Hydaelyn Role-Players
Celebration of The Lover - Printable Version

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Celebration of The Lover - Jancis - 02-25-2015

[Image: dzWoIwV.png]

A warm cover of clouds darkened the sky over Camp Dragonhead. Jancis and others looked on down the road towards the south, anticipating another group of pilgrims coming up from Fallgourd. Little bells were heard before sight of the group was gained, all heading up with guards and chocobos, stark constrast to the gray and blue colors the camp had with their multi-colored coats.

[Image: 0sWZn95.png]

Heading through the town across to the other archway, other pilgrims waited and grouped around one another or around the small pyres set up around the camp for them. Steam came up from mugs and hot food. Conversation was passing along like hot potatoes, everyone quick to talk to one another. 

"My vain and often fruitless attempt to be taller outshined my sense for proper boots....of course..." "I was raised this way.. People should stay healthy no matter what it costs"

Chatter continued until the bells rang out, gathering everyone together once more from this break. Jancis Milburga rings the bell over her head, on her toes to look out around the crowd. 

"Yes" "Ah, it seems it is time to commence..." A colorful lalafel remarked, offering her hand to an older miqo'te to help him up.
"Oh, time to pay attention~" "But.. It looks like it begins" "Shh-- shh." A pair of twin miqo'tes smooshes his brother's face with his warm hands, ears perked attentively.

"Welcome, Pilgrims! Our trek to Menphina's stone is near its close."

"Thank you all for coming, is very gracious of you. In being here, we show our affection, we show our approval, we express the love inside. Is many sides to love, but of each side they start within and are shown our actions."

"As we walk, reflect on these feelings and thoughts. What love signifies and how we use it to live. How we use it in our aspirations and dreams. How we give it, and in turn, how we receive it."
"As a great woman once said, 'Spread love everywhere you go. Let no one ever come to you without leaving happier.' and here we have all come together to one another. Let us not leave without feeling happier for it."

"Let us finish our pilgrimage to The Lover!"

"Ah, looks like we're headin' out! I gotta go help keep things clear 'n safe! See ya all at th' stone!" "Pray stay together pilgrims; we are safe upon the road." "Is anyone actually safe anywhere in Coerthas?" "Underground, maybe.  -- Wait.  No.  The answer is no."

"Love is a force more formidable than any other. It is invisible - it cannot be seen or measured, yet it is powerful enough to transform you in a moment, and offer you more joy than any material possession could."

"Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for weaknesses."

"Friends can help each other. A true friend is someone who lets you have total freedom to be yourself - and especially to feel. Or, not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at the moment is fine with them. That's what real love amounts to - letting a person be what he really is."

"Love is truly like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable."

[Image: kpVQwho.png]
[Image: wgqx2ql.png]
[Image: gWKqGiM.png]

Up the snowy road they climbed, many walking together to check one another's step. Guards lined the snow, running forward in their boots to deal with the creatures that made the ruins of Steel Vigil their home. At Menphina's stone upon the cliffside, the clouds parted enough to show the height they ascended to. The pilgrims were ushered close together in the ring of stones.
"Gather close pilgrims. Though we are in the cold, we have a ward to be built by Master Ojune to keep the cold at bay as we celebrate here at the Lover's stone. Master Ojune, if you please."
Ojune Wajune beckoned everyone closer as the last of the pilgrims made their way up to the crowd. "Please move inside the standing stones if you wish to be inside my ward! I've used them to mark the boundry!"
Ojune commands his carbunkle to the opposite end of the stones, using its power to help activate the barrier wards against the stones. As he begins to channel, the wards begin a pale white glow and a shimmery boundry envelops the area, no snow or wind penetrating inside.

[Image: hOAuIag.png]

Jancis bows to Ojune, "Thank you. Shall surely take the chill off of everyone. Please feel free to settle down and be comfortable pilgrims."
A'randr turns away from Rho, clearing his throat as he digs in his pack for a tarp.  He came prepared!  He spreads it out over the ground beneath them.  No wet tails today. A'rho sits beside his brother, sharing his massive coat. The inside pockets are full of what appears to be aether shards- thankfully not of the over-aspected variety.

Jancis bows before eveyrone, a duet of musicians setting up inside the farm boundary. A light flute plays accompanied by a guitar. 
"Ladies, Lords, pilgrims of all ages. Thank you again for coming."

The pilgrimage completed, the celebration began!


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RE: Celebration of The Lover - Jancis - 02-26-2015

"I would now like to start the celebration! Lady Lilithium, who knows much of Menphina's grace and blessings, has come to us this day to speak. Lady, please, the stage is yours to herald the start."

[Image: bgauhhx.png]

Lilithium Rinannis paused, glancing around at all the people who had gathered. She adjusted Mikh'a in her arms, the bundled up toddler nestled further against Lili while avoiding looking outwards at the crowd. Slowly she stepped towards the stone. "Thank you for having me here, m'lady. And thanks to all of you for coming!" The babyqo'te finally looked away from his mother out towards the crowd, his orangish red eyes widening before he shirked back against her. Lili began to speak, trying to raise her voice so others could hear her.

"Menphina is...well...she is the symbol of love. A love that I believe lives within us all."

"I wanted to speak today, as someone who is more then just a lover of our divine. More then a devout of Menphina herself...but as a mother."

"I had three children at a young age, and was told that it would change how I viewed all things till the end of my days. You know what? It did. Never have I met another living soul who could warp my way of thinking until I viewed the world with such wonder and brilliance that it took my breath away."
"While many affiliate Menphina as purely the lover, I sometimes like to see her as 'the mother' as well. 'The friend'. 'The sister'."

"Today especially, I see her as 'the mother'. The love I have for my children, both of blood and adopted, drives me forward on the days where it's too hard to bare. On the days when I'm stressed. Tired. Lost for words. Hopeless. All it takes is a single smile and my spirit is renewed. I know many who share how I feel, whether they are parentsm guardians...well, you get the idea." Lilithium smiled a little, moreso to herself.

"I hope that everyone, no matter who you are, can experience the boundless joy you can experience when you have one in your life that looks up to you as a friend. A protector. A guardian. A teacher. It is not only the hardest job you'll ever have...but one that will never stop rewarding you."
"On the days it gets hard? I turn to Menphina, and I let her guide me. I hope you all can find it in your hearts to do the same. Mikh'a? Say bye now." The little babyqo'te in her arms peeked out, gave a awkward flap of his hands, then tucked back against Lili once more. "Once again, thank you all for having me and stay warm!"

Lilithium bows to the applauding crowd.

RE: Celebration of The Lover - Jancis - 02-26-2015

Jancis looks around the crowd, beaming at Ojune once she spots him. "Though right now his hard work and skill is what is keeping us warm up here despite the snow, Master Ojune also has a talent for warming our hearts. Pray join us up here and share one of your wonderful tales with us all."

[Image: ZMQdt1u.png]

Ojune Wajune bows to the group, "Hello everyone!" "Hello!" "Hi"

“I hope all are well this peaceful night. Lets hear a hearty huzzah!”
The crowd cheers, throwing their arms up "Huzzah!" 

[Image: Huzzah_Emote_Icon.png]

“Ohhh a lively bunch!” Ojune exclaims.

“Now, I have a story for you today called ‘Capturing Menphina’s Moon.’ One that I could use -your- help in the telling of. There will be points throughout where I’ll either flat out ask, or very strongly hint at some sort of reaction from you all. So do please join in! At the very least it will keep you moving against this chill while the ward takes on full effect.”

Hibito walks forward, dragging Trulgar's coat - and Toka - along with him. Ojune clears his throat, letting that sink in and getting ready to present his tale.

“Bordering the Northern edge of the Twelveswood stood a village. Quaint and unassuming as such things go and focused on tending the plum and cherry orchards of Gridania. And in this village lived a boy. Several boys actually but this is a story of Hedyn Hedges.”

“Hedyn was a boy of fifteen cycles and found himself to be quite average in everything. From his looks to his skills. He wasn’t as handsome as Wyndel. Or as strong as Bryian. He wasn’t as charming as Darrien wasn’t as graceful in the orchard’s canopy as Dion. Yet he wasn’t as weak as Kyle. Or as fat as Hoster and as uncoordinated as Loras. And he didn’t have Rothe’s goofy, long nose. Completely average.”

“This posed a unique problem for the lad in the area of impressing, or even un-impressing the girls. Most certainly not the smartest and most sought after girl of the village. He wasn’t even sure if she knew his name! He was invisible.”
“I’m certain many of you have felt invisible at some point. How about a nice sympathy sulk for poor young Hedyn?”

“Now the girl of his un-obvious affections was a young miss Kimber East. Older by about half a cycle with sunkissed, freckled skin, long light brown hair with natural blonde highlights where the sun had lightened it. Her cloud grey eyes were round like she saw the wonder in everything about her and she always seemed to be smiling.

To young Hedyn she certainly was a vision to behold.”
“As I mentioned already she was the most sought after girl in the village and there was the spring dance coming up the following moon in celebration of the spring’s first harvest. As such, it was very much the topic of conversation and highly anticipated from the oldest woman down to the younglings. Hedyn very much wanted to be the boy to take miss Kimber to the dance.”
“If you’ve been to a dance or would like to, lets see some dance moves out there! If not, tell me no!”

[Image: tcbCX6s.png]
“Kimber had been asked to the dance by several of the boys so far. Bryian and Dion had even gotten into a fistfight the previous sun when Bryian found out Dion had already used the same ‘clever’ pick-up line to ask her out with.”

Ojune stage whispser and picks out Tokami Toka from the crowd, “You know it’s spring now. So how ‘bout we grow closer together at the dance next moon."

[Image: w8HjlX5.png]

“Anyroad! One afternoon while many of them were taking a break from their daily chores, Kimber finally announced that whomever did the best at capturing Menphina’s Moon, would be the one to take her to the dance. They had until the full moon set in nine suns time.”
“As you might imagine, telling such a thing to tween boys was met with a lot of blank looks and confused expressions. Do you have an idea perhaps? Give a cheer if you’ve got an idea already or give me a huh if you’re just as confused as poor Hedyn was.”

“Unfortunately no matter how much the boys questioned or prodded they were unable to get anything further from Kimber and many went back to their daily duties just as confused as when she first made the announcement. Although a few of the smarter ones were beginning to have small flashes of ideas.”
“Hedyn went back to his own chores, his mind reeling as he tried to think of -something- that he could do. When the sun had set and he was in his room for the night he was no closer to coming to any sort of conclusion. So he sat on his bed and thought.”

"And thought"

"And thought"

“He then turned his gaze to his window, looking out to the waxing moon with a sense of dread. Of the nine suns he’d wasted one already without any sort of idea on what to do.”

“He’d been staring at the moon for a time, when he noticed how the moon almost seemed to be captured within frame of the window. And a slow smile spread across his face as an idea formed. Eight more suns… It was a tight schedule but he thought he could do it.”

“Despite not sleeping very long, Hedyn woke the following morning early and energized like he hadn’t been for some time. After doing his morning chores quickly he begged and pleaded his parents to let him not do his afternoon duties in order to work on a ‘secret project’. Lets see some serious begging.”

“Hedyn’s parents finally gave in. They’d heard about Kimber’s announcement the day before and were not blind to the glances their only child sent the girl’s way. They weren’t going to hamper him from trying to impress his first crush and they gave him afternoons and evenings to work on his project. But made him promise that he’d work extra hard once this was over to make up for the prior days.”

“So with their consent Hedyn dashed from the house, his father’s bow in hand, and into the wood to collect landtrap leaves.”

“Upon his return from a successful hunt he saw funny-nosed Rothe presenting a painting of a young girl and a young boy kissing in silhouette before a large full moon. It was well done. Rothe was a pretty good painter. But he didn’t need to see Kimber’s reaction. He new his project would be better and he ran home to begin brewing the growth formula he needed.”

Ojune delivers a confident smirk. “The third day was a very long one. It took him a long while of searching the surrounding woods to find the perfect sapling. Which happened to be a walnut tree. And even longer to find the perfect location. An area where the eastern sky was clearly visible that was also able to support a large tree. But find them he did and he worked late into the night transplanting the sapling to the new location.”

“Exhausted he collapsed into his bed that night and slept very soundly. You’ve all had evenings like that, right?”

“Days four and five were mostly taken up with making small paper lantern and plying the sapling with growth formula. He was also starting on the basic shaping of the branches as it grew and ensuring that it had a large and sturdy trunk to serve as it’s base.”

