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New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to stay - Printable Version

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Re: New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to st - Tadir - 08-19-2010

There needs to be a significant advantage to grouping, but I don't think you should have to group to do anything. For me, that was the worst thing about FFXI. Sometimes I don't have four hours to dedicate to a group. The death penalty was also too extreme in FFXI. It kept people from trying new things and experimenting. That is bad in a game. You want people trying new things. If you are going to lose 3 hours of work for trying something different, even if it turns out that it would have been more effective, no one will do it.

Re: New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to st - Asyria - 08-19-2010

There's an important difference between encouraging something and penalizing people when they're not doing it.
FF XI penalized people for not grouping.
With FF XIV, SE wants to encourage grouping, which is a much better way to do things.
Everyone will tell you nowadays, positive reinforcement is much better than negative reinforcement.
The problem right now is that not only grouping isn't better, but soloing is better. They need to find a way to fix this without making soloing a pain in the behind.
Making grouping better by making it better as opposed to making it better by making soloing worse, you know?

Re: New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to st - Kima wolf - 08-19-2010

Yes they need to simply increase the bonuses on things like gil and skill points when in groups to make it more appealing, or give groups special leves specifically designed for groups, not just the star scaling thing, but leves which say "Warning! Bad ass Kobold stomping holes in people around Wineport! go investigate with a group!" lol not those words but things like that. sure you can try it solo, maybe even win, but most likely you'd die. It still wouldn't hurt soloers and would give a reason to group up.

Re: New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to st - Kima wolf - 08-19-2010

And also I wouldn't mind grinding sometime, but it seems like most enemies around the starter area simply are way too hard for one, two, heck even three lowbies to take. how about adding mobs which are challenging, but won't one shot you as soon as you step out of the city.

Re: New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to st - Tadir - 08-19-2010

I've had no problem with grinding as a conjurer.

Re: New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to st - Gavin - 08-19-2010

The thing about the bazaar system that looks bad to me, is the fact that you have to go to everyone's store looking for what you want. No search system seems bad to me... I wonder if they will have little text flags giving you an idea of what kind of gear is available? Like in Aion.

On one hand, yah, that could be cool depending on how people set it up. But I always remember the bazaars in FFXI... with like one head of million corn for like 100,000 gil and NOTHING else useful... But if people actually put up good items, then maybe it can be an interesting way to handle the economy.

But even as my mind wanders, I think how neat it would be to find a retainer for a really high quality craftsman. Then when you need that type of good, you go right to his or her retainer. In fact, that is how a lot of people sold goods in Star Wars Galaxies. I remember going to specific player cities because I knew I would find what I wanted for reasonable prices.

Re: New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to st - Kima wolf - 08-19-2010

Yes that's probably what SE is hoping as well, crafters and gatherers get reputations for themselves and build up clients and followings for their wares to where you'll seek out specific retainers.

Re: New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to st - Asyria - 08-20-2010

A search system would make the bazaar an AH without bidding.
Which is pretty much what AH ares in mmo's. Most people Search for what they want and Buyout the lowest price.
Adding a Search function to the Market Ward would defeat the purpose of giving players a different experience from an AH and it would have all the possible economy-damaging drawbacks of an AH, meaning more money for the wealthy, less for the poor.

I feel that simply separating the different wards according to what type of item is sold would be enough, without hurting the system. Those who have the gil and not the patience can buy the first example of the thing they want that they find, others with more patience and/or less gil will simply keep looking for the best deal. This ensures that everyone has a chance to make their sale while everyone still has a chance to get the best price.

When they do add an AH, and they said they would, but just not at launch, then those who prefer that will be able to use it. I for one, will probably stick to the bazaar.

Re: New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to st - Aveline - 08-20-2010

"Hey, everyone ready to go fight this thing?"

"Oh crap I forgot my silent oils, potions, and I'm going to need a new sword at my next level. Hang on guys, I need to stop at the Market Wards first. brt in about 45 minutes!"

Re: New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to st - Asyria - 08-20-2010

Well, that's why you don't shop at the last minute.
Even in WoW Raids, with the AH, people -hate- when their guildies do that and threaten them not to bring them next time if they're not ready when everyone else is.

Re: New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to st - Kashemia - 08-20-2010

Yeah, I agree with Asyria on this one. Don't blame the game because people can't figure out to be prepared Tongue

Re: New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to st - Nikolai - 08-20-2010

Asyria Wrote:I can't post, I don't have the rights.
Otherwise, I would have posted a while ago, on a lot of topics. ^^;

Well, I liked your idea so much that I've taken the liberty of posting it for you. I still haven't fixed whatever problem is stopping me from connecting these days (I swear, I fix one thing and I get a new error!), so I don't really have any new input of my own, so in the meantime, if there's anything you'd like for me to say for you, just let me know.

Re: New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to st - Ellia Thorn - 08-20-2010

Perhaps someone can clear something up for me, since their seems to be several people in the beta who are posting in this thread. As far as the 48 hour cooldown on guildleves, is there other things to do that would give you xp other then just grinding on mobs for no other reason then xp? People have mentioned story quests, as well as assumed there will likely be other quests that aren't guildleves, so is it safe to assume there will be things to do while waiting for your leve's to come off cooldown, other then just mindless grinding?

Re: New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to st - Kima wolf - 08-20-2010

Well at the moment that's all you can do is grind, or work on crafting/harvesting, but I believe, possibly they will have other quests not related to leves in the game, because as was pointed out to me they have a entire section for quests in your journal, but don't quote me on that one.

Re: New FF14 Interview: What you hated in beta is here to st - Asyria - 08-20-2010

Well, there's the whole Treasures of the Main thing, and I'm sure there's more story-related things, too.