Hydaelyn Role-Players
Lalafell in the Snow - Printable Version

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Lalafell in the Snow - Kage - 06-23-2015

The snow cracked under his boots as the lalafell gripped his small pack closer to him in a false notion of warmth. His fur lined cuirass helped immensely, covering him and keeping most of him warm. The icy winds contrasted with his warm breath as his foofy wild hair moved with the wind, the water clinging to his hair hitting his face sometimes.

Gosh, I wonder how Ilwe and Carina are doing? Why am I doing this again? At least I had Arturius sent ahead to an inn. M’not getting paid… oh right. Of course. Roen might be in Coerthas and Ishgard. She’s here with these big stupidly big dragons and stuff. Is she cold? How is she? She better not have gotten eaten by a-


Kage felt a humongous large weight smash his body into the snow, cracking a linkpearl or two as they kept his neck from hitting the major sharp points of a snow covered rock. He wriggled a bit until a large piercing screech in his ears made him jerk and cover his ears with his hands. His eyes widened with horror however when he felt himself being lifted. Lifted. Off. The. Snow. Covered. Ground.

The lalafell dared not look as he was lifted and flown some bit until he was dropped on some high elevation. The lalafell tucked himself and rolled into an axe-swinging ready-stance as he glared at what grabbed him. A four-legged creature, with the head of a bird and large ears. Feathers and fur. It looked like what Kage had once read of, a griffin. He’d never thought it was real. Of course, not until now at least. The griffin snapped its beak at him, missing him some as he dodged or getting beak marks covering his face a bit. Its beak tore at his beret as it flew off his head as he retaliated with his axe. Its talons caught one of his gauntlets, stopping him from cutting its leg off. His gauntlet torn apart, the lalafell stared up at the big beast. It reared back as he readied his axe once more. A large gush of fire near them caused Kage to throw himself away from it as the griffin screeched its piercing cry once more. The griffin leaped into the air, its wings flapping once or twice as it stared at the large dragon Kage was facing.

Oh Twelve, a dragon?! Now? I can’t just kill one alone. I’m not a dragoo-

Just as Kage threw himself away from another fire breath did he get picked up into the air once more. He clutched his axe in his hands, noticing the shaking grip the griffin had on him. It chirped once, before he found himself sitting on its back. He grabbed his axe with his injured arm, wrapping his other arm around the griffin’s feathered neck. He only peered back once, seeing the dragon in the distance.

It was at that moment that the two, griffin and lalafell alike, plowed into a snow filled cave. The dragon’s roar evidenced that it was still near. A large crack filled the air as Kage felt a large burst of cold air where he was once filled with warmth. He frowned, noting that his cuirass had taken some too many blows and he’d not be able to repair it. Not here anyway, not in this condition. Which meant that the lalafell needed a fire, food, and… He’d noticed that the griffin hobbled a bit. Wrapping his own hand with some gauze, the lalafell broached the griffin without his axe. The beast snapped its beak at his face, catching some of his air as it barely scratched him as he stood his ground. Testing him perhaps.

He stared at the griffin before pointing at its injured leg and wrapping gauze about it. It tried to catch him with a talon but the lalafell let it catch his other gauntlet, slipping it off so he could finish tying the gauze. He stepped back as it tried to snap at him once more.

The lalafell put his axe closer to his bag and grabbed another beret to top his head along with a short bow. He’d need all the heat he could get. He ventured deeper into the cave. The pitter patter of a creature let him know that there was something- a boar! A wild boar! The boar snorted, starting to run away as Kage rained arrows at it. For each 5 he’d loosed, one hit its mark. After 20 arrows, the lalafell stared at the dead animal and looked for anything to start a fire with. Looking into his bag he’d found some old tomes he’d brought with him for reading. Kage sighed before starting to use them as kindling and getting a fire going as the lalafell started to skin and clean the boar. Separating the trimmings and inedible bits into piles he left the skin and entrails for the griffin. Cutting a portion of what the lalafell would eat he put a spit out to roast the boar and brought the rest to the griffin. Kage watched as the griffin didn’t touch it for a bit as he got closer to the fire. His hands had started to get colder even though they’d been warm as he’d worked on the boar. Washing what he could off, his hands direly needed the feeling back as he got as close as he could without roasting himself. Time went by, the dragon’s roars still heard, before Kage could eat the meat and as he tenderly ate his fill he’d noticed the griffin do the same with what he’d given it. Once he’d finished, Kage tried settle in near the fire, to sleep and hope the dragon would fly away.

