Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Retired] Sion Gyr - Printable Version

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[Retired] Sion Gyr - Candor - 03-19-2014


Hello, RPC. This post is much belated, as I've been playing Sion since the game launched. But since I'm trying to refresh my RP experience and get involved with more players and plots beyond my own sphere, I thought this would do some of the leg work for me. I hope you enjoy reading what I have to say about myself (one of my favorite subjects.)

I. Basic Info
  • Characters: Sion Gyr
  • Primary character: Sion Gyr
  • Linkshells: Lominsan Society, Traveling Templar, The Grindstone, The Immortal Flame, Unsung Heroes
  • Primary RP linkshell: Lominsan Society
II. RP Style
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy): Heavy, without a doubt. Gyr is almost always in-character, and even when he's not, if approached by an RPer, I would find a way to shift him IC. I basically play this game, or any of my previous MMOs, for the RP experience.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries: I believe that RP combat should be handled fairly, with each player having a firm grasp on what's reasonably fair in addition to what their characters are realistically capable. Part of that means that a character should not be relying upon abilities and powers that aren't supported by IG abilities, and even more importantly, neither player should enter into a combat situation presuming that their character will emerge victorious.

    Injuries are wonderful and can lend a great deal of flavor to an environment otherwise bloated with perfectly flawless characters. Though I do find injuries harder to justify in a world of high magic, especially curative magic. With the hordes of level 50 white mages and scholars hopping about, it's hard to explain why any character might have a mundane injury. So if a player can manage to persist an injury, without relying on something far fetched such as it being an injury of fantastic nature, I'm all for it and I often do it myself.

  • Views on IC romance: I absolutely love it, so long as it's organic and not orchestrated. Nothing kills an in-character romance faster or better than OOC arrangements. But few things are as satisfying as the development born of two strangers meeting and naturally developing in a romantic direction.

    Beyond romance, into the realm of sexual role-play, I feel very much the same. It's gratifying when things shift into adult themes of their own volition. And so long as it's just that, and not ERP trawling, then I shamelessly participate. Nor do I judge anyone else for engaging in ERP. We're all adults here.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc): Naturally this requires a little more behind the curtains coordination on the part of the players, except in rare circumstances, but I'm also a big supporter of friendly, familial, and even adversarial RP. I think the RPC community will find themselves hard pressed to generate any RP that I dislike (so long as it's firmly within the realm of believable per the setting.)

  • Views on lore: To be perfectly blunt, I find certain lore decisions to be poor in terms of FFXIV's content. Some examples of this are ending the 7th Umbral Era, turning the surviving Ala Mhigans into pathetic beggars, and making aethernet travel canon. But aside from that I'm more or less satisfied with the game's lore. Even so, despite my disagreement with some of the lore's key elements, I still adhere to it, and adamantly avoid any RP that directly contradicts the facts of the world of Hydaelyn.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc): I'm unsure what this section is supposed to be, but I'll answer what I think it's asking. I vastly favor the /em channel, mostly because my RP posts always consist of both action and dialogue. It's a rare thing to see me use the /s channel. I've been known to RP over the /t channel, such as for linkshells, but by default I consider Tells to be completely OOC. And, naturally, all adult themed RP is held in private channels, such as Party.

III. Other Info
  • Country: USA
  • Timezone: EST (GMT -5)
  • Contact info: RPC PM, Balmung Character Sion Gyr, or Skype/WLM ID candorignifer

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