“At the end of the fifth day he heard Dion serenading Kimber outside her window as Hedyn returned. He supposed it was sweet. The lyrics were nice, but Dion’s angelic voice of his youngling days had been replaced with the cracking of adolescence. And Hedyn couldn’t help but giggle to himself at some of the off notes he overheard.”

“The sixth and seventh days he began to shape the branches of the fast growing tree in earnest. It had reached about max height and was now in the process of filling out. Tying some branches together so they’d meld he continued to ply it with growth formula. It was tedious and difficult work, but soon the branches began shifting and bending around to the shape he wanted before he finally let them grow naturally upwards.”

“The eighth day dawned and a quick check on the tree showed that besides a few small branches and twigs that had grown inward, the tree was ready. It’s branches curving around an open space to create a window. then shooting upward and splaying it’s leaves to the sky above.”
[Image: oZh3v4A.png]

“This meant that Hedyn was around when Wyndel decided to present Kimber with his offering. A plate with a beautifully formed pancake, fresh rolanberries marking out Menphina’s symbol on it’s surface. Pancakes and rolanberries with sweet cream.”

“Of course! They were her favorite foods. He watched as Kimber lit up at the gift. The biggest reaction any of them had gotten so far. Thanking him and taking a bite she declared the pancake ‘perfect.’ She even gave him a hug!”
Hibito glances down as his stomach rumbles.

“He couldn’t stand to stay around and watch any more. Or to listen to Wyndel’s inevitable gloating afterwards. So he slipped off to the tree where he watched the moon rise into the hollow of it’s branches. Hedyn tried to convince himself that this was better than the perfect pancake and ended up staying until the nearly full moon was high overhead. Poor kid could really use some encouragement.”

“The morning of the ninth day came, and Hedyn got a slower start than his previous mornings. His late night and anxiety taking it’s toll.”

“But he really didn’t have much left to do anyway. He took his time with the rest of the work, taking the paper lanterns and hanging them just above the grass to light the way to down the path. Doing a final trim on the tree and placing a white lily in small vase at the tree’s roots. He cleared the path of debris for when he’d lead her down it. And he took a scrap of cloth from his mother’s mending basket to use as a blindfold.”

“The sun had finally set, leaving a fiery red line across the tops of the trees that was slowly fading in it’s intensity. Allowing for the first few bright stars to appear. This was his cue. The moon would be rising soon. He found Kimber and hesitantly asked her, ‘Will you come with me tonight? I’ve captured the moon. But you’ll need to wear this over your eyes.’ He shows her the scrap of cloth.”

“She looked at him a bit oddly at first, before her expression turned into a kind smile and a nod. ‘All right. Just… don’t let me trip or run into anything, Hedyn.’”

“And after his assurance that he wouldn’t, she allowed the blindfold to be tied and they were off into the growing twilight. His heart soaring in happiness in that she agreed. -And- she knew his name! Perhaps he wasn’t so invisible after all. Lets see some happiness!”

“He stepped to the base of the tree and looked to see the top part of the full moon was just starting to crest into the window of leafy branches that were perfectly silhouetted against the moon’s bright light and the stars. The lanterns were still lit and were giving off a soft glow along the base of the tree and back towards the village.”

“With a nervous, ‘Just a couple more minutes.’ He retrieved the lily he’d prepared. Then when the time was right and the moon was in the branches embrace he untied the blindfold, standing off to the side while holding the lilly towards her. ‘Will you go to the dance with me?’ he asked.”

“The blindfold fell away and Kimber blinked a few times to let her eyes adjust to the sudden brightness of the full moon and stared at the scene before her. Her pale eyes illuminated in the moonlight and grew rounder and her mouth fell open in wonder. After a few moments a beaming smile graced her lips and she accepted the presented lily. It’s white petals glowing in the moonlight.”

[Image: oC8u65f.png]
“She continued to watch in silence until the moon rose behind the circling branches. She turned and wrapped him in a hug as she spoke, ‘You’ll have my answer in the morning, Hedyn.’ And just like that she was gone. Leaving him to stand stunned at the contact.”

“It was a rough night for Hedyn, the anxiety on whether or not she’d choose him or Wyndel ate at his thoughts until he heard the rooster start it’s crowing and he finally dragged himself out of bed. He missed the knowing glances his parents exchanged when he only grabbed a heel of bread for breakfast and didn’t even say good morning as he headed into the courtyard where other anxious boys were gathering.”

“Have you ever been that anxious? Or are you always confident? Lets see it!”

“Kimber finally arrived looking as beautiful and refreshed as ever. She looked over the assembled boys and satisfied that enough were there, or at least that her choice was there, she began to talk. Her eyes roamed the group but finally locked with Wyndel, who immediately perked up, taking this as a good sign. ‘Thank you all so much for the wonderful gifts and favors over the last few suns. But now I’ve made my choice.’ Hedyn’s heart began to sink the longer she held Wyndel’s gaze."

“He stared into the dirt and missed when her gaze shifted to him. Barely hearing when she said, ‘Will you go to the dance with me, Hedyn?’ His head jerked up, had he heard that right? Then their eyes locked and a beaming smile spread across his face as he saw her holding out the white lily from last night. Towards -him-. With a big stupid grin he walked up to accept it, ‘I… yes!’ He didn’t even notice the dirty look Wyndel shot him or the disappointed groans from the other boys.”

“Lets hear a loud cheer for Hedyn!”

“And so, the pair went to the dance and many more beyond. While they eventually wedded other people, they stayed best friends for the remainder of their days. All for the capture of Menphina’s Moon.”
"The end."
"Thank you, Master Ojune!" Jancis beams, still clapping her hands a bit. "I do wonder if that is inspired by a true story..." Ojune blushes with embarrassment.

RE: Celebration of The Lover - Jancis - 02-27-2015

"Lady Xenedra, please come forward and share your own enchanting tale to keep us all enthralled."

[Image: q2NneA1.png]

Xenedra Ambreaus comes forward, her bright coat a start constrast to the white atmosphere."Hello again~"

"Truth be told, I don't have many love stories in my arsenal, but~"

"There's one love story I think most of us are familiar with, so..."

"The story begins with Oschon, one very near and dear to many of us here. As we wander, he watches over us, but who guides his foot falls?"

"One might argue that The Navigator is well suited to such a task, but no. Oschon creates his own path, with only the Sun and Moon to light his way."

"Throughout the day he'd make his way across the land, feet pointed in whatever direction felt natural to him at the moment and now and then he'd cast an appreciative glance at lovely Azeyma."

"The golden goddess rarely had time to acknowledge her celestial peer though, busy as she was filling the day with radiance for the multitudes of men and women working away. As she'd pass from his view they'd exchange a brief bow and that was that. His respect for the elder sister, then fell to the younger as she took her turn lighting his path."

"Gentle Menphina would follow Azeyma's blazing path across the then-blank sky, her light only a pale glow in comparison, but a comfort to Oschon after the day's bustle."

"Menphina, her attentions not torn by the masses like her sister, also had the time to exchange words with him. So across the spans and centuries and eons, from the time when they all began to walk their paths, whether straight or meandering, that is precisely what the two did."

"Each night, as Azeyma took her leave, Menphina would hurry into the sky to meet with Oschon and they spoke about wishes and dreams, fears and desires~."

"Oschon came to understand that blushing, luminous Menphina was very much like himself. A solitary soul wandering across her sky, guiding others, but never asking anything for herself. This struck him like a bow string snapping in hand, along with one even more startling revelation:"

He loved her.

"Quiet, giving Menphina had accomplished the impossible: she had stopped The Wanderer in his tracks."

"But he didn't stay still for long. Feelings realized, Oschon set out to find the path into the sky. WHAT path into the sky, you might say, but certainly if such a thing DOES exist, OSCHON should be able to find it, right?"
"And find it he did, guided by the wind, to a route hidden and undistinguishable to the mortal eye. Establishing his footing on the unfamiliar blackness, he set out resolutely for Menphina's soft glow."

Kestlona and others listen intently, leaning forward towards Xenedra and the story continues to unfold.

"He found her with her knees curled to her chest, feeble sobs shaking her bent form. Shock stilled Oschon for the second time, before he rushed to her side and pulled her to him."

"'Dear Menphina, what has happened?'" he pressed gently, tilting her chin up to meet his gaze."

"In her eyes he met with surprise and quickly blossoming relief."

"'You had gone! Disappeared for so long and I'd feared...' the thought died on her lips as she realized he was WITH her."

"'You're..!'" she gasped."

"'The reason I was gone. The way here is not easy to find.'"

"His words and his smile soothed her and for a time they simply held one another."

"Eventually he spoke, 'I cannot stay, not forever, you know this...' And of course he could not, the Wanderer MUST wander..."

"Her answer came as a forlorn little nod."

"'You'll no longer be alone when I'm not with you.'" With that, he took up her chin once more and kissed her for the first time. The glimmer from each tear flared to life, filling up the blank night sky.

"And that's how the very stars came into being; Oschon created them keep lonely Menphina company. Funny that his Wanderers use them even now to guide their way~"

Xenedra Ambreaus bows, the crowd lifting in applause! Shy as the sky seemed to be, a cover of clouds sheltered the beautiful stars, but the image still vivid in everyone's mind.

[Image: ppHigQX.png]

RE: Celebration of The Lover - Jancis - 03-02-2015

"And now let us have a brief pause in the beautiful stories with some music. Master Telluride, surely you have something fitting for the occassion? Something of a speciality for you?"
Nathan Telluride replies, "I just might."

[Image: KFth9VH.png]

"Welcome, all, and by the Twelve, it's pleasing to see so many lovers here today! Many of you I have already met through our efforts to bring messages between friends and lovers this moon."
"On this day, I can but follow up on the theme that the lovely Xenedra has presented - the link between the Wanderer and Love. However, being a mere mortal, I can but sing as one."
"This song I have for you is a piece I learned from an old musician, whom time had made cross, still gnashing his teeth over his young days being lost."
"His paths had taken him across southern lands, where he chased the woman of his dreams, never to find her."
"This is his story, but, it may also be my own, though I plan for a happier ending. It's called, 'Love Uncrossed.'"

Nathan removes his lute from its case, and begins to strum out a melody of alternate heavy and light beats, one more fit for a fireside meditation than a tavern, and opens a soulful note from deep within. Ojune considers Nathan with a critical gaze for a moment, his expression lighting up with sudden understanding.


♪ I stop to see the horizon glow at Swiftperch, where the spires of Limsa lie across the bay
♪ There's light still showing warm from the remnants of the last campfire of a wanderin' day
♪ They say you're never truly alone here, with the stars in thousands watching from above
♪ And in that thought… I take… in my comforts, but by those lingering embers, sometimes I think of love
♪ I ask aloud: Menphina, how many times will I fall for it?
♪ Forget it come sunrise, but by moonrise, I'm all for it.
♪ And an evening like this one.... seems to call..... for it.
♪ I have roamed around the world, hoping I can find that girl,
♪ The one I can't ignore... or maybe I will.

Y'mheena closes her eyes.

♪ When you see walls of Uldah for the first time, you'll never wonder why you came this way
♪ Where only stone and a thousand years of history are protecting everyone from the burning day
♪ I stop in for a drink from the Quicksand, and I toss a smile at the lady behind the bar
♪ She smiles at me as if she's got the knowing, of why with whom we want to be, is so rarely where we are.
♪ I wonder now, Menphina, how many times will I fall for it?
♪ Forget it come sunrise, but by moonrise, I'm all for it.
♪ And an evening like this one.... seems to call..... for it

♪ I have roamed around the world, hoping I can find that girl, the one I can't ignore... maybe I will... Oh, maybe I will.
♪ Soon, I'll see the endless tops of the Twelveswood, and I may be from there, but it's not quite home.
♪ For among the woods it's too easy to miss the sunrise, which tells me every day when it's time to roam.
♪ And though the memories are thicker than the thickets, I doubt that I will linger here for long.
♪ For soon the moon will be showing through the canopy, and all that I have to offer her, is a solitary song.
♪ Goddess, tell me now, Menphina, how many times will I fall for it?
♪ Forget it come sunrise, but by moonrise, I'm all for it.
♪ And an evening like this one simply seems to call..... for it.
♪ I will roam around the world, hoping I might find that girl.
♪ The one I can't ignore... maybe I will. Love knows, if I will.


He stills the strings, and pulls the brim of his hat down tight, and himself into silence.

RE: Celebration of The Lover - Jancis - 03-02-2015

"Very happy to bring Lady Ameline to the stage now for another wonderful story."

[Image: EH7K3ju.png]

Ameline Valtin smiles and comes forward. She clears her throat, "A simple bit of prose I have prepared for present company: " She pauses before projecting her voice.