As the fire started to die a little, so too did Kage’s source of warmth. The lalafell shivered, sneezing a bit in his nap. The griffin had stalked closer to him before plopping itself and curling atop of him. The lalafell jerked with a start as a feathered neck brought him closer to its warmth. Kage blinked before curling into the griffin’s warmth. For now.

The night turned into day just as a soft cold breeze into the cave sniffed out the last of Kage’s warmth. Kage shook himself awake, grabbing his belongings as the griffin blinked up at him, eyeing him as he took his axe once more.

“I’m not gonna kill ye… just.. goodbye. I need to get back on me way and if’n yer not killing me and that dragon’s gone… Well I’m off.”

The griffin of course did not answer the lalafell as he stepped out into the cold air. The day had just started and no snow obscured his sights. The lalafell found a path down the elevation until he saw a looming shadow overcome his own. Kage swung his axe, turning to see the large dragon from the evening before rear its head back, ready to breath fire at him. His eyes widened. A large piercing shriek filled the air as Kage watched the griffin fly at the dragon’s eyes. The fire flew past Kage, missing its mark as the griffin had helped change the direction of the breath. It was close enough; Kage’s singed beret flew into the air. He readied himself as the dragon drew closer and the griffin dropped down next to him, plopping his beret back on his head. Without glancing at the griffin, the lalafell smirked and got on the griffin’s back as it lowered itself a bit for the lalafell, quite a bit.

The two soared into the air before Kage got up and jumped, hurtling towards the dragon’s exposed neck as the griffin distracted it. Just as the griffin pecked out one of the dragon’s eyes, Kage made impact. The axe blade sliced through the dragon’s neck scales as it shrinked in agony. The dragon roared again as the lalafell ran towards its head. He jumped once more, flying at the other eye, carving a line and cutting the eye right in half. This was all done as kage leaped into the air, which meant he’d leapt off, falling to the ground.

I’m sorry everyone…

The lalafell closed his eyes, covering them with his arms as he wondered exactly how this would feel. Would he feel the pain before death? His falling momentum jerked to a halt as talons grabbed his armor, gliding him to safety before softly dropping him on snow covered floor. The griffin chirped, picking his beret up from the ground nearby and bringing it closer to his head. Kage smiled in relief, tears coming out of the lalafell’s eyes as he took it and returned the beret to his head. The griffin nudged him, getting him on the griffin’s back as Kage hugged him with all he could as the flew towards where the lalafell was headed to. And poor Arturius. The female fat cat almost lost its source of food.

I think I know what to ask Grimsong for. A harness.

Lalafell in the Snow (to merge) - Kage - 07-13-2015

Kage sat one of the stools at the Forgotten Knight. His presence did not go unnoticed. The Ishgardians seemed not to be familiar with Lalafells so he bore the question, curious gazes all the same. After having met her, he wondered and perhaps even hoped, that their gazes were also to keep tabs on him as he played with Roen's fat kitten. The little one was... well not quite little. He fed it some of his jerky rations, a few of the meatballs that Grimsong had left for him, and even a piece of the Aldgoat steak. Reaching up, the lalafell took his white beret off his head and placed it on the space next to him. He pet the fat kitten as it curled itself onto his beret with a fond smile before clearing the table.

