Hydaelyn Role-Players
A fairy has arrived. - Printable Version

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A fairy has arrived. - Mavis - 12-21-2015

After a day of lurking I felt to make a little entry for myself here. 

--MMORPG background
I played quite a few mmos in my short time, but WoW has to stick out among all of them. It has been a big part of my free time and as such life for nearly half of my life, since I started at around 8 or 9 on my fathers pc (was smart though, never typed anything in chat out of fear of people finding out). 
After or in my wow breaks I only played others mmos very casually, SWTOR being the only one I played more than one or two weeks. 
I began with FF14 first to have a game to extensively play with my lovely girlfriend a day ago. I am aiming to be on Balmung, however due to the ehrm..technical difficulties of the server being bloody full, I'm playing on Siren until I have scrapped the money for a world transfer. 

--RP experience

Well, real roleplay I've been doing for about five to six years now, though rarely in a game setting and rather over chat-sites such as chatango or different forums. Around three years ago I started to rp in WoW and it became my favourite past time activity quickly. It may not fall under the actual rp category, but I am an amateur writer of short stories as well, and in-between am working on a bigger novel. It will be done some day[sup]tm[/sup]

--Character ideas/info

I cannot say much about my actual characters since well, I am just now getting into everything, reading lore when I am not actively playing and so I don't feel I'd be able to make a convincing or enjoyable character yet until I am more safe in the lore. 
As a baseline however I got three characters, though beside their race and names I have no material yet. 

My first being a female keeper of the moon by the name of Maco Rajrah, the second being a lovely midlander lady by the name of Mavis Faen, and a Xaelan with the name of Demadara. 
As for ideas, I can only say that my characters tend to have their flaws lead them into rather tragic ends, something that must have started sticking to me after my hours of watching madoka magica and playing dark souls. 

--How did you learn about the coalition?

This is somewhat bland, but I merely typed "Final Fantasy 14 roleplay" into the google search bar, it was the first result.

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

I am definately leaning toward a medium type, with a slight leaning toward heavy. I'll first be able to pin-point it better when I am more familiar with the lore and such.

--Anything from real life you'€™re comfortable with sharing?

Why not. I am a student at a grammar school, with one and a half year to go before my finals, after which I am going to begin university (or enroll in the navy officer academy, I have not yet decided). Meaning between my vacation and holidays I tend to be somewhat stressed, but such is life. 
I don´t have many hobbies, besides gaming, unfunny puns and jokes, music and rp/story writing I don´t do much. But what I do, I do a lot. 
And I am a very big fan of Cirno, a lovely ice fairy from the touhou games, hence I sometimes jokingly refer to myself as a fairy.
Oh. And english isn't my native language, so I formally apologise for any grammatical, punctual or spelling mistakes I did or may do in the future. 
It's a pleasure to meet you all. 
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RE: A fairy has arrived. - Unnamed Mercenary - 12-21-2015

Hi there! Welcome to the RPC!

Just in case, you can use the same server transfer fee to transfer as many characters as you'd like from one server to another. (So $18 could bring your three characters from Siren to Balmung if you wanted to).

There's a variety of resources on the RPC, but I'd also recommend checking out the official forums lore board as well, if you're looking for a particular topic. We've got a few loremongers here who can help you find stuff too!

As someone on the Siren server, I do know a few people are trying to build up a little RP community. You can find more about them here. sirenrp.com

RE: A fairy has arrived. - Faye - 12-21-2015

A fellow fairy, welcome to the RPC! I hope you can make it onto Balmung soon!

RE: A fairy has arrived. - Edgar - 12-21-2015

Welcome to the RPC, Cirno!

RE: A fairy has arrived. - RiniKett - 12-21-2015

Hey Fairy where are you going?.....Sorry, couldn't help it. lol

RE: A fairy has arrived. - Roe Dad - 12-21-2015

Welcome! hope you enjoy your stay!

RE: A fairy has arrived. - Mavis - 12-22-2015

Thanks for the warm welcome. In two days I'll be switching to Balmung, so I you'll be able to find me lurking or out in the world by then. Or most likely first a day after that considering it'll be christmas. 
So many beautiful classes and even more beautiful gear...oh my transmog obsessed loving heart is really going into overdrive. 
I give myself two days before I fall into altoholicism

RE: A fairy has arrived. - Silane - 12-22-2015

Boop~ Hi all I'd be the gf she's talking about ^_^ I've been at ff14 for..lord it's been over a year now its hard to believe really..she picked up the game after wanting some form of world to explore with me I never shut up about this game  so I will also be moving to Balmung with her here shortly. I'll likely end up with a name change from my old one to fit something more Lore-Friendly and to give myself a new start! It is quite lovely to meet you all and I do hope we get along well ^_^

RE: A fairy has arrived. - azahana - 12-22-2015

(12-22-2015, 04:03 PM)Silane Wrote: Boop~ Hi all I'd be the gf she's talking about ^_^ I've been at ff14 for..lord it's been over a year now its hard to believe really..she picked up the game after wanting some form of world to explore with me I never shut up about this game  so I will also be moving to Balmung with her here shortly. I'll likely end up with a name change from my old one to fit something more Lore-Friendly and to give myself a new start! It is quite lovely to meet you all and I do hope we get along well ^_^

Bah, what's the fun in that? For all we know, your character has that name because she/he chose it for herself!

Edit: But welcome to the place where we do the thing and share the stuff.

RE: A fairy has arrived. - Silane - 12-22-2015

(12-22-2015, 04:11 PM)azahana Wrote:
(12-22-2015, 04:03 PM)Silane Wrote: Boop~ Hi all I'd be the gf she's talking about ^_^ I've been at ff14 for..lord it's been over a year now its hard to believe really..she picked up the game after wanting some form of world to explore with me I never shut up about this game  so I will also be moving to Balmung with her here shortly. I'll likely end up with a name change from my old one to fit something more Lore-Friendly and to give myself a new start! It is quite lovely to meet you all and I do hope we get along well ^_^

Bah, what's the fun in that? For all we know, your character has that name because she/he chose it for herself!

Edit: But welcome to the place where we do the thing and share the stuff.
Yes, that is true, it could be in such a way. It is in latin though and while it means something to me personally due to my love of latin, I have become fond of my new name I created that more fit the lore standards. Thank you for the welcome though ^_^

RE: A fairy has arrived. - Lady Whiteraven - 12-22-2015

Salve, scholar antiquorum hic dicere iustus, "bene occurrit."

Feel free to look for me in game anytime!

RE: A fairy has arrived. - Silane - 12-22-2015

(12-22-2015, 05:43 PM)Benedict Whiteraven Wrote: Salve, scholar antiquorum hic dicere iustus, "bene occurrit."

Feel free to look for me in game anytime!
A very well met to you as well sir! I'll be attempting to get my bearings likely my first day or two on the server but I am quite excited for it!

RE: A fairy has arrived. - Cassandra - 12-23-2015

Well, welcome to you both. Hope you enjoy Balmung and the RPC. Feel free to hit me up in-game, be it for RP or just general game content. ^^

RE: A fairy has arrived. - Caspar - 12-23-2015

Welcome, you ⑨. Enjoy your stay! XD

RE: A fairy has arrived. - Accendie - 12-23-2015


Welcome to the RPC! 

Hope we can cross paths ingame sometime.