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Minako's Journal - Printable Version

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Minako's Journal - Minako Obinata - 08-08-2015

((I've been keeping a journal for Mina, and I decided to start posting them here as well.))

Today I joined the leatherworkers guild in Gridania and as I make my first entry tonight, I am questioning whether or not that was a good idea. What a sombering way to begin my journal writing! 

The guild master of Atelier Fen-Yll, is without a doubt, one of the hardest people to impress. Actually, I don't even think it's possible to impress this woman. I know I'm only a novice, but I fulfilled the order that was asked of me. This woman see's things that noone else can. The attention to detail that she see's is amazing & very scary at the same time. Oh gods–I don't want to go back for my next assignment. Oh yeah! I've noticed that a lot of Eorzeans say this phrase, especially when they are expressing emotions of frustration or panic. It does sound catchy, and I want to fit in.. so I'll use it too! But I digress. 

I know it's very ill-mannered to slander one who is of higher status… but I did craft those pants just as she asked, yet there was not one positive thing she could say about them.

Perhaps I need a new line of work. It's tempting to quit, I'll be honest. But.. that isn't really the Obinata way.. so I suppose I will keep trying.

I do hope I'm in a better mood at least for my second entry.

Minako's Journal - Minako Obinata - 08-08-2015

I've been living in Eorzea for a little while now, and "adventuring" seems to be a rather popular lifestyle. I refuse to give up leatherworking.. even though I have yet to impress anyone there, but I have decided that adventuring is something I want to do. I know I have the skills for it, and I could really use the gil. It isn't like my leather products sell for very much.. and that's even if I make something -worth- selling in the eyes of the Fen-Yll brand.

I do feel lonely quite often though. I miss Doma. I miss my mother.. my brothers.. father. I miss the fresh Doman grown fruit. I miss Doman tea. I really can't let myself dwell too much on it. It wouldn't be right. How terribly selfish of me to even so much as write this down knowing the sacrifice my family made to allow me the chance to be here. I would do well to remember that.. so no more pity for myself.

I was invited to a "friendly meet and greet" as it was called.. at the Goblet in Ul'dah. I didn't know any of these people, but considering the gathering was a chance to meet others.. of course I went! 
Only to be let down though. In fact.. as soon as I had arrived, I was teased and called "lizard girl". After that.. noone really wanted to talk to me.. and I tried. I finally just left. It was all too much. I already feel like an outsider everyday. I don't need to be teased to go along with that.

Remember to turn in those leather gloves first thing in the morning.

Minako's Journal - Minako Obinata - 08-08-2015

It's been some few days since my last entry. I've been busy. This journal is starting to feel like my only friend. How pathetic.

I do have one thing I want to write about. My first impression of the housing district in Limsa Lominsa, or, "The Mist" as they call it. Oh gods! This place is beautiful! The clement weather, the sound of Eorzean nature without the population there to talk over it. Not that I prefer to be alone or anything.. 
Oh! And the ever so clear cerulean sky! Some may say it's just a beach.. but not to me. I can't help but be there and feel content. Out of sheer curiosity, I asked about purchasing a home there. I was told that, if I'm lucky. (really lucky) I can get a small home for four million gil. 

Gods.. I need another job.

Minako's Journal - Minako Obinata - 08-08-2015

Finally! An all out positive journal entry! What a wonderful morning it was! Where should I begin?

I spent the night prior in Gridania. I awoke this morning.. reached into my pocket and was instantly filled with dread as I looked over the tasks I needed to complete for my guild. It was so early, I didn't realize anyone in the room at first.. until I sighed rather loudly and the Elezen sitting at a table across from where I was standing commented on it. At first, I was so embarrassed. I mean.. -really- embarrassed. But.. I'm not sure how it happened. Next thing I knew, I was sitting with him and we were talking! Friendly! And he didn't even call me "lizard girl"! 

His name is Jerciex Lanquairt , and he is part of the Twin Adders grand company. I can only assume he is a medic, as he was after all, reading a book on such. We spoke of Gridania.. I've been spending a lot of time there as of late. He was born and raised there. He told me of Gridania's history. He promised to show me around the city which.. I actually know my way around truth be told.. but I think he misunderstood my approach when we spoke of Gridania and all it has to offer. Of course.. I did not want to spoil a chance at making a friend. A friend is what I really need.. even if just one. We had true Gridanian tea! It was sweet.. I tend to prefer a bolder tea in flavor, but I can appreciate the methods they take to create the tea. After all, I was informed of such! It was such an educational and delightful experience! I do hope I meet him again!

