Hydaelyn Role-Players
Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - Printable Version

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Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - Uther - 08-28-2013

I'm not trying to lecture anyone here, but you'll excuse me if my character's personality has rubbed off on my own a bit.

I've noticed a lot of people will go to an inn and stay logged in while they go off to see a movie, go shopping, or even work or go to sleep. Queues are annoying, and being told you can't even get into the queue is even more annoying. I understand that, but staying logged in is part of the problem. FFXIV doesn't have an auto-kick function to help with server congestion, and taking advantage of that is making it, not more difficult, but virtually impossible to make new characters on Balmung. Initially I was upset because I created one of my alts in phase 4 and now I'm unable to make my main, Uther Skystrider, on the server. But the more I thought about it, the more I began to empathize with newcomers who can't make any character at all on the server. Imagine how you would feel if you hadn't been following the game too closely and never pre-ordered it. It's launch and you can't even make a character until next week because everyone refuses to log out and give you a chance.

Of course this isn't the only reason for the server problems, but every little bit helps. Be part of the solution, not the problem. We talk a big game here about welcoming new players, yet we won't even give them the space to play with us. It may take some time for us to get back online, but at least someone else gets to play the game.

So please, log off when you're done playing. It's the courteous thing to do.

RE: Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - lady2beetle - 08-28-2013

I'll admit it is *very* tempting because I work until 5, so if I don't go home and log in at lunch I will never get in to play. But I have managed to avoid the temptation.

RE: Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - Magellan - 08-28-2013

I love your message, but also think people will just be people. I figured out this exploit quite awhile ago. I have never used it, as I would feel absolutely horrible if I did, but I can't say I really blame people who do employ it. SE really just needs to create an auto-kick.

RE: Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - Uther - 08-28-2013

Really when it comes down to it, SE absolutely needs to create an auto-kick function. But there isn't one. So we need to kind of police ourselves a bit. It's definitely tempting to stay logged in. I've considered it myself once or twice, but in all good conscience I can't do it. Even with the fact that I, too, don't get home from work until peak hours. It's all about being a good neighbor to your fellow gamer.

RE: Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - LiadansWhisper - 08-28-2013

(08-28-2013, 01:57 PM)Magellan Wrote: I love your message, but also think people will just be people. I figured out this exploit quite awhile ago. I have never used it, as I would feel absolutely horrible if I did, but I can't say I really blame people who do employ it. SE really just needs to create an auto-kick.

It's been suggested to them several times.  The weird thing is...there was one in Beta 3, if I'm not mistaken.  Most of the people I know are going to do this until the autokick is put in.

RE: Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - Dehqon - 08-28-2013

Honestly, I kind of did this before while tabbing out to work on pictures, but at least I tabbed into the game every so often to chat and double check that names were spelled correctly. Thinking back, I was probably better off just logging off since it doesn't reward less rested EXP and there weren't many people actually talking back. Either way, a one hour timer to be auto-kicked could have helped with congestion and given people a glimmer of hope that they could log in.

RE: Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - Ivven Rollenspeil - 08-28-2013

Telling a few dozen people here not to do it is NOT going to stop the thousands who don't bother visiting the forums who do it. You're just going to have to wait for a fix or for SE to make the server caps/databases able to handle the load. There's not much more you can do.

RE: Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - Aldeus - 08-28-2013

The only thing SE needs to do is develop server stability to the point that their customers can actually play the game.  An auto-log function would be nice, but let's not put the blame on people who are just trying to get around a bad situation.

RE: Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - Magellan - 08-28-2013

They are expanding server capacity starting next Monday, which, in their words, they hope makes a 'significant' impact. Courtesy towards fellow gamers would be sweet, but I don't begrudge people just trying to enjoy the game.

RE: Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - AkhutaiAngura - 08-28-2013

(08-28-2013, 02:39 PM)Aldeus Wrote: The only thing SE needs to do is develop server stability to the point that their customers can actually play the game.  An auto-log function would be nice, but let's not put the blame on people who are just trying to get around a bad situation.