The lalafell paid no mind to the other occupants, only keeping himself awares enough to not take a weapon to his back. He calmly wrote a letter as the purring kitten occasionally demanded his attention to itself.

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RE: Bulletin Board - Kage - 07-16-2015

With his back against the wall, the lalafell drank some Ishgardian tea that was left to him by his... roommate? Kage sniffled before taking a knife once more to the chunk of wood he was working on. His thumb was bound in a leather piece; the nicks from the knife digging into it were evident.

He sniffled once more as he finished the piece and the Isghardian tea. He beamed a bit, looking at it. He stood, disturbing the fat cat and the fat kitten from their naps against him. He dropped some jerky for them as he cleaned up, nodding once more to those who still might have been observing him. As he left his room again, it was without the item he had carved and whittled. He gathered the warmer equipment about him, sneezing as he headed out into the city to try to get to know others.

The carving left for a certain woman with but a single note.

"For you."
[Image: mxDTPtp.jpg]

Lalafell in the Snow (to merge 2) - Kage - 07-31-2015

Kage stared at the antelope stew stains of a few drops that he had snacked on, the drippling of the stew came from when he dipped some Knight's Bread into the stew.

".... he can deal with it."

Quote:To Franz,

Stop making excuses. Do what's right by Frhanz'ir's family. His twin deserves to know. Also, there are these really delicious teas and pastries.

Please visit D'ly for my chocobo. The poor draught chocobo should be stabled at _____ and should be brought to the stables at the house you found me earlier.

Also, I need to ask you if you've ever heard about a woman who is known to have made some Garlean ties but I believe is native to Ishgard. Maybe Frhanz'ir's memories or your own would help.

Hurry up.

RE: Bulletin Board - Kage - 08-19-2015

The Lalafell winced as he dug back the knife tip into his thumb, having whittled too fast as he contemplated the recent events and was caught up in his own thoughts.

After Delial walked away and Kage had left Kiht and Franz to wait by the pillars of the bridge’s underside, he had gone back to the dead. After the man had slaughtered the man and the old woman, Kage wanted to see if perhaps all clues were not lost.

Unfortunately for them, the man was clearly of the Brume. He had the armor to do mercenary work but his figure and his very few belongings made it clear why he had come. The bribes. He had nothing special on him. The old woman had a few trinkets but Kage could not see anything that was significant. A pendant to Saint Reinette, who she seemed to have prayed to when the heavily armored man came swinging his large blade around. Nothing. Who was Saint Reinette anyway? The Lalafell thought that maybe he should ask Franz, or maybe not. The man was quite upset with him. What was Kage to do? Smash through his hulking body? Take off a limb or three? Maybe collapse his chest? Franz seemed to expect it but no matter how much the Lalafell snarked… he didn’t think he could do it.

“Little wolf…”

The man had said it. Called her it. He hated how they used it. He didn’t want them to ‘own’ the words. Oh Kage knew who it was referring to. Delial knew too but neither Delial or himself wanted her involved. They clearly wanted her for something… but what was it they wanted to return to her? Did they have Gharen? Was it he they had? It bothered the Lalafell, his use of the wolf. ‘Wolfsong’ What did they want with her? Why...It nagged at Kage that the heavily armored man used the same things that had afflicted Wolfsong some time ago. And the man himself was missing. It seemed less and less likely that the Ul’dahn Monetarists had anything to do with his disappearance.

“Ouch!” The prick brought Kage out of his musings, and he wrung his finger in the air. He rubbed at it before surveying the wood whittled carvings.

[Image: howlingwolfsweb.jpg]

Kage trotted off to send off the totem to her, with barely a word. The note attached just read:
Quote:“For you, Kage”

The other item he sent off was another book for Delial Grimsong and a key. The note attached read:
Quote:“Miss Grimsong, I loathe the idea that we are so close to those that are so hostile now since. I have obtained new lodgings, further from which may attempt to strike down our door at night. I hope you have not read this before.”