Minako's Journal - Minako Obinata - 08-08-2015

Well.. I think today was a good day as well, I'm really not sure. It was a curious day for sure.. 

I was ordered by my guild to travel to Thanalan and learn ways of materia melding. So.. that's what I did. While I was trying my hand at it, A Hyur, dressed in what I consider to be, showy armor, approached. At first, it was just any other in passing. Until he asked me for help. He wanted me to make cushions for him. I'm a bit shy still.. I'd hate to accidentally offend anyone here, as there are still some things I'm ignorant of. Blah. I must have looked so inane. I looked him over a little better now that he had been speaking directly to me. And then I saw it. A crown. Oh gods.. a crown. This Hyur must be royalty! Or perhaps.. some highly revered knight! And he is asking me.. ME.. to craft him something. If I fail with this.. I could lose everything! 

If word ever got back to the guild that I crafted a shoddy piece of chocobo dung excuse of leather cushions for someone of such nobility and honor, the guild master would dismiss me on the spot! Such creations are not allowed even for normal folk! I can only imagine the consequences when someone who is quite established receives lackluster work. But.. he also invited me to join his company. But it isn't a grand company. I accepted because.. did I have a choice? In Doma.. us Raen anyways, that would be an act of disrespect to decline an offer from such a superior! So.. I'm in a company now… and I have to work on those cushions. In fact.. I think I will start on that right now. Time is of the essense. Mustn't keep him waiting! …….Oh. His name is Ferathir.

Minako's Journal - Minako Obinata - 08-09-2015

Eorzea, seen through my eyes, is nearly flawless. The way I perceive this land is greatly influenced based on where I came from. I love my home. I have no love for the Empire. But the important word here.. is -nearly-. It isn't perfect. There are many Eorzean citizens who are homeless, and this is seen most commonly in Ul'dah. 

But… my entry isn't based on the unrest in Ul'dah. I was at Camp Dragonhead.. which, has some of the harshest weather I have experienced thus far. Frigid wind, always snowing. I couldn't help but stare at this poor Miqo'te during my travels there. The poor, poor lad. He has no pants.. and he barely has a top to cover his chest. The shoes on his feet are ill-fit for the cold climate of Ishgard. My heart broke for him. I had eventually left.. only to return some days later.. and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. That same Miqo'te.. with barely any clothing on his body. I've decided, that if I see this man again.. I will approach him, and offer him spare gil.

Minako's Journal - Minako Obinata - 08-09-2015

Finally! Finished putting the last stitch in those cushions! I turned my work order into the guild! Now, I shall sit and gather my thoughts!

I'm honestly amazed that I managed to get all of this done actually. Fatigue finally overcome my body with all the crafting.. mining–oh yeah! I joined the miners guild. Ferathir did mention he wanted to buy a house for his company. I wish I could help him..but I'm so low on gil as it is. So, I took up mining.

I fell asleep, though not intentionally, on a bench in Gridania. I'm not sure how long I was lying there.. and I hope noone scoffed at me. I'm sure the sight must have been unpleasant. I woke up to the sound of "kupo!". A moogle had a letter for me, and must have been quite determined to see it go into my hands. He wouldn't leave until I awoke and accepted his delivery. 

It was from Ferathir. He had set up a meeting in the Lavender Beds–the housing district of Gridania. Luckily.. I was already nearby. Sadly.. I had no idea just how late I was for this meeting.

So.. I scrambled up.. ran as fast as I could to catch the next boat to the Lavender Beds. Finding him was no issue luckily. I do hope they were not waiting on me too long. Ferathir introduced me to V'ieh, and referred to her as "oathsister". 

I must digress for a moment here.. because I can't say I am fully aware of why I made that pledge to him those few days ago. I mean–I -know- why I did.. but it's embarrassing to admit, I'm not so sure I understand what it means. It's simple enough of course.. All who make the pledge… or oath.. are to be there for one another. But why me? To take an Oath is an honorable thing. It's rather pathetic I'm so lost as to why I was offered.. but.. I -do- need friends. I will do my best.

