Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - Printable Version

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befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - Tsukinaga - 12-27-2016

Hello! With some outside convincing, I've decided to bring a Seeker Miqo'te to the table to bug y'all with. Since he's an alt that's pretty much just here for me to rp on/with, I thought I'd go ahead and toss one of these out to see if I can nab more people to bother!

I'm too intimidated by wikis lmao so I've written a bit about him (... as concisely as I could, I promise) below. If he's someone you'd be interested in being friends/enemies/whatever the heckity, definitely feel free to comment here, PM me, or message me in-game! I'll mostly be leveling/progressing on my main, Syndra Avagnar, but I'll be more than happy to hop on my Miqo'te for an rp, or thread with you either on the forums or on Skype/Discord.


My dumb child Abel loves stories, and if you're any kind of adventurer or mercenary, he'll probably bug you for an exciting tale or two. Oblige him, and you'll be pestered for every sort of detail; deny him, and he'll pester you to either make one up, or maybe ask you to tag along with him as he journeys to whichever outpost, camp, or city is closest. Nature's beautiful and all to enjoy every once in a while, but he likes to fashion himself as a fun and social guy over a quiet and thoughtful one.

That being said, his fascination with others' stories come from a desire to have a goal of his own. In listening to the trials, tribulations, and victories of those who've led a vastly different life from his own, he hopes to be inspired by something--anything--and gain some sort of direction for himself. Abel's not gonna lie about it if asked, and he'll probably even crack an awful joke about it along the way, but he's pretty much been "second place or worse" for as long as he can remember. His older brother's a nunh, and for all the times that Abel's tried to take the position from him, he failed and lived only by a sibling's mercy.

So--here he is, wherever "here" might be, whether it's Ul'dah or Gridania or Limsa or anywhere between. If asked, he'll introduce himself as "Abel," obviously not his birth name, and pretty much always forgo offering the "Tia" bit. He'll tell lots of jokes, give you a nickname because "your name's too long" (even if it really isn't), and be that type of guy who more or less acts like your best bud, even if it's only been ten minutes since you met. Consider it part loneliness, and part "natural charisma," as he'll say--but if you wanna shake him off, just remember to be firm. Repeatedly.

he's an annoying boy i'm sorry

RE: befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - Mimifu - 12-27-2016

He sounds like a fun character to be around! Mimi's extremely shy so I think he might be able to open her up a little, haha. I'm comfortable with in-game, Skype, Discord, or forum RP!

Mimi wouldn't have many stories to tell the boy, unfortunately, but she'd probably be interested in him just from seeing how he interacts with people... probably envying him, for being able to approach people like that! That could be a good enough reason for her to approach him, albeit awkwardly. (on the outside "Hi I um, just wanted to say that I think it's great how you make people smile", on the inside "what the hell did I just say? that's so creepy. he's gonna think I'm creepy. oh god")

Mimi's normally in the Canopy in Gridania or out gathering ingredients- it's not odd for her to be out gathering rolanberries in Upper La Noscea, since that's a big ingredient for a lot of her fav foods!

he doesn't sound annoying tho he sounds absolutely delightful omg

RE: befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - Iteza - 12-27-2016

I laughed at work... out loud. Now I look crazy.

Also... Abel and Wendy need to meet. I think the world might explode, but that's okay.

RE: befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - Tsukinaga - 12-27-2016

@Mimifu: I'mmm cryin', Mimi sounds so cute?? Abel's pretty much never tied down to one place, so he could definitely run into her while she's over at Gridania. He'll be more than happy to bug her! What's ya Skype, boo? We could Skype RP and do some in-game things too on the side !

