Hydaelyn Role-Players
Staying on the Sideline - Printable Version

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Staying on the Sideline - Weffrey - 06-16-2013

Hi all!
(Hopefully this is the place to post something like this.)

I wanted to let everyone know that after thinking it over having Weff and a new RP character named Bhav will not happen after all. This is due to the fact that I won't have the time to dedicate to two servers. I recently was promoted to "Ambassador" in my LS/FC and what my "job" is is to help new players with the lower level content, level up with them, assist them in any way possible, etc. I truly enjoy helping people so I want to make sure my focus is on the new people. Therefore, I feel it wouldn't be fair if I disappeared once in awhile for RP. 

On the flip side, I do not think it would be fair to this wonderful community for me to disappear as Bhav for long periods of time, possibly ruining character relationships.

So this isn't a goodbye, but an update to say Bhav won't be in Eorzea. I've asked Kylin if I could remain a member of this site because I am an RP supporter (Never done it myself, but I've read a lot of 1.0 RP stuff and liked it!) and he said it was fine.

Lastly, I hope you all enjoy and make lots of memories in ARR! 

Thank you for reading this and maybe the content finder can group us together sometime! ^^

~Weffrey Pencroff

RE: Staying on the Sideline - Rhostel - 06-16-2013

Hey, that sounds pretty cool! You should never apologise for deciding you want to put others before some of your own desires.

Maybe you can use your influence to direct people here if they're curious about roleplaying? Wink

RE: Staying on the Sideline - Ellie - 06-17-2013

You're fine, Weffrey, you needn't apologize for having your priorities. I hope to see more of you in the future in whatever capacity. Smile