Hydaelyn Role-Players
Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Printable Version

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RE: Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Roswyn - 10-08-2014

This thread makes me think of Yoda.

Yoda was a badass Jedi and was way stronger than most Jedi/Sith. He was smaller but it really had no effect on him and he'd still whoop their butts.

It could be said that it's because he used Form 4 of Jedi combat (lolnerd) but I like to think it has more to do with an individuals inner fortitude and how it was focused. That's how I tend to look at it in FF too. Cactuar

RE: Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Enteris - 10-08-2014

(10-08-2014, 01:07 PM)Kage Wrote:
(10-08-2014, 01:04 PM)Enteris Wrote: Since shantoto came to Eorzea as represented in game, I'm going to go ahead and bring my Galka over as well.

Since my "main" has gotten to lvl50 on every fighting class in game and is binding coil ready on each, as represented in game, I'm going to go ahead and roleplay him as being a near master of each of those arts.
Thank you for your facetious comment but I'll respond in kind.
Is your Galka an extremely powerful mage? Is everyone going to react unkindly to the Galka trapezing through the world?

Is your "main" a warrior of light that is the special chosen one?

I admit to that post being in bad taste, but I will continue along with that line of reasoning for the grins and giggles of it.

My galka was actually well geared and leveled as a blm and smn prior to my quitting FFXI, so it's not out of the realm of possibility. Perhaps he just followed Shantoto through her portal(s).

As to my main, he is represented in game through all of the quests I've taken him through to be as such, so yes, I suppose he is.

Bad taste aside, the idea still stands. As roleplayers we need to take some things in game (Hildebrand et. al.) with a grain of salt to be able to have a solid base to stand on for our roleplay. 

As was mentioned before, this game does indeed have influences from anime/comical sources... and it's up to us to realize that those are indeed comical sources, and not canonical lore.

RE: Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Gaspard - 10-08-2014

What makes that scene with those specific lalafells a comedic punchline? It is a display of immense strength, yes. But from the music playing in the background, to the dialogue, up to the execution, nothing is quite in the same vein as the 'Hildebrandt' questline.

Moreso, let's just for the sake of argument go with the notion that the strength of these Lalafells does not automatically lead to the conclusion that all lalafells as a race must, by default, be able to do this. You still have proof that it is possible for a Lalafell infact to gain this strength as a fighter/warrior, bare-handed. Considering you wont face NPC's or commoners in RP fights, it'll be up to each player themselves to deduct the level of strength his particular Lalafell has. But he has Lore grounds to support it through that example.

Also, Adventurer raises another good example of a Lalafells capability for brute strength being displayed. Even if we agree on the fact that not all Lalafells by default have the inherent strength of a Roegadyn, you have to admit at this point that it's very possible for a Lalafell to achieve said strength.

Which in general makes me wonder for the actual reason for this..debate, I mean, it wont urge people to play their lalafells differently.

RE: Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Sounsyy - 10-08-2014

[Image: tumblr_mjv2fauNFi1re3s4so1_500.gif]

I got nothin' lorewise, sorry.

What we do have is (as Verad posted) racial stats giving Lalafell the lowest strength. However as the Player Character levels up and get better and better gear, these stats level out. What if for NPCs they didn't? Let's suppose for a moment that all NPCs are restricted to those racial starter stats, and the difference in 6 STR between a Dunesfolk and a Highlander is immense in the NPC world. Sure, we the Player Character see 6 STR as /meh but remember the Player Character is Hydaelyn's special-chosen-can-master-all-ancient-jobs-in-one-week-echo-wielding-Ultima-Weapon-slaying-can-lift-the-dead-bodies-of-four-dead-Scions-at-a-time GODSDAMNED HERO. Go to any FATE where it's NPC vs Mob and you will see them NPCs struggle hard. So maybe that 6 STR is not as negligible as you think.

In the NPC world, Highlanders are stronger than Lalafell.

The examples brought forth of Papashan, Popokkuli and Seserukka, and the many armed Lalafell in our nations' militaries are extraneous examples of physically fit, battle trained, Lalafellin soldiers. Okay, Popokkuli and Seserukka aren't fighters per say, but they're miners, which arguably requires more strength and endurance. Would Cocobusi be able to drag those 1.0 hyur miners out by their legs and toss them 6 fulms across the floor. I doubt it highly. Should the Miners twins have been able to? Maybe.

Even people of lesser stature can produce feats of incredible strength for their size. Would they compare to the Roegadyn with equal training, probably not, but as Kage said, the fact that they are a common race for most of the city-states military suggests that (even though they may not be able to perform AS well as their larger counterparts) they can at least reach the bare minimum requirement of physical fitness.

Should a Lalafell be able to take down a Roegadyn by punching it in the shins? IDK, but I've seen grown men cry after stepping on a lego... I imagine getting One-Ilm Punched in the shin by a Lalafell wearing metal cesti wouldn't feel too sweet either.

Anyways, there's no lore that accounts for Lalafells' feats of strength, that I know of. So carry on with the back n' forth.

[Image: leaving-now-grandpa-simpsons.gif]

RE: Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Aya - 10-08-2014

(10-08-2014, 01:28 PM)Sounsyy Wrote: Would they compare to the Roegadyn with equal training, probably not, but as Kage said, the fact that they are a common race for most of the city-states military suggests that (even though they may not be able to perform AS well as their larger counterparts) they can at least reach the bare minimum requirement of physical fitness.

