Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] List of FCs Looking for Contracts - Printable Version

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List of FCs Looking for Contracts - Alothia - 05-04-2015

So, I know that at the Summit, we talked about our Free Companies needing contracts. I figure this would be a nice place to just put all of our information.

Free Company Name:
Contact Person(s):
FC Location:
Types of contracts accepted:
Time Zone/Play Times:

You can use the above code to create your post, and this thread will just be a running post of this information. I ask that you please don't make off topic posts in this thread, and strictly keep it to your company listing. Thanks!

RE: List of FCs Looking for Contracts - Alothia - 05-04-2015

Free Company Name: Jutat De
Contact Person(s): Alothia Starkwood, Lily Dawnsworn, Tayn Zolin
FC Location: Plot 4, Ward 2 Goblet
Types of contracts accepted: We specialize in finding things. Tangible, intangible. People, memories, objects, confidence, etc.
Time Zone/Play Times: Most of us are in EST, but we usually are on from about 7pm EST onward. Some of our members play into early morning times.

RE: List of FCs Looking for Contracts - Rosamund - 05-04-2015

Free Company Name: Jackal & Hide
Contact Person(s): J'kilid Tia, J'inarah Marad
FC Location: Plot 55, Ward 8, Mists
Types of contracts accepted: Sunny Seas Salvage buys and sells, so if you're looking for something specific, or want to offload items, we're at your service. We also have experienced bar staff, thanks to our Sunny Seaside Bar. On the more action-orientated side of things, we do escorts, guarding and other standard mercenary work, along with espionage, smuggling and outright theft (although the latter won't be admitted in polite company!).
Time Zone/Play Times: GMT, with most of us about in the late afternoon/evenings.

RE: List of FCs Looking for Contracts - Tikka Swift - 05-05-2015

Free Company Name: Radical Dreamers

Contact Person: Gen Quickpaw (Leader), Tikka Swift (RP Officer)

FC Location: Ward 6, Plot 12 (Goblet)

Contracts accepted: Combat oriented (escort/security/patrol/assault/etc), special acquisitions/covert operations, research and development, crafting (We offer a wide variety of services -- feel free to inquire., investigation.

Time zone/play times: Primary EST, but we have at least one overseas player and a couple west coasters.

RE: List of FCs Looking for Contracts - Maril - 05-05-2015

Free Company Name: The Kindred
Contact Person(s): Nailah Quill, Rythiel Rothmoore, Vrimala Verrik, Audhilde Goldspear.
FC Location: Goblet, Ward 4, Plot 11.
Types of contracts accepted:
Escorting of goods and people, finding missing people, security for events - bars - and more, retrieval of lost objects, discrete revenge missions, retrieval of criminals, personal bodyguards, practical help at events. House and rooms can be rented out for events, gatherings, meetings - We can supply drinks/food for such as well.
Time Zone/Play Times: BST 7Pm-1 or 2 AM ish. Weekends = Longer play times.

RE: List of FCs Looking for Contracts - C'kayah Polaali - 05-05-2015

Free Company Name: Tylwyth Narah
Contact Person(s): Aeron Volkova, Alexander Mason, C'kayah Polaali, L'kenthi Rarahn, L'lani Tyata, Xheja Rajhera
FC Location: Thanalan (We typically meet with people ICly at places other than our HQ)
Types of contracts accepted: Information acquisition, trade in contraband, smuggling, theft, etc.
Time Zone/Play Times: Mostly US, though we have a few Europeans as well.

RE: List of FCs Looking for Contracts - Faye - 05-05-2015

Free Company Name: Harbingers of Dawn
Contact Person(s): Faye Covington, Zularti Vensar, Val Nunh, or any other company officer.
FC Location: Lavender Beds, Ward 5, Plot 58
Types of contracts accepted: Anything good or neutral aligned.

Crafting Branch - Crafting items (IC and OOC both if provided with mats), repairing items, construction work, providing food and drink or kitchen staff for events, and selling or trading goods. Contact Raisan Arcmantle.
Martial Branch - Escorts, bodyguards, bouncers, security, bounty hunting, apprehending criminals, and killing beasts. Contact Lan Darklyn.
Support Branch - Medicinal healing, aetherical healing, field medics, alchemical remedies, counseling services, and housekeeping. Contact Mimiru Miru.
Strategy Branch - Research, information brokering, investigation, interrogations, and espionage. Contact Alyeis Daimeiris.

Misc. Searching for and retrieving missing persons/objects. Bar tenders/servers/event staff. Our basement can be used for events.

Time Zone/Play Times: Primarily evenings EST, but can be available almost anytime.

RE: List of FCs Looking for Contracts - FreelanceWizard - 05-06-2015

Free Company Name: Mysterium, the Ivory Tower
Contact Person(s): Eamont Desormaux, L'yhta Mahre, Seth Honeybrew
FC Location: Mist Ward 5, Plot 24
Types of contracts accepted: Aetheric research, development, and investigation. Whether it's a mysterious curse, an artifact of a civilization long passed, or a new spell you need, one of the Wizards can probably figure it out. The Tower also offers some magical healing and alchemy services, but it's not our primary focus.
Time Zone/Play Times: Evenings US Central Time (UTC-6).

RE: List of FCs Looking for Contracts - Knight Kat - 05-06-2015

Free Company Name: Shroudwolf Clan

Contact Person(s):Kiht Jakkya, Khloe Lyehga

FC Location: Lavender Beds, ward 8, plot 10

Types of contracts accepted:Scouting, forest guidance and education, search and rescue, escort, hunting contracts, trade, odd-jobs, wilderness guard jobs.

Note: The jobs listed above are -not- limited to the Black Shroud unless specified.

Time Zone/Play Times: PST, 4pm to 11pm (typically). Appointments can be set for other times.