Hydaelyn Role-Players
RP Confession Thread - Printable Version

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RE: RP Confession Thread - Vyce - 10-14-2015

I have yet to RP with a Miqote.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Teadrinker - 10-14-2015

(10-14-2015, 09:58 AM)Vyce Wrote: I have yet to RP with a Miqote.

Out of choice or..?

RE: RP Confession Thread - Teadrinker - 10-14-2015

I keep getting attracted to the edgyest fucking characters no matter what I do.

Even if it's just a random walkup I start talking to them or pull up a wiki and lo and behold I've just started a conversation with Edgy Mc Edgerson who's secret desire is to be Alucard while he hears the lamantations of wimmin and "just can't love you baby because I can't get you pulled into my world."


RE: RP Confession Thread - Kylin - 10-14-2015

(08-10-2015, 09:37 AM)Berrod Armstrong Wrote: I have not stopped roleplaying since 2010.

Same here. I at most took a single month hiatus once, but have remained active in game and RP since 1.0. Which leads me to number 2 and 3...

2) While I most certainly don't live in the past, there are times I actually get mildly depressed over never getting the chance to RP with certain people that have been on my 'want to RP with' list since the dawn of time. And by 'want to rp,' I mean actual long term interactions and/or storylines. A lot of the people I came to XIV with or those who I've always had a strong urge to RP with have gone down separate paths that simply don't intersect with my path. It's nobody's fault really, as this happens in real life too. But it's still something I think on a lot more than I should. And while I've reached out OOCly to some of these people to express this desire and received positive responses, it still doesn't end up happening due to time limitations or other happenings.

3) This is the one I feel most horrible about... Despite the insane number of new faces in the RP community that are always visible, I have barely any desire at all to RP with them. Horrible, I know. It's nothing against them either. At all. I'm not even sure why I feel this way. Maybe it ties into the above reason. Maybe it has something to do with getting burned by flakes that come and go, consistently leaving my characters crippled in their absence. I'm not 100% sure.  I see public events posted and pass by them in game all the time and I simply just keep going, thinking to myself that nothing will come of it. I figure I'll likely just end up standing around quietly, maybe say hi to 1-2 random people, and that'll be the end of it. Against my better judgement, I have largely isolated myself to my linkshell/FC under the premise of 'stability.' And even though I recognize that I'm doing this, I for some reason don't actually make any big effort to change it.

4) I pretty much have no regrets regarding my four years of RPC administration from 2010 to 2014. While I'm sure many will argue excessively that I should, I legitimately don't. The only real regrets I do have are in regards to three ideas I had that were to be sponsored by the RPC that never took off: "Epic," "Eorzean Olympics," and the IC 'RPC' (Research Paragons of Chronology) concept to serve as a neutral medium for both of these events and other inter-group interactions.  But at the size the community has grown to, the concepts likely wouldn't work out all too well anymore anyway. So it probably all worked out for the best.

5) Sometimes I get more excited talking about RP, than actually RPing >.>;. A lot of tidbits about characters don't ever get revealed in live RP for whatever reason, so I love when opportunity comes to reveal these little character tidbits that nobody else ever actually sees. I'm -very- thorough in my character development, even if it may not seem like it during some scenes. There's a reason for every single thing that my characters do.

RE: RP Confession Thread - -no longer matters- - 10-14-2015

When I meet to many people with similar names or concepts that aren't apart of a connected story with me.. It makes me want to stop what I'm doing find a new angle or make a new character.

I don't always act on that impulse, but it sits in my mind for a bit til I overcome it or give in.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Cato - 10-14-2015

(10-14-2015, 09:58 AM)Vyce Wrote: I have yet to RP with a Miqote.

Not even in passing?

RE: RP Confession Thread - Sigil.9054 - 10-14-2015

I totally screwed up my character's life because it turns out I like the looks of the Au Ra better than the Miqo'te. >>;

RE: RP Confession Thread - SessionZero - 10-14-2015

I roleplayed in several games before FFXIV (WoW, GW2, SW:TOR just to name a few) and I have to say that FFXIV is the first one to legitimately make me jaded about RP. Maybe I've just been unlucky in this game so far but in every other instance of RPing in a game in the past, I've been able to make good connections, keep them, and craft long, elaborate plotlines that span multiple arcs. I met wonderful people and had a blast.

In FFXIV this has yet to happen with anyone but my friends in Mysterium. I can't count the number of failed guilds, dropped plots, disappearing characters, and OOC drama breakdowns that have assailed me in this game. It's led to me often feeling cynical and jaded about the RP aspect of the game, and has led to me moving even further towards the light RP/heavy PvE side of the spectrum because my immediate assumption about anyone that I meet is that they will flake or prove to be absolutely insufferable OOC.

Edit: Not to say I'm not enjoying myself. I just have more or less stopped wandering outside of Mysterium, is all.

