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Cliche RP Elements - Printable Version

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Re: Cliche RP Elements - Seraphine Felstar - 07-09-2010

Oh the horrible lore breaking and cliches I did when I first started RP-ing! In fact, unintentionally my character was a lot like Dyterium's (Eva). Thankfully we knew each other well enough that he understood I wasn't copying him and it was just a misunderstanding (perhaps coincidence is a better word). However, that only lasted about a month because I really paid attention to what others were doing and what was acceptable. Some stuff about my character was too late to change so I just downplayed it till it became forgotten.

I remember one guy made a total fool out of himself in Crystalline and wanted to "reset" his character. He was asking us all to forget we had ever met him. However, a lot of people had a problem with that so the guy just quit. Honestly I don't understand why he didn't just change his attitude and wait till people had forgotten all about what happened. After all, first impressions are often completely wrong.

I guess my point is if someone really wants to fit in with a group they'll find a way to be original and still abide by the rules. Also we all made mistakes when we were first roleplaying so I'm not going to be the one to cast the proverbial first stone at a new RP'er. Being a good role model is the best thing veteran RP'ers can do.

It's when the problem consistently hurts other people's storylines that it becomes an issue.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Eva - 07-09-2010

Who the heck is this Dyterium guy, anyway?? Laugh

Oh, and it wasn't really that bad. I'm still trying to remember who asked everyone to forget... I guess maybe I took his advice after all...

I actually took the Mary-Sue litmus test mentioned in the other thread for both Eva and Dyterium. Early Dy didn't do so hot, but after I factored in some of what happened, it lowered his score a bit. Ultimately I'm glad I decided to leave the Zilart thing as sort of an uncertainty, and ultimately just a silly story he was told.

Eva, on the other hand, scored a -2... so maybe she's just a little too plain... Ionno... Undecided

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Wren - 07-10-2010

Yay for forum-reading when bored... Just decided to share/brag/whatever else it's taken as... I noticed a few mentions along the way of the short-term pregnancy theme... I've seen that done in Aion before (won't share names), where a character discovers she's pregnant one day, and is breastfeeding her teething toddler the next. This gives me cause for both a confession and the aforementioned bragging.

Confession: Those horrible instant pregnancies probably came from me.

Bragging Rights: ^That's because my character was the first openly RP'd pregnant girl on the Elyos side of my server. A few weeks after the news, another RPer suddenly became pregnant... and then a third a week or so after her. (There may have been others, who didn't share their status, before me). Mine, however, my main no less *curses many many days kept indoors for safety reasons* did NOT give in to the urge to have her baby the next day. She discovered her pregnancy in December. Her baby is due around the end of this month.

So, just for the sake of saying it, not -all- pregnancy RPers are terrible and claim to be instant babymakers, just add water. ^_^;; My friends think I'm insane for being dedicated enough to not give in to all that, too. I doubt they're wrong.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Faust - 07-11-2010

If I were going to RP a pregnancy (as a male I never would), I would have just done it by the Vanadiel/Eorzea calendar. Nine months is, what... eleven days real time?

Re: Cliche RP Elements - DAISHI - 07-11-2010

Faust Wrote:If I were going to RP a pregnancy (as a male I never would), I would have just done it by the Vanadiel/Eorzea calendar. Nine months is, what... eleven days real time?

I think this is a guild issue. By that basis a day passed per hour... and we'd all have been old people by the time FFXI ran its course.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Aveline - 07-11-2010

Faust Wrote:If I were going to RP a pregnancy (as a male I never would), I would have just done it by the Vanadiel/Eorzea calendar. Nine months is, what... eleven days real time?

I think this is a guild issue. By that basis a day passed per hour... and we'd all have been old people by the time FFXI ran its course.

Yeah to keep my sanity, I always just imagined Vana'diel as a smaller planet with the same length of orbit as the Earth. That would give faster days but the same year span, which would explain things like days lasting only an hour and yet seasonal festivals that occurred once a year Earth-time. Alternatively, in some cases we collectively decided on a time-zone as a group so that if it was night-time in that time-zone, it was night-time in game, etc. The in-game years I completely ignored. :3

Like Daishi said, every guild will probably come to a different decision for measuring lengths of time. Big Grin

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Faust - 07-11-2010

I'm not actually aware of a lot of references to age in XI though (Prishe?). Obviously most of our characters are well over a hundred years old in XI, but I wouldn't assume that they age the same as humans either, so in the end it doesn't really matter. Course my memory could be deficient here.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Aveline - 07-11-2010

Well, for those I RP'ed with in FFXI it came up mostly when talking about something that had happened in the past. Like for instance, if something happened 3 months ago IRL, would you act in-game as if it had taken place 3 months ago, or would you say 'hey remember a few years back when.."