♥ "My companion's lips are oft to mutter bitter spite and vitriol"
♥ "Punctuated by the scant musings of the melancholy and dour."
♥ "What is said at my own expense is a heavy burden on my soul;"
♥ "Affections clandestine - an unforgiving fortress protecting a crimson tower."


♥ "Scant is this companion to sing to me, that voice of endless rapture;"
♥ "Wielding absence like an axe, nay - a hex: the remedy for such seemingly unknown;"
♥ "To ask for such and be denied - upon my heart it forms a fracture."
♥ "Expectations are abandoned to be graced with these melodic tones."


♥ "Oft I am asked in public forum to mutter approval for my companions form;"
♥ "And yet such words, for myself, are reserved for Eorzea's secret space."
♥ "I sometimes have a simple wonder - "Why do I continue to weather this tumultuous storm?""
♥ "I muse to myself, "If jilted once, nay twice, nay thrice - why press on for the Lover's embrace?""

Ameline pauses dramatically with a smile.

♥ "Alas, 'tis easy: To know the heart of another! And so I hearken to Her call;"
♥ "My friends, look past the faults of those you love! Menphina - cast your gaze upon us all!"
Ameline lets out a cheer!

The tall elezen makes a lovely bow, despite the fluffy coat.

[Image: vGloAZ5.png]

RE: Celebration of The Lover - Jancis - 03-03-2015

"And now some words of wisdom, perhaps? Master Chuta did I introduce you correctly?" Jancis smiles in good humor.
Chuta Allfriend looks around and points to himself. "Who, me? I 'spose I can cook up something."
"By all means."

[Image: l7z7Bkq.png]
Chuta bows his head humbly and steps front and center. The suncat's looking a bit harrowed by the weather as he pulls his coat tighter around him, but he settles into place.

"...ya ever wonder why Menphina's considered one'a the Twelve? I don' mean that in any sorta... blasphemous way or nothin'. Just sayin' that when you share company with a daddy who can see over all'a space and time and an older sister who symbolizes the sun and all'a the truth under it..."

"Well, it might seem a bit funny that we've got a happy lover with a cook pan standing next to sky-splitting thunder gods and battle goddesses. Though, I say -might- because it makes a lotta sense to me. I brought this up when you and I chatted about Nophica; Even when we're talkin' the really big kinda powers, there's something to be said for the smaller ones. Menphina doesn't have any mastery over the elements, and she's not a watcher of the skies or seas, but she's just as important as those who claim to be."

He glances through the crowd and casts a grin here and there, mostly at the couples standing by one another for warmth.

"Love is a gift, friends. Some'a us been burned in the past by it, and some'a you gonna look at me funny because you ain't really understood it yet, but..."

"Menphina sure picked a strange one, didn't she? Oschon? The Wanderer's got his own mess'a things, and- Well... That's a story for another time, ain't it?"

He grins and casts his gaze to the sky for a moment, briefly hugging his coat back around him. "Don't it strike anyone as odd that our Divine Love Story, handed to us from generations past is one featurin' a girl with a pan and someone who can't set down roots? Most love stories feature gallant knights and princesses, or fierce lovers overcoming obstacles. You know what I mean, right? But nah, our story, the one written in the heavens and given to us, is just Menphina and her lover Oschon, and he wanders and she seems like she's the house cook. I'm ramblin' a bit, mostly on account'a not wantin' to get all sentimental."
Annunu disagrees with Chuta.
[Image: aDeL881.png]
He looks into the crowd and grins again. "I was blessed twice by Menphina. Cursed her pretty good after the first'un, but... Love isn't some limited resource we run out of. "

"We might -think- we do, but believe me... True love is Divine, and the Divine don't care 'bout what we think may or may not be. Menphina stands out among her fellows because of that, I think. You ain't gotta throw lightning or see the future to be recognized as gifted. Sometimes all it takes is makin' an unlikely relationship blossom."

"Generations from now we're still probably gonna be tellin' the same love story. Do ya think they knew that back then? The -real- Menphina and her lover? That one day there'd be stories and tales and all'a this -divine- wrapped up between them?"

He pauses for a moment to let that sit.

"We don't know who they were. We only know that we remember them. Maybe you're Menphina in a thousand years. Maybe some travelin' writer sees you and your beau, and styles a song after you. We don't know. We can't know. So... I guess what I'm sayin' after all'a this words and nonsense..."

He grins and casts his gaze to the sky for a moment, briefly hugging his coat back around him. "Don't it strike anyone as odd that our Divine Love Story, handed to us from."

Chuta then nods to himself a little, his eyes drifting to the side and away for a moment. "Yeah. Maybe all we gotta do is love."

"That'll do, Miss Jancis?" "Yes, yes that will do just fine!"

"Thanks folks."

RE: Celebration of The Lover - Jancis - 03-03-2015

"We have had some wonderful stories and reflections of love so far, I would ask the equally lovely Lord Vaughn up to the stage to share a beautiful poem he has written."

[Image: 9E43NLj.png]
Vaughn Antain hesitates before stepping forward and encouraged forward by claps and cheers.

Vaughn clears his throat. "Well... After all these lovely stories and songs about romantic love...I feel a bit unprepared."

"But I shall do my best with something about the love two brothers can share, entitled 'Dance Under the Moon.'"

A dance in the moonlight
Stars guiding our feet
O, brother, how we sang
To our own loving beat.
Back then, how could we have guessed
How it would all end
But I look back with fondness
Of my one true friend.
Sometimes people move
Sometimes feelings end
But I never lost my love
Of my brother and my friend
So each night I dance
With the moon and the stars
Together with my love
A love as strong as ours.

Vaughn bows.

[Image: a223116a380c32736e0144913b3c19ab.jpg]

RE: Celebration of The Lover - Jancis - 03-04-2015

"And now a couple songs to end the evening's celebration. The first from the Lady Ciel and I say to you all pray be sure your feet are assured and your hands held for her voice carry's much of Menphina's blessing upon it."

[Image: OgTUazu.png]

Ciel Wulfe waves. "My how these gatherings seem to grow with each passing moon!  Such a joy to see so many familiar faces, as well as new ones."

Ciel looks around at the crowd, "Love being the demesne and blessing of Menphina, there is much to be said about it.  And oft have I been asked, as a bard to give my perspective on it."

"For this, my answer has always been the same:"
"'Tis a potent drogue, to be sure. Once had, one wonders how they ever did without it. And then the withdrawal pains once 'tis gone... which leave one wondering why they ever thought it was a good idea to begin with."
""And yet many of us still crave for more, in hopes of the pain being eased. Indeed, love -is- a powerful thing, oft bittersweet if we allow it to be, but infinitely rewarding once embraced. "
"It is at once a cacophony, and stillness... a smile, a laugh, and the peaceful strength of a heartbeat."

Ciel raises her harp at her side and starts drawing notes from the strings.
"♪ Carry me away from this dark and lonely room~ ♪"
"♪Light me in your arms - all I want to know is you.♪"
"♪Chase away the darkness with everything you are~♪"
"♪I will find my strength in the beat of your heart. ♪"
"♪Picture book of memories, how we used to be~♪"
"♪Some people spend a lifetime waiting for their dreams.♪"
"♪But I won't find the answers by looking at the stars~♪"
"♪I will find my strength in the beat of your heart.♪"
"♪Time  - held in our hands.. Will change into years - gone by~♪"
"♪If I can hold on to you -  I'll leave all my fears behind. ♪"
"♪Holding on we drift like two flowers on the sea...♪"
"♪Riding on the waves letting go of what will be. ♪"
"♪I won't find the answers by staring at the stars.♪"
"♪I've found all my dreams in the beat of your heart.♪"
"♪I've found all my dreams in the beat... the beat of your heart.♪"

Ciel draws the final notes of the song from the harp and lets the strings fall silent.

The crowd applauds. Alexander felt a bit of heaviness in his chest. Nonetheless, with a soft smile, he claps.

RE: Celebration of The Lover - Jancis - 03-04-2015

"And now for our last song of the night, you have surely seen her before making sure we have safe passage this day. But as a surprise, the Lady Arrelaine is going to sing for us. The stage is yours, Lady!"

[Image: nxqo9CZ.png]

Arrelaine Fashonti takes off her hat, smoothing out her hair. She smiles and nods, then taking a deep breath, she begins to sing.

Arrelaine sings in a clear, high tone. ♪♫"I wished on the moon, for something I never knew... I wished on the moon for more than I ever knew."
"A sweeter rose, a softer sky... on Umbral days that would not dance away..."

"I wished on the stars to throw me a beam or two... I begged of a star and asked for a dream or two. I looked for every loveliness, it all came true."
"I wished on the moon for you."

"I wished on the moon, for something I never knew... I wished on the moon, for something I ever knew."

"A sweeter rose, a softer sky... On Umbral days that would not dance away."

Arrelaine closes her eyes, slowing the notes just a little. "I wished on a star to throw me a beam or two, I begged of stars and asked for a dream or two... I looked for every loveliness, it all came true... I wished on the moon, I wished on the moon for you."

The last line was dragged out with the final notes. "I wished on the moon... for you."♫♪
[Image: cjzME9c.png]

"Thank you."

Show Content

RE: Celebration of The Lover - Jancis - 03-05-2015

"That concludes our celebration! Thank you pilgrims!" Jancis rings the handbell, heralding the end.
"Pray raise your hands once again for all of our performers to make the most of our celebration!"
"For all the guards who kept us safe and the ward by Master Ojune to keep us warm."
Jancis holds up a small bundle of papers, pinned with a wooden weight with other supplies, "If you wish, pilgrims, you are all welcome to write the name of those you love, or your wishes on this leaflet and tuck it around Menphina's Stone. Whatever you wish to write upon it and leave here."

[Image: 2LzommB.png]

