Hydaelyn Role-Players
Find the River [Lost River seeks Friends!] - Printable Version

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Find the River [Lost River seeks Friends!] - Lost River - 11-21-2015

And here we go, might as well broaden my horizon of meeting new people. Having finally got out of her melancholic, martyrdom style funk. Lost River is hitting the streets, avenues, and what have you of the known world of Eorzea, seeking companionship.

All genders and races can apply. Now for the curious details. Lost River is a Black Mage, she was one from 1.0 before (She was retconned from an Elezen to a Roegadyn once I could make females ; yay). So those with sensitive aetheric senses might feel a strong presence of thaumaturgy. 

Also, those who pry into her history from before the Calamity might find that she used to work for the Syndicate in Ul'dah as a brothel madame. As to what she -really- did would require even deeper digging and IC interaction; or perhaps she truly was one of that too.

Also another fun thing to poke at when interacting is guessing what her age is; time jumps and all that jazz + black magic fun times.

As far as the friends go, it can bloom into a romantic interest as Lost is currently single; once again, all genders and races can apply and I prefer to actually role-play that out as a maturing friendship instead of just "Hi, I'm your boyfriend/girlfriend" at the get-go.

Look forward to meeting you in game. ^_^

RE: Find the River [Lost River seeks Friends!] - Steel Wolf - 11-21-2015

I wish to swim in the River. :D

No I refuae to be sorry for that line.

Feel free to give pokes if interested in stuffs. I usually arrive online very late on Fri-Tue around 12:30am EST.. I do keep more "human" hours on my days off on Wed and Thurs.

RE: Find the River [Lost River seeks Friends!] - Lost River - 11-21-2015

Alright! If anyone else is curious; keep on applying, I want River to find more friends. Everyone needs friends, acquaintances, friendenemies and so forth.

RE: Find the River [Lost River seeks Friends!] - Swygynwyzn - 11-21-2015


RE: Find the River [Lost River seeks Friends!] - Virella - 11-21-2015

If I'm not already ganked with roleplay, I'm always up for some! Feel free to toss me an ingame whisper (on Avelyn), or message over the RPC! Either way, if you're up for it, I'm sure we can work something out for rp someday Smile

RE: Find the River [Lost River seeks Friends!] - Rusty Knight - 11-21-2015

Scarlet Heath /Leoric Blackdale reporting in, Scarlet is always on the lookout to meet her kin and Leo certainly isnt one to turn down their company for a few drinks. Hit me up in game Smile

RE: Find the River [Lost River seeks Friends!] - Lost River - 11-21-2015

Ooh, I look forward to having fun. Lost will more than likely wear one of her new outfits. So, mid-drift ahoy! I know Edgar tends to stumble over himself when he sees her like that. :3

RE: Find the River [Lost River seeks Friends!] - arkamas - 11-22-2015

Fyrilsunn's(almost) always happy to meet new people. Especially over a few drinks.

Also an alt im working on by the name of Aulsoix is a thaumaturge, and is always up for some magic based nerding and shenanigans.  Though poor fellas only barely past 30 so location is a bit limited.

RE: Find the River [Lost River seeks Friends!] - Dyani - 11-22-2015

Can I apply? 

Dyani could use some friends :3 I'm just getting her started so she's still getting settled, but I would love to her her meet Lost!

RE: Find the River [Lost River seeks Friends!] - Lost River - 11-22-2015

As many people can apply as they want to. If the characters mesh, they mesh; if not, they at least tried. That is the beauty of friendship. ^_^

RE: Find the River [Lost River seeks Friends!] - Sana - 11-23-2015

I'm always looking to run into more people who can offer training in Thaum / Black Magic! Feel free to send me a tell, or send a friend request if you want to give RP a shot.