Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] Thaumaturgical Thespian Seeking Stupendously Strange Things (And more!) - Printable Version

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Thaumaturgical Thespian Seeking Stupendously Strange Things (And more!) - Arelian - 03-11-2015

Alliteration grabs the eye, right? Of course it does! So, hello dear reader. I'm glad you clicked on my thread. Flattered, really. I assure you. Blushing over here.

Some of you may know me from my previous character, Sylas Peregrine. Well, he's been put out to the farm for the most part (That is, retired). Lately I've been playing another character of mine, one Nigel Beaulieu.

Creating connections is always an absolutely enthralling experience (hahahahaaaaaaaa...), and I'm getting absolutely tired of sitting around the Quicksand and watching people constantly.

So! This is where I come to you, RPC. For you are, as they say, my only hope. I'm looking for connections for this overwrought, dramatic and "occasionally" darkly-humored Duskwight of mine. The type of connection? I don't particularly care! We can hash things out however we want if that's the direction we wanna take it, but as it stands I just wanna toss him at some people and see what happens.

But hey, since I'm making the thread I should include some potential hooks, right?
  • You're in desperate need of a character that can tell a story or perform.
  • Nigel's always seeking ways to further his knowledge of both the Void and Thaumaturgy as a whole.
  • You've got a character that could be considered an inventor and/or tinkerer.
  • Your character is interested in people that experiment with combining magic and technology.
  • The character in question is a storyteller or performer themselves and would like to meet a kindred spirit.
  • You just want someone obnoxious in your character's life.
  • Blackmail! Some way or another, your character has knowledge of the black market trades Nigel's been up to. He doesn't want that information getting out!
  • For some ungodly reason you decide your character needs a mentor in the arts thaumaturgical and Nigel is who you want to stick them with!
  • Who doesn't love the occult. I mean, really. We can do something cult-y. Maybe.
I've got a wiki and his tumblr linked in my signature if you find yourself curious about this terrible creature. While he's not likely to get along with a huge handful of people, I think that's half the fun.

Shoot me a PM! Grab me ingame! I'm friendly, I swear.

RE: Thaumaturgical Thespian Seeking Stupendously Strange Things (And more!) - Volk - 03-11-2015

Sheesh Sylas, I've been in Coral for a minute now and I am ashamed to admit that we haven't really had a chance to RP! Ameline is a self-appointed performer and incorrigibly curious individual. This could be interesting. Let's link up next time we see one another in the FC! This Nigel character seems neat!

RE: Thaumaturgical Thespian Seeking Stupendously Strange Things (And more!) - Kurt S. - 03-11-2015

Tinkerer you say? What say we set some time aside for Kurt and Nigel to talk tech yeah? Granted all I have in my head are theories, concepts, and possible applications and the like.

RE: Thaumaturgical Thespian Seeking Stupendously Strange Things (And more!) - Arelian - 03-12-2015

Edited to add a few more hooks!

Also! Ameline! I'll be sure to snag you next time I see you. Ice Cream, uh... Sandwich! I'm definitely down for some back-and-forth if nothing else. Definitely feel free to snag me if I don't get either of you first!

RE: Thaumaturgical Thespian Seeking Stupendously Strange Things (And more!) - Jaliqai - 03-12-2015

Well hi there, frand!

I hear you like Voidy woidy things. I might know of a certain miqo'te that can supply them. Ideas. I have them.

Also, why have we still not ever RP'd? Pls to be fixing this. Hit me up, buttercup!

RE: Thaumaturgical Thespian Seeking Stupendously Strange Things (And more!) - Dogberry - 03-13-2015

Iskierka happens to be very into thaumaturgy and the void! She also happens to tell fortunes at Soliloquy Theater! They could easily cross paths!

RE: Thaumaturgical Thespian Seeking Stupendously Strange Things (And more!) - Faye - 03-16-2015

Hey there! I have a character who's Voidtouched if Nigel ever needs some firsthand knowledge of the Void!