H'eemi Rhel: I'd like to write one.
Jancis Milburga: "By all means, Lady. Here."
Nathan Telluride rubs his chin for a moment, and then steps to the stone. He pulls a single feather from his hat, and wedges it, quill first, into the rock.
Caen Jabari: "I'd like to write one too."
Cliodhna Eoghan glances up to Erik. "Want to write down a wish?" Smiles playfully.
H'eemi Rhel writes down a short message on the paper.
Annunu Nunu beams up at Chuta.  "If you'll excuse me a moment, I shall write a wish for the Lover."
Erik Mynhier looks down, "Sounds lovely."
Shanie Myrstear tears a page from her book, puts quill to paper, then returns the quill where it came from.
Ameline Valtin crinkles her nose as she considers approaching the stone.
Cliodhna Eoghan Giggles and starts to walk toward the stone, holding her hand back for Erik.
Trulgar Beilklinge: "Of course!  And now I have to thank Menphina for Zaku and Naeni and my Silly Sister."
Annunu Nunu steals a paper from the pile and writes something elegantly upon it in flowing handwriting.
Erik Mynhier writes his wish.
Caen Jabari tucks a small note under the stone.
R'ostam Tia bit his lip and dithered for a bit before seeming to finally come to a decision. Somewhat sternly, he marched up and snatched a piece of paper, almost angrily writing a message, taking care to keep it hidden.
Annunu Nunu tucks her note in next to Caen's.
Cliodhna Eoghan Bites her bottom lip and scribbles something on the paper before folding it and tucking it under the rock next to Erik's.
Xenedra Ambreaus plucks up one of the sheets and writing implements and loops out two words on the sheet before folding it once and wedging it between the rocks.
V'aleera Lhuil approaches the stone silently, reaching out to brush it gently with gauntlet-ed fingers. Her face, at first a picture of stone itself, soon falls to melancholy.
Trulgar Beilklinge talks out-loud as he rights.  "Dear Menphina.  Thank you for bringing Zaku and Silly and Naeni into my life.  And I hope I get to keep them."
Leanne Delphium nabs a little piece of paper. After a few moments of thoughtful consideration, she starts writing, fairly quickly even.
A'randr Tia stoops down to pick up a piece of paper and begins scribbling with renewed vigor, shielding the writing with his hand to keep it secret.
V'aleera Lhuil closes her eyes, holding hand to stone for a moment more, before turning away, escaping the crowd and moving down to her knees in the snow, uttering quiet prayes with eyes closed.
Chachanji Gegenji timidly takes a paper and settles down for what looks like a lengthy list. On it is all the folks he considers friends, family... with minor notes left to certain ones. Leanne, he asks that Menphina find her someone truly special that will cherish her and not hurt her... for Ms. Roen, to help her find out what she needs to find out about love... and Memeli, hoping that he can provide the love she needs.
Kestlona Guhtgeiswyn the piece of pap had written on it long happiness to her family.
R'ostam Tia stuffs the folded sheet into a crevice between two of the rocks and awkwardly pats it into place, letting his hand linger on it as he bowed his head.
Chuta Allfriend quickly jots down a scribbled, almost unreadable scratch on a parchment and tucks it carefully into the rocks.
A'randr Tia turns the paper over and continues writing on the back of it.  He bites his tongue in concentration.
Erik Mynhier writes out, careful to keep it from view, then deposits the note and kneels.
A'randr Tia grabs a second piece of paper.  This is gonna be a long letter.  Sun Seekers, amirite?
Chachanji Gegenji also lists those whose weddings he attended and those already wed and not yet that he knows, hoping that they all find true happiness under the Lover's gentle light. He actually has to get another piece of paper as he continues. He seems to be wishing the light of Menphina on everyone he knows.
Y'uraq Tia drops his note at the foot of the rocks, closing his eyes in brief prayer.
A'rho Tia grabs a few leaflets, filling out a long list of names- both friends and family. His expression saddens a little when he comes to one particular name, but still writes his prayers for her nonetheless. "Is Menphina going to care if she sees these?"
Alexander Gomez let out a shaken sigh before he approached the stone. Taking a paper up, he begins to write.
Arrelaine Fashonti takes one of the leaflets, taking out a stick of charcoal and using the rock as something to write against. She writes her note, and tucks it into the rock with a smile, giving it a fond pat.
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn quickly scribbles onto the paper, face passive. The note takes some time but he soon folds it neatly in half and sets it among the others on the stone.
Chachanji Gegenji finishes by mentioning Mr. Tau... hoping that his heart will mend after the loss of his wife... and that he'll return to those that care for him in Coral.
A'randr Tia: Uncertain.  But it feels a weight has been lifted, writing it out.  I would hope the feelings go through to her.
Chachanji Gegenji takes this mini-dossier and, folding it up, adds it to the slowly growing pile of papers.
A'randr Tia is on to his third piece of paper.
Chachanji Gegenji: Hope I didn't forget nobody...
Alexander Gomez stops writing to read over what he had read so far. After nodding to himself softly, he slips the piece of people into the stone with the others. He leaves his hand there and takes his time by closing his eyes and stays there, quietly, feeling the chilled stone against his gauntlet hands...
Ojune Wajune collects up a piece of paper, jotting down a few names on the piece of paper. Following a similar theme to Chachanji he simply writes out a list of names. Some of them paired off in the love they'd already found before sticking it with the other bits of paper on the rock.
Ojune Wajune or at least tries to. This rock is very tall.
Chachanji Gegenji snatches one last piece of paper and writes on it, in small print, that Menphina pass along his love to his missing brother... and his hopes that they meet again sometime soon. He timidly adds that to the rest.
A'randr Tia folds his manifesto up and tucks it under the rock, hiding it under smaller pieces of rubble.
A'rho Tia clutches the novel of names and prayers to his chest. He has a lot of friends and family. "I just want to make sure she isn't going to slack on this! It's important!"
Leanne Delphium tucks her paper into the rocks. It asked for happiness to all of her loved ones, and to the future loved ones she would meet somday. She also wrote a heartfelt apology for the curses thrown and wasted at The Lover, and wrote about the personal hopes she for her own future.
A'randr Tia: Answered or not, is it not cathartic to simply write it all out?
A'rho Tia looks down at the pages. "....Yeah."
A'rho Tia tucks them under a rock. "I mean. It can't hurt."
Alexander Gomez opened his eyes and sighs as he lets his hand slip from the stone. He walks away from the stone and out a little to look around the area for a bit, seeing if he could spy those who are alone and those who are with their lovers... Just to acknowledge them... Just to remind him of his personal oath...
Ojune Wajune: "Might I trouble one of you fine folks with much longer legs to stick this on the stone for me?"
Ojune Wajune holds up a folded bit of paper.
Ameline Valtin kneels down, "It would be my pleasure."
Ojune Wajune beams with delight at Ameline Valtin.
Arrelaine leaves a prayer note stuck between the boulders at Menphina's shrine. 

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RE: Celebration of The Lover - Jancis - 03-06-2015

((If any pilgrims or people there would like to post any of their wishes that they left at the stone that I missed please feel free too.))


[Image: shbKhAy.png]

Ciel Wulfe: "Well, did you want to leave anything?"
Jonathan Grayve: " Nay, I hope I am not judged for keeping my feelings out of the aether...giver previous developments. "
Ciel Wulfe: "Of course not, love.  Besides, methinks Menphina already knows."
Jonathan Grayve makes a straight face at Ciel Wulfe.
Ciel Wulfe: "What?"
Jonathan Grayve: "Dearest I know hat was meant to be cheerful, but was down right unsettling."
Ciel Wulfe: "How was it unsettling?  I didn't mean for it to be."
Jonathan Grayve rests a kiss on her forehead. " No harm...just makes me wonder, are they -all- already aware. My revolt may very well be in vain...but roads have to be crossed first- and  the lot."
Ciel Wulfe: "Alright then, I'll speak no more of my thoughts on the matter.  So what are we to do now?  Ser Vaughn is here if you wished to speak with him."
Jonathan Grayve: " I knew I felt quite the familiar vibe."
Ciel Wulfe nods to Jonathan Grayve.
Vaughn Antain hesitates again before walking up to the main stone.
Vaughn Antain decides to wait until the crowd dies down.
Vaughn Antain smiles at Angora Khilo.
Jonathan Grayve hurls something at Vaughn Antain.
Ciel Wulfe: "Jonathan!"
Angora Khilo looks at Jonathan Grayve in shock!
Jonathan Grayve: "It's only snow love."
Vaughn Antain shudders as he's hit with snow in the face.
Ciel Wulfe: "You might try to -not- throw things at people so close to the edge of a cliff!"
Vaughn Antain glares at Jonathan.
Ciel Wulfe: "Ohh, methinks 'tis -on- now."
Jonathan Grayve: " That won't do.."
Angora Khilo offers a small cloth to Vaughn to wipe his face off.
Jonathan Grayve: " Why so...withdrawn Ser?"
Vaughn Antain: "Why throw things at my face?"
Jonathan Grayve: " It was all in jest..."
Jonathan Grayve: " Though I tend to lack...expression before most emotional impulses."
Vaughn Antain huffs lightly. "Just...don't do it again."
Jonathan Grayve: " Aye, is there anything amiss?"
Vaughn Antain hesitates. "Ah...perhaps. But I fail to see why you would show concern...."
Jonathan Grayve: " It's an unfortunate...gift...so to speak. Understood if you wish not to share."
Ciel Wulfe: "That was a wonderful poem, Ser Vaughn."
Vaughn Antain: "Thank you, Lady Ciel."
Ciel Wulfe: "And... also you had been asking me if Jonathan would be joining your cause as well, hmm?  You do remember him, aye?"
Jonathan Grayve blinks blankly at Ciel's gaze, before it seemed to sink in. " Ah aye...are you in need of a knight's service?"
Vaughn Antain: "I do, hence the surprise when he threw snow at my face."
Ciel Wulfe smiles, "He meant no harm, his aim is better than anyone should hope for however."
Vaughn Antain: "mm..."
Jonathan Grayve: " Aye my intent isn't quite easy to read...I'll admit."
Vaughn Antain: "Well...for Lady Ciel, and the work I saw you do, I suppose you may stay with us if you're so inclined. Just...please, no throwing things at unsuspecting people?"
Jonathan Grayve: " I will refrain from the unexpected."
Vaughn Antain: "Thank you. You still have our pearl, yes?"
Jonathan Grayve: " Aye..."
Vaughn Antain: "Then you know its use."
Vaughn Antain smiles lightly at Jonathan, still looking apprehensive.
Jonathan Grayve gives Vaughn Antain a Storm salute.
Vaughn Antain looks to the main stone. "Ah...excuse me."
Ciel Wulfe: "Thank you, Ser vaughn."
Vaughn Antain takes a piece of paper and the charcoal and writes. When finished, he folds it and sticks it in the cracks.
Ciel Wulfe tucks her hands up around Jonathan's sides again, "Shall we go?"
Jonathan Grayve smiles ever so slightly. " Aye, shall we?"
Ciel Wulfe: "Please, my ears might fall off even with this hood."

RE: Celebration of The Lover - Jancis - 03-06-2015

[Image: 1av0Z7d.png]

Cliodhna Eoghan "My vain and often fruitless attempt to be taller outshined my sense for proper boots....of course..."
Cliodhna Eoghan Snuggles closer to Erik or warmth.
Cliodhna Eoghan Squeaks
Cliodhna Eoghan Glances up to Erik. "Want to write down a wish?" Smiles playfully.
Erik Mynhier looks down, "Sounds lovely."
Cliodhna Eoghan Giggles and starts to walk toward the stone, holding her hand back for Erik.
Erik Mynhier writes his wish.
Cliodhna Eoghan Bites her bottom lip and scribbles something on the paper before folding it and tucking it under the rock next to Erik's.
Cliodhna Eoghan Glance up, brows knit in a light frown.
Cliodhna Eoghan Steps back to let others closer to the rock.
Erik Mynhier writes out, careful to keep it from view, "Let her say yes." He then deposits the note and kneels.
Erik Mynhier: A good service, though lacking the stillness and ritual of the Fury's own. But maybe fruitful in its own way. Ready to go?
Cliodhna Eoghan Nods. "Yes...I'm freezing." Stomps a little again trying to keep herself warm.
Arrelaine Fashonti: Bye Clio! See you next time!
Erik Mynhier: Let me tell Jancis goodbye and we can go after when you want.
Cliodhna Eoghan: Alright dear....Take your time./
Erik Mynhier: Another job well done.
Jancis Milburga: "It is beyond my belief. So many here. Thank you for coming Sir Mynhier. You did write a message down?"
Erik Mynhier: I am leaving but wanted to say hello before I withdraw. Yes I did, though you are aware of the conflicts between this one's faithful and the Fury's. I still hold hope for my request.
Jancis Milburga: "It is a hope to hold onto easily and without doubt. They disagree for good reason and for the best intentions. Your words are forever welcome."
Erik Mynhier: My thanks Jancis, we should gather for dinner sometime. Feel free to make a day and bring whomever you hold close.
Jancis Milburga: "Ah, dinner. I, ah, I am honored for such an offer. Thank you! I shall do so post haste!"
Erik Mynhier: Until next time.
Jancis Milburga: "And you in turn, Sir Mynhier. You and your lady travel well this night. Thank you again, your presence is always welcomed and encouraging."

Chachanji Gegenji timidly takes a paper and settles down for what looks like a lengthy list. On it is all the folks he considers friends, family... with minor notes left to certain ones. Leanne, he asks that Menphina find her someone truly special that will cherish her and not hurt her... for Ms. Roen, to help her find out what she needs to find out about love... and Memeli, hoping that he can provide the love she needs.
Chachanji Gegenji also lists those whose weddings he attended and those already wed and not yet that he knows, hoping that they all find true happiness under the Lover's gentle light. He actually has to get another piece of paper as he continues. He seems to be wishing the light of Menphina on everyone he knows.
Chachanji Gegenji finishes by mentioning Mr. Tau... hoping that his heart will mend after the loss of his wife... and that he'll return to those that care for him in Coral.
Chachanji Gegenji takes this mini-dossier and, folding it up, adds it to the slowly growing pile of papers.
Chachanji Gegenji: Hope I didn't forget nobody...
Chachanji Gegenji: A-ah!
Chachanji Gegenji snatches one last piece of paper and writes on it, in small print, that Menphina pass along his love to his missing brother... and his hopes that they meet again sometime soon. He timidly adds that to the rest.
Chachanji Gegenji: Th-there...
Cliodhna Eoghan Looks down. "That was quite the note judging from how long you took with it.."
Chachanji Gegenji: A-ah!
Chachanji Gegenji looks at Cliodhna Eoghan and panics!
Chachanji Gegenji: U-um... I... I had a lotta well-wishin' ta do...
Cliodhna Eoghan "I didn't mean to startle you..." Chuckles.
Chachanji Gegenji: A-ah, it's... it's fine.
Cliodhna Eoghan "I think it's nice you had so much to write down...I barely managed a sentence..."
Erik Mynhier: Master Gegenji.
Chachanji Gegenji: There was... um... lotsa folks I wanted ta find love 'n happiness 'n stuff...
Cliodhna Eoghan: That's very sweet of you to wish for them
Cliodhna Eoghan Glances over to Erik. "You know each other?"
Chachanji Gegenji: W-well, I was here... so it jus' seemed right...
Erik Mynhier: No but I know of him.
Chachanji Gegenji glances at Erik. "A-ah... wait, weren't ya th' guy givin' out blessin's at Halone's?"
Cliodhna Eoghan Nods "He was...it wa cold there too." Pouts
Chachanji Gegenji: Y-yeah, I thought so. I came ta 'im wit Mel-chan 'n Virara ta get blessin's...
Chachanji Gegenji: 'n saw 'im gettin' yelled at by some jerk Elezen.
Erik Mynhier: Oh yes, with the two others. I remember now.
Chachanji Gegenji: I... don't think I caught yer name, though. Or it might'a slipped me mind considerin' what happened after...
Erik Mynhier: I am Erik, Erik Mynhier.
Chachanji Gegenji scratches at the back of his head, the various incidents with Koporo coming all too easily to mind.
Chachanji Gegenji: Ah. Well, nice ta formally meetcha, Mr. Erik.
Chachanji Gegenji: I'm Chachanji. Chachanji Gegenji.
Cliodhna Eoghan: So you two do know each other...
Erik Mynhier catches a shimmer by the stones behind Clio.
Cliodhna Eoghan Frowns and snaps her head up suddenly before catching Erik's gaze with a look.
Erik Mynhier: A pleasure sir.
Cliodhna Eoghan Turns her attention partly back to Chachanji. "I'm Cliodhna."
Chachanji Gegenji glances up at Erik's sideward gaze, then at Clio's expression, before just giving a timid nod. "N-nice ta meet both'a ya."
Cliodhna Eoghan Smiles. "Be safe on your way home..."
Chachanji Gegenji: A-ah, y-yeah, a'course...
Chachanji Gegenji: You too...
Chachanji Gegenji scampers over to Jancis and the rest, seeming eager to be away from... whatever's going on with Erik and Clio. "A-ah, another good pilly grammage, Ms. Jancis!"