[Image: 1jgeOUe.gif]

RE: RP Confession Thread - Garalona - 10-14-2015

^on my phone so quoting doesn't work well, but it's funny you say that cause I've had the exact opposite experience. Terrible things happened in other RP communities, WoW in particular, but I've had a blast in FFXIV.

But then I've also stopped worrying too much about, well, anything and just focus on enjoying myself as much as I can. One way or another, as I see it, I'm going to walk away with stories to tell.

Before this I was incredibly bitter and jaded, too. Now I feel really content just drifting around from event to event to random walk-up before falling back on my FC, who are good folks, too.

I think not worrying too much about my character's story too much, and, ironically, making her a bitter reflection of sorts, helped a lot. Taking things as they come has led to a lot of unexpected twists and I love it.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Eddard - 10-14-2015

I still can't decide on what it is but something about DMing in an MMO intimidates me far more than in a tabletop game to the extent where I constantly convince myself I can't do it despite how much I want to. I'll have ideas that I'm confident will be very fun and am told they sound fun but I never get to them thanks to the mindset that some incapability of mine will make it all go to shit and I'll waste everyone's time. What's worse is that I've said several times "I'm cooking up X event and will be hosting it soon!" just to let those words fade and never have it happen. It'd never result in characters being caught in a dead arc since I could never start the damn thing but being all talk to have nothing to show for it makes me feel like an ass. I did that a lot on Gilgamesh and it's kind of embarrassing to think back on. To try and make myself DM on Gilgamesh, I put my character into a situation where he'd be AWOL until an event I had in mind occured. Next thing I know, I take a hiatus and decide to try Balmung when I return, leaving yet another event idea to rot.

I'm hoping to arrange a DM'd event or two for Eddard's story soon. I keep telling myself that I'll follow through instead of being a big ol' baby, that DMing this first event will finally let me overcome the anxiety and DM more. I feel far more confident that I'll be able to since my RP on Balmung has been stronger than it was on Gilgamesh. Still, a seething doubt seems to perpetually stay in the back of my mind. It is unnerving.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Parvacake - 10-14-2015

Confession (sorta) 1: In the last year or so I've been fortunate to have a steady, consistent flow of RP. Similar to Kylin, though, there are a swarm of people I'd love to do more RP with. But it gets hard to space out my time from what I already have going on. Lili has long standing arcs and connections, one character is primarily in a Skype RP arc, another is supporting Lili's arcs (her daughters), etc etc etc...

My problem is rarely a lack of RP so much as a lack of time to broaden out with new things. Which tends to be a problem I don't see many people experiencing.

Confession 2: While I wouldn't say FF has made me jaded as a roleplayer, I have seen more OOC crap here then any other game. So I tend to just avoid OOC conversations altogether unless absolutely necessary. I've been told it's a little odd to be so curt to others but I don't try to be! I just would rather enjoy roleplaying without much fuss.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Garalona - 10-15-2015

Sometimes I intentionally get lore wrong IC to see how people react (Gara claiming she always thought the Fists of Rhalgr were the senseless ravings of drunks, then was mildly surprised to meet someone claiming to be of the order), and sometimes I genuinely forget because... eh, I don't really care all that much. It's not like it's holy writ that must be obeyed lest ye be struck down by the almighty hand of our lord and savior Yoshi-P, anyway.

I wasted too much time and mental energy in my younger days learning the lore of Vampire: the Masquerade front, back and sideways. It's totally useless now unless I want to get drunk and talk shop with other old timers, and it makes me wish I devoted all that time studying something at least relevant to the real world.

So with that in mind I don't really bother digging too deep into FFXIV lore unless it becomes relevant to my characters. Like, for instance, Roegadyn words are fun to know, but I'm not gonna be learning dragon speak any time soon.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Nero - 10-16-2015

I'm actually a little apprehensive in how my storylines or characters are received, despite the number of views the threads seem to get on the RPC. Mostly this is because I get little to no direct feedback or the feedback I hear is secondhand from people apparently less intimidating than me.

So I will spend absurd amounts of time editing something or go back to a post that happened months ago and change something because yeesh, I think about some random people reading a typo and thinking the whole post is ruined or something.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Valde - 10-16-2015

  • I have massive anxiety about joining an FC after a few poor experiences, but I really want an FC with a good crew to settle into so I can share my character's story with others, and help others tell theirs. I want story telling without the people, but with people?
  • I have a strong need for my PvE class I 'main' to match my RP and this has led to me altering RP concepts to suit my class more than once. Isaelt was originally envisioned as a dark themed BLM and has transitioned because I realized I just am not a fan of the class.
  • I find myself wanting to change my character looks when I see a massive amount of people with similar appearance. I ditched the white hair on my character as soon as I saw so many had it, despite it being a tribute to a far older character.

RE: RP Confession Thread - Aaron - 10-16-2015

White hair was much rarer before DRK.