Hydaelyn Role-Players
What are fun / challenging things you do? - Printable Version

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What are fun / challenging things you do? - Kage - 01-12-2015

What do you do for fun or to challenge yourself in this game outside of Progression Raiding, Tome capping stuff, or RP.

Do you PVP?

Do you PVE?

Do you just not do anything?

I've found that it's been incredibly fun to do stupid things with the people in my FC. Stupid or just out of the box type of things.
6 PLD + 1 WHM + 1 SCH for Turn 6. Get Rafflesia to 50% while goofing off and letting people die. (Or eating dinner)

I've mentioned we farm raids such as T8 and T9, etc. Well, we decided to farm T7 but picked up some by saying we'd do T9. Right before this one person drops out cause he wants to make gil for his Zodiac so he does T9 merc runs. Unfortunately, the person selling got people outside of the LS to do the run and they failed. For 1.5 hours. We told him we'd do it. We did it for free. We 7-manned it. We got it in a two-shot because we didn't quite adjust very well for the iceballs and at 1% I faced Nael alone without anything to keep me alive. So we did it again without issue.

We've now decided we'd do "pony" runs and others since we're going to merc some things. As such 7 man everything and practicing it. Have someone die and see what happens. Play in classes you aren't as strong in that specific content. Someone mained WHM? They have a DRG. Someone main-tanked or DPS'd Nael? WHM. Someone DPS'd only? SCH. Solo heals! I am anticipating the fun of SCH'ing T9 (I've done it before once but we did it as an 8 man, no fucking way I'll solo-SCH it though). Or PLD'ing it. LALA SCH DEEPZ YO (in british accent) going PLD! Etc. This way even if we have only 9 people up and there's no tanks... we technically do became the usual BLM etc can heal!

It's so fun to do content while challenging yourself with people who don't go "ugh" or facepalm. Or you can hear it in their voice that they're getting frustrated. Or that just facepull things cause they're tired of it all.

RE: What are fun / challenging things you do? - Aris - 01-12-2015

That sounds like so much fun, exactly the sort of thing I've been wanting to my FC to do but always feel too embarrassed. Tongue Not the same situation, but I finally got my Garuda EX clear yesterday, and by accident we went in with 3 healers. I know it's arguably the easiest ex primal any way, but it was one of the most fun runs I've done for ages. I need to go for it and just ask them lol.

To be honest I don't really set myself any other challenges aside from trying out daily roulettes or PvP as different classes.
Something I am going to do in regards to RP is make my next character something completely different from what I've thought to do before. I've usually gone for a 'safer' option, so it'll be exciting to challenge myself to push my boundaries. (Should have done it ages ago really!)

I'm interested to hear what others have to say, could do with some new ideas. Smile

RE: What are fun / challenging things you do? - Aduu Avagnar - 01-12-2015

I set long and short term goals, such as get a 4* crafter before 2.5 (done!) or get all classes to 50 before 3.0 launches (still behind on that with Rog... Sad )

beyond that, I'm now trying to get into hoard mode for 2.5/3.0 so whatever gets thrown at us I can dive in head first.

so I don't really have anything I do other than play the game?

RE: What are fun / challenging things you do? - Telluride - 01-12-2015

Ok, goofy/fun things besides RP. I need a moment... can't use RP examples... blasphemy, no... oh, all right.

- Learning what high places can actually be climbed upon to get really good views. It was amusing to spy on OS&R's Bronze Lake gathering from up on high, yesterday. There is only so much difference between Batman and a stalker. I have pics, but not here at work.

- Maps are fun. It's not often that they give really good loot, but I have some good mates who are miners, and it's a nice tour of Eorzea.

- Have you stopped near NPC groups and seen all their pop-up bubble conversations? There are some nearly-R-Rated comments coming from some of these folks.

- Calling out Bots when they're found, and taking steps to interfere with them in any way possible.

RE: What are fun / challenging things you do? - Sounsyy - 01-12-2015

On Hyp I'm usually doing one of four things:

1) Coil
2) Big Fishing
3) Ixali Dailies
4) Finding hiding places or ways to get up high/off map.

I thoroughly enjoy FCOB. I love it and my static - so to me, that's the fun I look forward to every week. Sure, it's exhausting chugging through rough fights and stupid mistakes, but meh the reward is worth it.