The book was titled “The Seduction” Its subtitle description read: A Forbidden Tale of a Highlander Femme and a Fist of Rhaglr Monk”

With a heavy sigh, Kage returned to the new lodgings. It had been an exhaustive endeavor. He had not cleaned up after Zephyr’s messes in the old place but she seemed to have rebuilt her nest of the clothes Kage had piled up for her in the old place. They had started to get some odor, most likely from what the nest protected. The place at least gave more room and Zephyr seemed to be content and the owners of the lodgings didn’t mind the beast inside or outside. The Lalafell wondered when it’d be that he could wear some different clothes again before a squawk and pointed look from the griffin brought out a sigh.

Kage burrowed to the griffin’s side, helping to protect Zephyr and her precious ones.

RE: Bulletin Board - Kage - 08-20-2015

The Lalafell let out a sigh, almost one of relief as he reached his destination. The courtesan Natalie had once used to take Roen’s place for a night while Natalie and Roen went out for a drink. Of course, Kage was… was he doing something worse? He was asking someone to put their life at risk. For someone that the other did not know.

Roen will be furious, Kage thought to himself. Why did I even think this was a good idea?

Better her, than Roen. came the unbidden thought. Kage shook his head at it. This was going to be an offer, a request, a job. He wasn’t to force her anymore than he could force Roen to find the answers that she sought. It wasn’t himself that stopped his trail of thoughts, the pump of adrenaline that made him want to fight. It was the touch of cold steel at his neck and the chill that accompanied it that made his hair stand on end.

“You’ve been asking for me little one?”

Little One… what that strange man had called him. Should be used to it after all.

“Nod yes and put your arms up Lalafell.”

Kage breathed, one… two. He’d let himself get caught off guard… or maybe she was just that good? He’d been watching and it was the same… except for her. He nodded in acknowledgement and in answer as he put his arms up. He breathed steadily as her hands grabbed his axe, the feather of his beret moving as she brushed against him as she searched his body. As she turned, the Lalafell couldn’t help blushing as her breasts came into view and her pleasant smelling perfume waded through to his nostrils.

“Let’s go then,” she said. Kage wiped his face, once, as he followed her to a room away from her fellows. His eyes glanced about the room, sizing her and it up. He looked for the exits; he looked at her; and he watched as she poured some sweet water into two mugs. He looked into her eyes as she raised a brow, “Well then Kiryuu?”

“You have something to ask of me, something that requires great trust yes? Extend to me some of that trust,” she said as she handed over one of the mugs, her eyes intent on his own. The Lalafell met her eyes, trying to deny that he was most likely sending someone to their death to save the life of his friend.

Twelve, Roen will never forgive me.

After taking closing his eyes for a moment, Kage took another deep breath and then took a long drink from the mug. His eyes blew wide open and he coughed, realizing that it wasn’t just sweet water. Oh, the amount of alcohol in it had made his throat burn. He looked to her, her likeness to Roen’s only extending to some of her facial features and race.

Will I be able to forgive myself?

She smirked at him, nodded and then took her own long drink. “So then, out with it, Ser Kiryuu, former Sultansworn.”

Kage sighed and then spoke. She knew of whom she’d taken the place of before. He told her of the threat, the man with a large blade who had cut down others with ease. The psychotic man who had told them that he wanted Roen. Little Wolf. He’d told Delial to bring her, since he’d had something of hers. The voidlings, the unpleasantness that the man had had. How most likely these people were the same ones who put Roen in trouble for treason.

“You want to offer me what…? My life to this man? He’d killed two people, possibly three and you want to use me as a lure? This is my life we’re talking about here Kiryuu. You have to give me more than that.”

It was all too much for him, and Kage teared up.

“I know-!” He sobbed a bit, “I know… Twelve don’t I know that?! But she can’t… She doesn’t want to be involved. She can’t be involved. I don’t even know what we’re doing anymore. One step forwards and ten steps back! But..