RE: Celebration of The Lover - Jancis - 03-07-2015

[Image: HX1L37A.png]

Kestlona Guhtgeiswyn looks thoughtful at the stone, not sure if there was anything to write
Kestlona Guhtgeiswyn the piece of pap had written on it long happiness to her family.
Ojune Wajune feeds the black chocobo chick.
Ojune Wajune offers a bit of greens for Kest's Alex.
Kestlona Guhtgeiswyn: I probably should get back to Ul'dah.
Ojune Wajune: "Travel safely, miss Kestlona."
Jancis Milburga: "Thank you for coming all this way, Lady."
Kestlona Guhtgeiswyn: It was very lovely, Miss.
Jancis Milburga smiles at Kestlona, "It was, and I am very happy to see you here for it. It would not be as lovely without people like yourself to come and appreciate such."
Alexander Gomez gently pats the black chocobo chick.
Kestlona Guhtgeiswyn wiggles finger at Alex, "Leave the gentleman be, Alex."
Jancis Milburga: "This little one's name is Alex? He must be very important to you, Lady. And brave to travel so far."
Alexander Gomez glanced back. "...Hmm?"
Jancis Milburga motions to Tausenadel, "Tausen here is actually quite fond of little ones."
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn smiles softly, nodding to Jancis. "Thank ye for havin' me, lass. 'twas very helpf--eh? Oh aye, that I am!"
Jancis Milburga: "Helpful and inspiring. I can see why Menphina chose the Wanderer as She did. Is an important lesson to reflect on with distance."
Alexander Gomez Overhearing the conversation, he dismisses that he was not being addressed and looks forward once more to continue to people-watch....
Kestlona Guhtgeiswyn smiles at Jancis, "Yes.  I think he thinks I'm his ma."
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: Chocobo do that, hahaha.
Jancis Milburga: "Chocobos are quite impressionable like that."
Kestlona Guhtgeiswyn frowns a little, "Um, by the way.  The man in red that you were talking to...I didn't see him in the group that I came with."
Kestlona Guhtgeiswyn: Um, who was that?
Jancis Milburga: "The man in red? Oh Sir Mynhier? Some did arrive on their own from other locations. And some did stay in Coerthas upon arriving early."
Jancis Milburga points behind Kestlona to the other side of the stone.
Kestlona Guhtgeiswyn tilts her head, "Ah, thank you." Wonders if she should speak with him before she heads out herself.
Jancis Milburga looks at Kestlona, "He did bid me farewell, if you wish to speak with him I would say you must needs seek him now."
Kestlona Guhtgeiswyn nods, "Thank you."
Kestlona Guhtgeiswyn not sure what might be a good way to approach the highlander, "What I wouldn't give for one of my brothers' talent at meeting people.
Kestlona Guhtgeiswyn looks down at the chick, "We should probably get going, Alex."

[Image: T93EDt9.png]

Alexander Gomez rubbed the back of his head as he watched the others write their notes. At least it gave him time to think about what to possibly write....
Alexander Gomez let out a shaken sigh before he approached the stone. Taking a paper up, he begins to write, "Dear Menphina... please bless Amara with the right man... One who is deserving of her... As for me... Well... Should the time ever come... May I have what it takes to love her and to be loved..."
Alexander Gomez stops writing to read over what he had read so far. After nodding to himself softly, he slips the piece of people into the stone with the others. He leaves his hand there and takes his time by closing his eyes and stays there, quietly, feeling the chilled stone against his gauntlet hands...
Alexander Gomez opened his eyes and sighs as he lets his hand slip from the stone. He walks away from the stone and out a little to look around the area for a bit, seeing if he could spy those who are alone and those who are with their lovers... Just to acknowledge them... Just to remind him of his personal oath...
Alexander Gomez had turned around and stood quietly to listen to the conversations.
Alexander Gomez eyed to the side, feeling as though he wanted to say something, but politely decided against it should it be that he would misplaced for speaking out.
Jancis Milburga: "I remember your face, Lord. Am happy you came once again."
Alexander Gomez notes a glance turned toward his way. She looks forward at Jancis before he nods softly to her. "Oh uhh... thank you, I'm sorry that I could not be here earlier but... It was nice to have been here, nonetheless..."
Jancis Milburga: "Everyone has their own route to travel. Did you leave a message at least? Menphina would be happy to hear your words."
Jancis Milburga asks Alexander, "Did you come on your own? Is a dangerous path."
Alexander Gomez looks up at Jancis. "Hmm? Oh... well... I have traversed a bit around the area so I'm able to come here, now, without any trouble... But any roads, I did come here alone."
Jancis Milburga: "It truly was if I can be so bold to agree with you, Lord. It is moving by the people who come and enjoy it. Thank you for coming all this way."

Jancis Milburga: "Do you have a place you go after this, Sir? Where you head to next?"
Alexander Gomez was staring off into space, in thought. His silent thoughts were interrupted when Jancis addressed him again. "Huh? Oh uhh... Well, no where in particular except to continue my duties, really. I may have concluded my becoming an official free Paladin but it has only just begun for me..."
Chachanji Gegenji: O-oh, yer kinda like me then?
Chachanji Gegenji gazes upon Alexander Gomez in deep reflection.
Alexander Gomez looks down at the Lalafell. "Huh? Like you? In what way, a free Paladin?"
Chachanji Gegenji: A-ah, yeah. I jus' got inducted as a Free Paladin last sun.
Alexander Gomez "Oh really? " He smiles. "Congrats. I'm sure you'll be just fine."
Chachanji Gegenji: I'll do me best!
Chachanji Gegenji: I have a lotta folks I gotta protect.
Alexander Gomez: "Heh... Kinda the same for me... In a way... "
Chachanji Gegenji: Well, th' best'a luck ta th' both'a us, then, right?
Jancis Milburga manages a warm smile, "Be very safe, Tausen. You are missed."
Alexander Gomez smiled softly before he nods to him. "Yeah...Definitely.."


Jana Ridah kneels down and pokes the familiar bundle of coats. "...Ser Chachanji?"
Chachanji Gegenji: Ah, Ms. Jana! Haldo!
Jana Ridah glances around as she speaks, her ears flat against her head for the cold. "Are you here as part of the guard detail? I was hoping to find someone in charge, but I can't tell who's who..."
Chachanji Gegenji: Ah, kinda. I halped wit th' escort.
Chachanji Gegenji: If'n ya need someone in charge, then ya wanna talk ta Ms. Jancis.


Leanne Delphium looks a deep breath, then stepped forward.
Leanne Delphium nabs a little piece of paper. After a few moments of thoughtful consideration, she starts writing, fairly quickly even.
Leanne Delphium tucks her paper into the rocks. It asked for happiness to all of her loved ones, and to the future loved ones she would meet someday. She also wrote a heartfelt apology for the curses thrown and wasted at The Lover, and wrote about the personal hopes she for her own future. Underlined, she wrote, mostly to herself. "Love everyone, and love yourself."
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn quickly scribbles onto the paper, face passive. The note takes some time but he soon folds it neatly in half and sets it among the others on the stone.
Jancis Milburga motions to Tausenadel, "Tausen here is actually quite fond of little ones."
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn smiles softly, nodding to Jancis. "Thank ye for havin' me, lass. 'twas very helpf--eh? Oh aye, that I am!"
Jancis Milburga smiles warmly at Tausen, "And it is good to see you once again, my friend."
Leanne Delphium takes a deep breath, then turns around, holding a shaky, yet sincere smile. "Thanks for the event, as always, Ms. Jancis."
Jancis Milburga: "Leanne I am very glad you came; are you? If I might be so bold to ask."
Leanne Delphium adjusts her hat, fidgeting. "I...well. I need to think a little." she smiles. "I'm...happy for being part of your pilgrimage, as always. And...of myself trying to get completely over...your know..."
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn nods to Leanne, sympathizing.
Leanne Delphium: "I just hope The Lover hears me. Even after all the curses I threw at her."
Jancis Milburga: "I am sure She heard what needed to be. There is reason for the curses."
Jancis Milburga looks between Tausen and Leanne, "She might even hear what no one realizes they are actually saying."
Leanne Delphium plays with a ponytail, smiling. "Hopefully, so." she nods, glancing to Tause. "Are you well, Mr. Tau?"
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn shrugs, looking around them at the snow. "Been spendin' time up here, doin' as well as I can, aye? What o' yerself, lass?"
Leanne Delphium: "I'm surviving...I think saying, I'm on recovery is becoming a little tiresome." she stifles a chuckle. "...Gonna change to relearning. Seems appropriate."
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: That's the right attitude, methinks. Ye're on the path, there.
Chachanji Gegenji scampers over to Jancis and the rest, seeming eager to be away from... whatever's going on with Erik and Clio. "A-ah, another good pilly grammage, Ms. Jancis!"
Leanne Delphium: "So I hope." she nods, looking to Jancis and Chachan with a grin. "...If I'm not, I do know someone will shift me back to it."
Jancis Milburga: "It is beyond good, Sir Gegenji. My heart is uplifted and all these people at such a place. It is like we are in a storybook itself."
Chachanji Gegenji: Hm...? Yeah, no more sads, Ms. Hat!
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: That's a good friend to have.
Chachanji Gegenji: Though... I was... kinda hopin' Mel-chan would be 'round but...
Chachanji Gegenji: I guess she was busy.
Jancis Milburga: "Forgive me, Sir Gegenji, I did not see her myself..."
Jancis Milburga frowns thoughtfully. "Can always take a paper back to her?"
Chachanji Gegenji: No, no, it's fine. I still put down somethin' fer her...
Chachanji Gegenji: Though... that sounds like a good idea, too...
Leanne Delphium smiles sweetly to Chachan.
Leanne Delphium snickers. "Mr. Franz is not exactly pious, but he had his share of thoughts during this event. So I'd say you don't need to be of faith to appreciate these."
Chachanji Gegenji: A-ah, yeah... there was some... interestin' conversation durin'.
Leanne Delphium smiles awkwardly. "Y-Yes. I kinda, uhm...shifted out. Seemed awkward."

Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: That lad with ye was in a sad state, Chanji.
Chachanji Gegenji: Ya mean Virara's frand?
Virara Wakuwa: "Animal man. Who are you referring to?"
Virara Wakuwa blinks at Tausenadel Geispyrsyn
Chachanji Gegenji looks at Virara Wakuwa in shock!
Chachanji Gegenji: A-ah! Virara! When'd ya get here?
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: Eh? That yer friend, lass? I didn't catch his name.
Virara Wakuwa: "A while."
Virara Wakuwa: "My friend?"
Virara Wakuwa: "Do you mean Dren?"
Chachanji Gegenji: It was... yeah, Mr. Dren.
Virara Wakuwa grows grim.
Virara Wakuwa: "Dren is as I was before."
Chachanji Gegenji: He... said somethin' unsettlin' a'fore he left...
Virara Wakuwa: "It will take time, to teach him."
Leanne Delphium: "He...compared love to honey...and wanted to....make a bee hive...?"
Leanne Delphium blinks repeatedly.
Chachanji Gegenji: But I was busy writin'...
Virara Wakuwa: "Writing?"
Virara Wakuwa: "Bee hive? Is it like Master's talk of snakes and caves?"
Chachanji Gegenji: A-ah, well, that was confusin', yes...
Leanne Delphium: "Aah...I...don't know?" she raises a brow. "I think he...just need to learn. That will come with time."
Chachanji Gegenji: But he said somethin' 'bout... dealin' wit someone that threatened me frands 'n Mel-chan...
Chachanji Gegenji: ... He might be goin' after Mumbles.
Virara Wakuwa: "It is unfortunate I was unable to make it in time."
Virara Wakuwa: "... I did mention him. Dren seemed to hold some animosity towards the whiner."
Virara Wakuwa: "But I've no business with him, so I told Dren to leave him be."
Virara Wakuwa: "He is a willful sort, however."
Chachanji Gegenji: W-well, Mumbles is pretty strong... so he should be able ta handle himself...
Virara Wakuwa: "I was concerned about Dren."
Virara Wakuwa spares little thought for 'Mutters.'
Chachanji Gegenji: W-well, yeah. I'm worried 'bout that too. I really don't want either'a 'em hurt...
Chachanji Gegenji: Even if Mumbles is as annoyin' as he is.
Virara Wakuwa: "Dren has much to learn."
Virara Wakuwa: "Had he only met someone like Master, when he was young."
Virara Wakuwa gazes with a worried sort of look towards her toes.
Virara Wakuwa: "Or someone like yourself."
Chachanji Gegenji: A-ah, well, yer tryin' ta halp him like I halped you. That's good.
Chachanji Gegenji: 'n I have a feelin' ya will manage.
Virara Wakuwa: "I am a learner. Learners do not teach. I've done what I can for him. But I am not as my Master."
Chachanji Gegenji: Mmn... Maybe.
Chachanji Gegenji motions to himself.
Chachanji Gegenji is vaguely reminded of Quki's insistence on him teaching her how to smith...

[Image: aJWAMQY.png]

Virara Wakuwa: "By the way."
Virara Wakuwa: "This is as the ceremony for Halone, is it not?"
Chachanji Gegenji: Hm?
Virara Wakuwa glances towards Jancis Milburga
Chachanji Gegenji: A-ah, sorta. This one was fer Menphina, though.
Virara Wakuwa: "Nei? I see, it isn't."
Virara Wakuwa: "I had followed some of the others from Dragonhead after my training. But I hardly knew what the matter was about."
Leanne Delphium: "It's for Menphina, The Lover."
Virara Wakuwa frowns. "That business again. I hardly can make sense of it."
Leanne Delphium lowers herself pulling Virara into a tight hug. "No frowns...!"
Virara Wakuwa: "O-Ooh!"
Virara Wakuwa squirms about.
Leanne Delphium snickers. "This for example, is a demonstration of love...!"
Virara Wakuwa: "Oh. Memeli demanded that from me yesterday. So I did it."
Leanne Delphium thinks about it. "How that went?"
Virara Wakuwa: "I just did it. But I had to be careful. I broke her doll doing the same earlier."
Virara Wakuwa states cryptically.
Leanne Delphium shudders. "Y-Yeah, I imagined something like that happening..."


Leanne Delphium takes a deep breath. "By the way, Mr. Tau. I know it is very late to say such, but uuhhh, anytime...do you want to chat? Over juice and pastries...!" she nods.
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn looks up at the snow and clicks his tongue. His eyebrows shoot up when Leanne speaks to him, a smile tugging at the corner of his mouth. "That'd be grand, lass. Aye, I think so."
Leanne Delphium grins and nods. "It would! And anyone could join. Have ourselves a nice, lovely time...!"
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: Nay, lass.
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: Jancis, I'm goin' to be headin' out, lass. Thank ye 'gain for settin' this up. Snow's comin', the keep'll be locked down a'fore long.
Jancis Milburga: "Keep? You are staying up here Tausen?"
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn shrugs, smiling softly. "Aye, jus' for a spell. Got a meetin' tomorrow that I can't miss."
Jancis Milburga nods at Tausen, "Okay. Travel safely. Was good to see you. Shall try to write you more often."
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: I'll be home soon, lass. But thank ye. Always good to see ye.
Chachanji Gegenji: Ah, ya leavin', Mr. Tau? Ya take care'a yerself, akay?
Chachanji Gegenji gently pats Tausenadel Geispyrsyn.
Virara Wakuwa: "Good bye."
Virara Wakuwa gives Tausenadel Geispyrsyn an elaborate bow.
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn nods, looking around. "Thank ye, ye lot. I'll see ye all soon."
Leanne Delphium: "See you, Mr. Tau. Remember, when I call you, I want to see you there!"
Leanne Delphium laughs at Tausenadel Geispyrsyn.
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn: Ye got it, lass.
Leanne Delphium grins and thumbs up energetically!
Tausenadel Geispyrsyn turns and tromps off into the snow. And he was never seen again. OH GOD I'M JOKING.
Chachanji Gegenji: I left a message ta Menphina fer him too.
Chachanji Gegenji: Ta halp mend his broken heart.
Virara Wakuwa: "A message to Menphina?"
Chachanji Gegenji: Yeah.
Virara Wakuwa stares curiously.
Virara Wakuwa: "... A message? What sort of message?"
Chachanji Gegenji: He lost someone he loved... a lot. He's still hurtin' from it...
Chachanji Gegenji: So I figgered Menphina would be th' one ta ask fer halp.
Virara Wakuwa: "I remember the trial. He was filled with rage."
Alexander Gomez sighed softly with a smile as he listened in to Chachanji's mention of this individual, though he knows not who he refers to of course.
Chachanji Gegenji: Yeah... I can only hope Menphina can halp...


Leanne Delphium: "Hm, talking about that...Ms. Jancis, can I ask a favor out of you...?"
Jancis Milburga looks curiously and intently at Leanne, "Yes. Yes of course. What is it?"
Leanne Delphium smiles sheepishly. "Uhm...do you know how to cook and or bake? I'm fairly sure you do, but...making sure...?"
Jancis Milburga: "Well I, ah, I am not as skilled as Master Chuchukepa or Tausen but I do cook a little. You need something in particular made?"
Leanne Delphium smiles sheepishly. "Aah! Sort of? Nothing special. It's cause.." she clears her throat. "Remember when I brought everyone to one of my relaxing spots...?"
Jancis Milburga nods at Leanne "Yes, the windmills." she replies fondly.
Leanne Delphium nods, grinning. "Yup! So, after that, I began to think of bringing everyone to another beautiful scenery...and make it a picnic...!"
Virara Wakuwa 's eye glimmers.
Virara Wakuwa: "Food."
Chachanji Gegenji: Ah! That sounds fun!
Leanne Delphium smiles sheepishly. "...The food is the bad part, because I don't know how to cook..."
Jancis Milburga looks curious, "A picnic. That does sound fun!"
Chachanji Gegenji: Ah, 'n that's why yer askin' fer halp. That makes sense.
Virara Wakuwa: "I will do it. I will ready my brass knuckles."
Chachanji Gegenji: I asked me Mama fer halp fer th' picnic I took Mel-chan on...
Jancis Milburga: "On surely we can get others to help with that. I would make something to take with, gladly."
Leanne Delphium smiles awkwardly, petting Virara. "No...need for your brass knuckles. Just come ready to fill your stomach, and enjoy the wind..!"


Jancis Milburga looks curiously at Alexander, "Forgive me, Lord, might you introduce yourself to my kin? There is Sir Gegenji, Lady Virara, and Lady Leanne."
Virara Wakuwa gives Alexander Gomez an elaborate bow.
Virara Wakuwa: "Virara."
Alexander Gomez glanced over at Jancis before he looked to the others and smiled before giving a bow. "Salutations."
Leanne Delphium smiles sheepishly, returning to look at Jancis. "Uhm, so! Even if your expertise is a little, it is nice if you helped yes. So thanks, Ms. Jancis." she snickers, then tips her hat to Alex. "A pleasure, Mr. Alexander."
Alexander Gomez nods to Leanne. "Likewise."


Jana Ridah keeps her distance, watching the larger man depart before turning back to the small group and her small friend.
Virara Wakuwa shrinks a bit.
Jancis Milburga glances at Chachanji, "Ah, a Melchan?"
Jana Ridah giggle snorts at... Something.
Leanne Delphium: "...Ah, and don't forget to share your food."
Alexander Gomez smiles.
Virara Wakuwa: "Okay."
Virara Wakuwa: "It's what he calls Memeli. He won't call me that way."
Virara Wakuwa seems vaguely irritated.
Chachanji Gegenji: A-ah... it's... um... yeah.
Jana Ridah finally steps forward, a weird grin on her face. "So... Even you've learned the affections of a woman, then?"
Chachanji Gegenji looks at Jana Ridah in shock!
Chachanji Gegenji: A-ah... um... I... I 'spose so...
Jancis Milburga: "Oh... forgive me, I shall not repeat such a honorific you gave to Lady Meli. She is truly blessed with such."
Jana Ridah: ...So? How was she?
Chachanji Gegenji: ... Was?
Virara Wakuwa fails to understand Jana Ridah.
Chachanji Gegenji senses something amiss with Jana Ridah.
Virara Wakuwa: "What do you mean?"
Jana Ridah: Ah, um. If you don't know, then you don't know.
Chachanji Gegenji fails to understand Jana Ridah.
Jana Ridah blushes slightly and turns her head away.
Virara Wakuwa: "Why does everyone get like that? I don't understand."
Chachanji Gegenji shrugs at Virara Wakuwa.
Virara Wakuwa has a tiny frown.
Jana Ridah: Well- I mean, it's hard for me to know exactly what one's age is of your race, so... I don't know what's too adult, see.
Virara Wakuwa: "Oh."
Jana Ridah: I see no beard, so.
Leanne Delphium shakes her head in disapproval. "They're only going out. Not...doing what you're obviously thinking, Jana."
Alexander Gomez smiled softly, restraining a chuckle to escape from him...
Virara Wakuwa: "... Chachanji is a little boy. I am a woman."
Leanne Delphium narrows her eyes.
Virara Wakuwa narrows her eye at Chachanji Gegenji
Chachanji Gegenji: Wh-what?
Virara Wakuwa: "It's obvious. Because you're short."
Jana Ridah: I think I've picked up on it... Maybe they'll get it in time, no need for... Pushing.
Jancis Milburga frowns lightly at Jana. "After so many moons, would hope you would have learned to not jump so easily."
Virara Wakuwa pokes Chachanji Gegenji.
Jana Ridah shuffles in the snow awkwardly, her cheeks burning in contrast to the rest of her.
Jancis Milburga: "After the wounds you have caused before. Shall push themselves as Menphina sees fit."
Virara Wakuwa is utterly perplexed by her behavior.
Chachanji Gegenji: 'n whaddya mean by little boy? I'm th' big brother, 'member?
Chachanji Gegenji pokes Virara Wakuwa.
Virara Wakuwa: "I didn't agree to that."
Virara Wakuwa pouts, puffing up slightly.
Chachanji Gegenji: Ya didn't disagree wit it neither.
Virara Wakuwa: "N-no..."
Jana Ridah: Wait, so which one of you two is the senior?
Virara Wakuwa: "Anyway, you are clearly the younger."
Virara Wakuwa: "He is!"
Leanne Delphium sighs, then whistles innocently, eventually bringing both lalas into a hug. "Doesn't matter! I'm still the big sister...! A-And ah, agreed."
Virara Wakuwa is uncharacteristically insistent.
Chachanji Gegenji: How do ya know?
Jana Ridah giggles, it being so uncharacteristic that it comes out in an almost creepy way.
Chachanji Gegenji senses something amiss with Jana Ridah.
Virara Wakuwa struggles about in the hug. "Again? Mnngh"
Chachanji Gegenji: See? How can ya be th' older one? Ya can't even handle a hug.
Virara Wakuwa: "Chagenji should be quiet."
Virara Wakuwa frowns at Chachanji Gegenji
Chachanji Gegenji shrugs at Virara Wakuwa.


