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What's your character fighting style? - Printable Version

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RE: What's your character fighting style? - Val - 05-10-2017

Val improvises, but he also realizes that no move should be a wasted opportunity, so he's careful not to overextend himself or make any movements that don't have a particular goal in mind.

He mainly fights with a spear and his daggers, something he learned both in his time growing up in his tribe and later added on to with his secondary weapons. Over time, the spear became more secondary than the daggers and each had its own purpose.

The point of the spear is to test enemies and keep them at bay with pokes, prods, and a bit of defensive maneuvers as well. It acts as a makeshift shield while also helping to serve as a weapon. If he can manage to finish off his opponent with the spear, great. Val's certainly no slouch with the weapon and has managed to do so pretty often!

However, once he grows confident in being able to read the enemy's moves or finds a weakness/opening, he'll often drop the spear in light of a swift, finishing blow. An example of this is when an opponent of his overextended with a straight jab with a sword, in which Val dropped the spear and snapped the enemy's arm at the elbow. Another, he parried a high blow and pulled a dagger to counter with a stab to the chest.

Another part of his fighting style (as mentioned above) is disabling. If a person can't use their limbs, they can't attack, and it is also something he learned in the Shroud. When they were hunting game, especially of the dangerous variety, they often operated by striking from multiple directions at key points to subsequently weaken their foe and is something that the Seeker relies on in combat, especially when fighting enemies much larger than him.

Finally, in a world where almost everyone has some sort of ace up their sleeve when it comes to magical technique, Val has the use of mudra. It is something that grew out of necessity rather than a direct desire to use it, and Val very sparingly employs it thanks to a pact he made when he began learning it and a respect for the individual that taught him. I also like to limit it based on the theory that, since Mudra pulls from the elements around, Val has to have certain elements in his vicinity to be able to use certain things.

For example, there has to be open sky/a wind in order to actually use a wind spell to improve his speed. There must be fire, or a source of heat, for him to use fire to mix in with things. There must be an open sky for him to draw on lightning, or a mage using lightning spells for him to extract the aether from, and so on and so forth. It feels more realistic to me, and while it makes him more of a.. mudra-using geomancer, it lets him (and me) get creative in the combat, which is always fun!

RE: What's your character fighting style? - Shaftronics - 05-11-2017

In general, Haztion is a traditional practitioner of weapons, believing in them to be tools, as well as extensions of one own's body. As such, it is important to use the right tool for the right job. For killing small game, or quick prey, be it large insects, wolf-like critters or even other humanoid enemies and Lalafell, he would be ready with a one-handed sword, namely his personal Cutlass made out of the bone of a whale. Against larger beasts, he would employ a Greatsword or his axe, depending on what's needed.

He doesn't fight with a shield, preferring to leave his left hand free. However, he would usually have armor on, and as such, is accustomed to using his gauntlet to parry attacks away from himself. The free hand allows him the option to use his opponent as leverage, if he could grab an overextended spear thrust, or catch an article of clothing, if not a body part. As such, his style seems very rough around the edges, with an aggressive focus on moving into an opponent's space, but keeping the blade away, making it harder to anticipate. A less-experienced opponent would be watching his sword arm for any attacks, only to be greeted with punches, shoulder tackles, tripping and kicks.

As a former privateer, his fighting style is unorthodox, wild and aggressive. Mostly because his style wasn't born from the disciplined halls of martial artists, but from being given a weapon and being told to survive. While traditionally, the style seems to have many gaps in its defense, not many have the peace of mind when participating in combat to effectively take advantage of all of them.

RE: What's your character fighting style? - Sylentmana - 05-11-2017

Being a thaumaturge, Celica tends to go for a devastating first attack followed up by a series of high powered spells designed to overkill, just in case. Should that fail, she will often swiftcast a sleep spell so she can back off and regroup for another go. When all else fails, she runs away as fast as possible and comes back when she feels she can gain an advantage over her opponent. Lately, she's been practicing some sword play to mix in with her tactics.

Ayane tends to fight aggressively, pressing her opponents until they make a mistake and she can slip her weapon into an opening. If the opponent is still standing when she begins to tire, she switches to a defensive stance and tries to redirect her opponents attack and riposte. She is careful not to allow her opponent to put her to far on the defensive and will often shift from what was at first a defensive stance to a swift and powerful attack designed to throw her opponent off balance, setting them up for a take down.

RE: What's your character fighting style? - Arashin Kujqai - 05-11-2017

Given Valic's practices in magic and sword techniques as well as his composure... I'd say he's more of the type to build a tactic throughout a fight to win a result.

For instance, using magical abilities at a range to force the opponent to dodge and move about until there's an opening for him to lunge and strike with his sword. If he can't find an opening, he'll essentially "make one". Keeping distance with Valic would just result in tiring yourself out with a constant barrage of attacks, slowing your endurance or catching you off guard. If a head on assault was had, he'd just have to take it on himself within melee range and possibly create a gap if he felt the need to be defensive.

