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Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - Printable Version

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RE: Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - Artigan - 06-18-2015

The Au'Ra are certainly handsome but the smooth skin and rough scales don't really compliment one another well. Aesthetically something is off, but the males do come off as quite masculine, so bonus points on that. I do like their body proportions: not too bulky and not too lithe.

I have no real comment on the females, they look good, but the scales still throw me off somewhat.

At least the Au'Ra will look badass in heavy armors.

RE: Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - Flickering Ember - 06-18-2015

Please help me cure my indecision! Xaela lore's converted me but I'm gonna try my hand at a male character this time. @_@ Who should I piiick?

[Image: tumblr_nq5pd5EYdU1u680pco1_540.png]

[Image: tumblr_nq5pd5EYdU1u680pco2_500.png]

[Image: tumblr_nq5pd5EYdU1u680pco3_500.png]

[Image: tumblr_nq5pd5EYdU1u680pco4_540.png]

RE: Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - Valtiere - 06-18-2015

My vote would be for the first or third. Fourth is nice but I personally think the other skin tones look better than the blue/grey look.

RE: Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - Siha - 06-18-2015

I like the first one! There aren't enough green haired characters out there if you ask me! ^^

RE: Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - Gegenji - 06-18-2015

(06-18-2015, 04:31 PM)Siha Wrote: There aren't enough green haired characters out there if you ask me! ^^

RE: Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - Martiallais - 06-21-2015

I think I finally settled on a look for my Malaguld clan Xaela. Smile

[Image: PxBione.jpg]

[Image: nY2FZkf.jpg]

[Image: P3mJxIk.jpg]

RE: Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - Lain Burwani - 06-21-2015

Hello! I'm new to FFXIV but this is my concept so far.

[Image: nWA78PM.png]

Altani Qalli was a message runner of her tribe -- she would take missives to and fro between the tribes which the Qalli were allied to (temporary or no) or had a neutral rapport with. As she traveled, she would gather stories told by the different Xaela tribes and would embellish these stories of hunting, adventuring, and honor into fantastical tales she would entertain others with. Her life was traveling, storytelling, and song -- so it was no wonder she fell into the bardic lifestyle.

Befitting her Qalli background, Altani speaks with a musical lilt, and her sentences seem to be formed for beauty and an appreciation of sound. She enjoys listening to others tell their life stories and their adventures -- and she enjoys entertaining others with what she's come up with in turn. Of her past beyond the obvious, she's very brief. If she does bring up bits and pieces, they're said in the same vein as her obvious half-fabricated stories, so it's difficult to say if it's the truth or not. 

Thaaaat is all I have, and I am treading lightly because this is a BOATLOAD of lore that I am still getting into as I am but a wee level 34-ling and I don't want to step on anybody's toes.

RE: Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - CrimsonMars - 06-22-2015

Finally made my Xeala, Xanadu Noire. Once a member of the now destroyed Hotgo tribe, she wanders around Eorzea to find her purpose.


RE: Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - Yune - 06-23-2015

Haven't posted anything here in quite awhile, but I'm hoping HW will renew my vigor for RP. ;3

This is Umeyae, who I'm desperately trying to hit 50 with and get through the MSQ to HW. ;.;
[Image: YuoKvas.jpg]

And Kakumei, a male of the same clan who is also way behind in content. Yay for never leveling my alts. -_-
[Image: klldOBn.jpg]

I'm trying to put together a tumblr page to compile their clan lore, but at the moment, I have that they are both from a clan that live isolated up in the mountains and have a spiritual practice of Onarigami (the belief that spiritual power is the domain of women), and thus function with a particular sort of hierarchy that consists of powerful females of three spiritual branches--Star-gazers, Dream-gazers, and Speakers for the Dead--, while the men serve as protectors of the priestesses or workers who tend to the land.

Umeyae was born in the spring when the plum blossoms were in full bloom (from which her name was derived), though the Star-gazers (the priestesses who preside over the realm of Future and Fate) foresaw that she would be stillborn. Fortunately for her, she was unexpectedly revived sometime after the tragic delivery and inherited the title/surname "Kakurei", their term for the honored dead. Though technically she was born under the right star that gifted her with the power of a Star-gazer, the circumstance of her still-birth has thrust her into the official role of a Speaker for the Dead, as she was seen as a being who returned to them from the Afterworld and has the strongest affinity to Death. Her personality isn't fully sorted out yet, but she is a bit of a foodie, and is a skilled Koto player with some knowledge of the shamisen.

Kakumei was born without a name, simply placed into the house of the Mamori, the protectors of their people. His name would not be given until he reached adulthood, as was their practice for their males whose sole purpose in life was to be the supporting foundation for the village and their priestesses. At a certain point after his coming-of-age, he was separated from their clan and has since been in service to a people not his own (still working out those details as I sift through lore). He is a very neutral sort, some might say aloof or apathetic, and likes to work with his hands. Currently, I see him as a craftsman of sorts and a tinkerer, and aim to make him a Machinist, though I don't think that will necessarily be IC.

