Hydaelyn Role-Players
Flame Forever [[Closed]] - Printable Version

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Flame Forever [[Closed]] - Seriphyn - 12-07-2014

[[The events following Nald's Rescue and Heroes of the Red Labyrinth]]

It was not a fantastic office. On the third floor of the Hall of Flames, tucked between other rooms, it lacked any windows or any distinguishing features bar the embellishments the owner had brought into it. Second Flame Commander Autgar Wolfhammer, the owner in question, had really nothing to say about it. In his mind, if a soldier of any rank thought an office was worth a critique, then that soldier had their priorities in a severe state of mismanagement. Even thinking about all that hurt his sense of pride. You make use of what you have. That's what separated him and his comrades from the rest.

There was a knock at the door. Autgar knew who it was, and knew the guest would deserve his proper attention. The papers he was reading were neatly set aside, and his fingers were folded atop of the desk. His mouth opened to bark out an enter, but some invisible force lodged in his throat caused to him to let out nothing but a squeak. A clearing of that same throat, and he tried again.


And thus did the door open, and in walked Kale Aideron. His grey Flames desert uniform was sandy and torn at several different places, bruises beneath those incisions. It was not at all appropriate for entering an office belonging to a commander of Autgar's rank, but both men knew that urgency had to be placed over propriety when appropriate, which was a contradictory logic in itself. Before Autgar was given a little too much time to think on this, Kale was standing at rest in front of his desk.

“Sir, reporting as ordered,” came Kale's mandatory statement of the obvious, followed by a routine salute. 

Autgar returned the salute from his seated position, right fist to the left side of his chest, followed by using that hand to gesture for Kale to sit. The lower-ranking soldier did so. Autgar could see the other man was anxious, partially hidden behind a wall of stiffness and a straight back. That brow of Kale's was resting in an intense manner. An internal sigh within Autgar. One sun, soldiers would come in here and not feel the need to lock their shoulders in such a posturing manner. No matter, there was business in need of discussion.

“Excellent work in the Sagolii, Kale. It was flawless,” Autgar was not needlessly flattering, “Honestly, if we had sent in regular troops like some would have wanted, I seriously doubt it would have gone as it did. All those aetheric gifts that your adventuring friends are blessed with are indispensable.”

Kale felt an obligation to reciprocate the openness, forced to relax his body language somewhat, “Yes, sir, I agree. They are a...unique bunch, that is for sure. Wild cards that just don't exist within the rank-and-file, one could say”

“Yes,” a curt nod of agreement from Autgar, “But I'm not even going to insult your intelligence by saying something as trite as how we both know why you're here. Have you informed Lord Lolorito?”

Now Kale had no choice but to ease up. He hunched forward with his elbows on both thighs, finding this the most optimal position for this particular matter. The two of them knew that the nature of this beast would require a less jackbooted disposition from both sides of the desk. 

“Yea', that's correct, sir,” Kale moistened his lips, “I spoke to Lady Estrild White this morning, and, ah, requested my relinquishment from the Company's service, with some vigour”

Up goes one of Autgar's eyebrows. The use of both hinting and understating very gently irritated the commander. Autgar did not see any reason to make issue of it, however; the message was received. That small amount of generated annoyance escaped the officer by an exhale through his nostrils. If this was any other office, Autgar could get up and pace over to the window, maybe gaze out of it in a pensive manner. Alas, there was no significant landmark in his office for him to walk to, so he would have to remain in his seat. His shoulders were pushed back.

“I get the idea. Listen...” Autgar shuts his eyes, and exhales a second time, this time through his mouth. His posture was far too formal for this conversation to be even a moderate success. Autgar's chiseled and middle-aged frame instantly relaxed, something which Kale was immediately cognizant of. It was this that summoned the younger Highlander's full attention.

Autgar continued, “Everybody that's known you from before the nonsense six moons ago knows you make a terrible Monetarist lapdog. You did your job for EATC, and nothing more, right? You always seemed to advance your own personal vision of Ul'dah in your work, rather than that of Lord Lolorito, from what we've followed of you”

It had been a while since Kale's inner workings had been discussed openly like that. It elicited some pause from him, which Autgar exploited.

