Hydaelyn Role-Players
Decency and Compassion [Story] - Printable Version

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Decency and Compassion [Story] - Melkire - 10-14-2014

((The story outlined here was copied almost word-for-word from in-game events. Enjoy.))

"C'kayah," came the distorted buzz of a voice over the linkshell. "Now a good time for you?"
"As good a time as any. I'm here specifically for this." 

"Meet you at Gold Court." 

"Alright, Osric, I'll see you there. And... thanks. Again." 

"Don't thank me for a shite situation." 

"The survivors always have to make the best of the shit, Osric. You know that." 

C'kayah Tia turned towards the pair as they approached, his expression grave. "Osric", he said. "Kanaria." 

Osric Melkire nodded back. Kanaria Galanodel smiled politely to Miqo'te, giving a nod of her head in greeting. 


"As ready as I'll ever be", he said. "Where is... she?" 

The sergeant inhaled slowly. "I'll be takin' you to Jenlyns, makin' the introductions - as if you need one, with your record and history - and if he acquiesces to the request, we'll see how things proceed from there.

"And your predictions? About what'll likely happen afterwards?"

"If I'm with you, and you pose no threat to the sultanate, they don't have a leg to stand on." Melkire grinned. "You did say you were legitimate now, no?" 

The tia nodded again, a hint of a satisfied smile on his lips. "Chartered, even." 

Kanaria Galanodel lifted a bow, as if to ask 'really?' but didn't speak a word. Osric whistled. "Comin' up in the world. Alright, let's go."
"After you", C'kayah purred. 

The sergeant smirked to himself as they walked up the steps to the Chamber of Rule without so much as a second glance from the 'sworn standing on guard. There were advantages to irregular uniform, the advantage in this case, namely, being an instantly recognizable figure. Minutes later found them before the chambers of one Ser Captain Jenlyns Straightblade. Melkire nodded to the 'sworn standing guard at the door, who prompty turned, knocked, and peeked inside to announce their presence. 

"Enter," came the familiar voice from within the office, both to those standing outside and the Sworn who had peeked in.  

Osric glanced back at C'kayah and Kanaria, jerked his head towards the chamber, then strode inside as the 'sworn held the door open. A dozen paces took him well within the chamber; there, he stopped, snapped a salute, and announced himself. "Sergeant Melkire, ser, with a request." 

C'kayah followed Osric into the chamber, standing next to the Hyur, regarding Jenlyns calmly and silently. Kanaria slowly followed the males and slipped in, closing the door behind her. The wall beside the door found her back, taking a lean against it while watching both Ossy and C'kayah for a moment before turning her attention to Jenlyns.

Jenlyns Straightblade sat behind his large desk, the piles of parchments about him seem taller than usual. He also seemed more wearied than usual, his blonde brows tugged low and his blue eyes narrowed. He glanced up at the Sergeant, whose face was almost an expected sight of late, but he cocked a brow when two more entered. His movement with quill came to a pause. Jenlyns slowly set the quill down, folding his hands. "I suspect you have an explanation for this, Sergeant. Speak."
"Yes, ser. It's regarding Natalie, Captain. There are... certain obligations owed to one's loved ones when one passes on, ser, in the name of decency and compassion. Particularly to those who were once... conjugal, if you'll pardon the term." He stepped lightly to one side, right arm sweeping out, palm up, to gesture to the male next to him. "C'kayah Tia, ser. He would... like to see her, one last time, for closure. He came to me hoping for an introduction and a chance." 

C'kayah nodded, stepping forward but otherwise remaining silent. 

Jenlyns exhaled as he leaned back on his chair, his attention turning to the Miqo'te. "Very well. Are you the one they call C'kayah?" His expression was neutral, but his gaze was sharp. He was looking the man up and down. 

C'kayah nodded again, a faint smile on his lips. "I am," he said.