That's pretty much the way I feel about it.

The only reason people 'abuse' the lack of an AFK timer, is because abuse the lack of an AFK timer. I mean.. I'm in class now, and logged in back at home. I'll be  idle for about 8 hours before I get back to it... But my logging out doesn't fix the issue that's still there - All it does is makes it near impossible for me to play when I get home, and allows someone (Likely not even an RPer) in to play, and probably abuse the system.

It's kind of a catch 22, there. People abuse the system, because people abuse the system. If there were an AFK timer, there'd be no need to abuse the system, and would be no need for the timer, except for keeping the need down. Hope that makes sense.

RE: Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - Uther - 08-28-2013

(08-28-2013, 02:33 PM)Ivven Rollenspeil Wrote: Telling a few dozen people here not to do it is NOT going to stop the thousands who don't bother visiting the forums who do it. You're just going to have to wait for a fix or for SE to make the server caps/databases able to handle the load. There's not much more you can do.

So I shouldn't even try? What kind of attitude is that?

RE: Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - Ivven Rollenspeil - 08-28-2013

(08-28-2013, 02:45 PM)Uther Wrote:
(08-28-2013, 02:33 PM)Ivven Rollenspeil Wrote: Telling a few dozen people here not to do it is NOT going to stop the thousands who don't bother visiting the forums who do it. You're just going to have to wait for a fix or for SE to make the server caps/databases able to handle the load. There's not much more you can do.

So I shouldn't even try? What kind of attitude is that?
 The realistic one of an MMO vet, I'm afraid.

RE: Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - Lienayo - 08-28-2013

The most I've AFK'd is if I were to go fetch dinner or something, resulting in a half hour. I would never let my avatar sit there for hours just so I don't have to click 'log in' a few times. Not only would it be harsh on my laptop, but as stated, it's a little inconsiderate and I totally agree with that. It only takes me about 10-15 minutes of trying to hop back in after logging out for a while. It's really not a big deal at all--especially since I couldn't even enjoy the last Balmung beta phase because of congestion, so I sympathize with the players who are having a harder time than me.

RE: Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - Uther - 08-28-2013

(08-28-2013, 03:01 PM)Ivven Rollenspeil Wrote:  The realistic one of an MMO vet, I'm afraid.

I've been playing MMOs for well over a decade. I realize that putting up a thread isn't going to magically fix everything, but at least people should know that it is effecting other players who can't even make characters right now. You should always be aware of your actions, even if "everyone else is doing it."

Should I also not recycle because most people don't?

You don't have to agree with me, but don't look down on me for trying to fight a shitty situation. That's all I'm saying.

RE: Staying logged in to avoid queues? Don't. - Ivven Rollenspeil - 08-28-2013

(08-28-2013, 03:07 PM)Uther Wrote:
(08-28-2013, 03:01 PM)Ivven Rollenspeil Wrote:  The realistic one of an MMO vet, I'm afraid.

I've been playing MMOs for well over a decade. I realize that putting up a thread isn't going to magically fix everything, but at least people should know that it is effecting other players who can't even make characters right now. You should always be aware of your actions, even if "everyone else is doing it."

Should I also not recycle because most people don't?

You don't have to agree with me, but don't look down on me for trying to fight a shitty situation. That's all I'm saying.
Woah now, I think you're taking it way too personally there. I never said anything rude or personal about you at all. I'm simply saying that most people here probably already realize the fact and are trying not to afk for long periods of time. It's the people who DON'T realize, care or visit these forums you should be trying to reach via the main forums. Better yet, petition SE to make an AFK kick timer. If you want to see something done, you've got to reach a bigger (and less aware) audience than here. Though, frankly, I doubt most of the player base is going to care. That's just the nature of MMOs. No need to strawman the argument or take it personally.