“Why did you accept his offer?” and rather viciously at that. The older man's eyes were piercing.

A set of blinks from Kale. Feeling threatened, the bronzed Highlander moved to sit up from his slouch, but the demanding gaze from the commander left Kale halted mid-motion.

“I...” a halting sound of hesitation from the back of Kale's throat, “I needed the money for my mother”

He was not lying, but he was not telling the whole truth, either. Autgar reminded him of it.

“You didn't want to face a hearing”

Unable to sufficiently defend himself, Kale threw his arms in the air in resignation and sat up til his back was in the chair, head turned to the right with an expression of indignation. His hands came down and bounced in his lap. It was a total loss of bearing on Kale's part, but Autgar permitted it. The commander put up a palm to preemptively stay any potential petulance from the soldier.

“We know why you lept on the opportunity to lead the Red Labyrinth operation. It was not subtle,” the palm was stalwart in remaining aloft, especially as Kale shifted to verbally protest, “What makes you think the Flames would want someone who's worked for a good six moons for Lolorito back in their ranks?”

Kale was not making eye contact, deliberately gazing here and there in frustration, “Twelve, I ain't fuckin' know, do I? I would 'ave bloody thought over five years of Flames would trump six moons of that Syndicate tour”

“I agree with you,” Autgar's assertion defused Kale somewhat, “You had some conversation with a Chief Sergeant Osric Melkire over a Flame linkshell? He expressed concern to a few of my junior officers. I don't know the details of what you were talking about, but nonetheless, I can't ignore the concerns of a senior petty officer, especially one who has been in as long as you were. Even if he was originally Foreign Brigade”

A disdainful click of teeth from Kale, he threw his palm at the commander in a dismissive gesture. “I knew 'e was fuckin' Lominsan from his accent, what does 'e know?” he closes his eyes to let out a sharp exhale, regaining his military bearing, “I don't know what you expect me to say, sir”

When Kale opened his eyes, he just looked right at Autgar. His eyes bespoke a sort of impatience, along with a degree of helplessness, maybe even fatigue. The younger of the two had no interest in this back and forth; he was completely at the whims of Commander Wolfhammer. Autgar sighed, letting his eyes drop to his desk in concession. The latter understood, and pushed the conversation along.

“It's true. Even before this incarnation of the Grand Company was established, you were a swordsman in one of the Sultanate's most consistently loyal mercenary bands. You are a soldier of this country through and through,” Autgar said.

To no one's surprise did Kale find himself relaxing in the face of aggrandizement. He adjusted the posture to in his seat to a less irritable stance.

Autgar continued, “If we were to reinstate you as a sergeant in one of the Main Brigades, I'm sure you'd do fine. But the six moons under the Monetarists cannot be ignored. You remember the assassinations of Sultansworn paladins last year?”

“I...right,” Kale was caught off-guard by this turn in the discussion, unsure what to make of it. That intense expression rested on his face once more, attentive to what the commander had to say.

A nod of conviction towards Kale as Autgar came full circle, “The countless years of service to the army cannot be ignored. But even if the Monetarists don't challenge the Sultansworn these suns, taking down an insignificant sergeant on night watch or during a patrol would cost nothing for them. You need to be a costly target, if we were to bring you back”

Kale was not educated, but he wasn't stupid. His brow knitted together, lifting himself up slightly to reposition his weight on the seat. It wasn't able to assist his deciphering of what the commander was saying, but he gave it his best shot nonetheless.

“Sir, I can't read or write, I wouldn't be eligible to make commissioned officer. I'm too old to learn all that” said Kale.

