Hydaelyn Role-Players
The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Printable Version

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RE: The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Naunet - 03-06-2015

Aether humming in his veins, Thal pumped his legs, launching himself through the wall of fumes without hesitation or reaction. He followed after K'ile, but jumped for a part of the dias some fulms to the side of K'ile rather than for the Tia himself. As he came down, he swung the black barb out like a bat towards the Tia.

RE: The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Twinflame - 03-06-2015

Thal's weapon slammed against K'ile's spear, throwing sparks and heat into the air. The Tia winced at it, but forced himself to ignore his aching head and ears, the igneous stink of the caves already almost overpowering his senses. He focused on the visual, the undead man directly in front of him. K'ile struck the dais with the tip of his spear and it grew hot beneath them, the igneous stone softening and glowing as it began to melt. Small flames lit upon K'ile's boots, but the heat did not hurt his skin. He lifted the point of his spear and jammed it at Thal's midsection.

RE: The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Naunet - 03-06-2015

The bottoms of his feet tingled, but Thal ignored the sensation. Steam and smoke and sulfuric fume made it difficult to see, but he caught K'ile's movement disturbing the clouds and jerked to one side. He swung his weapon again, this time towards the side opposite where K'ile held his weapon, aiming with the legth of the barb for the Tia's exposed ribs.

RE: The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Twinflame - 03-06-2015

The dark metal spike hit K'ile's white armor with a stinging click, and the Tia freed one hand from his spear to knock the spike away. When his hand made contact with the metal of Thal's weapon, that metal lit up with sudden heat. He hadn't even thought about it; it had just happened. They stood on a platform glowing hot with heat, the red light refracted through the igneous fumes, each holding a red-hot weapon. K'ile's feet sank deeper into the melting dais and the soles of his boots began to burn away, so that he could feel the hot melting stone against the bottom of his feet. There was no pain. He smiled and stepped back to his grip on his spear once more.

RE: The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Naunet - 03-07-2015

Anger and lingering aether fueling his strength, Thal grimaced behind the mask as he gripped his weapon now in both hands, across his chest, and dove forward. He collided with the Tia, knocking K'ile spear point to one side and driving his own red-hot weapon lengthwise against K'ile's chest. He wouldn't let up the pressure once he connected, seeking to drive the Tia off the dias.

RE: The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Twinflame - 03-07-2015

K'ile made sure to fall down instead of backwards. It was easier with the thick, softening stone beginning to grip his feet. She slammed down in it, and though it gave way, his head hurt and his senses reeled. He tired to follow through with his thought and kick Thal off of him, using the much larger man's momentum against him. The dais was drooping beneath them, spreading out gradually across the lower floor.

RE: The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Naunet - 03-07-2015

The orientation of K'ile, the dais, and the billowing smoke suddenly flipped and spun around him. He twisted, tail whipping out behind him, and stumbled mostly upright down the soft, crumbling dais. Blue eyes looked to his feet for just a moment before widening, and he leapt further away from the collapsing stone. Staggering to a halt back on the ground, he dropped to a crouch and glared towards K'ile.

RE: The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Twinflame - 03-07-2015

Shan'Gai Chah rose in the fumes and the red heat, the molten dais swelling out beneath him the same as ichor might from a puncture wound, bubbling and pungent. His ears twitched flat against his head and his eyes glared narrow, the red-glowing spear off to his right. "Where did you leave D'aijeen? Once I'm done with you and Baoht, I'll send some Amal'jaa after her, too."

RE: The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Naunet - 03-07-2015

A growl echoed in his tattered chest. The palms of his hands and feet felt numb, but that wasn't something he had time to think about now. Resecuring his grip on the dark barb, he crouched lower, shifting away from the sluggish flow of molten rock. He didn't like being forced into defense; his instincts told him getting the first - and last - hit in would be his only hope of beating K'ile Tia again, in this state. But for now, unless he wanted to risk melting his legs off, he had to hold back. He glared towards K'ile and didn't respond.

RE: The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Twinflame - 03-07-2015

K'ile walked to the edge of the dais, the stone glowing hot and bending beneath his feet. Stepping down, he stabbed the ground with his spear, and it flashed, suddenly hot. The swath of the room Thal roiled and spat fumes, flicking hot. K'ile pushed himself forward with his spear so that he was charging Thal in a flash, pulling the glowing point of metal from the ground and lifting the opposite end towards Thal. If he could just impale the man, he could burn him away, and there would be nothing left to animate.

RE: The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Naunet - 03-07-2015

The mask covering his face faced the onslaught stoically, though Thal's posture buckled down, vibrating with tension. He ignored the heat, instead waiting for K'ile to come close. Then he jerked his own weapon up, and both spears clashed against one another, throwing sparks between them as he sought to deflect the blow. He followed through with the motion, twisting the dark barb hard to knock it solidly into K'ile's chest.

RE: The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Twinflame - 03-07-2015

Just barely managing to twist so that he did not take the brunt of the hit from the spike, K'ile watched the point of his spear stab the air beside Thal. The point of the dark spike on his chest caught the crevices of his armor, snapping a buckle and yanking him hard to one side. He ignored it for the moment, switching his grip on his own red-glowing weapon and swinging it around, trying to slice into Thal's body with its sharp-edged tip.

RE: The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Naunet - 03-07-2015

Thal barely felt the blade of K'ile's weapon cut into his side, no pain from it just a pressure that sunk inward. Brushing the sensation aside with an animalistic growl, he pushed and twisted, catching his own weapon further on the Tia's armor and then jerking to one side and slamming down hard. The action, if successful, would pull the Tia off his feet and bring him down to the ground as though he'd been hooked.

RE: The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Twinflame - 03-07-2015

K'ile had prepared to be bludgeoned or stabbed, but he wasn't ready to be hooked and thrown. The much larger man was able to move K'ile easily, hauling him sideways and throwing him down. The added weight of his armor didn't help him any. All it did was make K'ile fall harder, and this time there was no half-molten stone to cushion his fall. As his already-wounded head smacked down and flared in numb thunder, K'ile twisted the spear that had successfully wounded the undead man, trying to nick a rib and immolate it like a dried Sagolii stick.

RE: The Scorpion of Shan'Gai Chah [closed] - Naunet - 03-07-2015

Thal released his weapon with one hand. He felt K'ile's own spear jamming into his side and a numbness spreading from it, but without pain it was easy to ignore; what was one more hole after all of this anyway? Instead of shoving at the blade slicing into him, he dropped his weight down upon K'ile, pinning him with both his body and the black metal barb, and then swung his free arm around to knock the Tia upside the head.