Big Fishing sucked me in so hard. I leveled fisher for the AF honestly, but by the time I hit 50, I was addicted and proceeded to full meld my AF (this was before forager's) and get my new rod and I've easily spent weeks just trying to catch Big Fish. It's actually why I'm so far behind on getting my Zodiac, because I was too busy Big Fishing to work on my Nexus. But anyways, I'm 95/112 Big Fish and only 11 fish away from my Magitek Rod. This is seriously my only other goal to get before 2.5 after Zodiac. Gimme my Zodiac and my Magitek Rod, and I could go into 2.5 happy.

I really hate Ixali dailies, because crafting... but I do them cuz they're an excellent way to make money and I've been leveling all of my crafts to 50 using them. All crafts 20 now, with two crafters 50 on absolutely nothing but Ixali quests. Next goal is all crafts 30.

The last thing is a fun passtime for when I'm really bored and don't feel like anything. I just kinda run around and find a nice high place and try to find a way to climb up on it. I've found quite a few good ones. It's probably helped me with my creeper shots on Balmung significantly. /nod.

And yeah, if I'm not on the Hype doing any of these things I'm on Balmung RPing. Yar.

RE: What are fun / challenging things you do? - Gegenji - 01-12-2015

Do creep shots count? Because I totally love creep shots.

RE: What are fun / challenging things you do? - Kage - 01-12-2015

If only you'd join us lovely people in Balmung with your main *nod* jk

Have you sight seekers gotten the apkallu minion from the sightseeing log?

RE: What are fun / challenging things you do? - Zyrusticae - 01-12-2015

(01-12-2015, 04:29 PM)Sounsyy Wrote: I really hate Ixali dailies, because crafting... but I do them cuz they're an excellent way to make money and I've been leveling all of my crafts to 50 using them. All crafts 20 now, with two crafters 50 on absolutely nothing but Ixali quests. Next goal is all crafts 30.
Hah, pretty much in the same boat here, except I'm also doing Grand Company turn-ins by buying stuff off the broker for that cheap, easy XP. I've already got three crafts to 50 this way. Nice and relaxing and fewer headaches from trying to juggle the insane amount of inventory space required for crafting materials and gear.

I don't think I'll bother going up to 3*+ crafting, however. Just too much hassle. And that materia is expensive...

RE: What are fun / challenging things you do? - Blue - 01-12-2015

Currently trying to solo rack up 45M to get our FC a large house (the other members have other stuff to make gil for and I don't feel like asking them to help yet, not when we're still so far from the goal), with no 3+ stars crafting nor access to any endgame that may drop juicy stuff to sell lol x_X I just... craft basic things.

Currently on the 9M mark though, so I'm getting there!

Also, I collect all the green gear in the game in ascending order by ilvl (OCD much, I know). Currently working on the ilvl70 stuff from Hunts and PvP.

And yep! Got my Apkallu too~

RE: What are fun / challenging things you do? - TheLastCandle - 01-12-2015

I like doing weird runs like 4x SMN in Hullbreaker Isle. So many Egi. Gods, that was amazing fun.

RE: What are fun / challenging things you do? - Sounsyy - 01-12-2015

(01-12-2015, 04:45 PM)Kage Wrote: If only you'd join us lovely people in Balmung with your main *nod* jk

Have you sight seekers gotten the apkallu minion from the sightseeing log?

Proud owner of what, to the best of my knowledge, was Hyp's 3rd Apkallu Minion. ^^ Took me a little over a week to get all the spots after the patch came out.

RE: What are fun / challenging things you do? - Miryn - 01-12-2015

When I'm done with tome capping and Coil for the week, I look for T5-T9 clear parties in PF and lend a hand. I've met some really cool people this way, which is extra valuable considering my server's small-town size. Even if we don't clear I can at least offer advice, experience, and encouragement. My friends are usually down to join me if they're not busy, which reinforces my love for them.

And all the wiping keeps me humble.

RE: What are fun / challenging things you do? - C'kayah Polaali - 01-13-2015

Nah, I just RP. That's plenty fun and challenging in and of itself. Wink

RE: What are fun / challenging things you do? - Gegenji - 01-13-2015

(01-13-2015, 03:29 PM)C'kayah Polaali Wrote: Nah, I just RP. That's plenty fun and challenging in and of itself. Wink

I'm starting to think that trying to keep tabs on all the people Chachan knows is starting to become a challenge in and of itself. Laugh

RE: What are fun / challenging things you do? - Kage - 01-13-2015

(01-13-2015, 03:29 PM)C Wrote: Nah, I just RP. That's plenty fun and challenging in and of itself. Wink
Good to know? but certainly not what I'd asked as stated in the op. Wink