Hydaelyn Role-Players
The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - Printable Version

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The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - Tiergan - 02-02-2015

Post about some RP that you thought was TOTALLY AWESOME and brought you immense joy participating in it. Feel free to mention other RPers that helped you have fun. It can be something small and subtle, like a hug at just the right moment -- or something big like an epic gigantic event you got to participate in.

You can also post about other RP-related things that made you feel good. Like getting to brainstorm a storyline with a buddy. Anything goes!


I got to RP with Brynhilde Wulf again after a long time of our schedules not syncing up so well and the RP that came out of it was fantastic and emotional. THE FEELS. (I may or may not have teared up a bit in real life.)

I got to RP with two new people this weekend and it was a blast. Looking forward to running into you again Vaermiont and Jet'a!

RE: The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - Dogberry - 02-02-2015

I love Jancis' monthly pilgrimages! Seeing the people show up, and really make the lore of the game their own as they interpret it in interesting ways is awesome. Every month Nathan adapts a song, and I like seeing of I can guess which song it is. And the stories people have told are awesome. I think so far my favorite has been Tausenadel's story for the Althyk event. And getting to interact one on one as Iskierka is definitely a highlight of each event. I had so much fun telling fortunes for everyone, I'm trying to work out a night in my schedule dedicate to fortune telling. If you haven't been to one, I highly recommend going and seeing all the fun personalities the RP community has to offer.

RE: The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - Inessa Hara - 02-02-2015

As an IC detective, I get alot of joy out of doing detective related stuff and seeing it to completion.

Like, when you get a quest from an NPC in say a game like Skyrim. So you're playing through it because you were the third party that was asked to help resolve the Quest. And when you finish the quest and get the reward from doing so, thats what it feels like with me when I finish a detective assignment, regardless if I get payed or not, because I know I just made the IC life of that person a little easier by solving a significant problem they needed help with.

((TBH, I really would like to get payed for doing stuff to help with my crafting endeavors, but you cant put a price tag on good RP.))

RE: The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - Enla - 02-02-2015

I absolutely loved the wrench that W'ruu threw in the RP between Gin Crow and Enla tonight. It was over the top and probably crossed a few too many boundaries for people, but I enjoyed it none the less as well as the subsequent 'buy all the expensive booze' scene between Gin and Enla after she finally had enough. I really can't wait to see how else it progresses, if at all.

RE: The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - Blue - 02-02-2015

The RP I had with Tiergan for the Red Lotus plot today was totally awesome! It felt great to have ladies want to kill me and not drag me to their bedrooms for a change!


Yeah, I'm working on my problems still.

Seriously though, awesome story!

RE: The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - Melody - 02-02-2015

Had a fun little event happen the other night where a group of us got together and helped Brio animate an adorable succubus doll he'd just made.

Much silliness was had with sneaky, creepy spiders and twins being twins.

Jig even met a potential new student!

RE: The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - Faye - 02-02-2015

Believe it or not, my notoriously obnoxious self has a lot of anxiety and insecurity about initiating RP, especially with strangers. Usually when I go to the Quicksand and try to RP, I end up alone all evening, approached by someone who only wants to ERP, or I wallflower and post emotes alone until someone else who's been wallflowering and posting emotes alone caves in first and approaches my character.

Last night on my alt X'unmei, I walked into the Quicksand and with my first emote I was beckoned over to join a table full of people. It was really nice and refreshing to automatically be approached and included like that.

RE: The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - Nebbs - 02-02-2015

I love the impromptu RP made up on the fly and have many instances of that. You know you bump into someone start chatting and for the next two hours find yourself on some adventure.

RE: The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - Gegenji - 02-02-2015

I think my favorite RP moment of recent days is probably Coral's Pie Swap.

It seemed like such a goofy and friendly concept at first, which was auto-include enough for me. You get paired up with another FC-mate and make pies for each other! With people on hand in case you're the sort that burns water.

Ended up paired up with Leanne, who has a sort of "big sister" angle with Chachan and has been on hard times as of late. So, I got to have a real feelgood moment as Chachan tried to recreate a family recipe to remind her how much he cares about her. Blush

RE: The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - Tiergan - 02-02-2015

Just wanted to add a quick note to Chachan's post with something I said during the pie event: I shamelessly nicked the idea from my old (and sadly defunct) FC Reacher's Fall because it was so much fun at the time. Just wanted to give credit where it was due!