V'ieh is a Miqo'te, and judging by the two daggers she sported when I met her and the way she carries herself, the way she speaks–and what she speaks of, I have to honestly say.. I felt rather intimidated. Though, she seemed very friendly. I can't help but wonder just what sort of lifestyle she leads. I wield similar weapons, but I am no cutthroat. The truth is.. I don't know what she does. I just find it….. questionable. I also must keep in mind that Ferathir seems quite genuine and trustworthy. If he made a pledge to her and she to him, she must not be so bad. I should stop assuming so much.

The Lavender Beds. It's very serene and quite. I could live there.

RE: Minako's Journal - Minako Obinata - 08-13-2015

Has it really been so long since I last made an entry? Hmm..

I've come to know Ferathir more. We spent plenty of time chatting at the mist about a number of things. Mostly the "Where are you from" "What's it like there" sort of questions. Not only have I learned more about him, but what it means to make the oath. It's quite a bit of relief on my end honestly. I now understand that there are two types of pledges. I was inducted with the more.. how did he say it.. "easier" pledge. It makes sense. I was a complete stranger, and in some ways perhaps I still am. T'would be rather extreme to induct someone with what I like to think, is the -real- oath. How did it go again? 

"I swear onto thee my unwavering loyalty, that you might not experience solitude anymore. I swear onto thee my wrath to those who would harm you. I swear onto thee an Oath that transcends all bonds; an eternal Vigil so that none may overtake you. I will be your friend… your brother… your father… your son… your husband. I will be your sword and your shield. Now and always."

Quite the mouthful but rather meaningful. There is still much to learn about who he is, and who V'ieh is, of that I am certain. I'd like to talk to them again soon–and I'm sure I will.

Minako's Journal - Minako Obinata - 08-13-2015

I hear that the Moonfire Faire is upon us. I have yet to attend. Instead, I've been spending most of my time lately in the chilling weather of Ishgard–adventuring duties mostly. My throat is parched and my nose is stuffy. I've been in the cold a bit too long.

I revel in the respite however; it's rather nice not having anything to do, even if I'm not well enough to fully enjoy it. I've had time to think. About numerous things. Some small.. like why hasn't anyone tried to contact me through my link pearl. I suppose I'm just as much to blame. Hmm.. it's been awhile since I've seen my Oathsworn family. 

Gods.. has it really come to that? Family? 

I've also been considering enlisting with a Grand Company… but I haven't fully decided on this matter yet.

I think I'll sleep now..

Minako's Journal - Minako Obinata - 08-14-2015

I'm lucky that I have recovered from whatever illness that was trying to ail me.
It was nothing serious.

I'm back in Gridania now. The faire decor is nice. They seem to have put a lot of work into it all. I watched the somber sky illuminate with the bursts of fireworks.

Everyone around me watches. If they aren't watching, they are discussing different matters. Catching up with old friends. Meeting new ones. Lovers go hand in hand to see the show. Parents lift their children up high to get a better glimpse at the scene in the sky. So much going on around me.

I stand there. I watch. I lament.

It began to rain.

Minako's Journal - Minako Obinata - 08-19-2015

Oh my… where to even begin. I just finished re-reading my last entry. I've recovered a bit since then. Perhaps this is why I keep this journal. To look back upon some of my lower points, and be thankful that today was much better.

Ferathir contacted me today. He said he would be at the faire, so I met up with him. It was busy as usual, yet it's so easy to tune everything out when we are having one of our chatting sessions. He bought some battered fish.. though now that I think of it, he actually got it for free. How lucky! It was delicious! Very crispy. I was so hungry though.. I just picked it up with my hands and began to feast. But.. I guess there was nothing to be ashamed of in doing so, as Ferathir mentioned that it's a common way of eating this type of food. Then again.. now that I really sit here and collect my thoughts, maybe I shouldn't take his word for it. He did mention that he's ate slime before. That can't be common. 

I've come to know a little of Ferathir's background.. where he came from, and from what. He's made plenty of accomplishments, though I doubt he would ever boast about them. 

After spending time at the faire, we left for the Goblet–my idea. I found a public spa and I found it most interesting that a free company would open their property up like that to the masses. How very generous!

We enjoyed the relaxation.. or at least, I know I did. I'm unsure what seemed to be wrong with Ferathir. I don't know.. he just seemed.. off. He wouldn't sit on the seats.. and he kept blowing bubbles in the water. Odd behavior indeed. But.. aside from that we talked. Mostly about V'ieh. I learned quite more about her. I only wish I could have learned it through her, but she is usually not around.She -did- however answer Ferathir's call today. She joined us in the spa.. though unfortunately, it was short lived. Oh!! I've almost forgotten!

