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EU players, how do you cope? - Printable Version

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EU players, how do you cope? - Clover - 08-09-2014

Hello! I hope this is the right place for this kind of topic. If not, I apologize.

As I've mentioned before, being an EU player, I've sacrificed endgame for the sake of joining the unofficial RP server. Granted, I don't RP much ingame because I'm not a fan of casual tavern RP, but I love attending events. However, most events I see lately, even the ones advertised in the tumblr RP community, are organized with NA timezones in mind.

In the end, I'm feeling a bit frustrated because I can't do endgame anywhere and I can't attend most RP events either. I've read that many EU players left Balmung for an EU server, and that there are many RP groups in said servers.

EU players, does anyone know anything about this? Has any EU player from the RPC ended up leaving Balmung/Gilgamesh and found RP elsewhere? I merely want to know if there's any active EU RP community, organizing events for European timezones. Even if there's not, which is the recommended EU server?

Thank you for your time.

RE: EU players, how do you cope? - Aduu Avagnar - 08-09-2014

I know of one person who has left for Excalibur (I don't know if that is EU or NA) for the Endgame there.

personally I am not too bothered by the timezones for endgame, but at the same time, if I want to run it, it tends to be in the early hours of the morning. Then again, I also tend to get by with a smaller ammount of sleep than some.

As for EU groups organising stuff for EU players, afaik Kin is your best bet, they are mainly European to my knowledge, and there is also the Europa Linkshell to find EU-centric RP.

RE: EU players, how do you cope? - Adventurer - 08-09-2014

I'm also an EU player and this has crossed my mind a few times! I have a 'standard' schedule (as in I can usually only play evenings in the week and weekends, due to a 9 till 5 working situation) and that usually means I'm around too early before any juicy RP begins to happen!

I think EU RPers in Final Fantasy XIV are quite a rare breed, or at least in my experience we appear to be! There isn't much choice of Free Company either, unless we're happy to join an NA group and hope we can snatch up some stuff at odd times. I guess that adds to the stress a bit, too.

It's a bit of a struggle, I'll admit! I've heard there are quite a few EU players on Moogle, and I know a bunch of RPers headed that way at launch but I have no idea if they're still playing and/or active. Sad I imagine that'd be best bet if you wanted to start focusing on end-game instead, but on the flip-side the RP community that did head there at launch could very well be over now that we're one year on.

For what it's worth, I'd be happy to RP with you! Blush I'm always hunting down more EU players to hang out with. It gets a bit lonely when the majority of people you associate with are NA based!

RE: EU players, how do you cope? - Cato - 08-09-2014

I'm lucky enough to have a rather flexible schedule despite living in the EU but I can totally understand where you're coming from. It's disheartening to hear that there's EU players who have abandoned Balmung but I can't disagree with their reasoning.

I'm the sort of player who enjoys indulging in every aspect of the game since role-play alone isn't enough for me. The duty finder allows me to tackle a fair bit of content but I'd love to be able to find some like-minded EU players to complete some of the more difficult content with.

So if anyone is interested in teaming up with me then I'm willing to help them out - I just won't be able to actually be a raid leader. :p

RE: EU players, how do you cope? - Raz - 08-09-2014

It isn't too bad for me. I don't get much sleep, and so I get by with less than most. My work also keeps me awake pretty late, so my schedule coincides pretty nicely with NA players.

The only EU group I can think of from the top of my head is Europa, but I'm sure there are plenty others scattered around the EU servers. Smile

RE: EU players, how do you cope? - Clover - 08-09-2014

Nako> Thank you for your reply! ^^

I'm in the EU LS, but sadly they don't do endgame. And as far as I know, they don't organize events either. Or at least I haven't heard about it (I assume that if someone organizes an actual event, they'd advertise it here).

Oh well, perhaps the solution really is for me to transfer. I must think carefully about it.

EDIT: Waaa, more replies @@ I didn't read them when I posted. *Does so now*.

EDIT2: Thank you for leaving your comments, everyone! Are you all in the Europa Linkshell? If so, and if you're interested in endgame, perhaps we could try to make a party and raid together? So far, the people at the EU LS don't seem interested in endgame raids, or this was what I was told when I asked them a while ago. It's a pity; I want to enjoy the game to the max as well (High Allagan tunic *coughs), and I feel I'm missing many things.

