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[Balmung] Kooky Rogue looking for Rogues, Friends, FC - Printable Version

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Kooky Rogue looking for Rogues, Friends, FC - Zephyo - 08-18-2015

Greetings, and thank you for your time!

Out of character, I go by Zephyo, and I consider myself a medium level roleplayer.  I've been a roleplayer for almost 14 years now, starting young under the boughs of a certain Spiritwood years and years ago.  Since then, I've roleplayed and attempted to roleplay in every MMO I've indulged in, and tried to involve myself in forum roleplay communities covering a whole spectrum of genres and lores.  It's given me a great passion for writing and characterization, one that gnaws on me like an itch to be scratched raw.  But I think my biggest problem is that I don't get involved with the community behind the roleplay, and without OOC contact, I drift off into inactivity.

Final Fantasy 9 is one of my favorite games, and I can't deny that its protagonist, Zidane Tribal, has had influence over my character as I've tried to flesh him out through the roleplay. But for all the interesting gimmicks I can try to give him, or the characterization I pull out of him, Rynathan Elurhandir is really nothing without a community of characters to develop and grow around.

Rynathan is...kooky. Whimsical. A little immature, and can be daft socially. To those that can move past his barbing jests, he is a kind person who zealously pursues his own standards, despite what others may think of his brand of chivalrous chicanery. He values trust in others far more than the gil in his pockets, and places the trust others have in him much higher.

Awakening amidst the craigs of La Noscea with a splitting little recollection of who he was (another amnesiac, YAAAY) Ryn has found himself associated with the Rogues of Limsa Lominsa, with the Wench his chosen post.  He cares little as to finding out who he was before...whatever happened to him, and throws himself into the present with reckless abandon.

What I'm looking for IC are three major things:

1). More Rogues. For how he flaunts his own flag of the Code about (figuratively speaking...a real flag would be awkward), Rynathan has no interactions with PCs within or associated with the Rogue's Guild.  Which I feel is kinda sad and limiting, seeing as Limsa Lominsa has all these nice Cartels and Crews running about IC but no real Rogue presence to speak of. Knowing a couple of Rogues would really help his RP immensely. Adds to the legitimacy factor of hanging Coke-breakers by their ankles.

2). Friends.  Rynathan...has met people.  Inadvertently harasses a pair pf Au Ra siblings.  And in recent events, saved a guy's wife from getting enthralled by a void possessed person (full body tackles- effective, but highly impractical) and getting him out of the corner for a change.  But as for friends, he doesn't really have people that close to him yet. And that wouldn't be limited to just his time in Limsa Lominsa, but before losing his memories as well.  From his childhood, or even his days as a low-key adventurer. People that, while he doesn't remember or dwell on, might throttle his paradigm and force growth that wouldn't occur otherwise.

3). A Good-Aligned Free Company.  I'm currently in a non-RP focused FC, and it's not a horrible thing.  But while I eventually plan on playing through the game and getting to Heavensward and all the cool looking gear, I'm really enjoying my time taking it slow and just RPing, so my interests aren't really aligned with theirs. So having a group of people I can jump between IC banter and OOC chicanery would be pretty freaking cool.

Thank you for taking the time to read this far.  Quite a bit of text up there now.  Feel free to PM me if you wuld be at all interested, or leave a reply about any questions or concerns you might have.  Thank you again for your time!

RE: Kooky Rogue looking for Rogues, Friends, FC - Faye - 08-18-2015

Hello there! Harbingers of Dawn is a good-aligned, med-heavy RP FC dedicated to protecting and aiding the citizens of Eorzea. You're welcome to check us out! You can learn more about us here and apply on our website if you're interested. Also, I'd be glad to role-play sometime! I'm sure Rynathan could find a friend among one of my characters. Big Grin

RE: Kooky Rogue looking for Rogues, Friends, FC - Spethah - 08-18-2015

I swear Faye has that on copy pasta. Or she's a robot. Or both. 


Anyway suspicious finger waggling aside, if you're looking for a friend then I can throw my derplander Septhaja in your direction. Bear in mind that I have the worst sleep cycle and I appear at the most random of times, but if you do catch me please don't be shy and just give a poke!

As for looking for more rogues, I'll poke around my linkshells and see if there's anyone interested. Not everyone looks at the forums, after all.

RE: Kooky Rogue looking for Rogues, Friends, FC - A'kos Saiyal - 08-18-2015

Heya Smile A'kos is one code servin rogue guild aligned rogue himself and could also use some friends. I don't know if he could be one from before his amnesia, he's not native to Eorzea but maybe we can work something out, but like your guy he doesn't concern himself with the past to much. It's a live in the present, fight for the future kind of thing. Thumbsup

I just got into a Maelstrom aligned guild of good types tonight, so I can't exactly promote it yet, but one aspect of it I think would fit your dude as much as it did me. Hit me up sometime, in pm's or in game. The name is A'kos Saiyal. We can talk about it Smile

RE: Kooky Rogue looking for Rogues, Friends, FC - Roe Dad - 08-18-2015

I am also a rogue if you want to add me.

RE: Kooky Rogue looking for Rogues, Friends, FC - Zephyo - 08-19-2015

Thank you all for the replies!

@Faye: I think I could see Rynathan finding his way to the Harbringers at some point.  IC wise, he's only attuned to the Aetheryte in La Noscea at this point, and without an airship passage or a company-issued chocobo, he's kept to the region.  With Oschon as his Guardian, however, the itch to roam is bound to arise sooner or later, and he's far more likely to trot along to Gridania over Ul'dah.

I can see Rynathan interacting well with X'unme, seeing as they're both good-aligned and he'd probably find fun in badgering the lass.  And Seeing as they're both Chaotic, I think Ryn could eventually get to the point of trying to get Shadiyah to be less moody...though he'd instantly feel her creepy Void presence in the room and, well, he's got two strikes against him already.  I think an encounter between the two would enlighten Ryn to odd paradigms within his own constitution that might make him reconsider not caring what brought him to La Noscea.

Lady Covington and Ryn would probably not get along well for awhile.  While Rynathan follows his own way, he'd probably clash over their means to the desired end. And I'm pretty sure he and Aelius might end up as nemeses, especially if he takes a job that crosses the Code.  Of course, I'm just drawing conclusions on the characters based on Alignment; the RP is its own beast.  Given our timezone difference, maybe we could set something up for the weekend. Not sure how late you run in the week.

@Septia- Yeah, out Time zones make it pretty hard to align well.  But I am not opposed!  Perhaps we could set up a forum RP and work together on giving the characters some prior interaction?  That way when we cross stars and meet in the RP, we can jump right into the RP goodness. Or the inevitable death duel on a lava field with aether-edges alight and fury coursing through our character's veins where one of them becomes a robot and the other a hermit =P

@A'kos, Okhi- Definitely up for RPing with you guys.  Maybe we could arrange a meet-up between the three of us and expand their Rogue network?

RE: Kooky Rogue looking for Rogues, Friends, FC - Conor - 08-19-2015

Zephyo, I sent you a PM.

RE: Kooky Rogue looking for Rogues, Friends, FC - rottenvanilla - 08-25-2015

Hi! I have a character who I've been looking to rp on more who is associated with the rogues guild. Va'tan is an ex rogue but spends a lot of time in limsa,keeping tabs on the guild. He would have left limsa to work for the adder about 5 years prior to current time.