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How do you RP PVP? - Printable Version

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How do you RP PVP? - Fystrael Abylstyrwyn - 08-22-2013

In most of the MMOs I've been in, there's been at least 2 factions smacking each other over the head for reasons known and unknown and my character is a soldier in the ever-lasting war.  This makes it easy for me to slip my natural inclination to PVP without much justification necessary.

However, FFXIV has a NPC-opposing faction (in mechanics at least).  While I know there will be arenas for team PVP, I'm still not confident that frontlines will address the reasons why random Gridanian arrows are feathering Ul'dah and Limsa Lominsa backs.

Any ideas on how to combine the in-game frontline PVP mechanics with roleplaying?

RE: How do you RP PVP? - doctorgalactic - 08-22-2013

(08-22-2013, 01:31 PM)penniless1 Wrote: In most of the MMOs I've been in, there's been at least 2 factions smacking each other over the head for reasons known and unknown and my character is a soldier in the ever-lasting war.  This makes it easy for me to slip my natural inclination to PVP without much justification necessary.

However, FFXIV has a NPC-opposing faction (in mechanics at least).  While I know there will be arenas for team PVP, I'm still not confident that frontlines will address the reasons why random Gridanian arrows are feathering Ul'dah and Limsa Lominsa backs.

Any ideas on how to combine the in-game frontline PVP mechanics with roleplaying?

This is a great question, I'm interested in hearing what everyone thinks.

RE: How do you RP PVP? - Gideon Aryeh - 08-22-2013

I'm honestly curious about this myself as FF has always given off a feel of "we all are in this together". Not to say that individuals can't have their skirmishes, or FC vs FC skirmishes for example but I'd like to know storywise in the grand storyline why would pvp even make sense if we are all fighting against the same evils.

RE: How do you RP PVP? - Aleister - 08-22-2013

I'm looking forward to seeing answers as well. I generally stay away from RP PvP cause most the time they done with emotes. :/ Heh

RE: How do you RP PVP? - Bloodwillow - 08-22-2013

I don't heh.

But I though FF14 wasn't going to have PvP?  /shrugs

RE: How do you RP PVP? - Alexis Price - 08-22-2013

I'm waiting to see how Square Enix deal with frontlines, really.

With the overall storyline being the 3 City States coming together, I can't see them having a reason to fight each other out there. I'm thinking maybe it's a huge training exercise between the three Companies to try and encourage friendly competition.

"Nothing like a good old spar to build comra- is that a Meteor?"

...Yeah. Maybe I'll just wait and see what reason is shown in game when it makes its way in. Blush

RE: How do you RP PVP? - Gideon Aryeh - 08-22-2013

(08-22-2013, 01:37 PM)Aleister Wrote: I'm looking forward to seeing answers as well. I generally stay away from RP PvP cause most the time they done with emotes. :/ Heh

God I hate /roll fights with a passion. I am pretty much looking to EQN for my rp-pvp fix to be honest. Not saying FF can't do it well but I can't do pvp without rp. It was a major gripe of mine in GW2 with its stupid mists. "Oh go into another dimension and fight other people from other dimensions cause they are eeeevvvvviiiiilll!!!!"


I kinda wish FF handled the pvp like LOTRO where one side plays the Garleans and the others are from the city states.

RE: How do you RP PVP? - LiadansWhisper - 08-22-2013

To be honest, I'm not sure it makes sense at all in the overarching storyline, given what I've read about the setting.

I guess you could explain it as alliances "fraying about the edges" now that it's 5 years since the Calamity.

I think it would make really good sense if it was an in-character rivalry type thing.  Like, between Free Companies or some such.

RE: How do you RP PVP? - Aleister - 08-22-2013

(08-22-2013, 01:39 PM)Alexis Price Wrote: I'm waiting to see how Square Enix deal with frontlines, really.

With the overall storyline being the 3 City States coming together, I can't see them having a reason to fight each other out there. I'm thinking maybe it's a huge training exercise between the three Companies to try and encourage friendly competition.

"Nothing like a good old spar to build comra- is that a Meteor?"