“But Roen is so much more than me. If only… if I could lure him out I would but there’s just no way to make myself even look remotely like her. I don’t know how I could even possibly do it.” He brought his beret down with one hand, covering his face with it and his palms.

Her eyes watched him, before she stopped twirling the knife and stabbed it into a table. Kage stopped, hitching his breath as she approached. A soft, tender hand cupped his chin and pulled his head to stare at her own. She looked into his eyes, clouded with confusion and desperation as they were.

“I’ll do it.”

His eyes widened before they furrowed together as he frowned. “What..?”

“I’ll do it, Kiryuu.”

“What, b-but!”

Her lips quirked as she shook her head. He wanted to and yet he didn’t. She had seen him of course. Once, when a man had roughed up one of her own. Oh she took care of him of course, but before she had, she had seen Kiryuu break the man’s legs. The Lalafell had left him on their step as he’d walked away, flushed and angry. He’d come once or twice, to just talk to some of the younger ones. He had blustered and stammered but he’d been…. real with them. He wanted to know who they were besides their services.

“But you wanted to ask me if I would help you lure some psychotic man out so that she wouldn’t be, correct?”

Kage closed his tearing eyes before looking her straight and nodding. She, too, nodded and said, “And I am saying I will do it. But!” She held up a finger to stop him.

“I want you to promise a few things,” she said, a small smile forming on her lips.

“What is it that you ask of me?”

“First, if I die and I certainly do not plan on it, if I die I want you to absolve yourself of the responsibility. I do it because I want to and because I can.

“Second, I don’t want to see you there in case something does happen. I think that even though I am asking you the first that in the moment you will be unable to.”

Kage shook his head, mouth gaping and denial upon his lips. She shooshed him, continuining.

“Third, I want you to tell me the rest of what you know. How did the man fight? What was he like? You mentioned blades. A great sword and a knife. I want to know everything.” She said this as she played with another knife, taking it in and out of its sheath.

“Fourth, I want you to come here more often after all is done up north. I need another person looking after my fellows. You’ve done a good job when you do it, so I want you to take a place. You won’t be here forever and alone, but I want a good man guarding these doors and that man shall be you.

“Last, I want you and I to get to know each other. My name…. My name is Hestia Redde and I have the rot.”

Twelve, I’m so sorry Hestia.

Lalafell in the Snow (to merge 3) - Kage - 08-25-2015

Her complexion was pale, paler than before as it was whitened by the falling snow. Her head turned to an impossible angle. She was breathless. Lifeless. They had known this was the most probable outcome; She had Welcomed it even.

Yet the Lalafell still felt tremendous sorrow for the fact that he took the offered moons that she had left to live.

“Kiryuu, do you want to know why I am so willing to offer my life for this?” Redde asked. The red haired, brown-eyed Midlander, whose face looked so much like
hers asked. Kage shook his head. For once his white beret was on his lap as he leaned against her on the plush couch. Tonight she would leave, ahead of him as he finished finding books for Grimsong. He lowered his eyes as she ruffled his hair lightly.

“I have the rot, see. Haven’t accompanied anyone with my fellows in a while since a healer told me the news,” she whispered. She looked down upon him, a small, sad smile. Kage’s eyes widened, her hand slipping from his hair as he turned his face up to look at her.

“What do you mean?” He whispered, strained. “Yer dyin’ cause of the rot? How long?”

Hestia kissed his forehead, ruffling his hair again before petting the unruly mop it was. “A couple of moons at most. Won’t be long afore I’m bedridden, in a way that won’t be pleasurable or desired.” The woman winked at him, laughing when Kage blushed red.

“So that’s just one reason. If I can help some like you help Roen Deneith well... I think dying one good heroic deed is good enough for the likes of me.” She hugged him close, whispering, “Of course, the plan is not to die, but I’m willing to give you all the opportunities to get what will help you. Livin’ right now hurts. The rot is painful and I get bouts n’ glimpses of how I’ll be bedridden.”

