Hydaelyn Role-Players
Anstarra Silverain - Printable Version

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Anstarra Silverain - Anstarra - 11-24-2013

I. Basic Info
  • Characters: Anstarra Silverain
  • Primary character: Anstarra Silverain
  • Linkshells: HoftD, Balmung's Finest 2, Intermission2, The Innermost Circle, The Strategy Branch, Purgonorgo Isles, Back-Alley Doctors, Order of Curs
  • Primary RP linkshell: The Strategy Branch

II. RP Style
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
    Heavy. Honestly, I'm almost always in character, and I spend literally hours every day roleplaying. However, I do understand that not everyone is this way, and I try to adapt myself to whomever I'm speaking with! I have non-RPing friends, too, after all.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    RP combat should be dealt with maturely; in my opinion, the result should either be determined somehow randomly, or by a predetermined arrangement between the combatants (OOCly). I personally consider character level to be nearly as important as their theoretical RP power level, thus would find it unpalatable for a level 50 to lose to someone weaker. Any other discrepancies need to be vetted by both parties! Some people see their character as particularly strong, and others not, and the drama from a one-sided fight can be far more interesting than watching two god-moders go at it.

    As for injuries, I'm fond of the notion that they CAN be acquired, and even though white magic is a convenience, it should not be abused; an easy solution I've observed is that it removes the wound, but not the pain, thus allowing dramatic recovery time. Another is the introduction of 'void-tainted' (or otherwise magically-complex) injuries that can enforce periods of convalescence.

    For Anstarra herself, combat is a significant part of her life. She's a prodigy with the spear, which was her only friend for a difficult part of her developing life, and the only thing she could rely on. Growing older and more experienced only further refined her innate talents, until they became nigh-unsurpassed. A lance in her hands is a beautiful thing, wielded like an extension of her being. As such, I will not downplay her skill in an RP fight. I won't say she can't lose! But you're better off discussing it with me beforehand. I don't like god-moding, so I typically just don't RP fight. She's proud of her skill, but not the sort to indulge in displays, anyway.

  • Views on IC romance:
    This is a major factor of my RP existence. Currently Anstarra is with someone, and happily so. Regardless of what else happens, romantic RP of all kinds will always remain my prime motivator for playing. That said, relationships aren't built on romance alone...

    It should be mentioned that I'm not seeking OOC romance. If people want to get close to me OOC, I'll refer them to my Skype, which is not my real one (i.e. it's reserved for RP, not my real life). However, it's happened that this line has been crossed... NO promises though. We'll probably all just be happier if we keep things in-game Heart

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    The wide world of RP attracts me, with all its mysteries and subtleties. Story hooks, character development, intrigue, adventure.. who knows? I like getting involved. Romance DOES remain my favorite, though having it enmeshed in an ongoing storyline can only enrich it.

    Currently, much of my non-romantic RP centers around my Free Company, Harbingers of Dawn.

    Additionally, Anstarra is undergoing some changes in life direction of late. Specifically, her desire to join the nobility...

  • Views on lore:
    The game's lore needs to be treated delicately. After all, if you've played through the main scenario, you're rather important! I prefer to dance around the topic, to allude to important things done for the major powers, rather than claiming to be some legendary hero... and honestly, I expect the same from others. Sorry, if I'm not the main character, neither are you.

    That said, I do enjoy the actual static lore of the setting. I respect people who know it by heart, and try my best to be current on relevant things. Yes, I'm aware I don't have a standard Seeker of the Sun name. Yes, there's an IC reason.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    In an RP context, of course, /say should be IC, linkshells and FC need to be defined as IC or OOC and respected as such, /yell is IC, /shout is OOC, emotes are to be used liberally (especially custom ones), /tell should be treated as IC only if someone is close enough to actually whisper you (or able to send mystical whispers from afar) and /party is OOC unless it's being used as a private IC forum for a group.

III. Other Info
  • Country: Canada
  • Timezone: EST
  • Contact info: Get in touch with me in-game, or leave a message here. Also, I'm on Skype. My name is anstarra. Clever, no?

[Image: P789r8Q.png]

~Special announcements can be found in the posts below~

RE: Anstarra Silverain - Anstarra - 11-24-2013

Incidentally! I know my pic is a little... suggestive? Please tell me if it offends anyone. I'm not here to upset you! I just tend to be liberal about certain things. I can change it if it's a bother.

RE: Anstarra Silverain - Anstarra - 11-26-2013

It should be noted, that I and my lover are always on the lookout for interesting RP prospects (of all kinds). We specially generally in information services and diplomacy, though by and large Anstarra is the brawn, not the brains. Anyone who wants to start up a story of some kind is encouraged to contact me either here, or in-game, and we'll see what we can do!

EDIT: Times change, and so do hearts... Anstarra is with someone else now, and the arts of subterfuge have taken the back seat to the skills of a thespian. My new sweetheart is a bard, singer, dancer, and generally lively girl. Maybe you've seen her performing (or 'performing') in a tavern someplace. Either way, Anstarra is still on the lookout for sources of information, though now, exclusively for her Free Company.

TO BALMUNG! - Anstarra - 12-03-2013

It's done! I have now officially moved to Balmung server along with my Lansquenet friends. I'm terrified. I hope people are nice...

RE: Anstarra Silverain - Edgar - 12-03-2013

Another kitty!

RE: Anstarra Silverain - Kieron Lohengrin - 12-03-2013

welcome to malbung :>

RE: Anstarra Silverain - Siha - 12-03-2013

Welcome to Balmung! I have a few alts there, my main Siha of course and then a couple of others, you might be interested in running into my gypsy Seeker L'Tao who is also an info broker among various other things. :3 Feel free to contact me or strike up a rp if you ever see me around!

RE: Anstarra Silverain - Anstarra - 12-03-2013

Thank you, Edgar, Kieron and Siha ^^ I'm looking forward to meeting lots of people! L'Tao would certainly interest our FC leader... our little performance troupe / criminal organization can certainly use more allies and contacts!


RE: Anstarra Silverain - Lan Darklyn - 12-03-2013

Welcome to Balmung! Your FC is rather interesting, I hope to run into you all at some point.

RE: Anstarra Silverain - Edgar - 12-03-2013

I sent you a friend request in-game. I hope I get to RP with you sometime. ~