...Yeah. Maybe I'll just wait and see what reason is shown in game when it makes its way in. Blush
You don't really need a reason.. Just cause the storyline is about the grand companies coming together doesn't have to involve your character. It is your story afterall. You can make your guy a merc, a soldier, etc. He could be a nice guy, a asshole, a two face, etc. which is enough reason why there to want to go bashing your weapon into their face. (Whoever pissed you off or for any other reason.)

RE: How do you RP PVP? - Alexis Price - 08-22-2013

(08-22-2013, 01:47 PM)Aleister Wrote: You don't really need a reason.. Just cause the storyline is about the grand companies coming together doesn't have to involve your character. It is your story afterall. You can make your guy a merc, a soldier, etc. He could be a nice guy, a asshole, a two face, etc. which is enough reason why there to want to go bashing your weapon into their face. (Whoever pissed you off or for any other reason.)
Oh! No, no. I know!

I more meant that as the overall storyline for PvP when it's introduced.

As of right now there's small team based PvP already in the game, but at one point I think SE mentioned they were planning a larger scale zone based PvP thing between the three Companies? I may be mistaken here, though.

I was more wondering out loud how SE will approach that in their story. Alexis won't be seen there IC for a while! Smile

RE: How do you RP PVP? - Merri - 08-22-2013

Well, one of the PvP areas is an arena. That is likely to function like the bloodsands, only with teams. Sanctioned fights, basically.

The frontlines, on the other hands, will most certainly be war games or something similar. They can't have war between the city-states in-game, as it would uproot everything they've established mechanic-wise. It's not going to happen unless they radically change the game all of a sudden to where you don't have to visit the other city-states for quests.

Bottom line, it's going to be war games. Like Ballista in XI.

RE: How do you RP PVP? - Gideon Aryeh - 08-22-2013

(08-22-2013, 01:53 PM)Merri Wrote: Well, one of the PvP areas is an arena. That is likely to function like the bloodsands, only with teams. Sanctioned fights, basically.

The frontlines, on the other hands, will most certainly be war games or something similar. They can't have war between the city-states in-game, as it would uproot everything they've established mechanic-wise. It's not going to happen unless they radically change the game all of a sudden to where you don't have to visit the other city-states for quests.

Bottom line, it's going to be war games. Like Ballista in XI.

Hmm....thanks, figured as much. I can do that if its practice exercises. Makes a lot of sense too.

RE: How do you RP PVP? - Cato - 08-22-2013

I tend to prefer to focus on role-playing before and after a battle instead of artificially dragging the combat itself out with all sorts of weird and awkward restrictions. I prefer RP-PVP to be fast paced and focused around skirmishes rather than lengthy battles. Such a model allows for more attention to be brought to the build up and aftermath without leading to stagnation.

RE: How do you RP PVP? - Uther - 08-22-2013

War games is the only lore explanation that makes sense, but it's kind of a boring cop-out. You might as well say it's a civil war reenactment. My characters, as well as many other characters I've seen in the RPC, are tooth-and-nail badasses because that's the kind of world I see them inhabiting. The idea of them going to battle to play pretend with soldiers of other companies is kind of ridiculous. It's a little lame to say that none of these battles really count and no one gets injured beyond minor cuts and bruises. I think it'd be cooler to just have border disputes between the Grand Companies. Sure, they're united against the Empire, but they're also not exactly best friends. I could see some minor, unsanctioned combat happening over territorial disagreements like the Shroud/Thanalan border. That's just me though. If SE wants to baby it up with war games, they're free to do so.

On a side-note, /roll PVP and emote PVP are incredibly boring to me and usually get awkward because of people misreading what exactly the other character is doing. It's like watching two children play the ol' "No, I dodged your bullets!" game.

RE: How do you RP PVP? - Fystrael Abylstyrwyn - 08-22-2013

Wow. more interest generated that I'd imagined.

Usually when I rp pvp, I don't rp during a fight - I deal strictly with mechanics then cuz I really hate dying, even for pretend!

Afterwards, though, I may throw down a realm/faction specific emote or item as a signature, or build in-game feuds with counterparts in other factions (not always RP).

I can RP PVP without the mechanics, it's just that the whole idea of frontlines doesn't seem to fit unless it's tied to a major change in the storyline that details friction between the Grand Companies, like a resource war (manufactured by Garleans, naturally).

Plus I hate emote PVP.  Leads to way too much uncertainty and I am honest enough to say that I cheat. Tongue