Hydaelyn Role-Players
*Emphatic Wave* - Printable Version

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*Emphatic Wave* - Xha'li - 09-02-2013

Greetings to the Hydaelyn Roleplayers Coalition.

This is Xha'li, and I figured i'd better come by and introduce myself here.

I've long been a fan of the Final Fantasy series, but never quite got into their MMO's initially.  In-fact FF XIV: ARR flew completely under my radar here for a long time.  When i did discover it thought through my gaming community i fell in love with the game.  Both with what it currently has and the potential i see in it going forward.

Now while I am a big PvE guy as well, role-playing for me is what truly makes a game unique and gets me invested in it.  I found this community a while ago and truly fell in love with your Role-playing community at large.  So much so that i and a few others drummed up support to get a branch of our own branch for this game in our gaming community.  

I'm truly looking forward to getting to know all of you in the future, and am so excited for wed. when the maintenance will be complete and we should all be able to play together again.  As a Balmung player i will of course be looking to join the Intermission linkshell with my various characters if that is alright!

You mentioned a few things to answer in the template and if there is one thing i like doing it's answering questions.  Especially if they are about me!

-MMORPG background
My first real MMO i got into growing up was WoW, which at the time was where all of my friends were at.  I've dabbled in many MMO's over time, Including FF XI for a brief time, but truly only seriously played TOR.

--RP experience
I had not really discovered RP at that time, and i didn't have any friends who enjoyed doing that either.  However as i started to play more and more RPG single player games i truly fell in love with lore.  

It was around the start of TOR that i truly began looking for guilds dedicated to role-playing   Growing up star wars was such a fascinating thing to me, as it was for a lot people, and the lore there was something i really enjoyed dabbling in.  I became the RP department leader for a small guild and hosted several events before a lot of members experience burnout and a lack ot things to do initially.  

I will say this here, that's one of the reasons i LOVE role-playing   Long after content has become stale role-play will always be developing.  We're probably the most dedicated and involved group on any server, and have a fantastic and interconnected community who enjoys each others company.

--Character ideas/info
Oh boy, this will be a big post.  Apologies in advance for how huge this entire intro is going to be haha

General Info
 Your Name:  Xha'li Nelhah
 Your Alias: Xha (Ex-A: silent H)
 Age: 22
 Class: Conjurer/White Mage

Rather Soft and Round, with a tattoo under either eye
Grey with White Streaks 
Dark Grey
Pale Grey, Smooth Complexion
Lean and somewhat scrawny appearance
Your Dress:  
Xha prefers to wear light colored clothing, most preferably white.  He might be considered somewhat fashionable by some, but it's more about practicality with him.  He likes to say however, "Just because something is necessary and bound to get dirty doesn't mean it can't be appealing!"

Height: 5' 7''
Weight: 155

How you act:
Xha is mostly quiet and contemplative when left to his own devices.  While he tends to keep himself busy in his time off you'll find him sitting in a tree just staring up at the sky, lost in thought.  When approached by others he might be a bit timid, but will always greet you with a smile and nod.  In talking he's somewhat quiet and mumbles, and tends to avoid eye contact.
He is intimately attuned to the world around him, but knows little of the people within it. He longs for a personal connection with others, but doesn't know what to do.  This often is seen as him being shy and aloof in his interactions, but it's just the effect of never knowing what do do or say.
Your Wants:
Xha is desperately looking for a home where he can belong.  He's spent most of his life on his own and away from people.
Your Ethics:
Xha is a very hard working man, who's spent most of his life interacting and working with nature.  While he might be rather soft hearted, when it comes to his work he's all business.
Your Morals:
Xha grew up away from civilization, and as such has no concept of things like greed or pride.  He is genuine in what he does, and is committed to a concept of balance in the land.  
He has had no contact with the modern world, and it is unclear if it will alter his morals at this time.
Your usual mood:
He pursues everything with a quiet enthusiasm, and is genuine in all of his emotions.  You will always know what mood he's in, though his default setting is quiet contentment, with a bit angst about his social interactions

What drove you to adventure?
Xha grew up in a very small family setting to an elderly mother.  He was her third son, and the youngest of six children.  His siblings were all grown and out on their own, and his mother died while he was still a boy.  He never really chose to be an adventurer, rather he was thrown into the world and left to find his way.
How did you become your class?
Xha was alone and confused and scared when he was walking the vast forests of Gridania as a child.  It was here in the heart of the wilderness he heard a voice that told him what to do.  Growing up he never could put a name to what spoke to him, rather assuming it was just his natural instincts telling him how to survive.  It wasn't until he was older and made his first, reluctant, trip into Gridania that he met the conjurers.  They explained to him what it was he was with, and offered to train him. 
His natural abilities to communicate with the land shows he has quite a bit of promise, but his hesitant and anxious mannerisms have made him a difficult student.  It was their hope that on his own he might further develop what they've shown him, and explained that he should stop by to get better acquainted and more used to civilization.
How did you get your initial equipment?
His initial vestments were made by hand from the various things he found out in the wild.  He lacked the tools of the cities however so it may have been considered a bit crude.
Worst thing to happen to you?
Loosing his mother was a terrible thing for Xha, not only because he lost his only known relative, but because he no longer had anyone in the world to go too.  His education was incomplete, and his lack of contact with the outside world left him both fascinated and terrified of the races of Eorzea.  His solitude growing up still haunts him, and obviously still causes problems in his life.
Best thing to happen to you?
Finding the remnants was the best thing to ever happen to Xha.  He wasn't overwhelmed by them as he was in the cities, and in this village of outcasts and survivors he found that even he didn't stand out too much.  Since he found his home he has dedicated himself to his new community, desperate to prove himself to them and show that he belongs
Are you a traveler?
Xha still is not used to staying in one place for an extended period of time, and has a tendency to move about from time to time without warning.  Often he just sort of wanders off to see what's over the next horizon, and sometimes feels nature calling out to him.

