Hydaelyn Role-Players
[Balmung] Orbei Dazkar - Printable Version

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Orbei Dazkar - Orbei Dazkar - 07-06-2015

I. Basic Info 
  • Characters: Orbei Dazkar
  • Primary character: Orbei Dazkar
  • Linkshells: N/A
  • Primary RP linkshell: N/A

II. RP Style 
  • Amount of RP (light, medium, heavy):

  • Views on RP combat and injuries:
    I feel that combat in RP should be fair and balanced. Often I've found that people assume their character is the stronger of the two and are really unwilling to take blows -- let alone accept actual defeat. That makes things less dynamic and certainly not fun. There should be give and take to the scenario and it should always serve to further the story you are telling and not serve the ego of those involved.

  • Views on IC romance:
    Romance is generally inevitable I find and I'm not one to shy away from it if it fits the narrative. I am wary of those who would confuse an IC connection with a real one but I've generally had very little trouble with this.

  • Views on non-romantic RP (family ties, etc):
    Tying characters together in such a hard-line fashion is generally not my cup of tea. Too much can go wrong. People can lose interest or grow angry with each other and then where do you stand? I would really only consider this with close friends.

  • Views on lore:
    I try to adhere to lore as strictly as I can and leave gray areas as obtuse as I possibly can so that altering isn't an issue when more details are revealed. You won't catch me breaking canon in any obscene ways.

  • Views on chat functions (/say, /linkshell, etc):
    I generally view /say as in character and /linkshell the same when it is an IC linkshell. When posting in these types of channels I will always use parentheses to denote OOC speech. However, in /party, /FC, or even /tell I don't feel this is necessary unless it is already agreed upon that a play is taking place in these channels.
III. Other Info 
  • Country: USA
  • Timezone: GMT -5
  • Contact info: Ask!