Hydaelyn Role-Players
Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Printable Version

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Re: Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Shamadconde - 07-17-2010

Just as Shamad was getting comfortable in his chair, a hyur stepped inside. He scanned the room. When he saw Shamad he walked over and whispered into his ear. Shamad got up and followed him outside. When he came back five minutes later, his eyes were bloodshot and he was pale. He walked unsteadily to the bar and proceeded to get drunk.

Re: Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Siben - 07-17-2010

Siben nodded his head, "Our ship arrived a few days ago but today was my first day out in the city..."

He watched Katt and the other chefs descend upon the ingredients and hurry back to their stations, marveling at the speed and tenacity of them all.

He looked back at Stanzie, almost staring at her for a few moments trying to think of something to say, he was never quite good at dealing with people one on one, ".......uh.......s-so what is it you do?"

Re: Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Nanapariri - 07-17-2010

Nana was working on her mug watching the proceedings when she saw odd exchange with a Hyur and him exit. Since it wasn't her business she merely turned to Alam shrugging her shoulders. "I hope you aren't too upset Alam dear but I had to see if little Katt coul pull it off you understand."

Alam nodded and as Nana turned back to watch the contest she saw the Lalafell staggar in to the bar looking quit ill. She rubbed her chin a moment considering if she should be generous in this instance. Calling the bar maid over she instructed: "Give everyone here a round of drinks on me."

Re: Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Shamadconde - 07-17-2010

Shamad looked up as the barmaid handed him a mug of ale. She pointed at Nanapariri. Shamad lifted the mug in salute to Nanapariri and drained it. He ordered another shot of whiskey and mulled over the news.

Re: Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Lucian - 07-17-2010

The Bar doors slowly creaked open and a small cloaked figure made its way inside. Making sure to close the door behind him Lucian sighed as he wiped the water drops off his cloak then looked up to find the bar busy with customers that seemed to come from near and far, even some Lalafell were present. Looking around He spotted an empty table near the corner of the bar and took it upon himself to take a seat at it. The Bar was very active with the laughs of the townsfolk and the ring of their glasses when they gave cheers. Lucian could tell that many of the citizens here were warriors by the large swords they carried and the scars from battle. He knew this would be a great place to begin since these people would surely need some care upon their travels. Looking around at his surrounding he loved the type of style that the bar was built in and the decor really made this place lively, with the light from the chandeliers he could read his books perfectly. Lucian pulled back his hood and opened his satchel taking out an old book and placing it on the table. He carefully opened it to the bookmarked page and waited as the barmaid made his way over to him.
''Greetings and welcome, may I get you anything sir?''
Lucian looked up and smiled at the fairly cute barmaid, ''Just a Mug of ale and some sliced apple if you please''
''Of course sir'' She said returning the smile and a small bow of courtesy as she left to get him his drink.

Re: Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Shamadconde - 07-18-2010

Shamad twisted the ring on his finger. Everything was so.....red around him. He glanced around as he sipped at his whiskey. He looked at Siben's book and saw something he hadn't Seen before. He jumped up, fell, and stumbled over to Siben's table. "CAn i SEe yOUr bOOK?" he asked/slurred.

Re: Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Stanzie - 07-18-2010

Stanzie twisted a lock of hair around her finger, looking at Siben. "Well, I don't have a "profession", Stanzie crooked her fingers in air quotes with that word, "but, I do help people with scribing and sometimes, research. And you, what's your line of work?" Leaning back in her chair she sipped her mead.

Re: Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Siben - 07-18-2010

"Research hm? ...that's good to know. I'm an alchemist by vocation but I enjoy expe-"
He looked down as Shama stumbled up to the table, "uh..sure, pull up a chair."
Siben shot Stanz a pulled look.

Re: Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Shamadconde - 07-18-2010

Shamad woozily sat in the chair. He held the book and stared at the cover. He opened it and read the inside cover. He flipped through the pages, stopping and staring the illustrations of beautiful paintings. He felt the urge to vomit. He carefully put down the book and, green faced, ran towards the door. He collided with several tables on the way out. He barely made it.

Re: Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Lucian - 07-18-2010

Carefully reading his book Lucian was lost in his text, the spells he was currently reading possessed great power and He couldn't wait to test them out. After a minute or two Lucian was interrupted by the Barmaid who had brought him his cold beverage and delicious crimson fruit, his mouth opened a little at how appetizing food looked here its as if they infused magic with it. Hungry and thirsty Lucian slide his book to the side and smiled at the barmaid as she placed his food down. He politely thanked her and took no time in placing a slice of apple in his mouth. It was exquisite!, a rush of juice seemed to just flow down his throat, the fruit was cold just how he loved them it was like they had placed it in the freezer for a bit and immediately served it to him. At some point while He was eating a sick looking Lalafell stood from the bar stool and quickly rushed through some tables to reach the front doors, being in the path of his destruction Lucian held his beverage and fruit in place with a scared look 0.0. He wanted to move but the food was sooooo good so he stood his ground and lucky enough the Lalafell had come through just barely shaking his table. Lucian gave a sigh of relief and started to feel a bit paranoid that something was going to ruin his dinner.

Re: Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Shamadconde - 07-18-2010

((moving post))

Re: Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Stanzie - 07-18-2010

"Alchemist, huh? Are you a potions alchemist or a exploding things one?" Before he could answer a Lalafell came over to the table; Stanzie raised an eyebrow, shrugged and spread her hands. She watched him flip through the book, go green and then run outside. "Odd."

Re: Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Siben - 07-19-2010

"Er..." he watched Shama flee out the tavern before he got to answer Stanzie's question,
"...A bit of both you might say? I'm classically trained but let's just say I've found myself in the employ of a performance troupe. I help them with their performances from time to time. I think they're looking to perform here in town at some point, they're just looking for a spot to set up."

Re: Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Shamadconde - 07-19-2010

Shamad tottered back inside and sat back down at the bar. He felt much better now. He ordered more alcohol. As he drank, he stared at his empty ring finger. He was glad he thought to hide his valuables before coming back inside. He had two more shots before he finally passed out. He started to snore.

Re: Arrival at the Bismark Part II (open) - Midaja - 07-19-2010

The door slowly went open and a very small Miqo'te slipped through, dressed in a vestment which seemed to be rather too large, going from the fact that her hands couldnt be seen under the sleeves. Her head was covered by a large wizard hat featuring two small holes for her feline ears. At least it seemed to have kept the rain away from her upmarket-looking garment, all the water flooding to the back of the hat, flying through the air everytime she turned her head around. A scrubby bunch of black and red hair popped out under the low down pulled headpiece, only dimly revealing a pair of pink eyes and a small snub nose, while her mouth was hidden behind the robes high collar.

She cocked her head to one side, examining the situation. There were a lot of cooks running from cramped fireplaces to an even more packed table full of ingredients (of which some superb looking vegetables immediately caught her eye) and back again. Making a few steps into the restaurant she approached said table not watching her feet and being nearly overrun by a white-haired Miqo'te who was obviously taking part in the hilarious-looking contest, cooking something that smelled really good. Midaja fell onto her tush, followed the other catgirl with her eyes, but quickly getting distracted by the odour emitted by whatever she was cooking there.

Getting herself up the floor she turned and slowly walked towards Katt's station to catch a better look of what she had there.