RE: The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - Cato - 02-02-2015

I headed to the Quicksand a couple of weeks ago and ended up with my character being given a tour of the city which was a lot of fun. It's exactly the sort of unplanned role-play I absolutely adore, so hopefully I'll be able to indulge in similar things in the future!

RE: The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - FreelanceWizard - 02-02-2015

Every time I get to do an IC instance*, I have an amazing time. From sneaking through the creepy bits of Tam-Tara to leading a dramatic charge inside a Castrum, I love the back and forth between characters, the quick banter in the midst of fights, and the "wait, what?" moments when noticing something out of the ordinary ICly. It's like playing through a comic book, and characters can take the measure of each other in a situation that's different, dangerous, and impactful, too.

Also, you get lines like this from Brayflox: "Um, dragon. Dragon! DRAGON!" /panic Smile

(* Naturally, instances are "genericized" to serve a purpose in a different story. I'm not talking about RPing the MSQ here, but rather just playing the game while IC, with other people who are IC.)

RE: The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - Gegenji - 02-02-2015

(02-02-2015, 02:36 PM)FreelanceWizard Wrote: Every time I get to do an IC instance*, I have an amazing time. From sneaking through the creepy bits of Tam-Tara to leading a dramatic charge inside a Castrum, I love the back and forth between characters, the quick banter in the midst of fights, and the "wait, what?" moments when noticing something out of the ordinary ICly. It's like playing through a comic book, and characters can take the measure of each other in a situation that's different, dangerous, and impactful, too.

Oh jeez, I know what you mean. I had a couple events where we went into genericized versions of the instances - or instances that were merely stand-ins and what we were "actually" seeing provided by the event coordinator. It definitely adds more flavor to the run.

Heck, just recently there was an IC run of Wanderer's Palace HM with a few of my FC-mates. It originally was just to scope out the place and see what tidbits of interest could be found there... but the coordinator also let me do my own little mini-plot of Chachan's older brother having gone through there in the past.

Not only did it add more flavor to the run - stopping to talk to and help the various tonberries along the way - but it also was a great pivotal point for Chachan as a character. The older brother who disappeared from his life years ago was still alive! The desire to know more gave a just a little more urgency into saving the little dudes from their enslavement.

Of course, he was sad when he didn't learn where his brother had disappeared to afterward... but just knowing the guy was okay was definitely a wonderful thing to learn. And I'm so thankful to the event coordinator for letting me add that little subplot, and my group for running with it... even if I myself thought I was being a little overbearing with it at times... Blush

RE: The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - Telluride - 02-02-2015

(02-02-2015, 03:59 AM)Faye Wrote: Believe it or not, my notoriously obnoxious self has a lot of anxiety and insecurity about initiating RP, especially with strangers. Usually when I go to the Quicksand and try to RP, I end up alone all evening, approached by someone who only wants to ERP, or I wallflower and post emotes alone until someone else who's been wallflowering and posting emotes alone caves in first and approaches my character.

I developed a little game to try to help with that problem.

One thing I really like to try in the QS is to come in with one or two other people, and have them pick some likely target at random, someone we don't know but who seems eager for or interested in RP (read "Spends all night on the railing listening or solo emoting but never jumps in"). I offer to go blindly talk to said character, but the rule is that whatever story/excuse/gambit I come up with, the others involved have to back me up on. It's never anything ERPy, mean or truly uncomfortable, but I've strung together some rapid-fire bantering BS before, to see how the target reacts, and next thing you know, we're sharing a drink, or at the very least, said target gets to tell others about the crazy bard who just sidled up from nowhere and started up the weirdest discussion, accomplices in tow...

If anyone wants to try that one night, it's a fun way to meet new folks, or at least to get off that darned railing.

RE: The "Awesome RP-Related Things" Thread - Enla - 02-13-2015

Thank you so much to Menelwen for coming up to RP with me tonight. I had a blast and it really, really made me feel happy that Enla wouldn't be in a corner all night due to her inability to really approach other people. Same goes to Gunnbjorn, Kale, and K'anon for the resulting shenanigans!

Also many thanks to Atty and Alt for the laughs in chat! I wish I had been there for when Atty was cursing Enla's existence for leaving her with a drunken Altonio. xD Also many thanks to Ruinfeild for the RP tonight as well. *gives out all the hugs and thanks*