Overall, the strongest offense can make a suitable defense. If they're immobilized and unable to counter attack with so much pressure, there's nothing to fear typically. I would say that could be Valic's weakness in combat though, getting in a surprise attack or something sudden that would force Valic into his own position. In the end it'd be a battle of the minds, who can outdo who or who can best use the environment to the best of their abilities to their advantage. Otherwise, he's very cautious in choosing when to deliver a finishing blow that risks a close up encounter.

That's only strategy though, if we're talking actual attacks.... I'd say massive flares and aeros to keep the opponent on their feet. They'd be typically fast spells with chainspelling and the range coupled with the size of spells would prevent any advances or retreating to original positions. The moment they're between steps of dodging a ranged attack would be when he would lunge in for the multiple stabs and finishing blow. If that doesn't kill them.. he'd retreat and advance when another opening is available and repeat until it was a success. (sounds very much like the red mage videos so far huh, just repeat the spells and rapier motions until dead lol.)

RE: What's your character fighting style? - Bishido - 05-12-2017

Hit it until it stops moving. Then once more just to be sure.

Eat it.

RE: What's your character fighting style? - Wornstone - 05-13-2017

G'liri learned to fight by hunting with a spear so she attacks people the same way she would an animal.

First she gauges her opponent and comes up with a simple strategy based on their size and agility. Larger and tougher opponents are harried with shallow blows to the legs to tire them out more quickly as she then focuses on dodging, letting her opponents bleed out until they begin to have trouble moving or can no longer bear the growing pain in their legs. After this has happened she goes for a fatal blow to the neck.

More agile foes she goes for one decisive strike, likely through the gut where it's easier to pierce.

RE: What's your character fighting style? - Araatan - 05-13-2017

If it's a lethal fight, start with a dirty trick like throwing sand in thier eyes if the other person is closer than she would like. Then end them with center of torso shots.

Non-lethal, more trickery and disarm if she can. She will take out the legs otherwise. 

Preferably she'd get her target in an ambush though. Fighting fair is for chumps. She has a repurposed Garlean Magitec Thing-a-mabob for finding people. Some other Garlean whats-its for supressive fire and trickery.

RE: What's your character fighting style? - Biscuit_Egi - 05-13-2017

Mikh'al's 'fighting' style is to... well, not really to fight at all.

He prefers to avoid conflict if possible, however if a fight does break out he tries to keep as much distance between himself and whatever is trying kill him. A little bit of wind aether to hold them back while he looks for the nearest escape route, and if they get in close then he will duck, dodge and dive to freedom!

Now if he's in a situation where he has no choice but to fight, then survival instincts take over. He will use every cheap trick he knows to get out of the encounter alive. Throw dirt in their eyes, using whatever is available around him to incapacitate them... he'll improvise. He's not even above using those Keeper fangs of his to break out of someone's hold if he has to. Honour in battle is for paladins, not squishy catboi healers.

The one thing Mikh'al will never do however, is use conjury to intentionally cause harm. Incapacitate sure, but never to harm or take a life.

RE: What's your character fighting style? - C'rookh Nunh - 05-13-2017

There have been some very creative fighting styles so far. I really enjoyed reading them. With this newfound knowledge, I can brew up a fighting style that counters everyone! lol I kid.

As such with any challenging raid boss, there are 'phases' to his fighting style.

Phase One
I believe C'rookh would probably try to broker a deal or apologize since the one attacking him would probably be someone he stole from. C'rookh has a silver tongue so why not use it? If the opponent could be talked down or bought off then it might be a better way of ending the conflict opposed to having bloodshed and the heat that comes with it. However, if words fail him then it could be safe to say that the fight would commence into phase two.

Phase Two
Whelp, better run! C'rookh is a Miqo'te. He is not going to be overpowering some Highlander or Roegadyn thug but he could probably take on a fellow Miqo'te or Lalafell. Fortunately, he wears cheap wool and patchwork leather. Some light armor which doesn't quite slow him down too much. It can work wonders against someone chasing after him in full plate. This is probably the time C'rookh will pretend to be a civilian is distress. C'rookh has to put those Brass Blades to work somehow since they just stand there throughout the day. If the attacker is able to keep up and avoid the trickery then the fight can proceed to phase three.

Phase Three
It looks like C'rookh will have to fight now that he is out of options for running and hollering! What could he have in store for the perpetrator? Well, C'rookh would have a trusted cutlass for his perpetrator. Of course, C'rookh isn't the one who trusts the blade itself; that would be the previous owner. It is a cutlass with a red hued hilt adorned with steel trim and a very worn looking blade. It could be said that it was nabbed from a pirate or sailor. This is due to the fact that there is a crude marking of a herring scratched into the hilt. C'rookh's sword play, if one were call it that, is definitely more showy than effective. If he is boozed up then it'll probably be sloppy as well. To put it in simple terms, he wields this blade with a single handed drunken finesse. Parry maneuvers are attempted above all other maneuvers. His other hand is all about dishing out the dirt, literally! Everything that can be used to give C'rookh a upper hand will undoubtedly be utilized. From a pouch of sand / dirt in his pouch pocket to a sack of caltrops.