Likewise when referring to how long you've known someone. If you met another character 8 months ago IRL would you say "I've known _____ a little under a year." Or would you say "I've known _______ practically forever! We've been best friends for years!"

It isn't really a huge issue, just a stumbling block I've seen come up more than a few times in the past.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Seraphine Felstar - 07-11-2010

It's such a huge pet peeve of mine that "Vana'diel Time" even existed. I wish they would use GMT because it makes things so much easier.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Trizzip - 07-11-2010

Crystal Wrote:It's such a huge pet peeve of mine that "Vana'diel Time" even existed. I wish they would use GMT because it makes things so much easier.

Not only that, but also having the day and night move at the same time that GMT does. One thing that annoyed me in-game was that many NPCs would make referances to past events that happened 'x'-amount of years ago. Since they always said the same amount of time had passed, as far the NPCs were concerned, time didn't even move forward at all.

All in all, the whole concept of time in FFXI is a joke. But oh well.....everything can't be perfect.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Kashemia - 07-12-2010

To me, time in MMO's have always been relative. There is no way to explain exactly how it can take only a few hours getting from one part of the world to the other, or hang out in a bar and the sun and the moon will have gone up and down 60 times. Both real time and "faster speed" will eventually stop making complete sense, especially since, well, you can't (or at least shouldn't) play 24/7, so there will always be weird holes.

So time passes in a speed that seems fitting for me and who ever I play with. And then I try to stay vague, instead of saying "It happened last month", I'd say "It happened some time ago"...
I find it works best if people just agree on being flexible and not tries to determine exactly how long things take.

And on that note: Travels. I know some roleplayers talk about that. If you are in one part of the country IC, should you be able to travel across the entire country in 10 min to be at an event?
I have to admit, I've done it. It's not super realistic, but in games, it's sort of hard to plan several days ahead. But it also depends on the game. If portals for instance is a part of the world, it's not unrealistic.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Shamadconde - 07-12-2010

I've always taken the in game time and thrown it out the window.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - DAISHI - 07-12-2010

Kashemia Wrote:To me, time in MMO's have always been relative. There is no way to explain exactly how it can take only a few hours getting from one part of the world to the other, or hang out in a bar and the sun and the moon will have gone up and down 60 times. Both real time and "faster speed" will eventually stop making complete sense, especially since, well, you can't (or at least shouldn't) play 24/7, so there will always be weird holes.

So time passes in a speed that seems fitting for me and who ever I play with. And then I try to stay vague, instead of saying "It happened last month", I'd say "It happened some time ago"...
I find it works best if people just agree on being flexible and not tries to determine exactly how long things take.

And on that note: Travels. I know some roleplayers talk about that. If you are in one part of the country IC, should you be able to travel across the entire country in 10 min to be at an event?
I have to admit, I've done it. It's not super realistic, but in games, it's sort of hard to plan several days ahead. But it also depends on the game. If portals for instance is a part of the world, it's not unrealistic.

For sanity's sake I left movement speed to the game. If I can cross the world on foot in a day in game, it was law to me.

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Kashemia - 07-12-2010

DAISHI Wrote:For sanity's sake I left movement speed to the game. If I can cross the world on foot in a day in game, it was law to me.

I've personally never really liked that idea. I like, at least in stories, having my character travelling through a desert for days, trecking through mountains for a week, etc. It might not work like that in game, but I prefer it for my personal stories..

Re: Cliche RP Elements - Arzy - 07-12-2010


Hmm ... the question is, what makes those elements cliche? Lots of people using it? The same can be said about jeans then, per se. As long as the RPer that's currently putting the element to use has some sense of logic and creates a realistic area, I see no problem in it. Of course, it's kinda avkward when 10 people at once are using that element (as long as it's not story required). The RPers that make these elements called "cliche" are usually meta-gamers or god-modders, a sensible RPer knows what element to use and when to use it.

I personally encountered few of those RPers that used one RP element far too often. For example, the demonic possession: The normally mediocre fighter turns into an invincible terminator because of a demonic possession and no-one can defeat him. It kinda lifted the feeling of unrealism and to yell: "I've defeated the Pandemonium Warden and I can't beat you, wtf?!" But that doesn't mean that another demonic possession cannot be RP'd epically, if done by a good RPer. I dunno, I just get the feeling that calling some elements cliche because bad RPers use it is generalising and pretty much saying: "Someone already did this or this is too old, don't do it".


Time section: Ehh....No way I would ever wait several days to cross the mountains/borders/dimensions. Game time, first choice. Following the RP in RL-time can get eventually boring.