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Cliche RP Elements - Printable Version

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Re: Cliche RP Elements - Goliam - 07-20-2010

*clicks link*


Yep. Getting nothing done today.

..but yeah nothing gets me twitchier than someone referencing another world or worse off lifting things from it.

or 'noun-verb' names.

..off to go spend 45 minutes (or more) troping.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Tyriont - 07-20-2010

Yup, there's a reason their tagline is "TVTropes will ruin your life" :p

Re: Cliche RP Elements - ArmachiA - 07-20-2010

Ah TVtropes, it's as bad as Encyclopedia Dramatica for me... once I go there, I NEVER LEAVE.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Goliam - 07-20-2010

Except TVtroping at work doesn't generally lead to PROMOTIONS.

*kicks train back on the rails*

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Dreamer - 07-20-2010

Monadi Wrote:There are only a couple of things that really drive me crazy: characters that are only there to flirt/ERP with others, Mary Sues, and blatant cross-references to other universes.

I'm so glad I found someone else that feels like this besides me. Constant ERP drives me nuts.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Faust - 07-20-2010

Eva Wrote:
Faust Wrote:I think a good rule of thumb here, made succinct for those who wouldn't want to read the entire thread, would be, "Don't be a copycat."
Since I don't get to be the OP very often on these boards, I've decided to take the liberty to edit my original post to reflect these four words of sagelike wisdom for anyone who doesn't want to bother with the 9 pages of textwalls that ensue.


Huzzah! I'm on my way to internet fame! This time, I can feel it!

Re: Cliche RP Elements - ArmachiA - 07-20-2010

Dreamer Wrote:
Monadi Wrote:There are only a couple of things that really drive me crazy: characters that are only there to flirt/ERP with others, Mary Sues, and blatant cross-references to other universes.

I'm so glad I found someone else that feels like this besides me. Constant ERP drives me nuts.

I think most "real" RPers feel this way. Of course, romance is fun, but it's not the end all be all of storylines. I have had plenty of people walk my guilds halls who were only there for romance RP, EVERY single one of them were giant attention whores.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Dreamer - 07-20-2010

ArmachiA Wrote:
Dreamer Wrote:
Monadi Wrote:There are only a couple of things that really drive me crazy: characters that are only there to flirt/ERP with others, Mary Sues, and blatant cross-references to other universes.

I'm so glad I found someone else that feels like this besides me. Constant ERP drives me nuts.

I think most "real" RPers feel this way. Of course, romance is fun, but it's not the end all be all of storylines. I have had plenty of people walk my guilds halls who were only there for romance RP, EVERY single one of them were giant attention whores.

Aion's server Lumiel had a horde of people who just wanted to ERP 24/7. Got old real fast. I even blocked some players for it.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - ArmachiA - 07-20-2010

We had one in our guild in Aion, who pretty much flat out stated she was only there for the romance RP. There was a lot of drama that insued (Having to do with ERP no less, surprise surprise) and needless to say she didn't last long. You would know her if I told you her name, she has quite the reputation.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Kashemia - 07-20-2010

One thing that drives me crazy is characters who show a great deal of interest in you, and as soon as they discover you're not interesting in roleplaying relationship with them, they lose interest. It doesn't have to be ERP, some people are just only interested as long as the possibility for some relationship melodrama is there.

Another thing is people being overzealous about ERP, hehe. While I completely agree that it's annoying when people do it in public, or don't care about anything else than ERP, I've seen rp guilds starting "hunts" for ERP'ers, going to all the private and remote areas and publicly call out anyone talking privately there, mocking them, interrupting them, etc. To me, if they've gone out of the way to find a private spot AND are talking in /tell or /group, I don't give a damn, and I find it stupid to call them out on it. Then you're just being a douche.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - ArmachiA - 07-20-2010

I don't care people do in their own time, but don't bring it to the guild. Which is what she did. >.>

Witch hunts are stupid, I roleplay with me + guy all the time, they probably assume I'm ERPing, when we're actually just yelling at each other XD

What you said, about interesting characters, is exactly why I liked RPing with Ormea Wing on Aion, they had interesting characters that were fun to rp with and there was no one on the prowl for Romance RP. If it happened naturally, that was fine, but they didn't act like it was a necessity, it was refreshing.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Aveline - 07-20-2010

Confession: I didn't even know there was such a term as "ERP" until I started frequenting these forums >_>

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Kashemia - 07-20-2010

Hehe Tongue Ormea Wing was fun, yeah. It's a shame that I never really got to develop Shadiya more, she could have been fun. But it was at a time where I couldn't really be on for the events very often.

And now I'm curious about who it was Tongue But... I think I maybe can sort of guess.
There WAS a lot of melodrama on Lumiel from time to time, lots of dramatic people <.<

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Dreamer - 07-20-2010

ArmachiA Wrote:We had one in our guild in Aion, who pretty much flat out stated she was only there for the romance RP. There was a lot of drama that insued (Having to do with ERP no less, surprise surprise) and needless to say she didn't last long. You would know her if I told you her name, she has quite the reputation.

I think I know exactly who you are talking about, because I'm pretty sure she joined the legion I was in right before I left. Another problem I found is that there were people who had a problem seperating real life from RP. They would have ERP and then act as if there was a real relationship happening, which I'm not saying people shouldn't have real relationships online, but you shouldn't expect one either.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Gavriel - 07-20-2010

Kashemia Wrote:being a douche.

And who said you're not grasping American slang? Tongue

There were a few female players who I RP with in my EQII guild that used to complain to me about their crappy martial situations at home. I ended up listening to /tell after /tell about their husbands going off and cheating on them and how sexually frustrated they were. This often ended up leading to awkward situations where they kept telling me how attractive my character was (I must say, he was quite handsome with his full body tattoos). After refusing to ERP with them several times, they eventually lost interest.

To this day I'm positive that woman were just really attracted to my avatar, LOL! I have never had a problem with being sexually harassed by lonely women since I moved on from EQ2..... Or maybe sexually frustrated women tend to play EQ2? Can anyone vouch for that? Tongue