Hydaelyn Role-Players
Crafting Log: Day 31 of the 4th Umbral Moon (OOC/Comments welcome) - Printable Version

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Crafting Log: Day 31 of the 4th Umbral Moon (OOC/Comments welcome) - Zaheela - 08-30-2013

Orders, Guild Assigned:
  • Quicksilver vials: 10 Completed / 0 Ruined -Turned in for guild use-
  • Growth Formula Alpha: 5 Completed / 2 Ruined -Note to self: find more of those mushrooms-
  • Enchanted Copper Ink: 10 Completed / 0 Ruined -On hold for customer-
  • Leather Grimoire: 1 Completed / 0 Ruined -Stored away for later use-
[Image: 2pmc.jpg]

Experiment Notes: (Antidote)
Here i thought that if I simply used the Cnida and the attached sacks of the Aurelia, one could make a antidote without rooting through the grass for those vipers. Apparently, instead of changing with the inclusion of salt, the aforementioned poison turned into a rather.... pungent, corrosive sludge.

It wasn't enough to do much more then stain the bowl an unsightly shade of black (and burn a hole through the hem of my glove), but the looks of my fellow alchemists gave me was beyond mortifying. One even had the audacity to ask if I test such things with customer's products! As if I would ever! Standard Procedure is always the best way to ensure the expected quality, and who in their right mind would test unproven products on a person?!?!? Rgggh! If it wasn't such an insult to the elements to randomly pull the stones from under his feet I'd ((lots of crossed out, blotchy spots)). No, no, Rhea, you're better then that...

At least this time I didn't cause one of the vials to explode, and it seems that Cya was still able to devour the sludge, once mixed with a bit of earth. How one tiny little Bomb is able to enjoy eating such things without any ill effects is fascinating. One fellow suggested that I try experimenting on the poor thing; While I admit I have mulled upon such an idea, I don't think I'd ever do so. He shows too much of a personality to be 'just' some mindless monster and other then his habit of chewing on my tail, hasn't shown any violent tendencies. Perhaps something in their environment affects wild ones?
[Image: cr1l.jpg]
...I'm not too eager to test that theory any time soon. Maybe it's just the diet of elemency infused objects.

Tomorrow, I need to head back to the Great woods in order to continue my Conjouring lessons and look into the rumors I've heard of a crafter's Union of sorts. Perhaps on the way I'll find some more herbs and minerals to use in my experiments? Oh! And more bolts of cloth; I'm running low on patches for my sleeves.

((Sorry, this is pretty rough, and I didnt have much time to do any fancy artwork. Also I couldnt stick this in a journal post, but... this is usually what happens when she goes wild with "experiments".

[Image: v3am.jpg]))