Jenlyns curled one corner of his lip cordially. "I usually pay no mind to the relationships of those in the Order. But Mcbeef's relation with you was...rather known." There was no judgment in his voice, just matter-of-fact. "My condolences."
The tia bowed then, though his smile was fading. "Thank you", he said. "Whatever else might be said about her, she'll be missed." 

"Indeed," the captain nodded.  "Very well, none others have come forth, I suppose you can be as close to her family then. I have not seen Kiryuu about. She deserves respects to be paid in her passing." His voice remained calm, even though his expression took a somber turn. 

"Kage might not come," C'kayah admitted. "He and Nat had fought, not long before she was killed. He's always been his own worst enemy, and I think that's keeping him away now." 

"Mm," the captain hummed, steepling his fingers. "Such was Natalie's turbulent relationships with..." he paused. "Well, I suppose her apprentices as well," he said thoughtfully. "No matter," he flicked a glance back at C'kayah. I am glad she will have some visitors regardless. Death is never kind, but lack of remembrance can be a cruel thing." 

He nodded again, his eyes meeting the Hyur's. "Thank you for understanding", he said. "I don't think I can really express what this means to me."
Jenlyns gave a glance to the Sergeant. "I trust you are vetting for him, Sergeant Melkire?"

"Yes, ser, though given his history as a known... well... I'd still suggest a pat-down. That's neither unreasonable nor untoward, is it?" Osric glanced sidelong at the tia. 

Jenlyns gave Osric a wry look, as if he had already expected that to have occurred before even stepping foot into his office. C'kayah, though, raised his eyebrows and looked over at Osric, snorting sardonically. "You afraid I'll steal her?" 

Melkire winced under Jenlyn's rightful disapproval, then looked back to C'kayah. "More worried about what y'might leave behind once you're alone. Come on, man, if you're here in good faith, what does it matter?" He stepped around the tia to stand behind the male and smirked. "Unless you're uncomfortable with my hands, o' course." 

The male held his arms out from his sides, rolling his eyes extravagantly. "Only for you", he purred. Jenlyns just watched patiently. Hustings Strip was oft a high security area, although that was something that an Immortal Flames officer did not usually have to deal with.

Osric started with the arms, then worked his way down. He pulled out an ornate silver flask for a few moments, uncorked and sniffed the contents, then replaced it in the Miqo'te's coat pocket. A fine silver chain adorned with bells, he gave only a cursory glance before returning it... but he held up a clay ball with a frown as he sniffed it; it smelled faintly of bitter herbs. "Hells is this?"

"Kh'irah," C'kayah answered. "For relatives of the deceased. It's a Coeurl thing." 

Kanaria watched and couldn't help but bite back a giggle as her Ossy-kins patted C'kayah down. Osric looked askance at the tia. "You wouldn't mind if we held onto this while you visit, would you?" 

C'kayah frowned, his brows furrowing. "It's Kh'irah", he said, iron in his voice. "It helps the spirit to be mindful of Thal's realm. Nymeia's flatulent buttocks, Osric, she was a Coeurl for a while. At least let me do this right." 

Melkire grit his teeth and nodded as he slipped the ball back into the pocket. He worked his way further down, finding only a heavy purse, which he removed for just long enough to scrunch up in his hand, feeling the contents for anything that wasn't shaped like coin.

Jenlyns just slowly raised one brow, watching the exchange. He studied C'kayah carefully for a moment, before he glanced back to Osric. The Flame brought the man, the captain was content to have the sergeant carry out the clearance. 

"...remind me why you need your purse again?" 

"Because I'll need a good many drinks after I'm done in there, and I'd rather not have you arrest me for stealing them", he purred, looking into the blank visor of the taller man. 

Osric smiled. "Kanaria," he called as he tossed the purse to the woman. "Return that to him when we're done here, eh?" 

Kanaria reached out her hands quickly and caught the purse. "Uh..." She lifted a brow and looked down at it. "I  don't see why... mm. Yes, ser."
The sergeant stepped aside and turned to Jenlyns. "Clear, ser." 