A small sob left his lips before he bowed his head and hugged her just under her bosom.

Kage crouched in the snow, taking a glove off one hand with a sniffle. She... her body had been left to freeze out in the snow. A few flecks of blood that might have been here in the struggle already gone. He wiped her face of the fallen snow and then slowly, closed her open eyes. He walked to Zephyr, grabbing a large woolen cloth from his sack and rolled her body into it. He built a pile, away from the view of the Ishgardians, away from the Dravanians. He built it under her, around her, and on top of her. Once he was done, the Lalafell threw a sack of gil into the mess before he lit it on fire. It was only then, when he set it on fire, did Kage fall to his knees. He cried forlornly as the hot searing flames sent her on her way after she died.

She struggled against him, trying to force him away from her and to somehow help them. His hold was strong, his anger palpable. She was weak; the rot already taking its toll on her in this weather. It didn’t help that one of her knees was injured and her arm was broken. If I could just get his helm! She screamed in pain, twin streaks of tears running down her face as he forced her broken arm to turn her back to his front as he took her into a chokehold. N-no! I haven’t! Not yet! Her good arm... she tried. She tried to bring her arm up and swat at his head but her breath. She was... she cou-

As the last of the smoke and embers cleared, the sun had started to turn into a new sun. The night’s sky was starting to be brightened by the approaching dawn. After many bells since, Kage walked with Zephyr, slowly, back to the lodging he had gotten before his departure to Ul’dah. He and Grimsong had to plan their next move, hopefully the plan had worked. Hopefully, the moons taken from Miss Redde were not for aught.

[split] Bulletin Board - Kage - 09-23-2015

A letter arrives, hastily written on some clean paper.


Your services in dealing with the voidlings are required by Miss Grimsong. Pray speak with her. She said someone else has been stabbed, a brother from Ul’dah or in the Uldahn area.

If need be, I shall be heading to lavender beds because I miss some of my other family and I don’t want to deal with you at the moment.

Kage Kiryuu

[[mod note: Merged/Moved from Bulletin Board]]

RE: Lalafell in the Snow - Kage - 09-24-2015

Another hastily written note but this time there was care in the handling of the letter. Folded neatly and carefully, it was obvious the sender and author did not just write the letter and cram it wherever post was collected from.

Miss Grimsong,
I have worked on your favor as best as I could. I have asked Franz to meet with you regarding your uh... brother. The man you said was stabbed. I have not received a response but if he does not, you can make sure to be quite upset with the man and I will hit him in the foot with my axe if you request it.

We seem to be at a bit of a halt in our quest to find Wolfsong. I have received a summons to return home. I will return soon.

Pray send immediate word if you shall see that man by your lonesome once again.


P.S. I wonder... would you like me to better address you in some way? Calling you Grimsong must be weird.

RE: Lalafell in the Snow - cuideag - 09-25-2015

Kage only needed to wait the better part of a sun before a letter addressed to his name found its way to him.


Worry not. He has reached out to me and requested my presence, and so I suppose I too must take leave of Isghard. Know that it is quite a serious matter to me, and should I find he has wasted my time, he shall have more to worry about than an axe to the foot. Perhaps if things go especially bad (Twelve forbid), I might have you take out a knee or two instead.

I have not seen nor heard from our "friend" since the incident, and I pray nothing else happens while we are away. I worry he might take notice of our departure and think to make a move for Roen... She is no doubt a strong girl. It is up to her if she wants to listen to my warnings this time.

If Grimsong strikes you as too formal, you may call me Delial. As both are my names, I do not care either way.


RE: Lalafell in the Snow - Kage - 09-25-2015

Kage read the letter as he unpacked, having just teleported to Gridania. He had spent the last sun vomiting the contents of his stomach. The use of his aether was draining and he'd done all he could to not look horrible as he made his to a store to purchase some medicinal herbs.

