Hydaelyn Role-Players
Flakskader's Character Compendium - Printable Version

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Flakskader's Character Compendium - Flakskader - 01-28-2015

  I. Basic Info    
  • Characters:Shashato Shato, Saza Sinoh  
  • Primary character: Shashato Shato  
  • Linkshells: Verdant Legacy  
  • Primary RP linkshell: N/A  
   II. RP Style    
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):  I tend to be between medium and heavy roleplay. Typically, whenever I am online - I tend to be in character. Be it running about completing leves or simply sauntering around town, I'm always happy to be approached. Of course, situations like repeat dungeon runs and so on are not exactly grounds for that. Likewise, in terms of post size, I tend to post heavily only when either I am in the mood to write a lot or simply if it's an important enough event. Toasties on the beach with your friends doesn't always warrant legendary descriptive skills that would make Tolkien's corpse bleed tears of joy.    
  • Views on RP combat and injuries:  Generally, I tend to keep RP combat against players either pre-planned or to a minimum. It can go perfectly fine, but many of the times I've done it - people tend to take the whole thing very, very seriously. I usually tend to set up some rules with the fellow player, so that tends to be flexable. Typically I trust people enough to let them emote freely, of course keeping in mind to attempt every attack and not just instantly hit. My focus in fights is to provide a conflict that is dynamic and poignant. Injuries of a severe nature should come with requests but I don't shy away from them. A character losing a hand to a fireball or being hit by a cursed item might have interesting roleplay repurcussions.    
  • Views on IC romance:  In Character romance appears to be an inevitability these days. Nonetheless, I tend to approach it with a bit of caution. Of course, like normal people, characters in fiction fall in love various amounts of times. Some find their true loves instantly, some lose them and find love again, some have several casual relationships in a row. It all depends on the character. However, as a general rule, if any two characters begin getting close enough to where they want a serious relationship, I try to work things out with my fellow player. I find it tends to be a bit more long-lasting when you know the person you are roleplaying enough to trust them. After all - romance is more then just two people smashing faces together and intimacy. It can be played off as a bond  between two people that creates a very unique dynamic in many situations. Facing the big bad seems more risky when you have a spouse. Having your boy/girlfriend fighting alongside you makes for either an awesome battle couple, two people that are fun to watch play off eachother or a new reason to fear losing.    
  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):  Family can add an interesting roleplay dynamic when you have another character related to you. When unconditional love comes into the picture you have the fine chance of introducing family situations into the mix as well as opportunities to confront something important to your character. Perhaps they're close to their family and feel nervous about letting one join in on an adventure. Perhaps they have a sibling rivalry or animocity against a parent. Perhaps they're a mother or father in law they need to earn the respect of! All manner of things can happen. Friendship between characters is also something I support, in time they can either become rivals, allies, part of the same team...Likewise, I enjoy rivalries between characters. You can have X and Y be competing in a friendly way, or in an all out war against eachother. You can see characters go to dark places, or see the dynamic of two people after the same goal but with differing methods.    
  • Views on lore:  Thus far my exposure to the game's lore has left me quite interested. By all means, like every story there are aspects I do and do not like, but thus far it seems to be rather expansive with interesting events and a lot of room to add more lore and expand the story even further. Where will it all go? We'll have to find out! As far as fanon or player-based lore goes, I tend to be a bit stingy on that. Typically I tend to try keeping that flexable in case lore tends to just go 'nope, not true' after a few days or keep it reserved to certain circles where it's accepted.    
  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):  Depends on the context. Typically /say and /yell for me are for roleplaying purposes, I tend to keep Whispers IC if they're in quotations and otherwise speak freely, Linkshells...well, it depends on what their purpose is and otherwise I tend to use brackets when I am out of character, unless it's a designated OOC zone.  
   III. Other Info  
  • Country: Malta  
  • Timezone: +1 GMT  
  • Contact info: Can be contacted on Shashato Shato or Saza Sinoh ingame, otherwise can be contacted over forums VIA PM.  

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