Hydaelyn Role-Players
Athala Greywolfe || Greataxe for the Highest Bidder - Printable Version

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Athala Greywolfe || Greataxe for the Highest Bidder - Greywolfe - 10-28-2013

I. Basic Info 
  • Characters: Athala Greywolfe
  • Primary character: Athala Greywolfe
  • Linkshells: Ambrosia
  • Primary RP linkshell: Ambrosia

II. RP Style 
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):
  • I play the game in two modes: "Heavy" RP and no RP. In heavy RP, I go all-out Athala; immerse myself in the characters head and only break character in appropriate chat channels. The other mode is No-RP mode, where I tune the game out, grind away and chill to some nice music; FATEs, quests, dungeons and hests are usually in no-RP mode but I will RP in any environment if others are going to as well. 

    I have been roleplaying in video games for about 5-6 years now. I'm open to just about any form of roleplay there is, if it fits my character(s). I enjoy social interactions, bar brawls, yelling obscenities (Athala is quite...rowdy) and having fun.

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
  • The more the merrier! Athala gets herself into a drunken scrap on an almost daily basis, so I welcome to chance to throw down with other roleplayers. I can spot powergaming a mile away and I always try to keep it fair and fitting for the parties involved.

  • Views on IC romance:
  • Totally open, if it fits the characters involved. Also open to homo and bisexual relationships as well.

    Athala is not in any relationship, but she doesn't particularly try to get too close with anyone either.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
  • Athala is fiercely proud of her Highlander heritage and takes extremely strong offense when someone attacks her background. Her father was incredibly abusive and her mother was a soft-spoken, "useless" woman who lacked any strength. She takes after her grandfather, who was Captain of the Grey Wolves, a Highland Free Company and mercenary group, before most of Athala's kin were slaughtered by the encroaching Garlean's. She fled south to Limsa, where she has become an axe-for-hire among the countless bands of brigands, privateers and sellswords in the warm south.

  • Views on lore:
  • I read into it as much as I need, but I am no lore addict. I look up basic background information, but that is about it. Like Athala herself, I am quite ignorant of other cultures in the game.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
  • Typical RP rules, e.g. (()) denotes OOC, F.C. is OOC unless otherwise stated, same with tells.


III. Other Info 
  • Country: Wherever there is gil to be had
  • Timezone: When I'm on
  • Contact info: /t Athala Greywolfe

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