"Stupid.. infuriating... man!"

Letter addressed to Franz Wrote:To Franz,
You are insufferable. I contacted you out of favor for Miss Grimsong. I know not of the details. I only hope that you contacted her.

It is good that you are doing this as a personal favor. Miss Grimsong suggested that if you were uncooperative that I should take a knee or two from you.

We both know I could only try for a little bit, but still. Might be painful with those nasty things.

Treat Miss Grimsong as you would any other person you schmooze.

Kage Kiryuu

The letter was folded much better than before, if not for his writing being a tad sloppy.

When the letter from Delial comes, after he'd read the engagement announcement, Kage was still reeling from the confirmation of the words that Ser Crofte had spoken. He thought about his response...

Letter addressed to Delial Grimsong Wrote:Miss D,
I hope you do not detest it.

Franz sent me a letter, quite begrudgingly about the matter but as it seems he has reached out that is good. Pray tell me if he does not treat you well.

I forgot to tell you, the griffin mum's eggs hatched. She seems to be fine with your presence. Please let me know if you would be interested in one of her hatchlings. They seem quite big, not at all what I would have expected from a runt of a mother. Seems as if they will grow well.

But I must admit, they... are quite fussy.

Kage Kiryuu

Kage hissed as he finished writing the letter with care. He folded it neatly before having it sent off.

RE: Lalafell in the Snow - Kage - 10-11-2015

Letter to Delial Grimsong Wrote:Miss D,

That sounds wonderful. My close family received me with a feast (a large dodo and some rolls with spicy sauces) and announced news of pregnancy.

I hope your brother lives and that Franz did as promised? Pray tell me if I must need chop his legs at the knees and I will do so. Gladly.

I may be in the Ul'dahn area some time soon if need be. However, I’ve been hearing some rumors I want to check out about attacks on Wood Wailers. I’ll be in Lavender Beds. Use this pearl.

Take care,

Kage Kiryuu

Along with the crisply folded letter is a book. Another trashy romance novel, titled “50 Shades of Dalamud”

RE: Lalafell in the Snow - Kage - 12-12-2015

Quote:To Roen,

Roen, you deserve this and more. Happy Starlight, Roen.


The lalafell hoped that the pup would get to her well…

Quote:To Delial Grimsong,

Happy Starlight, all things given. I was told that the title “Seventy Shades of Dalamud” is a popular hit with Ishgard.

Attached is a book, titled Seventy Shades of Dalamud, not to be confused with the previously sent novel '50 Shades of Dalamud'. This one was clearly better, targeted towards the Ishgardian nobles.

RE: Lalafell in the Snow - Kage - 12-12-2015

[Image: tumblr_nz9sxtn2jP1qhf2lso1_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_nz9sxtn2jP1qhf2lso2_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_nz9sxtn2jP1qhf2lso3_1280.png]

The Lalafell leaped forward, away from the red warbear as it slammed a paw into the water he was taking a small drink from. He rolled into the leap, flipping around and drawing up his fists…. empty. Kage eyed the axe he’d left behind at the tree, not wanting to get it wet when he got a drink and cursing himself for it.

The warbear, smaller than the others, growled as it stalked towards him. Kage licked his suddenly dry lips, seeing no way out, his frighted friends behind him. His nutkin. His fat cat. The mother griffin who was nursing her eggs, soon to hatch as they were. The owlet and the lesser panda. All the creatures that trusted in him and loved him; all of them behind him.

“Like the seven hells am I going to die ‘ere!” The Lalafell gave off his own little roar as he charged the warbear, his clenched fists ready to hit something many times his own size. His shoulders rose, followed by his elbows as he braced one foot and brought forth both fists straight out in front of him into the warbear’s leg. He circled around, elbowing at the large furred creature’s joints. The large beast roared in pain as its bulky figure tried to follow the small Lalafell as he moved between hitting each of its large legs, sending heavy punch after heavy punch into the warbear as the two exchanged blows.