Still working out the kinks with the both of them, and I have lots more info on their clan, but it would take forever to spew out. But there they are~

RE: Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - Ramen - 06-27-2015

so I decided I wanted a dedicated healer finally. So I'm working on an Au Ra concept that is a Snake Oil salesman/shamanish type. I'm mixing a bit of Lo Pan and Ginko together with a dash of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xhpO_WcR_jE . He'd tell old stories and play off old superstitions and sell whatever he finds he thinks is supernatural be it real or fake. I was eventually going to start a thread of stories that he either made up for sales or turn out to be terribly real.

[Image: Zp1xJiT.jpg]

RE: Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - Tseren - 06-27-2015

[Image: gnNt2fX.gif]

Tseren Qerel.

She's a rough-and-tumble machinist who's fascinated with flying and dreams of crewing her own airship. But first, she has to pay her debt to Tsaivar Khar, the Dark Knight and former tribesmate who bought her ticket to Eorzea. When she isn't running errands, polishing his armor, caring for his mounts and generally playing over-worked squire, she's taking everything she can get her hands on apart, and not necessarily putting them back together successfully. Though she'd insist that she's merely improving the existing design.

RE: Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - Otte - 06-27-2015

Since I finally have a name and dozens of screenshots I wanted to post again!

[Image: tumblr_nqf9io7AD71r3p3b1o1_1280.png]

[Image: tumblr_nqf9io7AD71r3p3b1o2_1280.png]

Milo Xura, a skittish shy Xaela male, and a runt of his tribe. Due to certain circumstances he ended up travelling with his brother and two other tribe-members to Eorzea, and living a couple of years under the glamour of a lalafel girl, Milolo Milo. Lacks self-confidence and believes himself inferior to his brother, despite having the talent and smarts when it comes to machines and tinkering in general. Has a soft spot for animals, especially chocobos, due to spending two year in Bentbranch, tending the birds there.

[Image: tumblr_npxsd7Uluf1r3p3b1o1_500.jpg]

Luvshan Xura, the lore-keeper of the clan, whose duty is to record the stories and knowledge of the elders, and to share them with the new younglings of the Xura clan. Blunt and serious, he doesn't hesitate to talk when someone isn't pulling their weight, and duty-bound enough to follow the great Xura Elder to Eorzea, in other to write down the wisdom he possesses.

RE: Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - Blue - 06-27-2015

[Image: 558f234922c3926c984e1d9b.jpg]

Yesui Hotgo, 10yo.

She was left in the outskirts of a forest just as the Hotgo tribe was being slain by the Dotharl, with the promise from her parents that they'd come and find her when the tribe would be safe again. Except they didn't.

After some wandering, she stumbled on a small, isolated Raen village that rather reluctantly took her in. Raised at the local temple, she is still today bullied and frowned upon by the Raen children and adults alike, who see her as a violent, indisciplined child that is only waiting to turn into a dangerous and aggressive Xaela warrioress. For these reasons the child has grown to become very introvert and snappy towards adults and other children alike.

In the wake of the purge, Yesui was forced with the rest of the village to board one of the many ships that abandoned Doma before its destruction. She is now a refugee in Revenant's Toll along with the rest of her village.

RE: Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - Edgar - 06-27-2015

[Image: 5e2ee4745d.jpg]

Say hello to the new, 99% finalized Aradial.

[Image: 46900ec770.jpg]

Aradial is a member of the Krueler, a Tribe known for speaking laconically, often summarizing her feelings in one or two words.

The full story behind how she got to Eorzea is unknown, mostly due to her brief speech. It is thought she may arrived on the same boats that followed Yugiri, but the only thing anyone knows is that once she arrived in Vesper Bay, she bothered a merchant until he let her carry crates from one place to another, and has been doing so for a full day, now.

RE: Post Your Au Ra and Concept! - Haecid - 07-02-2015

[Image: WdWvzis.jpg?1]

Haecid was born and raised in Othard, orphaned as a small child, adopted and raised by a low-ranking Raen merchant. He's not sure how old he is, he guesses around 20ish. It's unknown who his parents were, he only remembers his forename and his adoptive father was not among the nobility, nor did his family take a surname. In character, he has no last name but is open to adopting one.

He grew up as a sort of outcast, learning how to read and write from his father, devoting nearly all of his time and energy towards acquiring Eorzean texts about knights, noble adventurers and their tales. So obsessed with this other world, he would try to emulate their ideals of honor and chivalry; he sought out dangerous beasts to slay and noble ladies to rescue.

Eventually, he fell for a girl from a high-ranking family in his village, frequently embarrassing her with his foreign, chivalrous advances and he held out hope that his woo-pitching might convince her to spend her life with such a lowly squire as he.

Garlemald came. He still tries to block out the specific, visceral details of the events. The band of villages' noble warrior class fought to defend their land. After they lost, the Garleans did not appreciate their defiance. They chose a child from each of the noble families to execute as punishment. Many died in defiance; Haecid should have been among them, he had failed. He flees in exile after making a promise to his father while still in shock: he'll travel to Eorzea, he'll become a great knight, a legendary hero, and he'll return to rid the land of the dragon called Garlemald.

I've never really written about a character before, but I keep putting these pieces together while playing the game (and while not playing the game) and I really felt like putting them somewhere. Now I just really need to summon the bravery to actually try to RP, like I had to to make this post.