What is your destiny?  -i.e. are you walking towards corruption, champion, destruction, discovery, education, redemption?

Xha is seeking a home, and walking more the path of discovery and education.  It is his passion to learn about others and to understand them, while enjoying teaching them a bit about nature and their place in it.

That sums that up.  I have like 2 other character profiles but don't want flood you with them right now Dodgy.   As i am still new compared to those who have been in this since 1.0 i would love to hear your input on what i have here, especially things that might be a bit lore iffy.  I tried to stay as true to the lore I've found, and tried to create an interesting yet flawed individual.  Someone who starts off fresh and has a lot of room to grow and develop based on his interactions with other people.

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?
I'm something of a medium-heavy role-player.  I am hugely invested in my characters and enjoy being in character as much as possible.  I also though enjoy other aspects of the game and play with people who are not role-players, hence the medium.  

--Anything from real life you'€™re comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)
I'm a writer in my spare time, though a lot of that is right now being dedicated into starting a Free Company and helping establish it.  I'm working on a few short stories to continue to develop my writing style and voice, with a future goal of working on a series of novels i've been planning for the last 5 years.

I also recently got heavily involved in Karate, and not only became a much healthier person but really took on a role of leadership there.  It's a fantastic way to get yourself in shape, and shore up your discipline and positive attitude.  As a chronic procrastinator i know it helped to have the discipline portion of it literally beat into me haha.

That's all for now!  Again hello to everyone here, and if you have any questions just ask!

I'm excited to get to play this game with you all on the Balmung server!

RE: *Emphatic Wave* - Xha'li - 09-03-2013

Hope i didn't make that post too big for everyone, i'm a bit enthusiastic and a talker haha.

Also, huzzah, the maintenance is under way!

RE: *Emphatic Wave* - Desmond Aryll - 09-03-2013

Xha'li Welcome!

You certainly did a more thorough job than I did when I thought up my character. Makes me want to go back in time and try harder. lol

Even though I won't run into you (Gil for me) I want to make sure you feel welcome. Most of the time this place is hopping with users but the game itself is monopolizing my own free time like moderation went out of business.

Any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to ask away! Laugh

RE: *Emphatic Wave* - Bloodwillow - 09-03-2013

(09-03-2013, 10:29 PM)Desmond Aryll Wrote: Xha'li Welcome!

You certainly did a more thorough job than I did when I thought up my character. Makes me want to go back in time and try harder. lol

Even though I won't run into you (Gil for me) I want to make sure you feel welcome. Most of the time this place is hopping with users but the game itself is monopolizing my own free time like moderation went out of business.

Any questions or comments, please don't hesitate to ask away! Laugh

Just be afraid of Des' invisible friend ...


Welcome!  I'm on Gil myself, but I hope you enjoy your time in game!

RE: *Emphatic Wave* - Xha'li - 09-05-2013

Thanks for the welcomes!

I was originally planning on rolling on Gilgamesh but heard there were 2 trolling groups that were going to be there.  The bright side of the server issue is they went elsewhere haha.  

Also, curse this game.  So many choices and diversity, i think i've already created 3 alts in addition to Xha'li and now i have to pick on haha.

Hope everyone is enjoying the game!

RE: *Emphatic Wave* - Bloodtruffle - 09-05-2013

(09-05-2013, 08:32 AM)Xha Wrote: Thanks for the welcomes!

I was originally planning on rolling on Gilgamesh but heard there were 2 trolling groups that were going to be there.  The bright side of the server issue is they went elsewhere haha.  

Also, curse this game.  So many choices and diversity, i think i've already created 3 alts in addition to Xha'li and now i have to pick on haha.

Hope everyone is enjoying the game!
I know what you mean. This game allows you to do everything on one character, but naturally as roleplayers, we could never see one character who we created as a mage be caught dead holding a sword, right?

That's why I defaulted to Bloodtruffle, OOC as it is, as my forum name rather than my main. Who knows what other alts will be joining him XD I definitely want to try out Lancer, that's for sure. That's an alt in the works.

Good luck with settling on a character. There are so many appealing ones to choose from. And welcome!