RE: EU players, how do you cope? - Cato - 08-09-2014

I wouldn't be opposed to an invite to the Europa LS if there's still room! Or perhaps a new LS could be created primarily for EU raiding? I'd love to be able to tackle Turn 5 and the various high end primal fights. Relying solely upon the duty finder is...inefficient, unfortunately. So long as everybody does their best I don't mind if we wipe. :p

RE: EU players, how do you cope? - Aduu Avagnar - 08-09-2014

(08-09-2014, 06:29 PM)J Wrote: I wouldn't be opposed to an invite to the Europa LS if there's still room! Or perhaps a new LS could be created primarily for EU raiding? I'd love to be able to tackle Turn 5 and the various high end primal fights. Relying solely upon the duty finder is...inefficient, unfortunately. So long as everybody does their best I don't mind if we wipe. :p
Theres still room, I can send you an invite, and if there are enough people interested, I have a spot for another LS so can put one together easily enough

RE: EU players, how do you cope? - Nebbs - 08-09-2014

I'm an EU player in a tiny EU FC, and I find you have to live with the time difference which does have some ups as well as downs. Also as we RP it also makes fitting in PvE a compromise in the end.

Some suggestions that may help some

PvE for RPers LS "Balmung's Finest" - this is active and people are on around the clock LINK

Friday 8pm UK time we (my FC) run a PvE session, it's just a few hours but we have space for four LINK. Maybe other FC could do similar and we can have a LS for small FC PvE help?

Plug: RP wise most LS are dead. I have started one after saying that we should and it is still small, but all are welcome. LINK

RE: EU players, how do you cope? - Ridegmuve - 08-09-2014

To add my two cents to this, as an EU player, I have considered moving to Balmung, because of the EU links hell, a couple of other older FC members done it, however I decided against it, I have made way too many friends to leave them behind. I'm lucky that my work schedule coincides with North American peak times, so it works out to my advantage and my FC does both RP and progression, so there is that as well!

RE: EU players, how do you cope? - Clover - 08-10-2014

As always, I want to thank everyone for sharing their experiences ^^

Nebbs: Waaaaa, Balmung Finest sounds good, but what sounds really great is your FC's Friday event! So they organize learning parties... that's really wonderful.

- Leviathan XM.
- Moogle XM.
- Coil T5.

Those are the ones I'd love to learn right now! Do you think it'd be okay if I could participate the next Friday? I might fail a lot at first, but I think I'm decent once I learn.

Also, I'd love to join Balmung Finest just in case they decide to raid when I'm online. Aaand let's see if we can get any party from the EU LS, though I'm not really counting on that due to a general lack of interest in endgame content.

RE: EU players, how do you cope? - Crisiet - 08-10-2014

The magic of caffeine. And having absolutely no set schedule to work around.

RE: EU players, how do you cope? - Aduu Avagnar - 08-10-2014

thanks to the kindness of some people on the FFXIV FB thread, I managed to clear t5, so I now know the fight all the way through, and not just up to twisters as I have done before, so I would be willing to help with any t5 stuff. As for the ex's i cant help beyond being an extra body to learn for all but gary.

RE: EU players, how do you cope? - Nebbs - 08-10-2014

(08-10-2014, 04:19 AM)Clover Wrote: ...snip...

Those are the ones I'd love to learn right now! Do you think it'd be okay if I could participate the next Friday? I might fail a lot at first, but I think I'm decent once I learn.

Also, I'd love to join Balmung Finest just in case they decide to raid when I'm online. Aaand let's see if we can get any party from the EU LS, though I'm not really counting on that due to a general lack of interest in endgame content.

Sure I will let Ilwe'ran know.. better still reply to that post with what you want. We cleared Levi and Thornmarch and are looking at T5.

Balmung's Finest I would describe as a general PvE LS, there is no set raids as such but people do ask/share and group for things like Roulette, ST, Frontlines and also T5- learning.

RE: EU players, how do you cope? - Maril - 08-10-2014

It's news to me that EU players are leaving Balmung as per se, I've actually experienced an increase in people that contact me and ask about the conditions on Balmung because they're considering moving their main over. And the EU LS currently consists of some 80-or-so active people, which I consider a healthy size considering that EU RP'ers will always be of a smaller scale regardless of where they go. I think WoW might still be the only place where the EU RP community isn't exactly small, though I haven't played that for 3~years.
The EU LS doesn't have people that specificly plan events because it's intended as a LF-RP linkshell, but we do see events advertised now and then - My FC is for example having two barnights/week currently and we host larger events whenever we get the right ideas, always in the EU primetime. To that extend if you have an idea for an event and were to ask for help with it in the EU LS I'm sure people would toss you at least some feedback (provided that you do it at the right time, mind)

I think it is as it always is with RP - You need to make the right connections, and sometimes you have to be a little more pro-active with the approach, I guess. I greatly enjoy the fact that there seems to be 24/7 RP on Balmung, and in the weekends I tend to try and get a few energydrinks down to see the light and the RP events of the early mornings.
As for PvE, I wouldn't be of much help since I do not raid - my FC is building a secondary coil team (nothing too serious) for the weekend-morning hours, like 9AM ish BST, though im not sure what they need. Lynna Greene is the one you should talk to if you want to know more.