Autgar found that guess a little endearing, shaking his head while masking a faint smile, “That's not true, Kale, but that's neither here nor there. You'd make a good officer, but I don't think you'd enjoy it. No, you're a leader of men, and I think you'd just let yourself end up being caught up in the politics of the officer corps. I know you prefer to lead from the front, a fine quality of sergeants”

The younger man was listening, but patiently so. While his ego was stimulated, he found the flattery far too inappropriate. Autgar was stating the obvious, and giving undue attention to aspects of Kale the latter did not think necessary to highlight. A small amount of discomfort caused Kale ti shift his weight again, trying to dislodge it during the motion. Thankfully, the older Flame spared Kale further embarrassment, a briefly apologetic expression.

“You're tough,” Autgar said, but for some reason Kale did not find this to be an empty compliment, “That two moon stint in Ishgard didn't kill you. Archon before that, also. I know you might love the idea of being a humble servant of the Sultanate, but we must needs not waste your talents. You are to be recommended to the Bloodsworn”

The slight parting of Kale's lips was telling of the fact that he was not expecting this. As the commander had said, a simple return to his duties as a sergeant would have been more than enough. This was beyond what he could have imagined, and for a moment, Kale wished for one of those 'aetheric gifts' that the commander had mentioned. His habitual submission to the system came with a unique kind of modesty, one where Kale was compelled to automatically presume he was not competent enough for the position. Maybe if he had one of those special abilities he had lambasted adventurers for possessing, this might have been a sound choice.

“Sir,” Kale tried to find an excuse, “I've been six moons out of the Grand Company I need time to-”

“Stop,” Autgar raised a veritable wall in the form of his palm, “I know what you're trying to do, Kale, and what you're thinking. Please, stop wasting our time. Get up”

The enraptured attention left Kale bolting to his feet, Autgar following suit in a more languid pace. The commander was reaching under his desk for something. He presented a neatly folded overcoat in Immortal Flame colours, tossing it at Kale. 

“You're dismissed, Sergeant. Report to the Fragrant Chamber. Your commanding officer in the Bloodsworn awaits you there” Autgar made it clear he was finished with Kale.

Kale shook his head in disbelief, as he looked down to the overcoat that was barely caught in his arms. He supposed this was how it was to be. Without performing a facing movement or executing a salute, Kale just turned about to head on out, still registering everything that had happened, and everything that might happen. He was halfway through the door when Autgar spoke one last time.

“Oh, and Kale...I know you live with that Sword and Rose bunch in the Goblet. Why don't you suggest to be their levemete on behalf of the Grand Company? Seems like a good way to pull double duty without questions, if you ask me.”

A simple nod from Kale indicated his understanding. He stepped out and briskly headed down the corridor, clutching the overcoat in his arms. No one would have guessed the boy-like excitement surging within him. Except maybe Autgar, who had resumed his seat in his office. The commander smiled to himself, ink-dipped quill hovering over parchment. He knew, even if he didn't have to see it.

* * * 

Across from the Hall of Flames, was Lady Estrild White, a Midlander noblewoman answerable to the Chairman of the East Aldenard Trading Company. She stood under the overhang of the entrance to the Platinum Mirage, watching both soldiers and adventurers alike arriving at and departing from the Grand Company headquarters. It took a bell or two, but Estrild finally felt satisfied when she saw Kale Aideron emerge, tucked up inside that distinctive overcoat. A thin eyebrow elevates, and two slender fingers go to her right ear.

“It seems the man has, indeed, returned to where one might say he truly belonged,” a pause after each statement, listening to the response from the other end, “Off him? Don't be silly. Do we really need to be so predictable and play up to our reputation? We must needs not be so violent and cruel if the situation does not demand it. He was never to be one of us”

“Yes. Quite. Yes, I know. Leave him be. He is pursuing his own interests, as are we...I'm glad you agree”

A sigh, followed by a lyrical hum, thoughts dancing around how these six moons had come to its conclusion. Without even checking if the party on the other end was still listening, Estrild indulged in a wistful remark, as she watched Kale disappear down Emerald Avenue.

“You can take the man out of the flames, but you can't take the flames out the man. I suppose what they say is true, then, that it really does burn immortal”