Chachanji Gegenji: So... we headin' someplace warmer?
Virara Wakuwa: "That wouldn't be too bad."
Chachanji Gegenji: Ah, yeah. I got me armor on underneath this.
Virara Wakuwa shuffles closer to Chachanji in Leanne's hug.
Chachanji Gegenji: So I can keep any baddies at bay.
Leanne Delphium looks, holding her hat. The wind was surely awfully strong. "I think the major problem is the region itself. We're right now under a increasingly strong Blizzard."
Alexander Gomez looked to Jana. "Sure but I'm not concerned about whether we will make the trip... It's more that I'm unsure if I should stay with you all or just be on my way..."
Leanne Delphium: "The barrier is protecting us fortunately, but we could very well become popsicles...weapons don't help with that."
Virara Wakuwa: "I'm strong."
Jana Ridah: Oh- You are cold? I don't mind going somewhere warmer. My ears feel like they're going to be weighed down in icicles.
Virara Wakuwa notes to Alexander Gomez, rather confidently. It was hard to imagine given her size, but...
Chachanji Gegenji: I dunno why so many folks are walkin' 'round out here wit'out proper clothes.
Chachanji Gegenji: I'm nice'n toasty in this.
Alexander Gomez rubbed at his chilled ears. "It is indeed chilly..."
Virara Wakuwa: "... This is how I usually dress."
Jana Ridah: My robe is plenty warm, and I've got my snow stompers. It's just my ears...
Virara Wakuwa: "... What about your tails?"
Virara Wakuwa eyes Jana Ridah's tail.
Jana Ridah: Tails are furry and keep close to the body. I'm fine there.
Virara Wakuwa: "..."
Virara Wakuwa 's fingers twitch.
Jana Ridah lets the tip of her tail flick at the inquisitive lady, but it mostly stays flat against her body.
Leanne Delphium 's tail whips about as Leanne is reminded of the appendage.
Virara Wakuwa: "Hmmmm..."
Virara Wakuwa: "I want to pull it."
Virara Wakuwa mutters to herself.
Chachanji Gegenji disagrees with Virara Wakuwa.
Virara Wakuwa: "...No?"
Chachanji Gegenji: No.
Leanne Delphium huffs petulantly, then snickers.
Alexander Gomez smirked a bit. "Hehe...."
Chachanji Gegenji: Not everyone'll be as nice after gettin' their tail pulled as that one guy.
Jana Ridah: Ah-! No, please don't! That's a very personal appendage... How'd you like it if I puller your ear?
Virara Wakuwa: "... You want to pull my ear?"
Chachanji Gegenji is quite happy his long ears are nice and safe in his hood.
Virara Wakuwa leans to offer one out. It looks rather battered and droopy for a Lalafellin one.
Jana Ridah: No, I was just... Giving an example.
Virara Wakuwa: "All right."
Leanne Delphium: "I don't mind people pulling my tail, but uhm..I prefer if don't."
Virara Wakuwa: "... I see. But it's soft looking, so I sometimes can't help but want to."
Leanne Delphium looks over shoulder to the whipping appendage. "It's a bit of a sensitive part of our bodies." she smiles sheepishly. "Once I almost punched someone cause they yanked my tail...!"
Virara Wakuwa: "Oh. I used to punch anyone who tapped me on the shoulder. It took a lot of work to get out of that habit."
Leanne Delphium: "That's...a bit too much. And I'm glad you don't do that anymore!"
Virara Wakuwa: "I can't do it now. Because Chachanji would get mad at me."
Virara Wakuwa: "And Master would laugh at me."
Chachanji Gegenji: Considerin' how hard ya punch, yeah. That's a good thin'.
Leanne Delphium: "I would get mad at you too. So uses it as a double motive."
Virara Wakuwa: "I'm getting better at not hitting quite so hard."
Alexander Gomez: "Hehe..."
Chachanji Gegenji: Tha's good.
Alexander Gomez address to Virara. "Well, I suppose that's a good thing, indeed."
Virara Wakuwa: "Chachanji is no fun and tells me not to fight."
Virara Wakuwa: "But I also respect him, so I must abide by his choices."
Alexander Gomez: "Oh? And why not?"
Chachanji Gegenji: I ain't sayin' ya can't fight. I'm jus' wantin' ya ta not do anythin' ya'd regret later.
Virara Wakuwa: "My fist kills."
Virara Wakuwa states plainly.
Chachanji Gegenji: Right. 'n ya can't undo a killin'.
Alexander Gomez: "Aaah... Well... It does make more sense to use them when you really need to, of course..."
Virara Wakuwa grows faintly morose.
Virara Wakuwa: "... I understand little else."
Alexander Gomez tilts his head. "What do you mean?"
Chachanji Gegenji: Yer learnin', Virara.
Chachanji Gegenji: Ya said so yerself.
Alexander Gomez smiled softly. "Thanks..."

RE: Celebration of The Lover - Jancis - 03-08-2015

[Image: Z7Z8ze1.png]

Nathan Telluride rubs his chin for a moment, and then steps to the stone. He pulls a single feather from his hat, and wedges it, quill first, into the rock.
Ameline Valtin crinkles her nose as she considers approaching the stone.
Ameline Valtin folds her arms, tucking herself into her coat as she looks to Nathan, "Well-done, Master Telluride. Quite a joy to hear your songs, says I." She nods.
Nathan Telluride turns to Ameline. "You always bring a classy touch to these affairs, love. I enjoyed your presentation quite a lot."
Ameline Valtin smiles, "Too kind, too kind!"
Nathan Telluride: "Only kind enough, I'd say. It's good to see you entrenched in our ranks, such as they are."
Ameline Valtin nods in agreement. "I find myself quite pleased to be in such exalted company."
Ameline Valtin: "A secret missive to Menphina he does leave? Or nay?"
Nathan Telluride: "It's only more exalted for your presence in it. Do tell me you plan for more?" He chews his lip. "Goddesses and I have our own ways of communicating."
Ameline Valtin gestures with her gloved hand, "But of course. The bell has rang and now I cannot help myself." She chuckles lightly. "And aye, I understand of sorts. My own companion feels these matters to be foolish."
Nathan Telluride: "Not foolish at all. Truths only become stronger when we point them out. That's why they are truths, and hearts can be a true as anything."
Ameline Valtin stifles a laugh, "Would that I could borrow your words in exposition to my companion."
Nathan Telluride puts on a crocodile's grin. "Mayhap I could meet your companion, share the right words, and let you swoop in and take all the glory from them? Sounds fun."
Ameline Valtin: "Mayhap so. If naught else, an amusing display for all involved!"
Nathan Telluride keeps grinning. "You probably think I'm kidding?
Ameline Valtin feigns a gesture of demure, "I would not dare!"


Ojune Wajune collects up a piece of paper, jotting down a few names on the piece of paper. Following a similar theme to Chachanji he simply writes out a list of names. Some of them paired off in the love they'd already found before sticking it with the other bits of paper on the rock.
Ojune Wajune or at least tries to. This rock is very tall.
Ojune Wajune tugs on the large Roe's jacket next to him.
Ojune Wajune: "Excuse me, sir."
Ojune Wajune slumps, unable to get Tausenadel Geispyrsyn's attention.
Nathan Telluride: "Master Ojune! You topped yourself with your story, tonight, I think."
Ameline Valtin nods, agreeing with Nathan. "Masterful, indeed!"
Ojune Wajune smiles slightly up to mister Nathan, "Thank you kindly! I was quite to surprised to see you alone up there singing this time. But given the nature of the song it was most understandable. And complimented lady Xen's story so well."
Ameline Valtin pats at her chest, "Ameline Valtin - a pleasure to be sure, my friend."
Nathan Telluride nodded slowly. "I had planned to have a companion, but her constitution had a bit of failure today. I will be taking time to make it up to her, you can be assured."
Ojune Wajune: "A pleasure, Lady Ameline. Your story was tell told as well."
Ojune Wajune: "Might I trouble one of you fine folks with much longer legs to stick this on the stone for me?"
Ojune Wajune holds up a folded bit of paper.
Ameline Valtin kneels down, "It would be my pleasure."
Nathan Telluride rubs his chin. "Speaking of such matters, I believe I have a wish from Menphina to tend to." He brushes his fingers through the remaining feathers in his hat. "If you both will excuse me, I have one more delivery of Valentione's wishes, and it should be a good one. "
Ojune Wajune: "Twelve guide your steps, master Nathan."

Ameline Valtin: "Shall we?"
Ojune Wajune nods to Ameline Valtin.
Ameline Valtin tucks the small scrawling into the rock, patting next to it with a gloved hand gently.
Ojune Wajune: "Ah, thank you very much. Did you leave one perhaps?"
Ameline Valtin smiles a bit vacantly, "Alas, my companion feels such matters to be. . Inauspicious. I hesitate, I fear."
Ojune Wajune: "Ah, but surely this is your own wish from the Goddess? He wouldn't even have to know."
Ameline Valtin: "Mm. Mayhap you speak true."
Ameline Valtin reaches into her satchel and hastily scrawls a note with a crude quill. She folds it up, tucking it into the stone with a sigh of relief. "There, not so bad, aye?"
Ojune Wajune: "That's the spirit!"
Ojune Wajune: "I'm certain Menphina will hear your wish."
Ameline Valtin: "A true pleasure, once again my friend. I must pay my respects to Lady Milburga before I depart for the eve. I do hope to see you once again when Oschon calls for paths to cross once more!"
Ojune Wajune: "The Twelve guide your path, Lady Ameline. I hope we meet again."

[Image: 4sKor8b.png]

Caen Jabari: "I'd like to write one too."
Caen Jabari tucks a small note under the stone, "Please, Menphina... please...?"
Caen Jabari: "Mines a secret, besides."
Caen Jabari hugs himself again, shivering.
Caen Jabari draws in the snow, occasionally glancing at the stone full of love notes.
Ojune Wajune smiles at Caen Jabari.
Caen Jabari: "Oh, hullo!"
Ojune Wajune: "Hullo! Did you enjoy the performances?"
Caen Jabari: "I did, yus! Say... you were one of th'storytellers, eh?"
Ojune Wajune: "I told the first one."
Caen Jabari: "I knew it! I liked yours."
Ojune Wajune: "Thank you, sir!"
Caen Jabari flaps his ears.
Ojune Wajune: "Ojune Wajune."
Caen Jabari: "I'm Caen, ser, if'in it pleases. Nice t'meet'cha, ser Ojune!"
Ojune Wajune: "Did you come with mister Ilwe and lady Carina here?"
Caen Jabari: "Nah. I sorta huddled nearby so's I wouldn't get trampled, y'know?"
Caen Jabari: "There was a bigger group b'fore they went home."
Ojune Wajune: "Ahh. I do know all about that."
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa 's ears turn in the direction of Ojune as he says his name
Caen Jabari: "So, ser... didja put a note away fer a special someone?"
Ojune Wajune: "Mmm. Not really a single special someone. More a note for my friends to find love and happiness."
Ojune Wajune: "What about yourself?"
Caen Jabari: "Yeah, I supposed it couldn't hurt. Mebbe I shoulda done what you did though... "
Ojune Wajune: "You could write more than one. There are still plenty of papers left."
Caen Jabari: "Aw, really?"
Caen Jabari: "I should do that."
Caen Jabari: "I think I will."
Ojune Wajune: "Menphina certainly has enough light and power to spread to all."
Caen Jabari: "That's good, that is... I'll wish fer e'eryone... e'eryone needs some love."
Caen Jabari: "Where's th'extra paper... near th'rock?"
Ojune Wajune nods to Caen Jabari.
Ojune Wajune: "I've a quill if the other ones wandered off. Just let me know."
Ojune Wajune: "But I think I saw a couple still up there."
Caen Jabari: "If'in I don't see one, I'll come back."
Caen Jabari: "I'll write it out quick before this air freezes it."
Caen Jabari would take another paper and scribble something down on it. He tucks the paper in with the rest, "Here y'go Miss Menphina. If'in it's not too much trouble, okay...?"
Ojune Wajune offers Caen a smile as he returns.
Caen Jabari: "I hope she likes it."
Ojune Wajune nods to Caen, "If it's from the heart, she'll surely hear and send her blessings."
Caen Jabari: "It was! I drew her a lil picture too."
Caen Jabari scratches his cheek, "Even Gods like pictures... I think."