C'kayah adjusted his coat, brushing down the lapels with his hands, then looked over at Jenlyns, waiting for the man to speak.

Jenlyns nodded once, his gaze going from the Hyur male to the Miqo'te and back. "You can have one of my men show him to Ser Mcbeef. Just ask Conner outside. She is being prepped for burial on the morrow."

"Thank you, ser." A sharp salute, then the sergeant turned on his heel, nodded to C'kayah, and made for the door. 

"Thank you", he said, turning to Osric and following him out. Kanaria shifted slightly, her delicate finger fiddling with the sack in her hands, feeling the coin within. She looked up and nodded to Ossy, then followed. 

Jenlyns watched them leave. "She was always loyal to the Sultana," he said in parting. "The Order will honor her."

C'kayah turned a curious eye to Jenlyns, then followed Osric. The sergeant passed outside, party in tow, and turned to the 'sworn standing guard outside. "Need to speak with a Conner? Captain gave us leave to visit Mcbeef tonight."

The 'sworn nodded to his opposite number standing across from him on the other side of the office door. "I'll take you," said the man as he gestured towards the stairwell leading up towards the Heart of the Sworn. The sergeant fell in line, beckoned the others to follow with his fingers. 

"That went better than expected."  

"I'll admit I'm a little surprised."

"You and me both." 

Conner led them to the door opposite the Heart and traded a nod with the lalafellin on duty. As the little one unlocked the door, the 'sworn in attendance turned to them. "He can have a moment alone with her if the door stays open. If he wants it shut, he'll need at least two others with him, myself and another." 

Melkire glanced at C'kayah and tilted his head in lieu of a raised eyebrow. The crime lord shook his head. "You can come in", he said, "and the door can stay open."

 The 'sworn nodded as the lalafell stood aside. "After you," the man intoned with an arm raised in invitation. Osric leaned back against a nearby column. "We'll be waiting out here."
C'kayah nodded and made his way almost reluctantly inside. Conner followed, but only so far as to step into the chamber proper and stand at attention by the door, eyes distant as if seeking a horizon. She lay on a table in a simple tunic and leggings embroidered with the symbols of her profession and her calling. C'kayah's eyes flickered to the ground, then he went to stand next to her. "Nat", he said, his voice cracking. "Why in the seven hells did you have to go and get yourself killed for? It wasn't time. Gods, Nat, it wasn't time..."

He breathed deeply, then he placed his hand on her forehead, brushing her shock of orange hair with his thumb. He brought his lips to her ear and murmured something to her, his eyes blinking rapidly a few times. After a minute, he removed his hand and kissed her forehead. His eyes went to her feet, clad in light slippers, her ankles showing. He nodded, moving to fasten the chain of bells around her left ankle. The bells made a tiny sound, then he straightened.

"Menphina guide your feet to Thal's domain", he said, his voice cracking. "Dance for him. I never got to show you how, but you'll know." 

He squeezed her ankle, then turned and walked out of the room, his eyes shining, his face rigidly composed. He paused to look at Osric, then nodded. "Thank you", he said. "I'm done here."
The sergeant nodded back. "Of course. We'll walk with you to the Quicksand." He turned to Conner just long enough to blurt out, "M'thanks to the captain," then he fell in step behind C'kayah.

Kanaria Galanodel glanced to the side and into the room but tore her eyes away, fingers clutching the bag. So she hated the sight of seeing her there, even if she hadn't really liked her. She sighed softly and slowly released the bag from her tight grasp. Lavender hues tipped up, gazing at C'kayah. "I'm sorry for your loss C'kayah..." she said softly before moving up to him to hold out the coin purse for him to relieve from her.
Osric swallowed. "If nothin' else, believe us when we say we can imagine how you must be feelin'." 

C'kayah nodded, swallowing hard himself as he accepted the purse from her. "Thank you", he said softly. "You'll have to excuse me, I suddenly feel the need to be alone for a moment." 

The couple exchanged a glance, then walked off down Scholar's Walk without a word, leaving the male to himself... and to his grief.