RE: What's your character fighting style? - Firefly - 05-23-2017

Vilette's fighting style is characterised by the following:
  • Simplicity
  • Efficiency
  • Aggression
  • Speed

No matter her weapon, no matter the scenario, Vilette maintains her no-frills, efficiency-centered style; focusing on committing the least amount of force necessary to end a fight.

No movement goes an ilm further than she needs; no strike powerful enough to leave her open or off balance.

With her two-handed sword, she prioritises actions that will both attack and defend in a single motion; generally preferring attacks that intercept her opponent's while setting up for a thrust.

To facilitate this, most of her strikes end before any noticeable follow-through, always ending with her sword's point aimed directly at her opponent.

This style of rapid, attack-and-defend combat tends to make facing her an overwhelming task, as Vilette's aggression seems both unrelenting and a step ahead of their defences.

In her attempt to exploit the most efficient routes of attack; Vilette is seemingly fond of the thrust, as it's the quickest, and most direct attack a swordsman can make. Many of her duels involve her jockeying for control of the 'center-line', attempting to clear whatever obstacles are between her and a thrust to her opponent's openings. Don't let this fool you, however -- Vilette is more than capable of cutting with her weapon, and does so just as frequently.

Should opponents overreact or overcommit to parrying her thrusts, Vilette will usually yield to their oncoming force, and use their momentum to power a retaliatory cut to their new openings before they can react. Some who've fought her liken this to pushing hard at a double hinged door -- if you smack it too hard, it comes around and smacks you back.

Should they parry her cuts, she slips under and positions for a thrust.

But what if an opponent doesn't overcommit? Well...

Understanding that with a two-handed weapon that her weapon is her only form of protection, Vilette will usually try to keep her blade in crossed with her opponent's, so that she can respond instantaneously to any offensive or defensive actions her opponent may take.

As such, should an opponent not overcommit to their defence, they begin to play into Vilette's game. Blades crossed and bound together, in this position, Vilette usually starts her 'dance', sliding and winding her weapon against her opponent's in a measured manner to gain superior leverage and open them up their line for thrusts.

Should her and her opponent come within grabbing distance, Vilette tends to eschew her swordplay in favour of grappling and wrestling; something that has caught several opponents off guard.

tl;dr: this bitch knows what she's doing

RE: What's your character fighting style? - Jean L - 05-24-2017

Jean's a bit of a dirty fighter.
He fist fights, sure, but he also bites ears scratches eyes kicks the groin, basically his style is a flailing angry mess hell bent and coming out alive.

RE: What's your character fighting style? - LetsGoKaito - 05-24-2017

"Honestly I act very confident, but I'm very inexperienced! I mean I try to adapt to the situation, but I can barely take charge of my own nerves, let alone the battle! XD I'm more than happy staying towards the back and supporting the actual fighters!" That's how I assume K'aih thinks I'm sure, but I'm sure in a pinch he'd be pleasantly surprised at how tough he could! ^^

RE: What's your character fighting style? - luxemas - 05-28-2017

With the advent of Stormblood bringing Red Mage, I very much see Aloyv's fighting style becoming very close to that of Zelda's from Hyrule Warriors. Since he already uses a bow from being a Bard, him using a rapier would more or less fit with the aspect of being quick and furious, with magical flair to back it up.

RE: What's your character fighting style? - Alastair Helyous - 05-28-2017

Hely never was physically strong and, due to the way he grew up, he always had to rely on his wits and intelligence to battle.

When he goes to a battle he likes to study his opponent. If he is fighting a X creature he'll first begin opening the many compendiums and bestiary he owns in his personal library to know exactly what approach to take and plan accordingly. He isn't the "taking risks" type. If he has to take a risk, he'll do whatever he can to minimize risks.

On actual battle, since he doesn't know much about Nymian magic he developed along Garlond Ironworks what he calls "Aethercells" - small tubes he may fill with Aether that already contain inscriptions in Nymian along the Arcane Geometries linked to whatever spell they contain. That way he only has to spark them with a little Aether from inside to release the spell. For this reason he also doesn't know the proper name of many spells (thus calling "Sacred Soil" an "Aether Shield").

He does own a fairy thanks to a Soulstone he obtained during an expedition to Wanderer's Palace. However, he is still unsure about how sentient the creature is.

Without a grimoire and/or his Aethercells he is nearly helpless. He always carries tied to his belt three or four poisonous concoctions of sleep or blindness he prepares himself but that's only to allow him to retreat should all else fails.

RE: What's your character fighting style? - Desu Nee - 05-28-2017

Ququki used to be a flashier thaumaturge, specially from using her surroundings, like freezing the floor, or using spilled oil, so she was always someone that people would consider "fighting dirty"; after she went a good length of time without using magic after an incident, it got really really worse, to a point that Quki's fighting style is basically a lot of set traps, and fighting dirty.

She still casts, but don't be surprised at all if she throws sand in someone eyes, or use her height to headbutt someone's crotch, or pull a flintlock to shoot someone's knees or chipped armor point, or one of my favourites in a rp, ending a conflict with a cocky pirate by throwing a vase of oil and a simple fire spell.

Seriously, she has absolutely no honor, and there's reasons I don't bother with Runestone or Spellguard or the Grindstone :V