@Iteza: LOL I'M SORRY but I mean craziness is sometimes a mark of genius so ?_? and yes please give my dumb boy more people to bother, he needs better things to do with his time than people watching and pestering poor drunk people. When can I get in on this

RE: befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - Mimifu - 12-27-2016

(12-27-2016, 05:37 PM)Tsukinaga Wrote: @Mimifu: I'mmm cryin', Mimi sounds so cute?? Abel's pretty much never tied down to one place, so he could definitely run into her while she's over at Gridania. He'll be more than happy to bug her! What's ya Skype, boo? We could Skype RP and do some in-game things too on the side !
Haha, thank you! I've had her planned for so long but never had the chance to transfer her to Balmung until now ;_; I'm so glad people want to RP with her ahf hsddsjfgs

My Skype is rozielle.alexina! (I rly wish I could change that the username is from Dark Days)

RE: befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - Tsukinaga - 12-27-2016

LOL DW I added you just now pls let me in its cold outside

RE: befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - PSDuckie - 12-27-2016

Well, since Abel's not tied down in one place, maybe he could meet Tyll'a in the Shroud?

RE: befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - Thunderbolt300 - 12-27-2016

Kasi's got stories to tell- and plenty of them! You already know where to find me, though. xD

RE: befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - BlossomingLotus - 12-27-2016

Hi there!  Abel sounds like a dose of fun that Lex could be involved with!  He's only just begun his adventures beyond his job so perhaps they could build some stories together!

RE: befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - Mimifu - 12-27-2016

sounds like we need to have a mass shroud meetup

no but guys I highly recommend This Boy he's an absolute angel <3

RE: befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - Tsukinaga - 12-27-2016

@PSDuckie: Absolutely! rip ahead of time I'm sorry Tyll'a How could you prefer to do this? :^) In-game, forum, Skype/Discord, etc?

@Kasi: I NEED TO BUG YOU ON HIM WHENEVER YOU'RE FREE please kasi is never gonna get a moment of rest bc she's gonna tell him one story and he's gonna be on her like TELL ME ANOTHER ONE YOU'RE SO COOL

@Oceaneyedcoeurl: MMMm bbooy yes please! Just don't let Abel know that Lex dances. He's gonna try to copy Lex and step on someone's feet. A lot. What's your pref'd method of rp? Or where, I guess.

@Mimi: U HUSH YOU'RE THE ANGEL i will fite

RE: befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - BlossomingLotus - 12-27-2016

@Mimifu  I'd be totally game for a massive meet up! Haha so much to learn and enjoy from everyone!

@Tsukinaga lmao!  Oh he will Lex loves what he does for a living =D I'm good with roleplaying on discord or in game, I prefer game for immersion but sometimes due to different time zones haveing somewhere else to rp for continuance is great!  @Lex#4204 If you or anyone want to hit me up on discord...think I'll put that in my own connections post to

RE: befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - PSDuckie - 12-27-2016

(12-27-2016, 10:01 PM)Tsukinaga Wrote: @PSDuckie: Absolutely! rip ahead of time I'm sorry Tyll'a How could you prefer to do this? :^) In-game, forum, Skype/Discord, etc?

In-game or Discord would work the best for me.  Maybe we can set up a time?

RE: befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - Chip - 12-28-2016

This wee lil' cat boy sounds like an adorable character! Wow! He actually reminds me of how one of my characters was like, a long looong time ago. I hope you really enjoy RPing him! Those kind of personalities are a blast to write about, and as much as I'd love to toss one of my own characters at you, looks like you've got enough interest as it is, so for now I'm gonna just leave you with some useless flattery. Big Grin

But seriously though! Love the character and the concept. Enjoy ze RP everyone!

RE: befriend this boy it'll be a CATastrophe (please laugh) - Tsukinaga - 12-28-2016

@Oceaneyedcoeurl: Gotcha! I'll add you on Discord, and hopefully we can find a good time that'll work for the both of us! I'm mostly at my computer from 1PM to 4AM PST.

@PSDuckie: Okie dokie! I'll go ahead and send you my Discord through a private message, so we can coordinate there!

@Chip: AaaAAa ??? thANK YO U,, KIND ANGEL... ;; This is where I'd say "please, feel free to toss any of your characters at me," but I think it'd be more accurate for me to say PLEASE DO I'd love more interactions, and the more friends/acquaintances/etc. that Abel gets to make, the better for his character development! Where can I bother you :0