Today.. I made the oath! The -real- one. I knew I was going to do it.. I just didn't realize… how soon.. and fast it all happened. I'm sure I looked quite the fool, which I do so hate with a passion. Ah.. I'm glad it's over though. One less thing to stress about.

Only to be replaced by something else to stress over. V'ieh mentioned a Doman man that she had grown fond of. Hiro, I believe the name was. She wanted him to take the Oath, but he.. died before he could finish it. I feel horrible for writing this.. but I wonder what happened. It's none of my business, I know. Yet.. I wonder. I got lost in my excitement that V'ieh knew a fellow Doman… that's how it all came up. The tension.. sudden shift in everyones mood was so obvious. And it was my fault. If only I had listened to Ferathir and shut up when he asked me to. I'll not make that mistake twice. 

What do you really say to someone who has lost a loved one? I'm no different.. I lost my family. But..I stay busy.. and I laugh a lot. Smile a lot.. even when it's hard to do so. A simple apology just feels so… mediocre. But.. what else is there to say? And what right do I have saying more than that? I didn't know Hiro. I didn't know V'ieh's relationship with him to it's fullest. We can be Oathsisters.. but in a situation such as that.. I feel powerless. My words.. don't really mean anything. Anyone can say they are sorry.

Ferathir made attempts to help me recover from that.. and I'd say it helped.. mostly. Though it still hangs in the back of my mind. What will I say next time we meet? I do so hope it goes much smoother..it doesn't look good to make the oath.. and right after doing so, ruin it all.

I was dressed in swim attire.. and Ferathir was shirtless..I didn't really think anything of it, until V'ieh walked in.. and.. then I just felt .. so.. so… embarrassed. I have no problem being undressed. I do not see it as a sexual.. thing.. at least not always. But.. it was strange. I felt exposed.. in some strange way. I'd actually.. rather not recall this memory.. but oh well. I shall not erase it.

Maybe if I were alone in that spa.. it wouldn't have made me think such. 

Our.. chatting sessions got very interesting. In fact.. I think it impossible to forget them, so I'm not even going to write about them in detail. Just.. in case.

Minako's Journal - Minako Obinata - 08-19-2015

Back to work. Work, work, work.

Today we were supposed to go to the Gold Saucer–I've yet to go there. I heard from Ferathir this morning. Actually.. he woke me up. It's a damn good thing he did too. I was already oversleeping. He told me that he spoke with V'ieh yesterday after I had left him. I'm not really clear on when, how, or why, but she managed to get herself into some serious trouble. So much so that she had looked pretty rough. Ferathir had told me about their meeting. He had found her in, I suppose much worse condition than the wounds she carries now. But.. gods. Did that Doman man not teach her anything in self defense? She said he was well versed in the art of ninjutsu–something that Domans take pride in who are of the sort. Including myself. How embarrassing…

Though.. I suppose I'm being too harsh. I don't know what happened exactly. Ferathir seems to have his heart set on finding who did this to her. Of course.. I have an obligation to do so as well.

I cancelled our trip to the Gold Saucer. I can't imagine V'ieh would have felt up to it anyways. 

I think I need a new look. Perhaps I'll pay a visit to the famous Jandelaine that I hear so much about.

Minako's Journal - Minako Obinata - 08-21-2015

Jerciex is such a kind soul. I can just tell! I ran into the nice lad today in Gridania. He was in full uniform–a very impressive look! I only wish our time together was longer.. but alas I was pulled away. He told me that I can usually find him in Gridania, and suggested that I even ask the Nest. They should be able to tell me of his whereabouts. I will do so as soon as I can! 

There's been something clawing at my mind today. V'ieh. I've never had a sister before.. I really want to spend more time with her. But.. how should I approach it? Ferathir confuses me a little.. he speaks highly of her.. yet.. warns me of her. I think this is why I don't exactly know how to speak to her. Ferathir has the best intentions, but if V'ieh is my sister now.. I want to.. do whatever sisters do! 
….It doesn't really help in my favor that the last time I spoke to her.. I caused a bit of her dark past to resurface. I want to talk to her–but I don't know what to say?! 

How frustrating.. 

Ferathir is supposed to "teach" me things pertaining to .. well.. life in Eorzea? I'm not quite sure what this sort of course would even be called. I'm sure it's to be amusing nonetheless.