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[Image: John-Cena-Randy-Orton.jpg]


RE: THE WRESTLING THREAD OOOH YEAH - Kellach Woods - 12-19-2015

(12-14-2015, 03:37 PM)Dogberry Wrote: But for wrestling that has never let me down...


And the King of Dong Style himself, YouPorn's own Joey Ryan, has reportedly signed with LU as well.

RE: THE WRESTLING THREAD OOOH YEAH - Dogberry - 12-21-2015

Yes! This season is going to be amazing! More LU! More awesome wrestlers!


RE: THE WRESTLING THREAD OOOH YEAH - Martiallais - 01-19-2016

Just wanted to pop back in to say that my friends and I did a test run on the wrestling tabletop system and while the game itself is easy and fun enough, having other players as the announcers definitely added another level of hilarity (or I suppose it could be seriousness depending) to the game.

Overall fun times once we got the hang of it. We'll be starting up our actual game later this week.

RE: THE WRESTLING THREAD OOOH YEAH - Kellach Woods - 01-19-2016

Of course.

With no ham announcer what is even the point?

I'm looking at you, Byron Saxton.

RE: THE WRESTLING THREAD OOOH YEAH - Dogberry - 01-19-2016

The ECW die hard in me will always be partial to Joey Styles' shrieking.

RE: THE WRESTLING THREAD OOOH YEAH - Kellach Woods - 01-19-2016

I respect a lot of what ECW did.

At the same time it created the modern dumbass wrestling fan.

RE: THE WRESTLING THREAD OOOH YEAH - Warren Castille - 01-19-2016

The internet's mostly to blame for that. ECW shows you could have characters that aren't cut-out 1 dimensional characters, but that sort of evolved into the "we all know better than booking" stuff we have today.

RE: THE WRESTLING THREAD OOOH YEAH - Dogberry - 01-20-2016

At the same time, a lot of ECW's characters were pretty laughable. For every Sandman, Raven, and Tommy Dreamer there was a Balls Mahoney, Joel Gertner, and Snot Dudley. I remember ECW fondly as a place where you could see honest-to-goodness good wrestling alongside crazy freakshow stunts from people with more guts than brains, surrounded by a bunch of really bad shock value crap. It's the best and worst of that era of wrestling. A high water mark for creativity at the time, and a low point in stupid Jerry Springer crap.

Smarky know-it-alls will always be smarky-know-it-alls, and I say this as someone who can definitely be a smarky-know-it-all sometimes.

RE: THE WRESTLING THREAD OOOH YEAH - Warren Castille - 01-20-2016

I'm tentative about the Rumble. As someone who likes Reigns, even I'm getting a bit sick of his Supermanitude.

Also, surprise entrants. Always fun. I'm not sure who my picks are for this year, though. RVD seemed like a fair bet the past few years. Not gonna name the NJPW folks, though.

RE: THE WRESTLING THREAD OOOH YEAH - Dogberry - 01-20-2016

I always enjoy the rumble, but I hope they don't make it into Reigns vs. Lesnar plus a bunch of other dudes. The Rumble is a time for a lot of talent to shine, and I'm really hoping it doesn't become one giant squash match for the upper card vs. the midcard. I'll be watching this weekend, and I've skipped the last few PPVs.

I want to see Reigns recover the intensity he loses every time he opens his mouth. I don't think Reigns needs a manager the way Lesnar does, but he needs to say very little and bank on his snarl and intimidating presence. He looked so good after spearing Lesnar. I would love it if he did more of that and less telling us what happened last week. I want to buy Reigns as a top guy. Maybe not THE top guy, but one of them.

RE: THE WRESTLING THREAD OOOH YEAH - Kellach Woods - 01-21-2016

The problem is, well, they don't seem to want him as A top guy but as THE top guy. Cena's on his way out, well, here's Reigns type of deal. Which would be okay if, well, the undercard wasn't made to look like dorks. Right now, it looks like there's the main event tier, the NXT tier and then filler. Anyone not in these two tiers is lost in the shuffle.

Except for the New Day, who just go out there, do shit, then collect merch money.

RE: THE WRESTLING THREAD OOOH YEAH - Warren Castille - 01-24-2016

Not trying to potentially spoiler the Rumble or anything, but

Show Content

My dick exploded.

RE: THE WRESTLING THREAD OOOH YEAH - Kellach Woods - 01-24-2016

He's not at the Rumble.

Show Content

However, someone else is.

RE: THE WRESTLING THREAD OOOH YEAH - Dogberry - 01-25-2016

Baron Corbin cracks me up. Need a fan favorite attacked? He's your guy. It's basically his gimmick now.

That AJ Styles kid looked pretty good out there. I think he's got a future. XD

That was a damn good Pay Per View. The ending of the Rumble was interesting in a "Well, I guess that's one way to do it" kind of way. I know a lot of people aren't happy about it, but the whole event was so good, I'm willing to keep watching to see how it all plays out.