Should a Lalafell be able to take down a Roegadyn by punching it in the shins? IDK, but I've seen grown men cry after stepping on a lego... I imagine getting One-Ilm Punched in the shin by a Lalafell wearing metal cesti wouldn't feel too sweet either.
These couple of sentences are terrific ^_^

RE: Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Melkire - 10-08-2014

I like how absolutely no one in this thread remembers the names of Chuchuto and Rurukuta, the Lalafells of Ul'dah's pugilist guild.

GG, PGLs and MNKs of RPC. GG.

My own input: the difference between a Lalafell's strength and a Highlander's is not negligible, but it isn't insurmountable, either, as Chuchuto and Rurukuta perform remarkably well against Midlanders and Highlanders. 

RE: Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Roswyn - 10-08-2014

Honestly, at the end of the day as far as actual RP goes I think the "don't be a dick" rule comes into play here.

Are you really going to tell your friend playing a Lalafel he "can't" do something because of his size? Is it really worth it?

Answer is no imo.

RE: Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Verad - 10-08-2014

(10-08-2014, 01:39 PM)Melkire Wrote: I like how absolutely no one in this thread remembers the names of Chuchuto and Rurukuta, the Lalafells of Ul'dah's pugilist guild.

GG, PGLs and MNKs of RPC. GG.

My own input: the difference between a Lalafell's strength and a Highlander's is not negligible, but it isn't insurmountable, either, as Chuchuto and Rurukuta perform remarkably well against Midlanders and Highlanders. 

I think they were glossed over as being "in training" at some point.

RE: Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Kinono - 10-08-2014

Lalafell can also jump 7 feet straight-up into the air with no build-up.

I think this entire thread is made up of jealous people!

You're all jealous!

RE: Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Warren Castille - 10-08-2014

Show Content

I warned you.

RE: Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Whittledown - 10-08-2014

I just assume that lalafell have a different sort of muscle density than other races. Like the difference between a chimp and a human.

A 150lb chimp is about 4x stronger than a 150lb human.

So scale that down to get 37.5lb lalafell to be equally as strong as a 150lb midlander hyur.

Or some such nonsense.

RE: Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Berrod Armstrong - 10-08-2014

(10-08-2014, 01:39 PM)Melkire Wrote: I like how absolutely no one in this thread remembers the names of Chuchuto and Rurukuta, the Lalafells of Ul'dah's pugilist guild.

GG, PGLs and MNKs of RPC. GG.
dude i forgot the entire PGL questline after Widargelt came on screen

RE: Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Adventurer - 10-08-2014

(10-08-2014, 01:08 PM)Adventurer Wrote: If you're quick to disregard the twin Lalafell Miners, I'll bring up Chuchuto and her friend from the Pugilist storyline. Several times Chuchuto fights alone and/or alongside others but holds her own against Midlanders and Highlanders. She even defeats quite a few, these being from the Alacran, a criminal organisation that are trained to kill.

She doesn't use claws, either. Just cesti. There would need to be some strength behind those punches for those to have a decent enough effect where she holds her own.
Melkire Wrote: Wrote:I like how absolutely no one in this thread remembers the names of Chuchuto and Rurukuta, the Lalafells of Ul'dah's pugilist guild. 

GG, PGLs and MNKs of RPC. GG.

I remembered one of them, at least. Sad

Rurukuta's a meanie pie for most of the quest, anyway!

RE: Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Kinono - 10-08-2014

I'll say this, both to my defense in detriment:

no response I make in this thread or on this subject is going to be 100% rational and without emotional attachment.

As a primarily Lalafell roleplayer, who's been at this since launch... I get really, really, really tired of not being taken seriously. As a player, but more importantly as a character. I've had people regularly comments on me being the "comedy-relief" race, regular derogatory comments made on my character's ability to do physically anything by herself, assumptions that I'm not being age-appropriate by doing anything a grown adult would regularly and reasonably do, and one very random and uncalled-for comment on me being smelly and dirty and having gross midget feet.

I'll totally agree that a lalapunch and a roepunch, after equal training and with equal equipment are not going to be the same. But if anybody tells me or any other character they can't win a little brawl for no better reason than "lol lala," then that person's credibility is going to go way, way, way down in my book.

RE: Lalafell, strength and you! Light up the Sounsyy Signal. - Kage - 10-08-2014

I'm at work so I can't spend as much time as I'd like to fumbling around with the quotes and spoilers. Thank you Warren for establishing that! :3

As a lalafell player I'd like to believe that I've never had Kage attempt to just bare bones bench press and throw a Roegadyn clear across the room with no effort at all. But one of your comments makes me think someone did?

If I had Kage facing Warren at the GS. A) As warren doesn't fight with armor or weapons, Kage would probably actually do the same thing, ie fight with his bare fists. To him, it's only fair.

If I were to throw a lalafell at say the fight club, some things I have in mind. Lalafell, if they are fighters, are going to have the fortitude to take hits. Ones that have a high chance of counters but if they hit are knockouts? No, but they might be able to dodge and counter it easily. He might be using the opponent's own joints against him to force the win. Or outlast him long enough to wear him out and get in a good blow.

Re: LalaPunch Hyur: No it won't hurt as much as Roe's or another Hyur's but it's not something that you're going to be able to laugh off and go "lol try that again! did you even try the first time?"