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Have you ever gotten co-workers into gaming? - Printable Version

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Have you ever gotten co-workers into gaming? - Riven - 09-15-2015

At my current job I found out the Assistant Manager is a gamer too, and I've got her over from Warcraft into FFXIV, hee Evil  Anyone else have coworkers who play videogames too?

RE: Have you ever gotten co-workers into gaming? - Khunbish Avagnar - 09-15-2015

A bunch of my coworkers play video games, alas none of them have the time/resources for FF14 being that they're all parents. Aside from a few that I don't associate with on account of they have issues with me -shrugs-

RE: Have you ever gotten co-workers into gaming? - Sylentmana - 09-15-2015

All my co-workers are twice my age and most of them have never played a game past NES Super Mario. My sister is also a co-worker, though, and I got her into Skyrim. Beyond that, I can't say I have.

RE: Have you ever gotten co-workers into gaming? - Telluride - 09-15-2015

I had a bit of a flip flop of this story.

While I've been doing various sorts of gaming for too, too long, I'd not tried any MMOs until my old boss pulled me into one. My previous IT job was with a very close-knit department filled with geeks and hobbyists and fanboys and fangirls of all sorts, and the head of IT and his facilities supervisor were heavy into Guild Wars, and went recruiting for their guild. I figured, well, it's something with the office, why not. I tried that, and then followed them into LOTRO, and thus launched a new chapter in my Game Life.

So, I WAS the coworker who was pulled in to play. Only a couple of people at my current office are gamers, but that's enough.

RE: Have you ever gotten co-workers into gaming? - Ignacius - 09-15-2015

Yes, into Wildstar.  I was a deep supporter of the game from launch until the F2P announcement, and I probably recruited some 20-30 people to play.

I haven't done so here.  I suppose I'm somewhat burned out by having all that work go up in smoke.

RE: Have you ever gotten co-workers into gaming? - 13uddy - 09-15-2015

Not MMO gaming, but at two of my old jobs I managed to rope a majority of the staff into tabletop RPGs.  Many of them had never played, but most of them were hooked after that.  The one restaurant I worked at was closed on Sundays and Mondays, so the owner's son would let us all come in and game, as well as providing free sodas and appetizers to snack on.  

I have, however, unintentionally convinced a few nurses to start playing MMOs.  I'm in the hospital frequently with my health issues, and I will sometimes talk about some of the games I play while I'm getting worked up or blood drawn and such.  Every once in a while I'll be in and one of the nurses will tell me they tried out one of the games I mentioned.  I know at least one of them actually gave FFXIV a shot because I mentioned it multiple times.  She was already a fan of the FF franchise in general, but had never played an MMO before and was a little iffy about trying it until I apparently hyped it up.  I wasn't even trying to recruit, I was just talking about how fun it was and how certain aspects are similar to other games in the series to take my mind off the fact I had needles in me.

RE: Have you ever gotten co-workers into gaming? - Warren Castille - 09-15-2015

I started my MMO career in FFXI after my coworkers at Gamestop talked me into trying it with them. Amusingly, they all hated it and I kept on with it, and here I am today.

RE: Have you ever gotten co-workers into gaming? - SaintEaon - 09-15-2015

Most of my gamer friends are competitors from League or Starcraft primarily. We were already gamers before hand so I haven't had the opportunity to get people into gaming, but I have met some of my best friends in the world through it.

RE: Have you ever gotten co-workers into gaming? - Chris Ganale - 09-15-2015

I got a guy who used to work at my workplace into XIV. But the turd never did find me and I could never find him, so I'm not sure if he still plays. I failed.

RE: Have you ever gotten co-workers into gaming? - Aaron - 09-15-2015

All my friends are gamers or something similar so i never really had the chance to try talking one into gaming.

Am i complaining? Nah cause now i can show everyone im the Mario Smash Bros Brawl God.

Dark Pit ftw

RE: Have you ever gotten co-workers into gaming? - SicketySix - 09-18-2015

Nahh, the only guy in the place I work is when of those "dude-bro ya mad 1337 players" that was shocked when I told him there was more games for his Xbox360 than just Call of Duty.

RE: Have you ever gotten co-workers into gaming? - Riven - 09-18-2015

(09-18-2015, 09:15 AM)Casden Reeves Wrote: Nahh, the only guy in the place I work is when of those "dude-bro ya mad 1337 players" that was shocked when I told him there was more games for his Xbox360 than just Call of Duty.
*snerks* Oh lord, I wish I could have seen the look on his face when you said that.

RE: Have you ever gotten co-workers into gaming? - SicketySix - 09-18-2015

(09-18-2015, 09:58 AM)Riven Wrote:
(09-18-2015, 09:15 AM)Casden Reeves Wrote: Nahh, the only guy in the place I work is when of those "dude-bro ya mad 1337 players" that was shocked when I told him there was more games for his Xbox360 than just Call of Duty.
*snerks* Oh lord, I wish I could have seen the look on his face when you said that.
His mind was almost literally blown.

But does that mean he's played games other than Call of Duty once finding that out?
