Hydaelyn Role-Players
An introduction. - Printable Version

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An introduction. - Cato - 08-18-2013

--MMORPG background

I've played a number of MMO's over the years, though most of my attention was focused upon WoW. It became rather stale for me in terms of the game's lore and community, so I've been eager to get away from it for quite a while. I've also played a number of other MMO's, though the only other MMO I've devoted to so far is Guild Wars 2 and the original Guild Wars. I still intend to play GW2, especially given the rate at which fresh content is released. I also intend to devote to TESO when that finally comes out, but for the time being I have fallen in love with FFXIV. I've never bought into the myth that you can only devote to one MMO at a time - it's just a case of needing to manage my time effectively.

--RP experience

I've a fair bit of experience under my belt where role-play is concerned. It's a hobby I enjoy quite a lot since it ties rather well with my other creative interests and hobbies such as reading, writing and acting. I've been the leader of at least two role-play focused guilds and an officer in a number of others. I've also been a regular member in yet other guilds, though I tend to find such a role more enjoyable when every role-player is on relatively equal footing and not made to feel subservient or existing purely to be an extra in the background to make the higher ups look powerful and influential.

I typically portray characters that are soldiers or mercenaries of some sort. Perhaps an adventurer or wanderer. I tend to be inspired by a variety of different sources, though I remain careful not to led that inspiration leak into blatant copy and paste jobs. As far as my role-play goes I tend to put a heavy focus upon getting out into the world and actually exploring, not sitting about in a tavern talking about it. I also love putting emphasis upon character interaction, especially if rivalries and friendships emerge in the process.

--Character ideas/info

I've a rough character concept in mind for Theodric. He'll be a Hyur Highlander in his late twenties or early thirties and be the strong, silent type. He'll be very reliable and friendly to those who cross his paths on favourable terms, though not necessarily someone who frequently engages in small talk. He'll be a seasoned combatant who'll be spending most of his time putting down threats and exploring instead of hanging around in taverns or trying to seduce the locals in wherever region he passes through.

If I had to describe the vibe I'm going for with my character he'd be somewhat similar to the likes of Basch, Gabranth and Vossler. I adore portraying 'knightly' characters who have realistic thoughts and motives. As for his main 'job', he'll be a lancer initially and eventually become a dragoon.

--How did you learn about the coalition?

Whilst searching for information regarding potential role-play communities during the open beta weekend.

--What kind of a role-player are you aiming to be? Light, medium, or heavy?

That tends to vary depending upon the amount of free time I have and my mood on any given day. Sometimes I feel the urge to log on and dabble in role-play for hours at a time, whilst other days I tend to just want to go off and do something quick before logging off again. Since I intend to dabble in every aspect of the game I would feel most comfortable interacting with role-players who do the same. I dislike feeling tied down, though I put a lot of effort into my role-play when I do engage in it and expect the same courtesy in return.

--Anything from real life you'€™re comfortable with sharing? (Work, school, hobbies, etc)

Heh. Not to sound overly secretive or anything but I tend to keep my real life affairs seperate from my gaming antics. I'm typically pretty approachable and friendly, I just feel more comfortable telling people about myself when they're not strangers. I can be pretty blunt at times, I enjoy a good debate and I'm a pretty critical thinker. I've got a rather  varied and odd sense of humour. I'm also English, but intend to play on the US servers due to very flexible gaming hours and an erratic sleeping pattern.

I'm pretty fond of RPG's, especially the Final Fantasy series. I'm particularly keen on FFIX, FF Tactics and FFXII which appeal to me the most. Other games I adore include Vagrant Story, Haunting Ground, The Elder Scrolls series, the Fallout series, Forbidden Siren, the Metal Gear Solid series and the original Silent Hill and  Resident Evil games.

RE: An introduction. - Teardrop - 08-18-2013

Hello Theodric!

You're certainly coming to us with a wealth of experience and a solid character concept Smile. Any idea which server you plan to play on?

Hope to run into you in game. Good luck Thumbsup !

RE: An introduction. - Cato - 08-18-2013

Thanks for the warm welcome! It's still up in the air as to which server I settle on since I'll be playing alongside my partner and it'll be a joint decision. I'll have to do a bit more research into the matter to familiarise myself with the choices.

RE: An introduction. - Threndual - 08-19-2013

Ahh, my fellow Argent Dawner, I found your post! (Spoke with him ingame in WoW)

Here is the Linkshell I spoke to you about on Balmung http://ffxiv-roleplayers.com/showthread.php?tid=3026

Its good to know others from Argent Dawn EU will be joining me in starting up in FFXIV ^^

RE: An introduction. - xaaniko - 08-19-2013


Another person who loves FFIX, good. That was my favourite game of the whole series. Silent Hill too, to boot! I'm also English with erratic sleeping patterns, but mostly I joined the NA server for the community. Still, there's a lot of english people on the forums so you'll always have someone around!

Hope you like it here, it seems you need little help establishing your character but if you need anything around here someone will be sure to point you in the right direction.

See you around if you decide to roll on Balmung