The Lalafell’s face had turned red from all of the hits, blood, and adrenaline as he did his all. Kage spit out a mouthful of blood, mixed saliva running down his chin as he could not even work himself to swallow. The warbear stared back; it too taking heavy breaths. The large beast bellowed, rearing back before it lunged forward at Kage. He twisted, bringing an elbow down onto the claw. With a bellow of his own, Kage swung his fist twisting his hips as he brought it to the bear’s snarling maw. The ground shook as the bear fell. As the warbear lay there, dazed Kage looked at it with half-lidded eyes before he collapsed on top of the bear.

Rain fell on top of them. Suddenly and without warning, the fast fall of water soon started to drench the already sweat-soaked clothes that the Lalafell wore. The bear gave out a small groan and moved; Kage’s friends quivered and gave their own shouts. As they moved forward Kage yelled out in protest, for them to go back. The warbear huffed, especially at the griffin as she screeched, but made no move to hurt the Lalafell. The warbear shifted Kage onto its back, moving him out of the water that they had fought in. Taking him to the camp that the other creatures stayed near, he dropped the Lalafell near his axe and fire. With a heavy breath, Kage reached out with one arm, slowly towards the axe. The warbear huffed, shook its head and then curled up close to the Lalafell. Furrowing his eyes, Kage slowly let go of his axe letting it rest against the tree and then sitting with his back against the bears. All it did was snort as Kage brought one bruised and battered hand to ruffle the bear’s fur.

RE: Lalafell in the Snow - Kage - 12-29-2015

[Image: tumblr_o03vskNRpN1qhf2lso1_1280.png]
[Image: tumblr_o03vskNRpN1qhf2lso2_1280.png]

The Lalafell had been on one of his paid jobs, making sure ends were met while still trying to fulfill the needs by Gharen Wolfsong, Roen and Ser Crofte.

The problem was that he had done so by embarrassing himself in front of the -sole- person in the entire area near the Slate Mountains of the Coerthas Western Highlands region. Of all the places to trip over a rock nearly a fulm tall, something near his waist, it had to be in front of a random bystander who was taking shelter from the region’s elements.

Lo and behold it was Storm Captain Sounsyy Mirke, who he’d heard of, of course. He’d heard rumors of her time elsewhere but it was a given that he’d heard of her accomplishments at the Grindstone. Shipwrecked and lost so far away! It had been obvious that she had not had a good time of late and it was then that Kage decided that he could not just go out on his way; making camp here would definitely be for the better. It would not do for her to try making her way to Falcon’s Nest in that time and weather conditions.

Plus, it would be a lie for Kage to say that he was not interested in getting to know the Mirke that he had heard of. Now if it wasn’t for this Twelve forsaken snow covered awful place!

The Lalafell shared with her what he had, for of course he had plenty of provisions supplies. Kage was overtly cautious and he loved food. He was dismayed to learn that his offer of jerked beef, red meat, would upset Mirke’s stomach and so he knew just the thing. The frozen, of course curse this Twelve forsaken snow, stuffed cabbages!

Once the fire was lit and ready, Mirke had created a spit that Kage was able to put a pot on, with frozen stuffed cabbages and some ale. The two conversed and Kage found out a little about what had brought the Storm Captain so far away from her course. Stuffed cabbages cooked and consumed meant it was time to turn in with the weather and light soon turning worse. As the Lalafell was so duly prepared, he offered and insisted for Mirke to take a map and some food for when she made her way south towards Falcon’s Nest. With her acceptance, the two made their way into the shelter that the cart provided from Hydaelyn’s elements; Kage of course hauled his arse in with the hot ale remnants that had steeped with the stuffed cabbages’ delicious juices. This pot could still be enjoyed inside the shelter and keep them a little heated as it sits between the two for the night.