Ojune Wajune: "Did the both of you enjoy the pilgrimage?"
Carina Lir looks towards Ojune as he suddenly talks to them.
Carina Lir: Oh yes... I did not understand most of it, but I really enjoyed being here. It was a vast learning experience.
Ojune Wajune: "Good! Very good to hear. Did you have any questions? Or are they more the kind that requires quiet reflection?"
Carina Lir: I think most of my questions would be to expansive.... but I do have one for you specifically.
Carina Lir: It is about your story.
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa is leaning slightly on Carina's leg, a box of food half eaten on his lap, he listens both Carina and Ojune
Ojune Wajune: "Feel free to ask."
Carina Lir: Why was all this fuss being made about one female? I do understand that males are not as rare in other races as they are in the Miqo'te, but as I have gathered the ration is about 50 percent to each gender. So why did so many males try to get this one female?
Ojune Wajune tilts his head slightly in thought at Carina's question, "Well... There are several reasons why any individual male would want to pursue a female. Often it is because she is both pretty and kind. That and I will confess boys do like a good competition."
Carina Lir: Oh... so it was about a sport of some kind. A competition. That does explain it a bit more.
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa says with a really soft voice "I think that Carina doesn't understand why one female would get all the male attention." He pauses "Miqo'te's nature is odd on that matter, one male is born for around fifteen females."
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa: Though, Carina, it's only the reverse way as we can act on our side. Females court the male they want the same way..
Ojune Wajune: "I think... it is a bit opposite for the Keeper clans isn't it? The woman form tribes and the males come in, trying to impress the females?"
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa: You're wrong, sir Ojune
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa: We don't try to impress anybody. We actually don't need to. Most of time females seek our favors because we're rare.
Carina Lir nods to Ilwe'ran's words. "The males do not need to impress in that way, at least not in my clan, and also the women do not court the males. In fact, we share them. It was not uncommon for one suitable male to breed with each female of the clan who was available and willing."
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa: That is very true..
Carina Lir: It was the only way to ensure enough males were actually born.
Ojune Wajune: "Is it the same for the Seeker tribe, mister Caen? Is there also very little courting that is done?"
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa: Forget concept of love when it comes to Miqo'te. While we can feel it as many other races, it's often considered as a problem. To say it crudely, we need to breed in hope to have some males. Or the race will perish. Feelings can only be a problem on this side, males are supported to be shared and jealousy cannot be tolerated
Caen Jabari: "Er... so's they tell, me ser. I lost m'family when I was real little... so I was taken in by hyur..."
Caen Jabari rubs his ears.
Ojune Wajune: "An interesting cultural difference to be sure."
Caen Jabari: "You got the big time nuhn, then all th'Tias tryin' to be nuhn."
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa: It's not cultural. It's about how deep nature.
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa: One male for fifteen females, we don't have any other choice than to act this way to avoid the race's extinction.
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa: I found extremely ironical when I came to know that Keeper's goddess here was Menphina. I cannot find the meaning of this while love is something that is often unexpected and not accepted.


Jancis Milburga picks up the discarded blanket and supplies left by the twins.
Jancis Milburga: "Master Ojune are you doing well here? It does grow colder."
Caen Jabari: "Ohh, nice coat, miss."
Ojune Wajune nods, "It does... Sorry about that, the barrier is beginning to weaken."
Carina Lir looks at the newcomer, bowing her head as a friendly gesture of greeting.
Jancis Milburga smiles at Caen, murmuring a thank you as she bows her head gratefully.
Jancis Milburga: "No, no it has lasted well beyond need. I would just not wish to hinder yourself further. Are a few rooms at Camp Dragonhead open if you need rest or food."
Ojune Wajune: "Thank you for another wonderful pilgrimage, Lady Jancis."
Jancis Milburga smiles softly at Ilwe'ran, listening.
Jancis Milburga: "I am honored. You are welcome. It is the work of many for such a celebration."
Ojune Wajune: "Love does come in all sorts of forms. Menphina shines her light on all, I believe."
Ojune Wajune: "Jancis, have you met Carina, Ilwe and Caen before?"
Ojune Wajune motions to each in turn.
Carina Lir listens to Jancis' words, very focused, as if she might say something important she could miss else.
Jancis Milburga: "Forgive me I have not. It is a honor to meet you both. Thank you for coming all this way and adding your warmth to this pilgrimage."
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa: That is true. Though, it's quite odd to have this peculiar goddess as guardian. I would have thought Nophica more fitting.
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa grows back silent as Jancis speaks
Carina Lir: Oh! Warmth!
Jancis Milburga looks at Carina, "Yes, not, ah, in the physical sense but you do seem to be providing that for Master Ilwe'ran. Did he not bring a hat? Or lost it?"
Carina Lir speaks up as if reminded of something. She puts down her backpack and rummages around in it. After a time she produces a medium sized flask. "Anyone in need of warm tea?"
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa tilts his head "Why would I wear a hat..?"
Leanne Delphium: "...Because it's nice!!"
Carina Lir "Well, of course I am.", she answers Jancis, nodding strongly. "I made him a very special tea, right as he requested. So he will be warm."
Ojune Wajune: "And also to keep all your body heat form leaving the top of your head."
Jancis Milburga: "Is truly a few fitting Menphina then. You are most gracious, Lady. Thank you."
Carina Lir: Who's a Lady?
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa: You, silly.
Jancis Milburga nods in agreement.
Carina Lir looks around, trying to find one other than Jancis herself.
Carina Lir: Can't be, I'm just a cook.
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa sighs softly and shrugs a bit at Jancis, it's visibly a common scene.
Jancis Milburga only has eyes for Carina at the comment, smile strengthening, "Cooking is like painting or writing a song. Just as there are only so many notes or colors, there are only so many flavors - it's how you combine them that sets you apart." she says dutifully.
Jancis Milburga: "Is, ah, still an art."
Carina Lir: Well, there's something I can agree too. Though I'm far from being renowned or a master. I'm just an apprentice cook fending for me own and cooking for those I keep close to me heart.
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa: She spent quite an amount of time cooking some specific meal for each of us and is still calling herself lazy.. **He shakes slightly his head** I'm unsure you will manage to make her understand that she is as caring as Menphina.
Ojune Wajune: "I'm certain each of  your meals is well received. I quiet enjoyed the nibbles you packed for me at least."
Jancis Milburga bows her head, willingly accepting defeat. "Your actions shall speak louder than any word, regardless."
Carina Lir: I do hope Sir Ojune enjoyed his meal. I did now know what he liked, so I went with something sweet but nourishing.
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa: I appreciated it too, and I had a special meal for me. **He pauses** I'm lucky **He smiles softly**
Jancis Milburga: "It is with much foresight to come prepared. Considering how many sweets he got to test for Lord Vaughn, he must welcome it."
Jancis Milburga beams at Ojune with good humor.
Carina Lir , still holding the flask. When no one speaks up to have some tea, she pens it herself and pours some of its contents in the flasks cap. The steam of hot tea is visible, and a fruity scent can be smelled, before the wind blows it away. she takes a careful nip.
Jancis Milburga: "I did see you all coming up the road together. It was very encouraging to see so many travelling companions. Did any part of the pilgrimage inspire you, Lady?"


Leanne Delphium: "Ah, please, give me a moment.."
Leanne Delphium: "Mr. Ojune. Lovely presentation, as always...!"
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa eyes at the hat lady, moving a bit closer to Carina
Ojune Wajune: "Thank you, lady Leanne. I was saddened you didn't lend your voice this pilgrimage."
Ojune Wajune: "It is always wonderful to hear you sing."
Ojune Wajune glances back to Jancis for confirmation.
Jancis Milburga nods once, "That is right." She answers warmly.
Leanne Delphium smiles sheepishly. "Aah. Unfortunately, The Lover is a person that I'm not quite read to sing or give proper praises." she chuckles. "Oughta relearn to fully appreciate the symbolism of hers."


Leanne Delphium walks a bit to pet Chachan, looking to Jancis. "Ms. Jancis holds this one in a very special place."
Caen Jabari: "I dunno much about him either..."
Chachanji Gegenji: She does who ta what now?
Ojune Wajune: "So you'll get to visit his stone again, quite soon."
Leanne Delphium: "Thaliak, The Scholar. God of Knowledge."
Chachanji Gegenji: Ah, yeah. That sounds like someone me brother'd follow.
Jancis Milburga cannot hide her expression, nodding empathically with Leanne.
Caen Jabari: "I know... -that-."
Chachanji Gegenji: Anyroad, should we get ta goin', Ms. Hat?
Caen Jabari giggles to himself, "You guys had stories an' such about Menphina... I didn't know any o' those."
Ojune Wajune: "Perhaps you'll come and learn of Thaliak next moon, mister Caen?"
Caen Jabari: "I think so, yus!"
Virara Wakuwa: "Oh. The delivery man."
Ojune Wajune gazes upon Virara Wakuwa in deep reflection.
Leanne Delphium nods to Chachan and Virara. "Yes , we shall! Getting a tad too cold for my ears. And they're protected by my fancy hat." she laughs before smiling to everyone. "A good evening, everyone. Ms. Jancis, I shall spin something worthy not only of the deity himself but of you, hopefully."
Caen Jabari: "I didn't know wotcher guys were doin' up here, y'know. M'nose jus' told me there were folk up here."
Caen Jabari: "I'll so my best to make it."
Jancis Milburga: "Would be very humbled."
Jancis Milburga looks at Leanne with shinning eyes, "I. I, ah, Thaliak's Grace I know not what to say. I would be beyond happy."
Ojune Wajune: "Ah, from the Coral Sea's headquarters."
Caen Jabari: "Hehe... but I'm jus' a miqo' milady."
Ojune Wajune: "Twelve keep you all safe and guide your steps."
Virara Wakuwa: "Forgive me for attending so late."
Virara Wakuwa: "Thank you, delivery man."
Jancis Milburga: "Yes, pray keep safe and travel well. Watch out for each other."
Leanne Delphium snickers, taking Virara and Chachan's hands. "We shall. Oschon guide you in the road."
Ojune Wajune and even has a wave for the tall armoured one hiding in the back.
Alexander Gomez bids farewell.
Ojune Wajune: "I should be off as well.
Caen Jabari: "I think I recognized one o' those guys..."
Ojune Wajune calls his carbuncle over and the ward fully drops.
Carina Lir takes a step back, nodding a silent farewell to Ojune, granting him a friendly smile.
Carina Lir: Take care, Sir Ojune.
Caen Jabari: "Stay warm, ser!"
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa: It will be a pleasure to see you again soon, sir Ojune
Ojune Wajune: "You as well, Lady Carina."
Ojune Wajune: "And look forward to seeing you all at the next one!"
Jancis Milburga: "Yes, travel well Master Ojune. Be safe! Hopefully I will see you much sooner."

[Image: C3KsWPB.png]

Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa relaxes a bit at Carina's touch, though growing silent again
Carina Lir looks to Ilwe'ran, then the others around. "If you would all excuse me for a moment..."
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa moves sideway a bit
Carina Lir then walks toward the stone of Menphina, the number of people around having reached a bearable level.
Carina Lir kneels down in front of the stone, her head bowed for a moment, then looking up to it, to the sign etched into it. Her lips move, her words carried away by the wind, unheard by anyone not standing directly next to her.
Jancis Milburga: "Will you all make sure she is escorted back safely when she is done?"
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa 's voice is really soft as he speaks, almost tender "I'm here for her, I'll wait as long as she needs"
Caen Jabari: "Ehehe, sounds like Miss Menphina's got her work cut out for her, eh?"
Carina Lir , after a while, takes out a small sheet of paper, neatly folded, takes the mittens of from her left hand, and, with this hand, holds the paper aloft in front of the stone. She looks up to the moon in the sky.
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa: Carina doesn't understand such an abstract concept as love. She needs time and maybe her Goddess' answers
Caen Jabari just smiles.
Carina Lir | Just moments later a bright flame erupts in her hand, consuming the paper, the wind carrying the ashes up to the sky, towards the moon. She smiles, then turns around to walk back to the group.
Jancis Milburga echoes the smile.
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa looks at Carina silently, his face expressionless
Jancis Milburga: "I shall stay here awhile longer and make sure all of these prayers and blessings are tended to. Travel safely together."
Jancis Milburga smiles warmly at everyone, excusing herself with a bow.
Carina Lir arrives back at the group, putting her mittens back on again. She smiles towards them, seemingly very content.
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa: Are you sure you will be fine, Lady ? I can take care of Carina then come back to you if you don't want to go back at the same time.
Carina Lir: I, somehow, think she will be fine, Ilwe'ran.
Jancis Milburga smiles and nods, "It is appreciated, but others will be here soon. I shall be safe, you have my word."
Ilwe'ran Hlaiwa nods to Jancis then turns to Carina, his voice growing softer "What do you want to do ?"