do anything in your condition, really. You need more recovery time."

"I have promises to keep. There is no rest for the wicked, Bashram," Yssen said as he spun into his long coat, moving over to the table to look over the contents of his package. "Keep that recipe safe and secret. Study it if you like, but do not let other people find out you know anything about it."

"How did you come across it," Bashram inquired, moving over to the table and picking up the vial that contained the special order. He held the purple liquid up to the light and looked through it with a thoughtful expression. "The properties of this thing are quite fascinating. You'd probably have the Thaumaturge's clamoring to offer you increasing sums of money if you let them in on it."

"None of your business," Yssen said, snapping the vial out of Bashram's hand. "You really should not entertain dangerous thoughts like that. I'd hate for our relationship to be soured by you being killed for having more greed than sense."

"Tch. You and your secrets, are they all so dangerous to know?"

Yssen grinned at the Lalafell as he quaffed down on of the painkilling tinctures he's ordered. "So. Any luck on that emblem?"

Bashram sighed and sat down on the bed. "I've managed to track down it's origin for you. It was not hard. It is the emblem worn by the muscle on retainer of particularly interesting merchant. Not a member of the Syndicate, but it is expected he'll get offered a seat in a few years. His name is Radill, he has a few well run legitimate businesses. Mostly trade in spices, silks, and the like. Standard things for this city. It is suspected that he has more than a few less than legitimate endeavors, as well. Radill is said to be quite fat, and it is rumored he has some pretty vile and ruthless tendencies."

"Brilliant." Yssen shook his head, "Where am I likely to find him?"

"He has a residence in one of the towers, I've marked the location for you on a map. What business do you have with him? Lose a fight with his men? Figure you need to pilfer a few of his things to make yourself feel better? Picking a fight with yet another Monetarist? You have the silliest notions sometimes."

"Something like that."

Yssen began placing the various vials and tinctures into readily accessible pockets and pouches scattered about his belt and other gear. He saved the vial of purple liquid for last, staring at it for a few moments before placing it in a pocket on the back of his belt. After checking his weapons and tightening up any loose fitting armor, he shot a wink to the Lalafell.

"Places to go and promises to keep, Bashram. No rest for the wicked."

With that he strode out of the room, through the Phrontistery, and out into the crowded streets of Ul'dah.

Impact, Part 4 - Yssen - 12-13-2012

3 years ago -

Yssen was on he knees, staring at the two small charred corpses through his mask as the manse burned around him. His gut ached as he sat there, silent and motionless. Ysa looked just behind him, gently placing her hand on his shoulder. All seven had been contracted to unleash vengeance on this place, to wash it away in a tide of blood. They had been well paid for it. The collateral damage was minimal, all things considered, but Yssen could not move himself from the spot of these two pieces of collateral damage. His two pieces of collateral damage, a young girl and a young boy. These two corpses were his fault. He just kept staring, listening to the sounds of the fire burning around him.

"Pull it together, brother." Ysa leaned in and whispered to him. "The Master is headed this way."

"It… It should not be this way," Yssen muttered, moving his hand to hold on to Ysa's. "They were just begging the manse for food… I…

The boots of a large, black clad Duskwight broke in over the rhythmic crackling sounds of the fire around them. The figure paused to stroke his beard, standing tall, and taking in the scene around him. After a few moments the air was filled with the sound of metal on metal as the black clad Duskwight clapped his hands.

"This is excellent work. I would expect no less." His voice boomed out even over his applause. "None will retaliate against our client, not after seeing this. Not after knowing that a fraction of Hell such as this can be brought down upon his enemies. The client will be most pleased. You have wrought great works here, Yssen Van. I am proud of you."

The words pierced Yssen's gut, removing the ache and replacing it with a sharp, cold pain. "I…" Yssen began.

"I can see that you are troubled, you should not be." The Master's voice boomed out again. "You have done no more than unfolded the world as it should. Coin was paid for retribution, and retribution seen to. A wave of violence and fire washed over this place, those placed here were meant to be here. To serve as part of the final service rendered for coin that was paid. You have executed all, according to Nald'thal's will."

"Master, these two were… children. Street urchins come to only to beg or steal food, so they could survive. They had no part in this." Yssen said, continuing to stare unblinking at what he had done.

"They were nothing. They are nothing. They will be nothing," the Master replied coldly. "They sinned. They did not have the coin to see to their own survival, so they are dead. They did not have the wealth to see to their souls, so they will remain here. They will wander as shades, never to see paradise. Such is the will of the Traders."

The Master placed his mailed hand on Yssen's shoulder. "These thoughts do not become you. They are not the thoughts of who and what you are. Do not ever forget who and what you are. You are the Seventh Devil. Yssen Van, the Hellfire. You are not a man, you are not a dog, and you are beyond the monsters of this world. You are an instrument. Reflect on this, we shall speak more back in my chambers."

The Master's boots crunched through the remains as he walked past Ysa and Yssen, further into the ruin around them. Yssen clinched his fists and watched as the Duskwight's large form faded into the rising smoke and ash, slowly disappearing out of sight. After waiting a few moments, Yssen slowly rose to his feet, move over next to the two corpses, and removed his mask.

"Yssen…" Ysa said, worriedly staring at her brother.

"Help me, dear sister," he replied, starting to dig at the ground with his mask. "It is what I would have wanted someone to do for us…"

Ysa stood there for a while, watching as her brother dug into the ground. She finally removed her own mask, and walked up to where Yssen was digging. She leaned down and gave him a kiss on the forehead, before helping her brother dig.

