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Favorite Books - Printable Version

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Favorite Books - Melodia - 03-14-2014

Way off topic, wondering what some of your favorite books are. A few I really enjoy are:

Dark Tower series by Stephen King
Talisman by Stephen King
Avatar series by Richard Awlinson (Shadowdale, Tantras, and Waterdeep). This was a series of novels set in the D&D Forgotten Realms world and has one of the best villains evah! LOL!
I also liked Magic Kingdom for Sale by Terry Brooks.

Anywho.....what about you guys?

RE: Favorite Books - Kage - 03-14-2014

I've been reliving the days where I wanted to read Young Adult books so I haven't ventured into the much larger older audience fantasy and sci-fi books I want to read.

Young Adult authors I enjoy: Tamora Pierce and Diane Duane

I've been looking into book recs (FF14 takes up so much of my time ><) that I've received from people like Nat and C'kayah. I've got the book pages ready for me to purchase on my kindle soon enough.

I really do enjoy almost any book but I haven't spent much time looking for the recommendations I'd want to look at before purchasing or renting.

RE: Favorite Books - Dogberry - 03-14-2014

Wooo, okay. This is a big topic for me.

My favorite book ever has to be "Slaughterhouse Five" by Kurt Vonnegut. I love his other work as well, but Slaughterhouse Five was the book that blew my mind when I first read it. "Snow Crash" by Neal Stephenson is a close second.

I'm also a big fan of H.P. Lovecraft, and have his complete works. I'm big on Edgar Allen Poe as well.

Other favorites include:

Moby Dick by Herman Mellville
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card
The Giver by Lois Lowry
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Sprawl Series by William Gibson (Neuromancer, Count Zero, Mona Lisa Overdrive, and various short stories)
The Old Man's War series by John Scalzi
A Song of Ice and Fire series by George RR Martin
1984 by George Orwell
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson
American Gods by Neil Gaiman

And that's just a fraction.

I like books.

RE: Favorite Books - Magellan - 03-14-2014

The Talisman was one of my favorite Stephen King books too! But you forgot to mention Peter Straub! I also really liked The Eyes of the Dragon by King.

Tamora Pierce is another favorite! Some of my other favorites:

- the Discworld series by Terry Pratchett
- A Wizard of Earthsea by Ursula K le Guin
- anything by Charles de Lint
- Stardust by Neil Gaiman
- House of Leaves by Mark Danielewski (I think, memory's a bit fuzzy on that one)
- Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol

.... and I should stop there, before I go on all day and test the potential character limits of a single post.

RE: Favorite Books - Melodia - 03-14-2014

(03-14-2014, 08:43 AM)Magellan Wrote: The Talisman was one of my favorite Stephen King books too! But you forgot to mention Peter Straub!

Oh you're right! That is definitely a fail on my part. Frustrated

RE: Favorite Books - Magellan - 03-14-2014

Ooh, I forgot to mention the Golden Compass trilogy by Philip Pullman. What a series!

RE: Favorite Books - Evie - 03-14-2014

(03-14-2014, 07:54 AM)ExKage Wrote: Young Adult authors I enjoy: Tamora Pierce and Diane Duane

OMG! Love Tamora Pierce!

Here's the recommendations I normally make
1) Kushiel's series - Jacqueline Carey (all of them, she has three triologies, but be warn there is sexual content, but it's done very tastefully- book is considered science fiction NOT romance/smut)
2) The Mistborn Triology - Brandon Sanderson (he's the one who was finishing the Wheel of Time series, though was already a serious author in his own right, needless to say amazing work)
3) The Song of Fire and Ice- George RR. Martin (I know this was already on someone's list but it can't be recommended enough, but be ready to devote some serious time.)
4) Outlander series - Diana Gabaldon (historical fiction starting from the scottish war of independence and then going on to the American revolution, kind of a romance but I love history so went for it)

On my list to read:
1)Stormlord Triology - Glenda Larke - (on book 3 of 3, been very good so far)
2) Broken Empire Triology - Mark Lawerence-( I haven't read this but it's been on several lists, it's supposed to be a very dark triology, excited to get to it)

But nothing holds a place in my heart like...

Harry Potter!

Severus Snape is the best and I loved him since book one..don't judge!

RE: Favorite Books - Kage - 03-14-2014


Not that you aren't already.

I know I want to read Song of Ice and Fire series, but at this point I'm going to wait until he finishes it... or he dies >< Like, I don't think I can handle the angst of waiting for the next installments so I'm just not going to read them.

Crapola. I had a good book that Nat recc'd me and I don't have it saved to purchase yet. ;o;

RE: Favorite Books - Evie - 03-14-2014


My favorite of hers is the Immortal Series. Though I also a friend named Alanna and I thought that was the most awesome thing ever....yes I was a nerd and proud of it!

As to George RR. Martin...I'm REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY hoping things are going to pick up with the books. After all he has to keep up with the shows. I'm mean that's a very lucrative deal. Though apparently he pulled a J.K. Rowling (she told Alan Rickman Snape's entire story so he could play the charater completely BEFORE she released everything) and told the directors what he had planned and the end IN CASE something happened.

RE: Favorite Books - Kage - 03-14-2014

I heard that the series on cable is slightly different from the books at this point but I'm not sure. I did hear the same thing that he had had discussions with the tv aspect on where the story was going to end, etc.

To be honest, I read her Emelan series first and then I read Alanna's books... and then the Immortals... and then all of them! I'd probably have to say that I like the Protector of the Small Quartet the most followed by the Immortals and then Trickster followed by the Beka Cooper books. I just don't like how Beka's third book worked out. I felt betrayed.

RE: Favorite Books - Melodia - 03-14-2014

Never read the books but I do loves me some Game of Thrones! I actually use some of Tyrion's logic for Ruru....accept and promote that which others will see as weakness and make it your own strength (i.e. Ruru's height and lack of family).

RE: Favorite Books - Magellan - 03-14-2014


My favorite is the Protector of the Small series Smile

RE: Favorite Books - MrPoopyButtHole - 03-14-2014

Ohhh boy...

The KingKiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss
Mistborn series by Brandon Sanderson
The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson
The Night Angel Trilogy by Brent Weeks
The Lightbringer Series by Brent Weeks

and of course if my name didn't give it away....

A Song of Ice and Fire by George RR Martin.

Too many others to name.

RE: Favorite Books - Evie - 03-14-2014

The Game of Thrones HBO series stays truer to the books then what a movie would have been able to. And it's not that the series is different. The order of the show is chronologically. The order of the books is a little different because how he divides the series by character. The directors made a comment on this and this is how Martin wanted the series to be shown. The they're starting season 4 now...and are midway through book 2 or 3. So the seasons don't reflect the book....i.e season 4 is not book 4. That's really the only significant difference, that I've seen. Though I should probably go back and reread the books at some point.

Also Ruru...it's a toss up between my favorite GOT character between Tyrion and Arya. Smile

RE: Favorite Books - Melodia - 03-14-2014

(03-14-2014, 11:15 AM)Evie Wrote: Also Ruru...it's a toss up between my favorite GOT character between Tyrion and Arya. Smile

Same here!! Love those two so much! Big Grin Thumbsup

To quote ExKage, "Insta-Friends"!