Impact, Part 5 - Yssen - 12-13-2012

Ul'dah, 2 Days before Impact -

Yssen's thoughts were rapid, his breathing was labored. His movements were sloppy, but still effective. Pain was minimal, thanks to Bashram's medicine. He did not look forward to when they wore off. Still, they had been necessary to make getting into this place easier. He shifted his focus back to the task at hand.

Four opponents, all armed. One is charging, the other three flanking. Brace the charge, crack his ribs, break his arm, shift your weight, and redirect him into the first flanker. Duck the slash from the flanker behind you, rise swiftly with an elbow strike to his chest, sweep his leg, and use the bottom of your fist to help him to the floor. Vault the spear, close the distance, chop to the throat, shift it into a grip after impact, squeeze, harder, twist, and direct him into the new charger. Close the distance, vault behind him, two strikes to his kidneys, shift your stance, slide backward, launch a charkram as this one fall, and another into the rising first charger. Stop, breath, scan the room, and relax.

Yssen adjusted his coat, and landed a swift kick to the back of the neck of the sword wielder as he struggled to get to his feet. He stared for a moment at some blood he found on his palm. Painkillers, the problem is you don't know when you get hit. It has to be the first charger, his shoulder was bleeding. His movements were getting slower.

"Brilliant," he muttered to himself as he walked over to the door at the back of the room. He started whistling a tune idly as he walked slowly walked up the stairs.

When he reached the top he was greeted by three familiar faces, standing between him and a large wooden door.

"Gentlemen!" Yssen grinned. "So nice to see you again! Where is the girl?"

"With the boss," Thundering Horse replied with a cold grin. "Working off her debt."

Yssen's face snapped from jovial grin to serious scowl. "You dropped something Mr. Hellsguard." He tossed the emblem right at the Thundering Horse's face and charged recklessly.

"Not bright." Yssen heard the Hellsguard's voice as a wave crashed into his chest. The world floated, spun, and stopped suddenly with a crunch. Yssen crumpled and struggled to his knees, flashing back down to the floor again. He pushed up off the floor, another flash and it was in his face. Several more flashes now, his vision was blurring. He as drifting. He closed his eyes, and reached for the vial in the pouch behind his back. An drifting, flashing eternity passed as he held it in his hand, staring at the purple liquid with increasingly blurred vision.

"HOPE!" Yssen shouted, popping the small cork out of the vial with his thumb. "A promise is a promise, and I always keep mine! It will be alright!"

"Not today, boy," the Hellsguard's voice boomed, punctuated by a flash of impact. "Piven. Riven. End him."

"I'll keep my promise. Even if I have to break my oldest one to do so." Yssen shot back the vial, heat running down his throat as he swallowed. The heat became a burning, twisting sensation in his stomach. Fire swelled, rose, and exploded. Fire in his belly, blood on the wall, smoke in his eyes, and the smell of ashes in his nostrils. The room was glowing. Hellfire. Familar. Hated. His heart was already numbing with regret as he rose to his feet.

Yssen turned to his two opponents. Close the distance, open palm strike to the Highlander's throat, switch to a grip, and burn! Toss him at the Hellsguard, dash into them, and burn! Focus on the door, one good punch, and burn!

The wooden door exploded, shrieking off of its hinges, and groaning with heat. He marked the fat man, and then turned to look at the girl. She was shaking, crying. Two loud cracks, like thunder. He was on the ground again, slowly trying to rise again.

"Who are you?! Who are you that you think you can stop my business, or my pleasure?!"

Yssen steadied himself with one arm, pulling himself up the wall. "Hope. Sweetness. Close your eyes. Cover your ears. This is a thing you do not need to know."

"Who are you!?" The fat man bellowed again, leveling another gun at Yssen. "You! You! Nothing!"

Yssen finally stood, staring the fat man in the eyes as Hope did as she was told. "You do not know me, but I know you. I am the Seventh Devil, Yssen Van, the Hellfire, and you Radill. You are my target!"

Acrid smoke. Screaming. Hope, please keep your eyes shut and your ears covered. Please. Fires rising, keep it going, stop it when the screaming stops.
Silence. Relax. See to the girl.

"Hope?" Yssen slid down to the floor, his eyes darting around for her. "Are you alright?"

Hope emerged from behind the bed, and stared at him. There were still tears in her eyes.

"Its alright now. You can come out. Its over. Are you alright?"

Wordlessly she dashed over and hugged Yssen, nuzzling her head into his chest as hard as she could.

"I suppose that is a yes. You want to get out of here, sweetness?"

Hope nodded, still pressing her head into his chest and holding him as tightly as she could manage.

"C'mon then," He said, slowly rising to his feet, a burning still swirling in his stomach. He picked Hope up into his arms and slowly made his way out of the bed chamber. "Lets get you out of here. Everything will be alright now, I promise."

Epilogue -

The lalafell was wrapped up by wires in a dark chamber, suspended over four braziers and a glowing crystal ball. He turned his eyes away from the orb as it flashed red for the fourth time.

"Tell me about it again, puppy!" Ysa Van said in an excited, sing song voice as she danced in a twirling pattern around the braziers. "Tell me what you saw in it again!"

"I've told you twice now you loopy freak!" the lalafell replied, struggling painfully against the wires. "What the hell is so important about watching a fat man get roasted?l"

"It is all about what it means, puppy! Don't you know what it means!"

"No!" he shouted, "I don't. Illuminate me you barmy bitch!"

"It means." Ysa stopped dancing and grabbed the lalafell by the collar, pulling him down toward her, wires digging into him. She sent just a few spark of lightning down the wires, giggling. "That my dear brother is… home."